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Ags Falconer

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Everything posted by Ags Falconer

  1. Love! Love! Love! This. Hi Maddy!! Thank you for the memory!
  2. Ah, youth!! How I long for it. 😁 That was a GREAT party!!
  3. +1 for the D&D reference!! 🧙‍♂️🧙‍♂️🧙‍♂️
  4. @Love Zhaoying, sure 'nuff. Twas not aware till now. And now, I may have finally found my purpose. To win SL. By. Accumulating. The. Most. Wins. On. Leaderboard. Muuuhahahahahahaaaaaaa!!! <slithers_into_a_shadow_to_plot/>
  5. Oooooooooooo. Grand Master level sheet there for sure!! Thank you!!
  6. @Scylla Rhiadra, you know too well that I would be a cat for you any day In SL.
  7. @Seicher Rae, I wanted to re-read your post to take in its full beautiful affect (while In SL of course). Braavo! 💖 +1 for introducing me to the word "flounce" -- very nice And I found this clown avatar while In SL and thought about its impact to my Reputation which is of course what this post/thread is all about.
  8. I haven't supported witches professionally in SL for a few years--might be a bit rusty. So I'm thinking she could get a nice discount. 😄
  9. Hasn't really changed much since 2009. It suits me--to the tee.
  10. Love the insight, @PheebyKatz. You have the sound of a Master. If you ever offer classes in Trolling or in the Recovery Steps, please IM me.
  11. @HeathcliffMontague, I see you are speak for yourself there. 🙉
  12. @Gabriele Graves, more of an honest question. I am a curious monkey and truly don't claim to understand deep and complex matters. 🧐
  13. Sounds like a thin line..... Challenge accepted!! 😈😈😈😈😈😈
  14. 🤣🤣🤣, I'm betting we can find the perfect snarky projectile that would work well against mean girls.
  15. Thanks for the snacks, @Charalyne Blackwood!! Yum.
  16. Hi @Fritigern Gothly, good suggestion and yes, I've been doing that. But I've only spent about an hour or so back in SL so far. Still looking for cool stuff---and I know there is lots.
  17. @Scylla Rhiadra, good questions. Speaking as one who represents as male, I offer my data points to your study. I rarely have been cold IMed by a woman. So I don't feel like i have a strong sense of my assumptions. I assume that many women are guarded IRL because it is simply a safer path. In SL, I would likely assume the person to be fairly new and looking for conversation or information. Or perhaps she saw a fly in my fur.....and wanted to point it out.
  18. @Love Zhaoying, I think I love all 3. 😉 Of course, innuendo is almost always my fav. 💋
  19. @Scylla Rhiadra, O.M.G. O.M.G!! so sorry to hear about your frightening encounter. And such a sad waste of good steak and potatoes. In world, I'll be rezzing you my Mean Girls Blaster Max 9000. Please keep it as long as you need. Please be safe.
  20. I'm just now getting back into SL after a 9-year hiatus. One of my fav things back in the day, was visiting creations/destinations that were visually spectacular. Do you have a curated list of such destinations? Thanks in advance for sharing!
  21. @Rolig Loon and @Love Zhaoying, thanks again. Very helpful and that guidance makes good sense. @Scylla Rhiadra, all sounds good, and as you well know, I am an expert de-louser. But I probably shouldn't post a link here to my YouTube instructional series on that. After reviewing the Community Guidelines, sounds like I can smoke all the bananas I want out back of the student lounge--with no problems.
  22. @Rolig Loon, thank you for the encouragement. I appreciate and value your suggestion! These forums have been helpful to me (just like I remember from years ago 🙂 ) Um .... however, I am curious. Does anyone know how to actually obtain a "bad reputation"?? Not saying that I want one. But humor me. Say I did?
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