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Honey Puddles

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Everything posted by Honey Puddles

  1. Mesh hair is awesome, and it's really unleashed a lot of creativity amonth the hair makers, but I'm finding a huge amount of the more recent hair offerinhs seem to be, well.. long. I'd really love to find some shorter, "sassier" hairstyles. I'd love to find something like this: http://i.imgur.com/YUQ4Z2z.pngor this: http://i.imgur.com/euwOERl.pngor this: http://i.imgur.com/q1ZLOZq.pngthis: http://i.imgur.com/HbDicqY.pngOr even this: http://i.imgur.com/PRB4zXm.pngAny suggestions?
  2. Can't be done. Warning: If you make someone an owner of a group, you won't be able to kick them out of it later. Be careful to whom you assign that role. Knowledge Base
  3. Amethyst Jetaime wrote:That would be OK if they paid their staff a decent salary instead of not paying at all or even making you pay them by taking a percentage of your tips.. This right here is why I stopped working as a dancer. The whole control freak "we own you" attitude really turned me off. It's also why I won't help club owners make profit splitting tipjars. Back when I did it, we all rezzed our own tipjars, and we used to give a portion of our tips to the club, but it was all voluntary and on the honor system.. and if you couldn't afford it, it wasn't a big thing. We were a team, and a group of friends.
  4. Or even faster, just click this link here: http://get.secondlife.com
  5. Also, just check to make sure you're wearing 1 skin, 1 shape, 1 'hair layer' and 1 'eyes layer'. Sometimes the system can forget what skin, or eyes, or 'hair layer' you were wearing.. and if you're not wearing all four "Body Parts", the system doesn't know how to render you properly. If you are wearing all 4 body parts, try replacing them. The hair layer especially.
  6. I seem to be having the same problem. Looks like it's account specific, as my main account can't log in, but my alt can. This looks like the type of thing that LL will post about in an hour saying "Unexpected login maintenance, some users may be unable to login, please refrain from rezzing no-copy items" etc. In other words, it's time to take a break, watch a movie, or just relax for a while and try again later. Edit: You know, I did check grid status, repeatedly.. before posting, and I certainly didn't see any mention of the issue. There's something weird about that site, I think they delay the appearance of posts for some reason, somehow.
  7. I'm assuming that you're looking for the "Camera Angle" slider that used to be present in the Preferences. There are some contols for this on the "Move and View" tab of Preferences, but most of these older controls were moved to debug settings. Accessing these can be a little complicated. Penny Patton goes into great detail of the process in a step-by-step fashion on her blog: http://pennycow.blogspot.com/2012/01/improving-sl-camera-short-version.html The settings she outlines will allow you to raise or lower the third-person follow-cam, as well as change it's default distance from you, and where it should center by default in relation to your avatar. As a side-note, you can also use the debug settings to customize the "Front view" and "side view" cameras as well.
  8. ReplicTuaniOne wrote: I don't get it, i have paypal because we DONT use a creditcard here in the Netherlands, so i got paypal, got money on paypal and want to pay with that money to get money on SL, but noooooo, i need to add a creditcard on my paypal acount to get money here... Why is that? common, make it a lot easier by just accepting paypal... Or are there other ways to pay instead of a creditcard? These are the payment methods currently accepted by Linden Lab: I highly reccomend reading the whole knowledge base article. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Billing/ta-p/700037#Section_.3 This is what they have to say about the paypal verification issue. Often the initial agreement can't be set up due to an unverified PayPal account. To use your PayPal account with Linden Lab, it must be verified and be capable of making instant transfers. Linden Lab does not accept e-check (bank account) payments through PayPal because they cannot be processed quickly enough to match the instant delivery of virtual goods and services. Therefore, we require that you have a credit card on file with PayPal as a backup payment source, OR that you pay with your PayPal balance in USD. Without a sufficient USD balance in your PayPal account, you will not be able to use it with only a bank account. Be aware of your monthly limits. By default, your monthly spending limit with PayPal is set to US$250.00. You can easily raise or lower that limit. See Using PayPal for more information. You can find information on how to convert your paypal balance here: http://tinyurl.com/kg7tg44
  9. Are you using the most recent version of your viewer? Have you tried the most recent version of the SL viewer? Is the viewer you're using SSA/B Compliant?
  10. On the affected leg.. Assuming that the leg bones are keyed, are any of the keyframes in the same position as the leg bones are in the T-Pose/Frame 1(0)/reference frame?
  11. Change to another "outfit" (if neccessary, use one of the ones from the library.. use the "Replace Outfit" option in the menu, not "Add To". If that doesn't fix it, quit the program. Manually delete the cache folder (most likely located at c:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\SecondLife (might be "Firestorm" in that last bit). If your OS refuses because "some files are busy" or something like that, restart the computer and try again. Once that folder has been deleted, re-launch the SL application. BEFORE logging in, go to Me > Preferences > General and ckick the "Show on login" checkmark next to "Start Location: My Last Location". Click "OK" FInd the "My Last Location" bar at the bottom of the login screen, and type "Omidyar" into it, then login as normal. (this can be any 'water sim'.. I just pick Omidyar because it's memorable to me). From there, let SL load for a few minutes, and see if the avatar loads correctly. If not, try changing avatars again. This is certainly no guaranteed fix, but it's something to try. Sometimes (for reasons I've never understood) the SL application (whether official of third party) fails to properly delete the cache. Doing so manually can sometimes get around a particularly corrupted file or something that the operating system just won't allow a program to delete. It sounds like an error I've seen associated with the "Character Test" debug tool, where basically the character test files have gotten "sticky" and won't come off. This is why I NEVER suggest that people fool with that debugging tool, because it is very old techniology, and was never intended to be used in this way (and doesn't play very well with the 'new' method of tracking which items and layers are considered 'worn'. If it is that Character test bug, the best advice I can give is "relog, try again".. it may take 10 times or more. Try different sims, different outfits, and stay the heck away from that "Character Test" option in the menu, it's certainly not going to help you fix this. It might help if your friend downloads and installs the official SL viewer, and uses that to get the av's issues sorted out... then he can go back to the third party viewer of his choice if he so wishes.
  12. Kwakkelde Kwak wrote: You can use local textures instead, in the "pick texture" window when you edit a texture, choose "local" instead of "inventory". Good to point out a couple of caveats. 1) Your friends won't be able to see your local textures. They'll just see "unloaded grey". 2) local textures will auto update inworld when you change the local file. Make some changes in photoshop, save over the old file, and the results will automatically load in SL for you to see! 3) You can use these local textures on skin and clothing layers too, but as of today, only you can see them. (the new avatar baking method is all server-side, so it doesn't see your local textures, and it can't include them). 4) If you crash or relog, the viewer will forget your local textures. This can be good, because all you have to do to find out if you've replaced all the local textures, is relog. it can be bad though, because you'll have to re-add them every time you relog if you're working on a long project.
  13. the impression I've gotten, from people in the know about such things, is that the CHUI may well be inextricably tangled with many of the new features (and new features still to come).. and so TPVs may be forced to implement it as-is, or with slight tweaks. I admit, I don't KNOW for certain, but it may be only a matter of time before we're all using it, regardless of what TPV you use.
  14. Well as someone who uses prim nails.. I have to admit what I like most in nails is modify permission. While some nail makers have taken to fitting their nails to multiple stock hand sizes (0, 10, 20, 30) I often find that the way one set of nails fits one skin, may not work so well on a different skin. There's a lot of potential drift in terms of where the "painted on" nails will appear on the fingers, and very often I need to adjust a prim thumbnail or pinky nail, to overlap the painted on ones properly. And with the advent of mesh hands, gloves, and full body replacements.. hand-fitting the nails can be essential. If you're going to do them in mesh. I HIGHLY reccomend not doing them rigged. Or if you do offer a rigged set, offer a non-rigged option as well. As for whether "all the nails on one hand should be one single mesh" I'll leave that for you to decide, but the more options you give end users to perfectly-fit them to their specific situation.. the happier your customers will be. A good tintable "glove" layer that just covers the fingertips can be great to include for advanced users as well. Copy permission is pretty much essential, so I can fit one set to one skin, and then fit a second set to another skin. As for features.. I love having some jewelry attached.. and the more I can customize, hide, show, recolor, etc.. the better. There's a great set I have from "Mandala" but they're no-modify, so I'm stuck with exactly the colors and jewelry they set on them, and can't even color the parts. While "painted shiny" nails are among my favourites, it's also great to be able to texture the nails white, and then apply tint color and the SL "shiny" setting, for some outfits. French is an absolute must. of course. While long (crazy long and curved) can be super fun.. there aren't enough 'very long' nails for sale. the market could always use more. Short, or "realistic long" nails would surely be popular.. probably moreso. One other thing... I'd love for there to be a quick hide/show control, that lets be either hit an FKey using a gesture (or if the hud can "zip" to a minimized mode.. a small button there) so that in the heat of 'the moment' I can simply hide my nails when an animated piece of furniture or equipment makes my hands animate.
  15. From a historical perspective, SL users have rejected all attempts to get them to link their Second Life accounts, to their realword identities. Due to it's original lack of free account options, SL became an anonymous, adult playground.. where people could act upon their fantasies, and become whatever they wanted. Lots of men in RL made female SL lives, and lots of people explored relationships and sexualities that they felt their real lives couldn't accept. The "First Life" tab, used to be the last tab of the profile, an afterthought for those who wanted someplace to say a little something about their real life identities. A few years back, this was moved to the front of the profile, and nowadays lives at the bottom of the main page of the profile. A lot of us oldtimers still don't feel comfortable putting much there, especially in a world where people can get fired for what's on their facebook or twitter. Newer users coming here in a post-Facebook, post-iPhone world, might have no compunction putting their whole real life up on display in their profiles.. while others may be more secretive. For personal privacy reasons perhaps, or maybe they operate several 'blind' alts, where one person at one keyboard might have several SL "characters". here's my profile, since I'm going to talk about it: https://my.secondlife.com/winter.ventura From a personal perspective, I don't use the "Real World Biography" sectionfor much. I provide a few simple facts that people might find useful, but nothing exactly "deep". (answers to the standard "ASL" type questions, mostly, and a link to my blog). I've got a picture in there, but it's just an older profile picture I don't use anymore. I wish I could say that I'm proud of my profile, but it's just a mishmash of information that I've tried (and mostly failed) to organize several times over the years. My life is fairly sloppy, and things just don't fit into nice neat boxes. -- Do I frown upon people who put real life pictures in their profile? Yes and no. Too often, I've seen people post pictures that were OBVIOUSLY not them. I've also seen more pictures of exposed penises than I'd care to. But the thing I hate the most, is when people put a first-life pic in their "main" profile pic. To me, that just screams "I don't get what SL is all about, I just came in from facebook". In fact, the "looser" the picture there, the worse impression it makes on me. If you're dressed up and looking nice, I might accept a RL photo in the "Second Life" section.. maybe you came to SL for work related issues.. or at least you're making an effort. If you're duckfaced and high, with your hat on sideways, I am unlikely to even reply to your IMs. Move that pic to your "Real Life" photo section, and put in ANY picture from SL in the "Second Life" section.. and you instantly gain like 50 points in my book. Taking a decent photo of your avatar isn't hard. All you need to do is master moving the camera using [Alt] + [Left Mouse Button]. Go someplace nice looking in SL, turn your back to a decent view, move the camera around so we can see your face, and hit [CTRL] + [ ` ] to save the snapshot to your computer's HD... then pop over to https://my.secondlife.com/settings/profile, hit "Profile Picture" and upload your new screenshot to your profile, free of charge!
  16. Ela Talaj wrote: "That second script, I don't have a lot of control over" is not very clear. Do you have modify permission on it or you don't? If you do, it should be fairly trivial to insert linked messages to send to your script after each llSetAlpha() or llSetLinkAlpha() call. Then you don't need any change event, just go by these linked messages. no, I don't have modify permission. I can control what it shows and hides, but I can't control whether it sends linkmessages or not.
  17. That's pretty much exactly what I tried.. the problem is that for whatever reason, these changed events queue up while the setting is happening, and when I go back and flip the flag to false, and end the function, the changed event fires with the queued changes. I was shocked that changing states didn't solve the problem, but I suspect there's also some latency between "do thing" and "detect change" that's allowing it to detect the changes after they've ended.
  18. So I've got a real puzzler here. I made a script, which is supposed to work with another script. that second script, I don't have a lot of control over, but it would be able to hide or show various parts of the linkset, including what I'm going to call "straps and buckles" Now these straps and buckles, being hidable or showable on demand, presents a problem, in that I have some "lock" prims, which are hidden or shown by the script I'm actually writing. The locks attach to the buckles, and when the buckles are hidden, the locks need to be hidden too, whether the script says it's "locked" or 'unlocked". So I've written a function, which triggers on CHANGED_COLOR.. it scans the linkset for any strap prims.. and on finding them, determines whether they're visible or invisible, and then acts accordingly to hide or show the locks, based on the current state of the "locked" variable. That's all working beautifully.. but here's the problem. When the script I'm writing turns those locks visible or invisible, that linkset change is in fact, triggering the CHANGED_COLOR event again! Which results in my script checking for the presence of the strap prims, checking their visibility, and then checking for lock prims, checking their visibility, comparing that to the locked variable, and if they're the same, it does nothing... ending the loop. My problem however, is that this process is needlessly "hot". The second check is completely unneccessary. I've tried changing to a different state to make the changes, I've tried setting a variable "settingLocks" to true while making changes, and then false when done, and filtering the changed event based on that.. but no matter what I try, I just can't seem to get the script to ignore the change. My workaround (checking the current visibility of the locks before deciding if they need to be changed) is fairly rudimentary.. Is there a better way to go about avoiding this recursion problem?
  19. The bit that gets me, is why aren't the Lindens blogging about this? Something this "Inconsistent-Experience" generating going out to the grid, without a word from the Lindens like "hey, watch out, we're trying to get this out as fast as we can to all the sims, but we need a bit more testing, please bear with us, and sorry about the vehicle problems".
  20. I got the email, but the link to "find a gift kiosk" doesn't seem to work. I just get a broken looking Secondlife.com page, with no links (it shows my name as "Second Life Resident") Anyone got a list of Gift Kiosk locations?
  21. Sandboxes: Excellent.. ...though I do echo the sentiments of others who have asked "Are there going to be adult sandboxes?" Some of us would like to work on things that aren't totally G-Rated now and again. It would be nice if there were places to do that without breaking the community standards. Freebies: Okay. Pretty Nice! .. Speaking as someone who sells furniture (among other things) there are literally millions of competing products on the market, of all different styles, qualities, and price ranges, and one more widely distributed freebie isn't going to destroy the entire market for furniture, or for anything. And honestly, I kind of need some new furniture for my own house. I will check this out and see if it suits my needs. It WOULD be great to know how we (as content creators) can also get this kind of awesome advertising opportunity, by making freebies for LL to hand out. Edit: It's a pretty nice couch actually, and it's nice that it seats two. The whole set's really pretty decent, but I think only the couch really suits my living space. Shame about it all being no-modify though.
  22. keviprincess246 wrote: i have a bad internet connection, so sl crashes alot for me, which is expected. i crashed and tried to log back in when my connection perked up and sl made me install the new update. suddenly all these errors and plug-ins cane install and i'm not sure what to do. the updaate wont install SL completely at all so everytime i try logging in it forces me to install again and i go through the same issue. what do i do to stop this madness?!?! REBOOT YOUR COMPUTER. Your application crashed, and has improperly left some dlls or other services flagged as "in use". (quicktime for example?). These files cannot be overwritten, because the system thinks they are currently being used. Rebooting your computer should reset this issue. Then once your computer is back online, DON'T launch SL, instead, visit http://get.secondlife.com and download the latest full installer, and run that.
  23. We're in a transition phase right now, coming from a time when accounts USED to have unchangeable "first and last names" where we'd pick a lastname from a list, and then make our own first names. (example: Winter Ventura.) We were then given display names, changable screen names that we can opt to change as frequently as once a week. (example: Candy Velvet). Along with that new feature, LL changed the naming convention from "first and last" to "login name" (example: lamplady2001) There was a lot of concern when this first was introduced, that people would use it for harrassment, greifing, fraud, etc.. these are fears that have for the most part, failed to materialize. The fix, was to make both names visible over the avatar, as the default setting. Each name can be independently hidden, but it's the person reading the names, who sets their own preference. So if I want to see only "usernames" I'll only see you as "lamplady2001". If I want to see only "display names", I'll see you as "Rain". If I want to see both names, I'll see both your names. Eventually, LL will no-doubt begin setting "Username not visible" as the default setting. edit: sorry was stiull waking up when I wrote this
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