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Honey Puddles

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Everything posted by Honey Puddles

  1. Is there a chance, now that the rolls have been completed, that those of us on LeTigre regions might be told what the "something new" is? :smileywink: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_RC_LeTigre/11 Release Notes/Second Life RC LeTigre/11 11.03.15.****** Something new.
  2. Try using Viewer 2. The "new" Search. Viewer 1.23.5 and many third party viewers still use the old, outmoded search system, and will only be able to search and find people by their usernames.
  3. Actually, you can. In fact, once someone sets their display name to something different than their account name, you can no longer search for them by their account name! (unless they've fixed that recently).
  4. The problem is that most scripted objects will rely on the command "llKey2Name(avatarUUID)".. and it was only recently that LSL developers were given the option to use the "llGetDisplayName(avatarUUID)" command. As such, as Rolig said, most objects you'll find in SL will be doing things "the old way". It'll take quite a while before scripters start embracing llGetDisplayName, especially since for the first couple of weeks after Display Names were released, that function was pretty unreliable. But it is indeed possible for a script to get, and use your Display name... it's just not very common yet.
  5. Given how many scams we've seen over the years, I would avoid making ANY KIND of tip box for a charity. Instead, since the Lindens themselves are running their own Donation program, what I would do is use the opportunity to link people to the Marketplace donation bears. Instead of trying to make a toip jar or kiosk.. make a poster with a picture of the bear on it, and have it use llLoadURL to open the clicking-user's web browser, and direct them to the SLMarketplace listings.. I went ahead and spent a couple of hours putting one such poster together... you can grab it here. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/FREE-Relief-Bear-Posters-Provide-a-safe-way-for-your-visitors-to-donate-easily-to-Japan-Earthquake-The-Red-Cross/2052365
  6. As was stated previously, It will only be there on the "female" shape. While I'm thinking about it, Log into your SL account, I've sent you something.
  7. Okiedokie. :smileyvery-happy:
  8. Dante said I should post this as an answer instead of a comment on his answer.... sooooooo :smileyvery-happy: Dante beat me to it... but yes, "ALT" stands for "ALTernate Account".. and it's just another SL account created and controlled by a single person. Often Alternate accounts can be handy for doing things like testing next-owner permissions in products you plan to sell (you can SEE the permissions yourself by logging in as the alt, instead of trusting a friend to know what correct permissions should look like). Alts are also good for compartmentalizing different roleplay experiences. For example, if you have interests in both adult roleplay like Gor or BDSM, but have times when you prefer to seek refuge in innocent, non-sexual age-regression.. You might create a special Alternate account on which to build a child avatar... keeping all traces of adult group affiliation away from your child alt. Alts are also good for situations in which people wish to compartmentalize their lives in other ways.. whether it's a dedicated alt for a certain kind of roleplay, or an alternate account to sell items that wouldn't make sense being sold by your main. From managing business assets and advertising costs, to running automated "bots" to send group invitations and store newsletters.. Alternate accounts have proven extremely useful to many people in Second Life. Because of their ability to be used to "hide" certain aspects of your SL life, many people have become quite obsessed with trying to discover or "link" multiple-account holders in some fashion. In the end though, an alt is just another face you use to log into Second Life.. just like having multiple journals at Livejournal, or multiple GMail accounts. What you do with your alternate account(s) is what makes them useful to you.
  9. Dante beat me to it... but yes, "ALT" stands for "ALTernate Account".. and it's just another SL account created and controlled by a single person. Often Alternate accounts can be handy for doing things like testing next-owner permissions in products you plan to sell (you can SEE the permissions yourself by logging in as the alt, instead of trusting a friend to know what correct permissions should look like). Alts are also good for compartmentalizing different roleplay experiences. For example, if you have interests in both adult roleplay like Gor or BDSM, but have times when you prefer to seek refuge in innocent, non-sexual age-regression.. You might create a special Alternate account on which to build a child avatar... keeping all traces of adult group affiliation away from your child alt. Alts are also good for situations in which people wish to compartmentalize their lives in other ways.. whether it's a dedicated alt for a certain kind of roleplay, or an alternate account to sell items that wouldn't make sense being sold by your main. From managing business assets and advertising costs, to running automated "bots" to send group invitations and store newsletters.. Alternate accounts have proven extremely useful to many people in Second Life. Because of their ability to be used to "hide" certain aspects of your SL life, many people have become quite obsessed with trying to discover or "link" multiple-account holders in some fashion. In the end though, an alt is just another face you use to log into Second Life.. just like having multiple journals at Livejournal, or multiple GMail accounts. What you do with your alternate account(s) is what makes them useful to you.
  10. Sometimes, certain dll files get marked as "in use" by the sl program and don't get properly released when an attempt to update is made during application startup. Since the Operating system sees the files as "in use", it won't allow the updater to overwrite those files. The easiest fix for a botched install like this, is as follows. Exit the Second Life Application. Reboot your computer. (this releases the dlls). DO NOT lanch the Second Life application. Uninstall the Second Life application. Download a fresh copy from http://get.secondlife.com Install as normal.
  11. The ability is still there. Right click on your avatar and choose "Edit My Shape" In the sidebar, you'll see three adjustment areas.. Height, Body Thickness, and Body Fat. Now.. look down. You see all those grey bars that say: > Head > Eyes > Ears > Nose > Mouth > Chin > Torso > Legs Click on "Torso" You'll now see the torso sliders appear. There's a scrollbar on the right... scroll down to "Breast Size" and you can adjust from there. Hope it helps.
  12. Looked it up. Develop > Avatar > Dump Attachments However I think the OP was referring to a worn clothing asset, rather than an attachment. Rebaking, relogging,then retrying... those tend to be the first-responder solutions that work for this sort of bug. Can't say what specifically was wrong for the OP, since she stated that she had tried restarting previously. I'm just hoping she managed to get it fixed, maybe with a combination of the various suggestions in this thread.
  13. Also, try relogging. I've found that sometimes the latest viewer doesn't seem able to unwear certain things sometimes. Relogging usually solves the problem.
  14. Sadly, there is no way for LSL to detect how long an animation is, nor can it detect when it has reached it's end and begins a new loop. Much the same way that an attachment can't tell where it's pointing in an animation... because the animating is happening on the client side. If you knew how long each animation was, it would be possible (though complex) to modify an AO script to look for a time written in the notecard, and use that time before starting the next animation. The results wouldn't be perfect, and it would require a lot of effort for mediocre results.. not to mention the amount of time it would take to test and time animations to try and determine their individual loop lengths.
  15. My method of remembering which grid is which, invokes the late, famed voiceover artist Don LaFontaine. In a world where N equals M.... a-g-n-i = (n)Main (g)Grid... Agni is the Main Grid In a world where B equals D, a-d-i-t-i = (d)Be (t)T (a)A... Aditi is the Beta Grid It may be a bit screwy.. but it works for me. b=d, m=n...
  16. Long ago, LL used the vote boxes to determine a parcel's popularity, and thus it's ranking in search.. If you got a lot of votes, they would (it is said) lower your tier, thus encouraging people to buoild popular places, clubs, and hangouts.The vote-boxes were gamed, when roving parties of avatars would hire themselves out to come vote for your location. Then along came the "Traffic" calculation (also known as "Dwell"). This was an automated process, that counted how many "minutes" each avatar spent on your land. the more minutes, the more avatars, the higher your traffic score. The traffic score was used to determine a parcel's popularity, and thus it's ranking in search. The traffic system was gamed by camping sites who encouraged people to park their avatars for long periods.. and then later by armies of bots squeezed into remote skyboxes. Then along came a massive rethinking of search relevancy, and all sorts of attempts to obfuscate what made a parcel "popular" as far as the search engine was concerned. Each time, people have figured it out, and gamed it.. from parcel sizes, to profile picks.. The Vote boxes today, do almost nothing. The data sent from the boxes is no longer received or acted on by LL. They do however do 2 important things. 1, they're a common enough item that people feel happy to click them as if they're "helping" the place remain popular.. and 2, each day they IM the owner with the total number of votes received that day. I placed a vote box by my freebies area, since it's like a way of saying "thanks"... it's nice to see a few people clicked on the vote box after a difficult day. There have been some attempts to make new vote boxes.. third party sites DO exist that track location popularity, but as a business owner, I question whether any customers care about my store's popularity ranking on those lists. I keep the vote box rezzed, because I can spare the prims, and it's nice to get a little reminder now and then that people appreciate the freebies.
  17. The average inworld purchase (as reported by the Lindens) is, as I recall, about 318L$. You can price an item too high. You can also price an item too low. If the price seems too good to be true, people often will assume it's either worthless, or stolen. 49, 99, 149, etc.. isn't really all that effective in SL. People in SL really do seem to appreciate simple, round numbers. 500 is as good as 499... maybe even better, cause it doesn't look like you're trying to trick them. demos may be 0L, or 1L. no more. Textures, generally speaking, should cost about 10-30L$ each. (I really won't pay more than that). "low" framed art (movie posters and such) should be 10L, no more. (any more, and the customer realizes they could just find the same image on the web, and upload it themselves). Prefabricated sculpts are all over the map in terms of pricing, but most "packs" seem to settle into the 500-1000L$ price range. AO's top out at 1000L$.. and do extremely well at much lower amounts. One of the most popular animation sellers these days is Oracul in Kuso.. and their AO's generally go for 150-300L$, with animations selling individually quite cheap. Generally speaking.. look at what other people sell similar items for. Check the "big name" stores especially. Then compare your products honestly to theirs.. what are your product's strengths and weaknesses? then adjust the prices accordingly. Try to keep your prices competetive, and remember that you don't need to make back all your time and effort in the first sale. A good, accessible price can get your more money in the long term than a high price that only a few can afford. Oh, and print your prices on your vendors. Please.
  18. Suspiria Finucane wrote: /me owes Winter one Kudo :smileywink: Man, I used to love those things! http://www.kudosbar.com/kudos/index.htm
  19. It's probably related to the slam bit. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Debug_Permissions What you may also be seeing is the permission changing after you rez something. That's what happens when the creator changes the permissions of an object "in inventory".. When I assemble an item that is modify, that contains no-modify scripts, when I take that item into my inventory and give it to you, it will show up as no-modify.. Even though the object (the prim parts) are modifiable once you rez it. If I were to then go into my inventory, and set the permissions to +modify, when I handed it to you, it would show in your inventory as modifiable, until you rezzed it on the ground for the first time. Once you did that, the server would check the permissions of the scripts inside, and when you "took" the item again it would show up as "No Modify".. However you'd still be able to edit it if you rezzed it inworld again, the same as you could before. In that case, all that's changed is the permission listed in your inventory. Some creators do this intentionally to avoid customer issues when they see "+mod" on the vendors, and "no mod" in their inventory. I personally don't see the point in this step, since it's not entirely honest. The models are modify, but the scripts aren't, so it properly SHOULD appear as no-modify in inventory, even if the model can be modded once rezzed. If you're seeing something else, where the rezzed model itself has changed permissions.. And is no longer modifiable.. Then it's a bug, and it's time to contact the creator. SL isn't perfect, and every once in a while, the servers get confused. But try rezzing the object in question first, and be sure you can't actually edit it.
  20. If the textures are fully-permissive, you can save them to your HD, and modify them for re-upload. Of course, be sure to check the license that came with those textures, to be sure that modifying the textures is permitted.
  21. What you're seeing is actually the bottom of the texture, wrapping around. To solve it, be sure to keep a small margin of clear on all four sides of the plant in the texture. 2-4 px on each edge should do it in most cases. If I'm working to a 512 texture, it's easy to just build my textures at 500x500, then add 6px on each side. with 256x256 textures (a good size for plants btw) I work to 250x250, then add 3px on all 4 sides. As for your sculpts changing shapes.. that's because they haven't been optimized for lower levels of detail. The fix isn't so easy here. Either make new sculpts that are better optimized, or add a 50% grey layer at 50% transparency to the sculpt map image itself (that will double the size the the bounding box, making the sculpt smaller within the invisible box..).. or you can opt to crank down your viewer's LOD sensitivity. I don't personally reccommend that last option, because many people's video hardware are barely up to SL as it is. Here's instructions for cranking your LOD setting... if you want to risk it. Show the “Advanced” menu with Ctrl-Alt-D, or Opt-Ctrl-D on a Mac. Select “debug settings” near the bottom. In the blank space, copy and paste the word: RenderVolumeLODFactor The recommend setting it as high as 4 to get all your sculpts looking as the maker intended. Quoted from this page.
  22. and face into the sun before going into edit mode. then the sun will be behind you.
  23. Linden Lab, Please consider removing the limit on number of images, or consider authorising well-known image hosting sites such as ImageShack, yFrog, Flickr, Picassa, and pics.sluniverse.com. Perhaps this could be a forum rank priviledge.Each rank level could gain a larger number of uploads, and once you attain a rank of say, "Member" or "Advisor", you gain the ability to post images from certain preauthorised offsite sources.
  24. That is one silly looking program. Thanks for sharing it! SL has been suffering a distinct lack of silliness the last couple of years. :smileyvery-happy:
  25. For some reason, I can't set a listing enhancement on my products.
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