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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Oh, the tweet in question is nothing to get very worked up about, honestly. It's awful, and funny, and funny because it's awful . . . and kind of awful because it's funny. I do find it interesting what people say about the community here . . . when they aren't here. It's mildly interesting, how we are perceived. But it makes absolutely no substantive difference to anything. I just mentioned it because it actually made me giggle aloud.
  2. Just read the most awful and simultaneously hilarious tweet about SL "forum mavens." Oh my. The things apparently going on here that I had NO idea about. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
  3. For a while in June, the LGBTQ+ sim Christopher Street was featured on the loading page for FS and the LL viewer. I'd imagine it must have had a bit of an impact. Something like that might raise its profile. (Really nice sim, BTW. I got approached to open a bookstore there, but sadly I don't do that anymore.)
  4. I'd be really interested to know what, if any, impact this page is having on the LGBTQ+ community (or communities) in-world. Has it been noticed? Is it read as an affirmation of support? Does it have any practical value?
  5. This is a direction that has the potential to take us into a bad place. We're mere posts away from people decrying "wokeism" on the one side, and QAnon on the other. I'd really like to not go there. You seem to be implying, however, that certain perspectives are more likely to be ARed, and, most significantly, more likely to be removed by moderators. I can't imagine how you have determined that that is so, beyond your own anecdotal impression. Do you have any actual evidence of that?
  6. The moderation here has become much more focused upon staying on topic, to the degree that mods will sometimes quote the OP in warnings to the thread, in order to remind us what we are supposedly talking about. In effect, that actually tends to empower the OP. It was once true that, when you began a thread, you had no control over where it went. That's no longer so much the case. And it means that ARs about derails likely have more weight with mods than was once the case.
  7. Yes, absolutely. I'm interested in Arielle's take on this subject, in part because I suspect it's a different take on it -- but the turn to making this a discussion about particular ideological approaches is not helpful, and threatens to derail the topic. So I'm not going to address it further.
  8. I agree. And what Paul says above, about systems that can't handle analysis, applies in that regard. I think the mods are right to allow generalized and high-level discussions of this sort.
  9. I probably don't need to articulate this, really, but . . . . . . your implicit categorization of yourself (and the "likeminded" who "may ultimately agree" with you) tends to cast everyone who doesn't agree with you as a sort of hive-mind? Trendy types who just instinctively follow the herd, because, unlike you, they are not "free"? I'll leave aside your donning of the mantle of "free thinker" -- if that's what you think you are, sure, fine. Far be it for me, in the context of this thread, which is not about your views (or mine) to insist otherwise. But this is a not terribly subtle and, in the context, again, of this topic, unnecessary denigration of everyone who doesn't agree with you.
  10. Well, it's frickin' brilliant. I mean, on my computer anyway, it does absolute wonders. Where I used to get bogged down at busy clubs (say, 20+ avatars) with an FPS under 10, even on lower graphics settings, with the new viewer I can actually even turn on ALM, get shadows, and still have an FPS of between 15-20. I hope they hurry up and make it "official"!
  11. I mostly agree with what you say here, except for the last sentence, which seems to revisit the old canard about an "FIC" or "Cartel." In my experience, discipline is meted out here pretty even-handedly, in the sense that I don't see one ideology or the other getting special treatment. "Authoritarianism" seems to suggest an organized and orchestrated mechanism to control, suppress, and manipulate -- otherwise, it's not really deriving from an "authority." And I really don't see that. As for "echo chamber" . . . well, yes, maybe, but you seem vocal enough? I'm pretty sure you're getting your points across: not too many of us don't know where you stand on things, however "contrary" they may be to the opinions of most other posters. And that, to be clear, is a good thing.
  12. Yes, I know some people who swear by BD as their everyday viewer, but I hate the UI. I use it only for pics. And I do the setup for pics in Firestorm first, usually.
  13. Peeve #2: The performance improvements that LL made to its viewer are quantifiably excellent: when I use it (which I do now for when I'm in very crowded places), my FPS shoots waaaaay up in comparison to what I'd be getting on Firestorm. Black Dragon has, I think, updated to incorporate those enhancements, and it too seems to me to have improved as a result. When the #(@*$#@ will Firestorm get around to incorporating them????? (Yes, I know: I'm an ungrateful wretch/wench. Firestorm is produced for free, using volunteer coders, helpers, and so forth, and I shouldn't be harsh. But pleeeeeeease?)
  14. Peeve #1: Maddy keeps saying to me that she means to resurrect her "brazier of doom," in which she used to take pics of her visitors being immolated, and she still hasn't done it. Move your butt, Maddy! Yes, I'm calling you out in public. (I won't talk about Maddy's "brassiere of doom," because it's too horrifying, and I'd get permabanned.)
  15. I agree -- in theory. But, to use an immediately available example, this thread is about reporting abuse on the forums. That can often mean talking about "the rules" (what exactly constitutes "abuse") and also moderation -- which I specifically asked people not to discuss -- because moderation is an integral part of the abuse reporting mechanism. So, is every mention of moderation here "off topic" or, worse, a rule-breaking "criticism" of forum moderation? I don't think so, because no one has taken issue with particular decisions, or criticized "mods" themselves: rather, there have been questions about the rules under which they themselves must operate. But some could make the argument that we are going "off topic" or into forbidden territory by even mentioning moderation.
  16. I think that the lines between these are always going to be murky because, as Lindal said, "people." And I mean that in the sense that codifying human behaviour is invariably an imprecise exercise. What seems a "derail" to you may seem entirely on-topic to me: a discussion, for instance, of a corollary or unintended consequence of a particular point of view. And what constitutes "incivility," or even "hate," will similarly be interpreted somewhat subjectively. This is one of the sources for my sympathy for the mods here: less that we are sometimes peevish and quarrelsome in an infantile way (which, yes, sometimes we are), and more what must for some be the difficulty of weighing how to respond to content that falls in the grey areas.
  17. There's obviously a line that shouldn't be crossed here, but I don't know that I'm necessarily entirely opposed to the idea of res-mods. At the very least, the people who are responding to ARs should have some sense of the culture of the place. In the Forum's worst and most toxic era, ca. 2009-11, one of the problems was that the moderation was terribly ineffective. And I think that one of the reasons for that was that the mods would sort of poke their noses in once in a while, respond quickly to ARs (or whatever we called them in those days, it was something different), and then leave. They didn't, I think, have any real understanding of what was happening here, and how reports were being weaponized. One of my threads, a jokey satirical one making fun of people who didn't like furries, was ARed by a well-known poster who knew what the thread was about, but wanted to demonstrate how "clueless" the mods were -- so he reported it as an attack on furries. It was soon nuked, and the gentleman in question spent the next few days crowing publicly (and without consequence) about how "dumb" the mods were. And that wasn't the only incident of that sort. It wouldn't have happened had we had mods who were at least moderately engaged on the forum, and could see the patterns that were visible to everyone else who was here (and that the perpetrators made no effort to hide). The idea of an "objective" "arms-length" response to ARs sounds good on paper, but too often I think it just means that the judgements lack context and are kinda clueless.
  18. I suppose this must be a thing? Certainly there are people who post in order to elicit a response: arguably, that's almost the definition of trolling. I sometimes need to watch myself. Last night I posted a very visceral response to something, for which I probably could have been ARed (for use of an obscenity). The whole thread disappeared pretty quickly, and so far as I know, there were no consequences -- but I regret the tone of my response. I'm every bit as susceptible as anyone else to be poked into an over-the-top answer. I don't like myself when I sound like that. And it does make me vulnerable to an AR.
  19. Interesting!! I haven't noticed that a lot, but I'm not doubting you: I may just not be attuned to it. I know of a handful of creators here on the forums, but I know of their businesses largely by accident. Agreed that they shouldn't be using the forum for that. Although, it's not a great place to advertise, I'd have thought.
  20. I know what you're talking about. I think it relates to the Answers forum from long ago. I am 99.9% sure it has nothing to do with moderation. Unfortunately, we've now started the 'Who is the Mole among us?" game. I vote we not play.
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