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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Texas announced today that it is suing the Biden administration over the new federal emergency order that makes it illegal to deny a woman whose life is endangered an abortion. So . . . yeah. Definitely.
  2. Good game! Which I'm not likely to be very good at, but anyway. I think this one might be Maitreya.
  3. That would involve exercising logic, which is pretty much a non-starter for most of these people. A little like the Catholic church's insistence that life begins at conception . . . but is not eligible for for baptism until the "first breath is drawn."
  4. This, all of this. Everything is so awful now, and there are days when, meek and law-abiding Canadian though I am, I am nearly shaking with rage and despair. Which is why I am going to back out of here for a while, and give myself a time out.
  5. Here's how public housing in Britain is maintained. That would be Grenfell Tower fire, which in 2017 killed 72 people and injured more than 70 others, mostly because the exterior of this (government owned and operated) building violated building codes. There have been two public inquiries. No one has yet been charged.
  6. On the subject of mobility in the US . . . "Senator James Lankford (R-OK) just blocked an attempt by Democrats to ban states from outlawing women traveling to another state to get an abortion. Lankford has previously testified that he thinks 13-year-old girls can consent to sex. 'Yes, I think they can.'” https://www.huffpost.com/entry/senate-abortion-roe-v-wade-travel_n_62cffc22e4b0e6251b39738a Lankford supports a national ban on abortions. Apparently this isn't really about "states rights."
  7. This issue of mobility is a big one: those who are mostly likely to be victimized by laws targeting women and LGBTQ+ people are precisely those who lack the resources to seek healthcare out-of-state, yet alone move somewhere else. And now many states are trying to restrict the mobility of women further: there are literally suggestions that the movement of pregnant women across state boundaries be restricted, to prevent out-of-state abortions. Meanwhile, the AG for Indiana has announced that the state is "going after" the doctor who provided an abortion to the 10 year old child who had to flee there from Ohio because was impregnated by her rapist (the child who supposedly doesn't exist, except we now know she does). Because of course a 10 year old should be forced to give birth to her rapist's child, right? Again, this is targeting the mobility of women (and girls). Healthcare in the US for women, and especially pregnant non-white women, is literally the worst in the developed world. As of 2020, the maternal mortality rate for women in the US was literally three times higher than worst cases elsewhere (France and, sadly, Canada). For US black women it is eight times higher. (Source, which uses 2020 CDC data for the US) The overturning of Roe v. Wade is about to make those figures a whole lot worse.
  8. And this is a central problem with this approach, probably -- there comes a point of diminishing returns for these videos, from LL's perspective. How large a market share does a particular body need to have to justify the time and expense to produce a custom video for it? And this is why I still worry that this approach is just going to reinforce or even accentuate the market lead of the major makers.
  9. It looks as though SL University is about to drop two new videos, this time on Legacy female and male. So that's a good thing, and suggests these are coming more quickly than I thought likely. It goes someway to ameliorating my objections to this approach. I do wonder where they will stop, though.
  10. I doubt anyone will be asking you to remove it. Actually, on second thought, scratch that . . . Lovely look, Lunaea. 🙂
  11. Lol ok. Electric chair, eh? Well, it's a cool looking shot. Although capital punishment and torture was not the first thought it brought to mind. 😏
  12. I do. Nor sure what to make of it, but it's an interesting effect.
  13. Someone seeded one of my sims with a procedural landscape that generated about 400 skyscrapers at lightning speed last year. I was buried under a virtual Manhattan in less than 5 minutes. That what you mean? (At least it wasn't grey goo.)
  14. Do you think a punk Neko and a punk skunk could ever . . . ? No. It would never work.
  15. Nice lighting in this! ETA: I've just seen your other pics after this one. You really do have a nice way with lighting, and with composition. Yay you!
  16. Well . . . I mean, I wear BOM panties pretty much all the time, and a bra when it doesn't ruin the line of my dress or top, for pretty much the same reason, I suppose, that I wear anything in SL. It's part of my outfit. And why flash people if you don't need to? But I'll admit that this is not something I worry a great deal about. While I think it's silly to say "its just pixels," as though how we look in SL doesn't matter to us (for most of us, after all, it does), it's also a little silly to get too worked up over this. The guy who is derendering clothes is undoubtedly an infantile, sleazy creep. He probably tries to look down the top of the barista at Starbucks in RL. Someone who does this is saying a lot about themselves. But . . . that's on him. It doesn't really impact on me.
  17. My first experience was a guy hanging out at the welcome island or whatever it was called then, who overheard me asking a mentor about music in SL, and who then IMed me to ask if I wanted to see his music collection. Being a noob, I said yes. Turned out the "music collection" was at his "beach house." In his bedroom . . . Yeah -- it would be good if they can figure out a way to make these relevant and available to new residents!
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