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Ags Falconer

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Everything posted by Ags Falconer

  1. My primary avatar is a yellow flying monkey. It is closest aligned to my true self. My Good friend, @Madelaine McMasters, recently shared that my monkey avatar has an impact of over 1,000,000 thingies. Wow. I'm special. So. I use human avatars when I want to have a lower impact. Or when I want to cuddle with someone who likes cuddling with humans. I'm bi. Bi-species, that is.
  2. I use free clients (Gmail, Microsoft mail, and k9 mail) to handle my 3 email accounts. I like separating them on different clients to help avoid sending an email from the wrong account.
  3. Post office suppliers take shipping RISKS.
  4. Professors have omniscience? Not yet! DUMMY
  5. First computer game I played was Zork. On my 1st pc--a dual floppy CPM PC.
  6. Seriously? They rarely about what's LUNCH.
  7. I make it a general policy to visit SL with a glass of whiskey in hand in RL. And a common exception is with brandy.
  8. /me moves Maddy's brain onto my lap, strokes it till it purrs, and gives it a biscuit. Good girl ...
  9. @Lindal Kidd, I have to admit, you are an inspiration. You are always being so helpful. Detailed. You should be thanked. ❤️
  10. @Scylla Rhiadra, sorry to hear you're under the weather! Hope the recovery goes quickly and super smooth! /me hands Scylla a healing banana ....
  11. @Quarrel Kukulcan, thanks a ton!! Very helpful.
  12. Reading the Your Avatar forum, I see that most avatars use texture or tattoos for lips and teeth. No need for modeling the interior of the mouth. Thanks SL Community!!
  13. Step 8 (continued ...) Still refining the mesh and I've started looking at textures. Still rough. I uploaded a rough version to the beta grid (Aditi) to have a look. Definitely need to simplify the mesh in some keys spots where it is too complex. Especially the mouth interior (not sure I actually need anything for a mouth interior--not sure what SL supports yet. I'll save the mouth interior for later just in case.). Also, I'm planning to simplify the extra layers where I'm trying to create fur with transparencies--it might not be the better way. Found several YouTubes that helped my thinking on refining the mesh and starting the textures and UV mapping. Here are 3 of the the most helpful for me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qa_1LjeWsJg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9FTp8vTwfw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHLT5Xh_tzQ
  14. As expected, the editing of the mesh is taking some time. Lots and lots of little tweaks. I like the way it is shaping up and I'm getting some ideas of how to do the fur with transparent textures instead of particles. We'll see what I finally decide on that. If anyone has suggestions on creating fur with lower impact to the sim, I would love to hear ideas or get pointers.
  15. @Ouchie Dumpling and @Lindal Kidd, these words resonated. Everything you said, Ouchie! And Lindal, agree, getting immortalized on the first page of a thread is of course always a goal. 🤣
  16. Thanks @Cali Souther!! I hoped it would be interesting to some. I am trying to balance my eagerness (YES!! I want to see it too!) with doing the task well enough that I will be proud enough to show it to my kids. 🤣
  17. A couple of days of work underway.... Step 8: Refine the mesh Starting with the monkey which I found at: "Monkey- Free" (https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/monkey-free-a7005fad11824d4199b952f45384d226) by animated3d.us. animated3d.us provided the model and textures in Fbx format which works with blender. Licensed CC Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), so I am providing this attribution here. BTW, this is for my use and I don't plan to sell this avatar. This pic is the rigging in progress. Once the mesh is satisfactory, I'll pose the monkey in the standard T position. Then, add the SL Bento rigging Export to Collada Upload to Aditi grid to check it out, then Upload to SL Main Grid (Adni) Next step either wings or textures ....
  18. Boredom!!!! LOVE boredom. A great creative influence. Second, I think, to laziness.
  19. Step 7: Compare my export files to the sample files A bigger step ... So, I'm looking through the exported Collada files. Pretty typical XML stuff in both. But there are a few handfuls of differences. Way too many to put in this post. So just trust me, there were quite a few differences, but nothing structurally different. Somewhere in the middle of importing and exporting Collada files to and from Blender and into SL Aditi, it occurred to me that: I have not been using the Blender Collada exports Operator Preset for "sl+open sim rigged" So that pretty well fixed everything. BTW, the Forward axis as Y worked fine. Not sure why some docs say set this to X, but SL did give a warning on that. Import into SL Aditi worked fine. Next step: refine my monkey mesh using one of the samples as a starting point.
  20. @Quarrel Kukulcan, thanks for the question. I am *VERY* happy to take suggestions or questions. Actually any comment is welcomed. My hope is that the thread will be helpful to more than 1 or 2 people. 🙂
  21. Step 6: Second experimental rigged model is attempted More baby steps ... Back to Blender v3.3.1 and the mesh without an armature Thought I had saved a version of the mesh with the default Blender human meta-rig. Alas, no. Good news, the second time adding a rig/armature/skeleton went much more quickly: With Blender in Object mode and mesh selected Add Armature -> Human (Meta-Rig) Delete unneeded bones such as some face bones Resize the armature to match the mesh Position armature to match mesh position (T pose) (BTW, Blender has very good YouTube vid on this step) https://youtu.be/f2pTkW-1JkE Parent the mesh to the rig Save it Export it as Collada Global Orientation, Forward Axis X (not the default), Up Axis Z Arm, Export to SL/OpenSim, Deform Bones Only Export COLLADA Back to SL Aditi Build -> Upload -> Model Select the *.dae file Work through the UPLOAD MODEL dialog Level of detail, Analyze if suggested, Calculate weights & fee Physics model Low (this is used only for collisions, not display) Rigging, Include skin weight, Include joint positions Upload And this one was totally borked also.... I then repeated the upload to Aditi step with the sample Collada file, "bento_angel_2017_07_07.dae", from https://bitbucket.org/lindenlab/secondlife-creator-resources/ to verify that upload was not the problem. And that worked fine. Next step: figure out what is different between my Collada exports from Blender and the SL examples.
  22. < 3 days later> Step 5: First experimental rigged model is "complete" (no skin textures, just rigging and a free chimpanzee model). Ready to try an upload. Some baby steps Realize I don't see the beta grid/preview grid/Aditi on my log in page on the standard Second Life viewer. Find this page to explain where the setting is for seeing the beta grid log in: Preview Grid: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Preview_Grid?_gl=1*1wipn6m*_ga*MTI4MTU5MDg2Ni4xNjY1Nzc2NTE0*_ga_T7G7P6DCEC*MTY2NzMzODIwNy4yNS4xLjE2NjczNDE3NjYuNjAuMC4w*_fplc*bTVXZUVwYkJOUiUyQjRCcVNWSkolMkZFcFE1UVNwZXdrOVRnbzBFaFRYSTF2NDNiZDBYVzlhVWJPcHJOVTdENzY0QURhUSUyQllKUTI4bjlEZ29pZzVLbVdiWnRyZmlaaHJwR21OR0RINmdNUFQ3ZWhKS21LaDRudUxPWkR5QVRYbmhnJTNEJTNE I go to Me->Preferences->Advanced menu; enable "Show Advanced Menu", select "Show Grid Selection at login" Try to log into Second Life Beta Test Aditi Find out that login to my account does not work. Submit a ticket to get my Aditi account unlocked. Fairly quickly got an email back from Roran Linden. Very helpful. This was pretty fast. 🙂 Thanks Roran!! Go to Build -> Upload -> Model... And get a message that my account is not certified to upload models. https://secondlife.com/my/account/ip/index.php 2 steps are required for that: 1. Update my payment method which I haven't used in a while. No problem. 2. Accept the Intellectual Property terms and conditions. Go back to Build -> Upload -> Model... Upload my model and go through steps to Wear the model. My first upload is totally borked. Probably the advanced rigging I generated in Blender. I'll go back to a "non-advanced" rig next.... Despite this looking like a lot of work, this Step 5 went pretty quickly. I spent 3 days fiddling around with a free model and rigging in Blender. But Step 5 took only a few minutes of action and a bit of waiting for emails and such.
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