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Nika Talaj

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Everything posted by Nika Talaj

  1. Doubt it, the Fantasseria coastline is already completely built out and landscaped. and I can't see LL creating another Fantasseria continent in the foreseeable future. Fantasy homes, good parcels to my eyes, are continuously available on the Land Page. And as I noted in the SSP thread, I'm still furtively hoping that new Fantasseria models will be added to the current choices, which might enhance that theme's popularity. I don't know what LL is thinking, but I know what I would be thinking were I a Linden. At some point LL intends to close the "classic" Linden Home continents. What makes a better story: OR
  2. Wild Speculation Time! I've been intrigued by a few new-ish singleton SSP regions. In particular, SSP2532PT and SSP2532X interest me. The original Fantasy buildout in the SSP zone was numbered SSP25xx (yes, there was an SSP2532), and had light green region covers like these (note that PSS Test is a much older region). I suppose the moles could just be creating a special Fantasy region for some particular event. OR (I'm sure this is wishful thinking, but hey) ... does anyone want to join me in hoping these regions are being used to develop new, smaller, perhaps more fantasy-ish homes to add to the controllers in Fantasseria?
  3. Courtesy of my neighbor Fluffeh Bunny , my alt indulged in a Barbie moment in Dimanche.
  4. Re: delay --- It did seem to me that there was an unexpected LH schedule slowdown last fall, maybe some Moles were pulled away to work on one of LL's partnerships? But then they did the several projects they had talked about doing before a new theme, remember? They did the open floorplan+MyColor Trads, and the new Houseboat models, and the open floorplan Vics, and a bunch of coastline. (Plus the April Fool Alien Incursions, which I loved). I really like the ranches, but since I have VERY little time in SL right now, and I'm not budgeting any more money for SL, I decided to pass. I agree that Vics on 2048 would be terrific. But LL seemed pretty clear that 2048 versions of older themes will not be coming. Never say never, tho!
  5. Well, progress on a new theme up in the SSP zone is proceeding pretty rapidly, which leads me to speculate that it is another 2048 theme. They just added another couple of regions, bringing the total up to 10. You'd expect it to be done when 35 or so new regions are complete. That gives them quite a few blocks of "tiles" that they can quickly assemble into subcontinents. The ranches were just released at the end of June, and then got an update Aug. 4th. Personally, I would look for a 'hint' around Halloween, and release in December? Maybe? There are probably a lot of variables that go into committing to a LH release date. The moles are always busy in the fall on other projects like Shop N Hops etc.. Maybe there will be some work on LH coastlines? *crosses fingers* Plus, the new welcome & Belli hubs are great steps toward closing the original Linden Home continents, which Patch has hinted may be on the horizon. Maybe in 2024? Note that they have a lot of unreleased regions that might be used to soften the blow of closing those - the entire Fantasy coastline, Newbrookes, Chalets, Houseboats, and now even Vics. More Stilts would be fairly easy to deploy. I'm sure there will be Ranches on hand at that time as well.
  6. You are correct. I've deleted the irrelevant content, thanks
  7. Coercion? Forcing interactions? Please be more explicit, I have no idea what you're referring to. ETA: If you're thinking of the 15 second grace period before evictions by Belli security devices, I think that's a far cry from "forcing interactions".
  8. I prefer the rectangles, and like Teresa, I like those on the end. There are also some nice ones next to a Mole shed/boathouse. To me, the rectangles feel more like an actual houseboat, like I see in RL. Also, I find the long stretch of water to be more flexible. I can easily define separate swimming, docking, and deck areas; or have a sea monster/dolphins or whatever roaming to and fro, or see my kite or birds flying out far from the house, or put an underwater garden out at the end of my parcel, providing a nice transition to the open sea.
  9. I disagree. If it were the first time I encountered an eviction (i.e. if I were a newbie), I would definitely return, in order to figure out what just happened. I'm a very curious individual, but hopefully devoid of negative intent. Also, my security-minded partner tolerated returns when we were not present in the parcel. So, even some to whom security is important might not be so touchy about incursions. If it happened habitually, one of us would try to login to the parcel when they arrived and discuss why the person was coming to our property in particular (my script can send emails when strangers enter a parcel). That's how we found out that there were a few fans of our stream. We put out a dance ball for one nice couple to use when they visited our (non-LH) region.
  10. GREAT idea for a new theme😻 Bungalows, slightly run-down Vics and Trads, tree houses. Community region with music store. Bring it!
  11. A nit: if not, then why is the group tag "Bellisseria Resident"? Should it be "Bellisseria Helper"?
  12. Am I right in assuming that you are talking about the 15 second grace period allowed by Linden Home security devices? I don't have social anxiety, but I do understand enough about it to see that a person may have a legitimate need to know that it is IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to be on their property for more than a moment. But I also see reasons why a 15-second grace period is the rule for Linden Homes. Linden Homes have ALWAYS been meant to provide a pleasant and simplified "home" experience for new residents. The parcels are small and fairly densely packed, by LL economic necessity. SL isn't RL; just because someone comes onto your parcel does not mean that they wish to intrude, or even meant to be there. Being evicted moments after accidentally setting foot on another person's parcel is very confusing if you're just learning how to get around; it's certainly not welcoming to newbies. Consider, also, that SL's vast interconnected continents are an attractive differentiator from many other virtual worlds, so it makes sense for LL to encourage travel and exploration. 15 seconds is a reasonable time to traverse a parcel, or recover from disorienting lag that results in a newbie ending up many meters beyond where they were intending to walk. Further, Belli is particularly meant to not only be welcoming to newbies but also encourage community interactions, since LL has (finally!) learned that a vital community is a powerful tool for customer retention. That's why you see so many people in Belli who are inclined to indiscriminately socialize. Supporting newbies, fostering community, and encouraging travel and exploration are imperatives that are never going to change in Belli. Therefore, Belli may never be able to accommodate your need for privacy. When you get a Premium membership, you get the right to acquire mainland, and a modicum of free tier. That is intended to help you acquire property that suits your needs, whether that property be a Linden Home or a very private parcel. Or, don't pay for Premium membership and rent from a reputable private estate that allows immediate eviction and autobanning. I did so for years, and never had a problem. (And, if you have days when you enjoy Belli's community, you can do so without actually living there). I hope you find an SL home that makes you happy.
  13. A couple of points of interest about the SSP zone. The entire block of Ranch development tiles (SSP4000 - 4035) has been restored, after having been taken down shortly after the Ranch theme was released. Presumably this has helped with the ongoing rollout of new Ranch regions. I see that Ranch homes now seem to be available fairly steadily on the land page. Also, development of a new theme seems to be slowly progressing. The SSP45xx regions have now grown to 8 regions. Also, shortly after it was released in Belli the SSP Vic community region SSPVCR changed from green to a winter look, simultaneously changing its name to SSPVCRW. In recent weeks, a single green dot has frequented it often, as you see at this moment. Perhaps someone whose RL environs are baking is enjoying spending time in a Victorian winter wonderland? That does sound nice!
  14. You can, of course, but they are on by default. I leave them on so I know if I've offended anyone. I think there are a lot of users, particularly newbies, who don't even know they can be turned off. I had a neighbor who perhaps was using an older device that scanned in a circle. She put me on her ban list, must have picked me up when I was drowsing in my hammock on that side of my property. I sent her a nice note, waited a week, no change. So I put her on MY ban list, and she moved. No idea if that was a coincidence.
  15. I always love your bold use of color. In this case, I'm delighted by how the deep blue background works to draw the eye to any avatar in the room, since their fleshtone is such a contrast.
  16. For sure! That person whose attention is captured by my build or music stream, or who is wrestling with their plane's HUD, is DEFINITELY not innocent! They are the embodiment of why AR-15s were invented! Honestly, Phil, what a mindset. At one point, my partner and I owned 10 Belli parcels. Not once have we ever had a visitor who was "not innocent". Here is a concrete reason why using banlists in Belli, where as you know parcels are often cheek-by-jowl, is just plain BAD. The banned avatar is standing quite a ways from the parcel she's banned on, and banlines are visible to her from where her camera is, even farther away. If she were a neighbor or frequent passersby, she sees the uglies every time she comes anywhere near the parcel. Why? Probably because she stumbled across the parcel border once during a laggy moment. In Belli, setting banlines for any avatar who is not a griefer is, in my book, harassment. So congrats, Phil, you build devices whose purpose is to harass fellow residents. Their use particularly targets users who are already having some trouble controlling their avatar - people who are new to SL, or whose equipment is borderline capable of running a viewer. Great.
  17. i have a visitor logger script that tracks how long anyone who is not in my group spends on my parcel. It does not eliminate duplicates, and on a couple of my properties I've had it running for years. VERY few people come onto my parcels unless I'm giving something away (less than 3 people/month). Even if I'm giving something away, people tend to just cam in. Mostly, people very occasionally blunder onto my parcel for less than 10 seconds. Oddly, people who blunder in are generally not neighbors. I think they may mostly be people whose vehicle has gotten a little out of control. When we had our own stream, once or twice a year we'd have a guest who would spend time listening to it. (We could tell when people actually listened to the stream). But I don't have that anymore.
  18. SO, as of yesterday GoldiPatch and the Moles have introduced new ranch house models with more walls! What do you-all think? (Personally, I'm just a ranch voyeur at the moment. I'm amazed, AMAZED I tell you, that no mysterious admirer has gifted me a PP membership yet! 🤠 )
  19. It sounds like the scene just isn't rendering correctly for you. Do you see this in any other Bellisseria regions? Belli regions have a lot of stuff to render, much of which may be new to you. In Belli, I set my Draw Distance somewhere around 120m. If you set Draw Distance too large, your viewer may not get around to loading your immediate environs very quickly. If resetting your draw distance doesn't help, I would try clearing my viewer cache. In Firestorm (probably the same as LL's viewer), go to: "Preferences/Network & Files/Directories", on the "Cache Location" line hit the "Clear Cache" button and relog.
  20. I found Mini cards #2 and #3, and another #2 that I left where it was, but I haven't seen any #1's! I wonder, were the #1s dropped a while ago? Say ... somewhere else in Belli?? [Incidentally, the combs themselves are really cute. And rather ... petite ... er, mini ... as you'd expect ].
  21. After the ranches, it wouldn't be surprising if the next theme were a water one. BUT ... I had the impression that Patch dreamed up the 'salad dressing' theme name idea on the fly; I wouldn't read too much into "thousand island".
  22. I've never played with experiences, but if I were a mole I would, to see if one could eliminate the appearance of an underwater tunnel being flooded. I made this suggestion two years ago, and @Dyna Mole agreed that it was worth trying. The basic scripting wouldn't be hard, but might require some fiddling to get the desired look. I went through a tunnel just to see if anything like this had been done, but no. I doubt this would involve the user setting up EEP in any special way, and I also doubt you'd have to use the region/parcel environment to see the effect.
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