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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. You can choose the folder (i.e., "directory") that you're saving the picture to. In fact, it should prompt you to do that the first time you save a pic after logging in. I will have this sometimes if I have renamed or moved the folder I was saving to. Try to choose "Save as" rather than "Save"? And then navigate to the folder you want it saved to. That should fix the issue.
  2. Exactly. "No one here can fix" any of the things we regulars gripe about on this page, but that doesn't seem to stop us. And speaking as the manager of a couple of parcels that have been griefed, I found some of the information here useful.
  3. I'm a lol-er. Make of that what you will. When something is triumphantly funny, I "Hah!" And when something is PMSL-funny, I lololololol (yes, I know, it makes no sense).
  4. Wow, Cinn. I'm with Lil. This is as wonderful a photo as any I've ever seen here. And there have been some great photos here! I'm not sure what you're doing to compensate for your not-very-powerful computer, but keep doing it. This is awesome.
  5. Tagging @manoji Yachviliand @Katherine Heartsong; thank you for highlighting their work! I also agree about Bump Squeegee and Owl Dragonash. I could mention easily a dozen others. Also recommended is Hermes Kondor's "The Kondor Art Center," Carelyna's "ArtCare" (for which I do not have an up-to-date SLURL, as it has recently moved), and Nitroglobus (run by Dido Haas). I miss the UWA's galleries a great deal: the installations there were often really exciting.
  6. We've never met in-world, it's true, but I've interacted with you a fair bit here. If you hadn't said you were a man in RL, I'd never have guessed. In any case, so far as I'm concerned, and for most of us I'm sure, you are a woman. Congrats on your lottery win. 🙂
  7. Well, yes! But this is the origin of the extremely questionable belief, still held by many, that a hypersexualized or hyperfeminine avatar must, of course, be run by a man in RL. I know lots of RL women who are hypersexualized and hyperfeminine. It's a thing.
  8. I think most of us would agree with this. The existence of "voice-authenticated" groups (which almost invariably are about "proving" one is a woman), and the moral panic that not infrequently ensues when someone discovers, or even just suspects, that a friend or lover is representing a different gender in-world, suggests that a great many in SL think otherwise.
  9. Indeed. How can you tell someone is a woman? By the fact that she's getting paid 82% of what her male colleagues with the same job and qualifications are getting paid. The distinction between socialized behaviours and distinctions, on the one hand, and innate ones is pretty important. The socialized ones are becoming less and less important, and I have some pretty serious doubts about the innate ones.
  10. No, not really. Actually, I stopped going there because it was too often like a graveyard, filled with zombie-like beings engaged in IMs with prospective zombie-mates. But it does look somewhat like the place in the video. Wanna meet there and start a brawl?
  11. This is mostly true -- and in general, I am all for empowering residents to look after themselves, although I still think some of our tools are inadequate (don't get me started on our rating system again . . .) But it's not entirely true that LL takes a hands-off approach. There are kinds of behaviours that are banned. The main point about that is that LL depends upon ARs to detect violations. I think the evidence suggests that's not sufficient to prevent such things from happening -- because they tend to be occurring quietly in out-of-the-way places -- but it a least keeps most of them out of the public eye, and permits LL to say it is "doing something."
  12. Years ago -- like, maybe 2009 or 10 -- I started a thread here with a title like "How Do I Talk Like a Boy?" I was interested to hear if people thought there were differences in the ways that men and women chatted in-world. I got a mixed answer: some people were pretty sure that women used emoticons more, or "giggled," for instance, but for me the real finding was that, no, gender didn't really make much of a difference, and that things like emoticons or more "gushing" chat tended to be used by men who were trying to pass as women, rather than reflecting how women actually talk. I still sometimes wonder if there are some minor differences: for instance, men "smile" in chat a lot more than women do, in my experience. But there is more variation within each gender than there is between them, I think. I wish more men would do this. I think it would be an eye-opening experience for a few of them. The vast majority of men I meet are wonderful. But some of them? . . . wow.
  13. Then you're doing it exactly right, Gopi. There is no "base behaviour" associated with particular genders. No "right way" to be a woman, or man. Just a variety of right ways to be human.
  14. Well, I don't know why I'm answering this, because I'm pretty clueless . . . but my sense is that the variant colours will still be on the Albedo. So, for instance, the brick and mortar colours. The AO or shadow map is, or should be, separate from that, but gets baked on before you load it into the viewer.
  15. I am ready to be corrected on this, but a clothing AO is an entirely different beast than what is being discussed here, because it is baked straight into the texture before it's applied to the garment. It doesn't get loaded and applied separately. I suppose in theory, if having shadows and ambient occlusion permanently on ever becomes the norm here, you'd no longer need it. But until that time, it's still going to be something people use.
  16. It's rather telling, maybe, that discussions like this one seem inevitably to get bogged down in the "What Is Art???" conundrum. In the west anyway, we've been arguing about that, vociferously, since at least Plato and Aristotle. I'm pretty sure we aren't going to be producing any new insights here. Maybe it would be better to lay aside the whole "But is it art???" thing, which too often is about in/validating things we personally like/dislike anyway, and just speak in more inclusive terms about "creativity"? We actually gain nothing by wandering around SL with sticky labels proclaiming "This is art. And this is art. And this. But NOT this!" I'm far more interested in hearing about the different things people are doing here than on slotting them into arbitrary cultural and political categories.
  17. Speaking as someone who does fairly often make her own textures, I'm beginning to get the sense that the workflow for this is going to be a bit intimidating, and will require a degree of artistry (i.e., painting by hand) and technical know-how that is beyond me, at least at the moment. I think this is all a good thing. But I do wonder if this is yet another nail in the DIY SL creation coffin.
  18. Short but really lovely. (Oh! I didn't notice the text. Seriously. Ignore it. Just listen to a talented musician enjoying the opportunity to play a very special instrument.)
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