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Honey Puddles

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Everything posted by Honey Puddles

  1. My sister is struggling with this exact issue right now. The 'most naked' she ever got was for a bath, and was still covered in soap suds and clusters of bubble attachments. She's looking at trying to mod her skin (which she does have the PSDs for) to make a modesty layer that will 'blend in' with the soap bubbles.. but she's panicking a bit over 'how modest does a modesty layer need to be?' Crotch, sure... she's a bit like Barbie there already but sure. Must nipples be covered on a child av? She uses the "Male" body chest setting, does that affect what needs to be covered? What about the butt crack? How.. MUCH of the butt crack? etc. She uses a Tweenster body, so there's no geometry defining any genitalia down there, but the ambiguity of whether 'what she comes up with' will be 'good enough' or 'safe enough'.. And it's kind of emotional meltdown city. Funny how the Lindens got called out for wrongdoing, the Lindens found no wrongdoing.. but let's police the bodies of child avatars.. for a treat.
  2. Just to point out a couple things. 1. The rule states you have to change avatars BEFORE entering an Adult Region. 2. Apparently, 'right after a teleport' is the absolute worst time to try and get RLV to do anything... much less change your outfit. I'm told your outfit might change on your viewer's side, but due to various 'race conditions' present after a teleport, the region (and those in it) might never get the updates. Resulting in you walking around in your Child Av, without even knowing it.
  3. How often do you go shopping, and find yourself in an Adult rated region? Do you even notice when you do? Remember that the giant hitpiece article went out of it's way to target the maker of the Tweenster body (a child avatar).. because it was located on an A-rated region. One of the better known motorcycle shops (with it's daily midnight mania giveaways) is located on A-rated land.. they even SELL child-sized bikes! A large number of Star Wars roleplay regions are located on A-Rated land. Driver's of SL frequently visits Zindra, and is often sponsored by stores located on A-rated land. And that's not even getting into clothing stores that just sit on A-rated land because "oh, I dunno, someone might get naked on a pose stand, better mark it A to be safe"
  4. I can speak to this. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Parents-Lil-helper/1304818 Parent's Little Helper, and other systems like it, allow a parent or other trusted adult to 'take the hand' of a child, or to pick them up and carry them. It does this by cleverly leveraging RLV. When the parent selects "Pick up", the Helper will rez an invisible object. The child is then 'force sat' on that object, which then follows the parent around as they walk, animating the child as if they're being held, riding on shoulders, etc. Similarly, the system can force-unsit when the parent 'puts them down'. It can also be used to have a child av 'sit' on a vehicle, or in a 'time out' chair, etc. Yes, this is potentially open to abuse, as an outside actor with nefarious intent could 'sit' a child on adult furniture. This is why such systems usually employ a whitelist system, only allowing trusted individuals to use it.
  5. Added that to the feature request! I'd forgotten about animated mesh heads with non-bento bones, animating mouths for typing, not necessarily working for talking.
  6. There are existing gesture triggers for /voicelevel1, /voicelevel2, and /voicelevel3, but there don't seem to be corresponding triggers for LSL to detect. There are gestures in the library under "Gestures > Speech Gestures", but a casual search on the wiki suggests they may not be working, and of course these triggers/gesture/animations predate fitted mesh and/or bento. A feedback feature request definitely seems to be warranted. https://feedback.secondlife.com/scripting-features/p/add-agent-speaking-to-llgetagentinfo-to-detect-whether-avatar-is-is-not-speaking
  7. That's the one element I'm not sure on. As far as I recall, there are 'voice gestures' that exist, which means there are some 'is speaking' hooks to detect at least via gesture. I'm fishing around on the LSL portal right now to see if I can find anything better, if not, I'm making a feedback feature request.
  8. They're utilizing SL voice, so this could be done via some scripting. Each person can wear an attachment that detects if certain animations are playing (voice-triggered lip movements for example). The script has a warm-up and cool-down period programmed in.. so for example.. checking 3 times every second, we check if the user is 'talking' now. If yes, we add 1 to a number. If no, we subtract 1. if the number is ever over 10, we reassign it's value as 10. This means it will take approximately 1.5 seconds of active talking for the number to reach 5, and it will take 1.5 seconds for it to drop to 5. Now it's just a matter of sending 'llSay(111, "talking"); and llSay(111, "stopped"); Person 2 may use 222, person 3, 333, and so on. Second script on the recording person, has pre-positioned camera positions and angles for each person (set up before recording). The camera script listens for 'talking' messages, and keeps track then of who is talking, and whether it should cut to a specific person's camera, or to a wide shot. SL even has camera smoothing functions that could potentially make these transitions fairly smooth. I'm not saying it doesn't take some competent scripting to make something like this work, but it's not exactly a networked vendor system or something along those lines.
  9. Even just taking that single camera view, recorded in a certain 'high rez' quality, and 'cutting' to zoomed in shots, back to the wide, back to the zoomed shot, would improve things. Just like something that isn't the SL equivalent of locking down a single camera on a tripod for half an hour straight.
  10. its just disappointing that this 27 minute video would be improved by keeping the audio, and replacing the video with a second life logo.
  11. There's one great point in the video where he explains that Tilia has not been a successful business for Linden Lab, and it's pulled down everything financially, draining millions of dollars to keep running. The contracts Tilia has managed to secure outside of SL haven't been profitable, or led Tilia to a longterm viable status as a company in it's own right. But in selling Tilia and all that goes with it, to Thunes, well, Thunes is already *in* this sort of business, and already knows how to operate profitably, and already has contracts and connections in the US that are working for them. The acquisition of Tilia and the MTLs in play, will allow Thunes to better serve and expand services to companies and users in the US. LL wins by getting rid of the anchor around it's neck, Thunes wins by getting something they can actually grow by having, and SL wins by everything Thunes brings to the table that Tilia (and SL/LL's homegrown attempts) never managed to do. From a business perspective, this is a win-win.. And LL has baked a 5 year contract into the deal, to try and insulate against those 'ballooning fees' scenarios. It sounds like Thune's main thrust early on will be in expanding cash-OUT options for SL users, especially internationally.. not so much the 'L$ buy' side of things.. and this may still be an area that Thunes will need to work on, or that LL/SL may have to implement in some other way. I suspect we'll see improvements on both sides of that equation over time.. be that more credit cards, the ability to send money to LL via Western Union or to move a Thunes balance from any number of supported sources, to spend on L$, Tier, etc. My largest concern is Tilia's baked-in support for maintaining a balance that can be tapped for Tier and/or premium memberships. But I think we'll see what happens, as things mature with this change in ownership. As Brad said, SL users may not functionally notice any change at all. Only improvements. Here's hoping.
  12. He made it really clear. Thunes is BUYING Tilia, and acquiring the related MTLs (Money Transfer Licenses) and other dependencies from Linden Lab. All of Thunes business function is expected to be folded into the legal entity known as Tilia, and then Tilia will rename itself to Thunes. "Thunes USA" (or whatever Thunes decides to call it) will be operated out of the Battery Street offices. Linden Lab will not be operating or owning Tilia any longer. [6:35] and [12:50]
  13. There's a sort of 'professional company' vibe when you see real people, and use real names. "Hi, I'm Brad Oberwager, owner of Linden Lab", and referring to him as "Brad", etc. Instead it's "Strawberry" talking to "Oberwolf". 27 minutes of watching avatars shifting slightly in chair poses, while two people talk. Compare that to something like this:
  14. I was given the mental image of an aging David Prowse, struggling with arthritis, trying to appear to sit casually on an undersized, wooden kitchen chair. SL's strange "muhmuhmuhmuh" lip movements on voice and head waggles also don't help make things feel 'natural'. Brad's animated and energetic response to questions certainly didn't match the 'posed doll in a dollhouse' presentation. Sure, his pose moved a little here and there, and he wiggled his fingers in strangely inappropriate points, but it just feels like two people talking over an animated screenshot. I feel like some webcams, or cutaways to webpages being scrolled, something.. Coffee is right.. by contrast, Minecraft's announcement videos are works of art.. people talking to the camera, sitting in chairs, sitting in their offices, etc.. And they use their real names too, like Jens Bergensten and Agnes Larsson, not "Jeb_" and "LadyAgnes" most of the time.
  15. Perhaps a better way to phrase it would be that it will only be a short time before 2048 textures become the defacto standard for content creation, and anything smaller will be viewed by many as 'low rez' or 'blurry old junk'. 2048 textures will be a selling point.. "HD" will define the 'new hotness' from the 'old and busted'. Nevermind that no one needs fifteen 2048 diamond textures on an engagement ring. Ironically, the one place where we desperately need PBR and higher resolution textures (the mainland GROUND) LL has said we'll probably never get them.
  16. https://timemachine.fandom.com/wiki/Great_Lunar_Cataclysm
  17. With prices inworld as low as they are now? NO! We need to go further! Introduce fractional L$! People already treat a $250 L$ purchase like they should come with an extended lifetime warranty, free updates for life, customization, and 24/7 personal support time with the creator, so the value of L$ when cashing out really should compensate creators for all that added time and service load. 1L$ should cost $100 USD.. or more.. LL should index L$ directly to the price of bitcoin, that way we can freely convert BTC to L$ 1:1, and kill two birds with one stone by embracing the crypto block chain. Perhaps LL should mint a new crypto currency for micro-microtransactions. #primcoin
  18. It'd be a real shame if this ends up as another excuse to make life harder for the hundreds of SL users playing (perfectly innocently and TOS compliant) as child avatars. I think a lot of folks on the forumsphere have no idea what the 'average' sl 'kid' gets up to.. and it's a shame because there's a vibrant community of kids just living their best 2ndLife out there in families, kicking cans, playing games, hanging out, riding bikes, and so on.
  19. Sounds like what happens when I forget I have one of those "Select Only" settings enabled. Select only my objects Select only movable Select only locked Select only copiable ...etc etc.
  20. Funny, I was gonna say the Bronzium Acklay club in the Corellia: Coronet by Night district at Galaxy Rising.
  21. They do still display there, however. At the 600x600 maximum resolution.
  22. The NEW profiles viewer established the aspect ratio as square. Profile pictures are square on https://my.secondlife.com as well. Old firestorm skins that haven't been updated in half a decade or longer probably shouldn't be used as a reason not to adhere to the new standard. 600x600 was the max resolution an image would be displayed on my.secondlife.com.. if you upload an image larger than (or that size) it should be good. SL will likely shrink it to 512x512 for inworld usage.
  23. You're very unlikely to find a 'ready to go skybox, with 'quality furniture' all bundled together for a single purchase. If you're looking to rent land with a pre-furnished skybox/home on it, you may have some luck. But in terms of buying the whole thing ready-made for you, it's not going to happen that way. There *ARE* store that sell furnished skyboxes, but the furniture and the skybox will all be from the same maker as the skybox. You won't, for example, find someone selling an ONSU skybox filled with DRD, Backbone, and Ruckus furniture. You'll find someone like inverse selling an inverse skybox with inverse furniture. You may find some brands out there with a good combination of looks and animations, as many of these makers do buy fullperms animations or even furniture models to include in their builds... but you're not going to ge a bundle of skybox, and furnishings from different creators unless they do a (very rare) collab. If you are looking for a pre-furnished skybox to buy, this search on the marketplace should help: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?search[category_id]=34&search[keywords]=furnished&search[layout]=gallery&search[maturity_level]=GMA&search[per_page]=96&search[sort]=purchase_count_desc If you're looking to rent a pre-furnished home, This section of the forums might be of help https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/370-regions-for-rent/ or check out this section on the marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?utf8=✓&search[category_id]=852&search[maturity_level]=GMA&search[keywords]=furnished
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