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Nika Talaj

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Everything posted by Nika Talaj

  1. Only LL (presumably) has the stats to know whether the 512 homes have worked out for them. I'd bet you, tho, that at least one more 512 theme has been prototyped. If the most likely market for 512 homes actually is current old-style LH owners, as this discussion seems to be indicating, then I guess my question would be, why upset the apple cart? So long as there's a lot of green dots in old LH regions, you have to assume that those folks are happy enough to stay there. LL has made attempts to get the word out via hunts, RFL events, blogs, inworld info boards, etc.. But there's a lot of folks that ignore nearly everything LL does. My guess is that if the older LH regions begin to empty out on their own, LL would get more proactive. There's a home controller in every LH, I imagine you could easily add something to it that would pop up a big window reading "DO YOU WANT MORE PRIMS? CLICK HERE!" the next few times the owner drops by. But so long as older LH regions are well used, why perturb people?
  2. Thank you for your post! If you run across any other trains with newer, more robust scripts, I'd love to know who makes them! That photo looks great. Re: the flipping, do you mean it could simply be driven backwards, without flipping? There's one juncture in Quercus Alba where I routinely flip the train. If you come up to Quercus going north through Phelps Place, it joins with the east/west line there, and you end up going west. I often continue that into the next region, then flip the train & come back, hit the switch and continue straight east, eventually going over the bridge into Thunderhead. I hope that's OK to do. With a train like that you describe, you wouldn't necessarily flip the train, you'd just drive it backwards? Oh, and Maximus may be the mole you need:
  3. Earlier in this thread, I made a "wild speculation" post about the possibility of an extended rail line wrapping around the LogHome coastline, and through the horizontal swath of open SSPE lands. https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/440334-bellisseria-choo-choo-train-thread/page/7/?tab=comments#comment-2117453 Update: I don't believe that will be happening. Home parcels placed yesterday west of Mouse Pond appear to leave no room for rail. And down south in SSPE1457, where the rail line has been extended to the coastal mountains, it looks like it will end there. The green block at the end of Abnor's "dummy" railbed pretty much says "end of line", and the roads and parcels leave no room for a turn. It's still quite a long railroad! Perhaps the makers of the Quarry train can be persuaded to make a log transport In true GTFO fashion, it would be cool to be able to unload a bunch of logs into a big raft on the lake somewhere, and bring them down to a terminus. Ah well, I suppose that can be built on mainland, if it hasn't been already!
  4. I lurked for Rocky Heights for ages! But they released Well Springs first. I got two parcels there, and I never thought they'd release another the same day. While I was messing about deciding whether to keep any Well Springs, they released Rocky Heights and I missed it completely! I was much chagrined, but then when I really SAW the parcel we got in Well Springs, I was amazed at its fabulousness, and walked out to the corner (where for some reason Patch was standing) and thanked him in person, lol. Sometimes the world knows what you want better than you do!
  5. ? last time I was there the Galaxy had boat rez zones on both its east and west docks. Are they gone?
  6. I lived in Millers Pond for quite a while, with lovely low brick bridges along the short canal between the pond and the open sea. There was a rez zone right opposite our home, and I had a phantom copy of my tall-masted Bandit all ready to go in my inventory. Works great unless one of your guests feels compelled to stand up and walk around the boat!
  7. This is an intriguing idea, do you know if they've done or even tested 4 regions/core before? If not, I would think that even though creating this configuration might be really REALLY easy, validating it to go live would be time consuming. Identifying and testing possible bottlenecks when accessing shared resources ... hmmm. If that would need to involve any of the same people working on the cloud port, I can't see them trying it.
  8. I went looking for a place north of Randelsham where train tracks cross from the west side of the lake to the east. I didn't find it, but I did find these contributions from @Naughty Mole and @Moonstruck Mole in and around SSPE1194! The spaceport and your motha are on the west side of the lake, and elvis is on the peak of the island. If he has to be anywhere, I'm sure he would choose to be on top of SOMETHING.
  9. SSPE1199 was brought to our attention by @Coby Foden over in the Choo-Choo Train thread, and I am over the moon delighted! It has just been decorated by the Moles, and offers us an early look at how the many islands and shorelines in SSPE regions will be treated. I don't think they're quite done yet, I believe there may be more landscaping in store. But take a look at the island there! It has open-air platforms like those in the Randelsham Treehouse, and there is not only a waterfall, but it is wonderfully animated with 6 different spots to sit, each of which has 2 or so choices of anim! If you squint really hard, you can see my explorer alt (he has no inventory at all, poor thing) hanging in front of a waterfall. There's a little campfire on the other side of the hill. Effective use of the dangling ivy that I believe is in the Log Home content pack. Have to dig that out! And yes, in the distance those are Abnor's "dummy" train tracks showing bright green on the west shore of Big Bird Lake. ETA: Another thing to note about this region: although there is a place or three around the edges where they could have fit in a Log Home, they chose not to. It is, and apparently will remain (based on tree placement), entirely recreational. And, let me say again, I do not think they are done with it yet.
  10. I asked about this in the forum thread about this post.. Maybe someone from LL will respond, maybe not. I don't think it makes a lot of sense to speculate a whole bunch. Things we know include: > They're not willing to provision new servers until the cloud migration is complete. > They won't be selling whole regions until they can provision new ones. Here's one thing we don't know: > Did they reserve a certain number of regions for new LH development, before freezing the sale of whole regions? That might make sense. It would be nice for LL to be able to retain as many of this surge of new accounts as possible, and one powerful tool to do that is to lure them into beautiful, but very dense, LH housing. I think it's very likely that individuals who purchase whole regions usually do not parcel them up in such a way as to make 20 new accounts happy. Here's another thing we don't know: > There's always a certain amount of attrition going on with regions; just peruse the Grid Shepherd's site. What will LL be doing with already existing regions that come available? Time will tell.
  11. True! Abnor's laid out a LOT of new parcels in those SSPE regions. Goes to show you, in choosing already released parcels next to SSPE-region lakes, it's best to be sure that there isn't a full 32 Meters between the region border and the lake! We flew the new green railbed also, and noticed some areas where they could put parcels nestled into hills WITH wonderful water access to Big Bird Lake. There will be potential for GOH to rev up again when those are ready for release!
  12. I see that work is continuing in the Belli development (SSP) area on the (probable) new "pink" Bellisseria theme. But, I suppose this region crunch implies that no buildout will be created for a new Belli theme until after the cloud migration is complete? Will there be no new Belli regions at all until then? Or perhaps some were already set aside to "finish off" the raw northern edge of the Log Home subcontinent, for example? The moles still have quite a bit of work remaining to fill in the existing SSPE regions on the Log Home subcontinent, of course, which presumably will make some more homes available in already existing themes. This is a great problem to have! Welcome, SL class of 2020!
  13. Of the original 4000+ release, that is. They have been building out the combined Vic/Log regions at the border between the two subcontinents quite quickly, and of course there's the raw northern edge of LogLand, where if they wished they could probably just drop in more LogLand "tiles". And of course there's the enigmatic SSPE regions in the interior of LogLand. It seems likely that new Loghomes will sprout in most of those. And, apropo of nearly nothing, work continues apace on the new "pink" zone (presumably the next theme) up in the old SSP area. At least if the number of green dots there (usually 3 or so) is indicative of work being done.
  14. My partner and I have been out on the rails these last couple of nights, and after diving into the chasm (such a blast!) we strolled on down the rails to the nearby point where they seem to lead into LogLand (SSPE1460). Which led to another wild speculation as to possible train routes there, all through currently undeveloped regions. Of course this is just blue-skying, not much attention paid to terrain. The X to the right of Mouse Pond marks a very striking circle of hills, quite high, with obvious access to the east. Possible train station? Entertainment venue?
  15. You do not have to get a wearable boat to dawdle in a region. Your jetski is a thing that you rez and sit on, right? (That is, it is a vehicle). If so, SL will not return it from any LL waterway so long as you are still riding it. Vehicles that are in use are immune from autoreturn. This holds true for unnamed [SSPExxxx] regions as well as named ones. I just rezzed an ancient rowboat and took it out into an SSPExxxx lake for 10 minutes. As soon as no one is riding the jetski, tho, it's an object like any other and will immediately be returned to you.
  16. I don't suppose this is still available? I don't see that there's any such region as Puddle Bay or Puddles Bay
  17. Oh, I lurked those two southernmost coastal parcels in Cougar Point for weeks! Right across the water from Randelsham too! But I was busy RL when it released, oh well Enjoy!
  18. Stadberg has released. I see at least a couple of folks who have 2 homes there, so in addition to the approx. half remaining, there will be some abandons soon.
  19. Mountains or no, the Log Home continent will be getting trains! SSP1460 is one of those border regions between Log Home and Victorian areas that will shortly be built out with a mix of the two. At the southwest corner of it, there is this track leading in from the neighboring Vic region. So far as I know, this intersection at SSP1460 is the only place where track enters LogLand. Anyone found another such place? Presumably this little 3-meter jump will be mitigated somehow, and then the train will be free to run all over LogLand! Except for this fact - the only track currently laid in LogLand is at Randelsham Forest. LL never goes back to rework already settled regions to add track, so presumably all track will be laid in the unbuilt regions. Will the two sections of track link up? The red line indicates the 'crow flies' path between SSP1460 and Randelsham: roughly 10.5 regions wide and 6 regions high. The aqua line shows that a track can indeed be run between the two through unbuilt regions. Most of those regions will probably host Log Homes in addition to track. Of course, who knows what the route will actually be - perhaps it will cross Big Bird Lake! (the long, central vertical lake). Perhaps track will run along both sides of the lake! Train aficionados, get your f5 fingers ready to grab Log Homes along the route, as it gets built out! Because I'll bet the farm that there will be a route between these two points.
  20. I've been told that Infinity Freight uses different code than the freebie trains that are generally available. It supposedly never exhibited the "flipping" behavior that so many trains do in Bellisseria. And, gorgeous pic! One thing I love about Belli's train routes is the lovely landscaping & region design around them.
  21. I have edited @Claire Atheria's excellent list to add another 2 unreleased regions, Cliford and Azulejo, and also pinkify those which we know to have been released since it was first posted. Thanks again, Claire! ETA, found another unreleased two, Osham and Cordeirinhos
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