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Nika Talaj

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Everything posted by Nika Talaj

  1. Soft launch of SL17B in progress today (SL17B group members only). Patch has posted a pic of him at a music venue, possibly in the dry rock region of Awesome, where a hella good party looks like its in progress right now. Inworld chat says the moles are partying there. Enchant is still not connected to SL17B. However, an interesting detail: I noticed yesterday that the water regions all around SL17B's edges seem to have been put in place to make nice little shorelines on the resident build regions. EXCEPT: for 3 edges of Captivate, Exhilarate, and Incredible, which look sheer. Those edges could be finished nicely should Enchant decide to slide 3 regions east of where it is now. ETA: zipped in and I see those edges are all already rimmed with (unlinked) stone walls, ala Log Homes. Hard to say what, if anything, will happen next there!
  2. If I absolutely HAD to guess, I would say that another Vic region (about 20 homes) will be released before 3:30 SLT today. Maybe Talpidary?
  3. On May 27, this was the list of Vic regions that were named and appeared ready for release. I've struck through the ones that have been released since then. Holdover East Randolph Hawkesblood North Wall Parsnip Dreams Goosemere Perpendicular Everstanding Talpidary Thatch Lea Fells Arboretum Lionel Crossing Purslane Patchett Boothbury Carders Mill Ayerdale Filberty Prunella Whither So, 14 left. If I had to guess, I'd say that Talpidary would be next.
  4. You can LOOK at the landpage without being premium. Bookmark this. https://land.secondlife.com/en-US/lindenhomes/land-selection.php Then log a non-premium avie into secondlife.com, and switch the page to that bookmark. Voila. Of course, if you want a peek at the actual properties, that's a different matter! Perhaps. Tho actually I'd prefer, personally, that people go RENT FROM Fruit Island and Eden! Terrific sailing, wonderful activities, active and attentive estate staff. Lots of tropical islands available! p.s. I think the day that Belli has a naturist subcontinent like Eden is far, far, far away 🤔
  5. https://myswimpro.com/blog/2020/02/25/where-are-all-the-black-swimmers/
  6. To me, the empty slot to the east, with water all around it, looks like a possibility too. Depending, of course, on the design of that amphitheater region, I forget what it's called. BUT, I am still not completely convinced that there will be any reveal region come Friday. SL17B Enchant notwithstanding. Possibly we'll have to wait until Tuesday to find out anything more. *shrug*
  7. Hey! How about we move the new theme discussion to its own thread? If LL does a reveal at SL17B, this thread will be flooded with talk and lots of pictures. Here's one!
  8. Ohoh and Hooray! Patch dropped a theme teaser today! Many thanks to @Claire Atheria for bringing this to our attention in the "When did you last see" thread, where there's been some talk about whether this is a new theme or a mailbox update to Traditionals, but I think that either way this teaser deserves its own thread. Particularly IF it is a new theme/style which will be revealed at SL17B (which starts this Fri, 19th)! But there's also this caveat, shared by Patch inworld: The notion of it being a mailbox update is attractive because we'd all get to try it without having to OMG make avatars premium, or OMG releasing our favorite homes! Plus it would not necessitate LL marshalling a bunch of rather scarce regions, at least until Project Uplift finishes. But then, if it's a mailbox update, why is work continuing on the new, pink development regions SSP1501-1550? The moles appear to be trickling back to working on it at a pretty steady clip. Your thoughts? Do you like what you see so far?
  9. Also, looking at the very bottom of this pic, looks like the front steps don't have risers. More like the log cabins than the trads (I think trads all have brick risers?), in that regard.
  10. Hm him saying that could just mean that altho they may be revealed at SL17B, (looking likely now), they can't be released for several months? Beach cottages! I wonder if that relates somehow to ALL the water regions that SL17B sprouted today? I suppose it could be a trad update, but the windows are so different from the trads, and the small stairs right inside the front door ... looks like a different home. But yes, trad-like. Looks like these homes have built-in curtains and at least one model with a 2nd floor balcony (see pink house in rear). I'm not clear on the design of that front porch, can't find a porch railing behind the young man perched on the boxes. A big wraparound one? And Patch & boy are VERY summery! Could they be contemplating an actual release in the summer? Or, if it's an update, mid-summer? I thought they wouldn't be able to do a new theme release before Project Uplift/Cloud was done, targeted for fall. Maybe they've been skimming regions off from owners who've defaulted ... or maybe that just indicates that they're summery beach regions. The boy is drinking Sun ... Sun ... is it Sunmist? 😀
  11. This is true, and historically done to basically anyone who was not a white male with a family, not just to POC. Back in the 80s I bought a house. Downpayments for homes where I was were running 10%. My income was solid, my savings impressive for my age, my credit record good. However, as a single woman the banks wanted 20% down. When asked why, they just handwaved. So I paid half the price of the house in cash, got a separate cheap balloon loan to cover movein and reno (a fixer-upper!), and paid off the (much smaller than originally intended!) 30-year mortgage in 15 years. They shoulda asked for a reasonable downpayment, they would have made more money if they hadn't pissed me off. If I'd been black as well, God knows what they would have done. One way or the other, I probably would never have gotten the house. There were zero agencies to help POC get homes back then.
  12. It's true that right now Bellisseria homes are pretty scarce on the land page. However, they're not THAT rare. I've been refreshing the land page on and off this morning, and I've see a Vic, a few log homes, one or two campers, a couple of trads, and a houseboat (that I grabbed). No guarantees those are all unique properties, of course. When I say "I refreshed", I mean I went to the land page and hit the refresh button nine times, with a pause between each. Then I relog (after 10 tries the land page will tell you you have to wait 10 minutes, but relogging lets you just continue), and do it again. I've been doing 3 or 4 sets of 10 once an hour or so.
  13. To elaborate on what Sylvia (correctly) said, nowadays one region of Vics appears to usually be released per day. I think there's probably about 10 regions ready to be released in this way. Abandoned Log Homes and Campers also show up occasionally on the land page. I see Traditionals only very occasionally. Houseboats appear to have gone into hiding. Sometimes you'll see a few of the styles show up right after a Vic release. I figure some people who've been waiting for a Vic get one, and then release the home they had previously. Today I happened to be around when the Vic release happened, and caught a terrific Traditional home on the coast of Well Springs, on the Pickle. Great place. I let it go immediately. I'm basically just fishing for fun until this alt's premium runs out in a week or so.
  14. I have been reading this thread, and reading White Fragility, and listening to many voices from our local protests. I am a white American and have been wrestling with understanding these issues for decades. I haven't been posting here, or anywhere, because I simply am not knowledgeable enough to contribute meaningfully. But I can see how confusing this whole discussion must be if you've felt yourself to be outside of it until now, for whatever reason. White supremacy predates Trump by centuries. But this brief article is very clarifying about how it is being USED by Trump and others of his ilk. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/jun/14/donald-trump-racism-american-oligarchy Trump does not view himself as racist because for him racism is just a tool to use to exert power. Ultimately, all forms of oppression are about power, not skin color or gender or class. Oppressed people must pursue every avenue to slowly, slowly wrest power from those who hold an unearned dominion. How long did it take white American women to get the vote? It was, what, 80 years until black women also gained that right? It is so uplifting to see people using the raw power of their bodies in the streets to change the balance of power, even if briefly. Racism in America will not end, even if every police department is dramatically reformed. But every step forward is important.
  15. Indeed! VIcs are still on the land page, tho it looks like the region released at about 12:57SLT. I went to peek, & most of the parcels are still marked "Linden Home". All those I checked had 'last claimed' dates of today. Evidently we hoppers on this thread are not the only Bellisserians who've become a bit picky! This region may turn out to Ever be Standing on the LH Land page!
  16. Chenoweth is one of 8 duplicates; but it IS next to an SSPE region, so if your cabin bordered that, it's a little harder to duplicate. But, looking at Abnor's map, we see that clones are: Wikiup - SSPE both above and to the west. Kinda looks like both may end up as parkland! Artagan very similar situation placement to Chenoweth, SSPE right above it Sinaca similar as well. Marked Deck - has void regions both above and to the west! Crooked Posse, has void regions both above and to the west! The only Chenoweth clones which have regular regions all around them are: Hootnanny Parson's Corner
  17. I see occasional small differences in landscaping between clones, but for the most part the landscaping is the same, so far as I've observed. And I have researched it a bit; here is Abnor's slide showing placement of template tiles in LogLand. The place where there is a LOT of room for differences is where tiles meet other tiles and SSPE regions. Boom Tender is a pleasant region which is cloned here & there (bright red tiles); the Boom Tender copy abuts the SSPE region that contains the "eye" in Big Bird Lake, which is a parkland region. Homes along that edge are greatly enhanced The peaceful, pretty, private Aconti parcel we have has 9 clones (turquoise tiles)! I visited many of them to see how corresponding parcels looked. The Aconti one feels unique because it fronts (with a Grand View) on an SSPE region that is unusually low in land level and has Loon Lake. The other versions I visited all were adjacent to other homes that felt very close. We'll see what the moles do with the SSPE region!
  18. LL has not announced that there will be a reveal. But they have yet to make ANY detailed announcement about SL17B, and things that they've been doing inworld seem to indicate that they're preparing for one.
  19. Abandoned that houseboat in Ness. Just got it back again. ARGH
  20. /me looks at the pink SSP1501-1550 development regions dubiously. That's about how many regions were used to create the Log Home templates.
  21. When we cleaned out my grandparents' house, which was generally speaking spotless, we found an entire coat closet full of (again, meticulously clean) yogurt containers. Single-serving, with lids. It was a depression-era mentality, never throw away anything that might be useful. Particularly if its made of plastic and will last almost FOREVER. Hopefully the day will come when we once again carefully clean & save the occasional reusable container that food comes in, because nearly everything comes in use-once, truly recyclable packaging! Someday!
  22. Thank you all! I think I was clinging to this boat because of the difficulty of finding ANY houseboat that wasn't inside a bunch of atolls, but y'all are right. If you don't feel it, why keep it? PLUS, there's two other factors that I didn't mention. One is that the alt who has it is monthly! We were planning to pare down alts after we decided on what log home to keep, but once the moles stopped building, we find that we're spending money waiting ... and waiting ... we'll probably get rid of one of our log home parcels soon as well. Secondly, when was I going to furnish this home anyway? RL has gotten incredibly busy (it lets me spend 15 minutes here and there on forums, but few blocks of inworld time). And there's two scripts that I really want to write ... and the Vic that Elena referred to has been on the cusp of being finished for WEEKS now ... Argh. what was I thinking! If anyone particularly wants this boat, let me know. Otherwise, she will swim away sometime late tonight!
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