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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Yes. Which is odd, again. Why is this? One of the male friends with whom I regularly go dancing has a specially resized shape (apparently it's labeled "Scylla shape" in his inventory), but most don't bother. Dancing is really much more pleasant when one isn't hovering a foot above the ground: I wish more would make the effort.
  2. Yeah. There's that issue for sure. Shades of middle and high school.
  3. Excellently explained! I didn't read this before posting my own, but you've stated, much better than I did, my own sense of this.
  4. /me pats you on the top of the head (which, at 180cm, she can easily reach) Oh yeah, I can't imagine caring so much about height that it would overrule everything (or even anything) else. It's just a preference, like . . . brunettes. I'm not much attracted to blonde or red headed men. Personally. I'm sure there's something in the evolutionary answer -- "Me like strong caveman who can fight off sabre toothed tiger!" -- but I'm a bit wary about relying on it too much, in part because there is so much else that is evolutionary that we've outgrown, and in part because it's so often used as a kind of idiot justification for dumb stuff by people who like hierarchy and don't understand evolution. I think part of this is also socialization -- maybe a lot of it is, at this point in human history. After all, being tall doesn't confer much advantage these days -- other than being able to reach things on tall shelves. And I do wonder if, assuming that I'm correct and that this is a tendency, even if it's not a "rule,' it doesn't have something to do with women being socialized to seek out men who are at least physically dominant? Which, if true, would piss me off. I am certainly not attracted to men who are LOT taller than me. At 180 cm, I find most men comfortably taller. I don't want to have to strain my neck just to get a kiss.
  5. Kind of a side question raised by this discussion. Do most women prefer men who are at least somewhat taller than them? (I do.) I wonder why that is?
  6. Well, none of us is just "one person," really -- we're all bundles of different versions of ourselves. I love that you're expressing this side of you now! But, as I'm sure I don't need to say, you don't want to lose the others! BTW, I also love that you're posting more pics here. And your gender-neutral alt is adorable.
  7. Fair. But I don't want to look like this when I'm peering out the window.
  8. Yeah. This is one of the reasons I'm not especially interested in a Linden Home. I'm taller than you -- 181 cms (measured by prim) -- but some of door handles are at boob height for me. The place where I do rent an apartment, Voroznia, is slightly oversized, but not nearly so dramatically.
  9. I'm the one on the right. The one that looks as though it just crawled out of bed.
  10. Well, if a debate becomes particularly heated, then acknowledgment can be especially difficult. I can name several things that I have been educated about here over the years. Things I now know that I believed and argued that are wrong
  11. That's another good point. It's also about reading carefully, and, I think, trying to give the benefit of the doubt if there is any ambiguity. I try to do that. And occasionally, I even succeed!
  12. I think it's unfortunate, but true, that to some degree a thick skin is a prerequisite of any kind of involvement in public discourse. And it's not just a question of being able to shrug off abusive comments. Sometimes being shown to be wrong about something . . . hurts! Learning hurts, sometimes! It's sort of like being a soft target. If you're rigid, you're prone to more damage.
  13. Or, you know . . . ARs? The topic of this thread. [Redacted as now irrelevant]
  14. I take your point, actually. [Redacted as no longer applies]
  15. Yeah, I thought it might be, which is why I searched on Twitter to find the original sender (but couldn't find him). But it was too funny to resist. It wouldn't be hard to find other more legit versions -- but they'd likely be more overtly political than I want to get into here.
  16. I don't think it's from Twitter. Truth Social maybe?
  17. Oh, Love. There is sooooo much wrong with this that it would take a short essay to explicate.
  18. What he doesn't seem to understand is that the Japanese bombers began their journey in "1931" precisely because they knew it was going to take 10 years to reach Hawaii. If they were going to make it in time for the "day that will live on in infamy," they needed that much time. So, yeah, this argument looks convincing, but is flawed.
  19. As I am sure I've said before here, I use three . . . well, three and a half bodies (Slink, Legacy Perky, and Maitreya + Petite) pretty much interchangeably. My choice depends (obviously) on the rigging for the clothes I'm wearing, but also on the context. Generally I like smaller boobs, but on occasions I do want somewhat larger ones, for instance. They all have different uses, but my shapes for each are deliberately made to make them more or less interchangeable in most contexts. And on occasion, I've had to look in my inventory to see which one I'm actually wearing. So yeah, there are differences, but there are far more similarities.
  20. Yeah. I don't do conspiracy theories on the whole (unless they involve Elon Musk, cuz those are just a hoot), but there's been a pretty abrupt shakeup in the last . . . two months? All of a sudden, stores not rigging for what is still by far the most popular women's body? Flame wars on social media. "Protests"? I mean, seriously guys . . . get a grip. It may just be drama-mongers, I suppose, but I am finding it a bit hard to believe that this is all just spontaneous.
  21. Not sure what to make of this, but . . . both of the leading mesh bodies for women seem to be taking it on the chin from users right now. Maitreya is literally getting picketed (lol) for not updating. (Who says activism is dead?) And I'm seeing a lot of griping on Twitter about it. And grumbling about Legacy (something about not allowing certain mods? Furry mods? Squishy boobs? Something?) has been tearing through my stream recently too. Summat's afoot out thaa boot ar don't knah wahr.
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