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  1. From the fact that you have many students ask about research information, does that not show you that SL has relatively high barriers to entry, in the sense that it isn't particularly accessible to the casual user. We have IN FACT used SL but it all seems relatively complex as none of us are really into equivalent "games", ergo it doesn't come naturally to us. I think even from this information alone we can see that it is relatively "exclusive", we just feel that it lacks any objectives and are trying to understand why, with such poor aesthetics, SL has managed to retain such a high number of users or even if many new members may have joined? We'd really appreciate any feedback you could give us. Many thanks, Matt
  2. We have been working on this as a group and have dedicated some time to playing SL. It is hardly a particulalrly "accessible" platform, and with such a short space of time with which to garner some research. The majority of users appear to have dedicated around 2-3 years to it and we only have 2 weeks, it's not been that easy gauging an understanding when it isn't a genre we're particularly well versed in. We'd appreciate any information you'd be happy to provide. Just don't be a dick about it.
  3. Apologies for not taking the most serious tone with that response, it was meant in humour, a little like your "Suffering from severe post coital giggling"...
  4. I'll rephrase, to clarify, would you like to see integration in the format that Facebook provides with regard to SL or do you prefer to keep SL separate?
  5. Thank you so much for giving us an honest reply. The reason we had kept it relatively open is because we have been asked to provide information and research results in a very short space of time. We've been asked to come up with a new direction as apparently, SL is failing. We had tried to ask in SL but people seemed a little benevolent when it came to responding and it didn't seem like the easiest network to join unless you already knew people involved. As a consequence, in order to encourage new users, we believe that there needs to be some element of strategy as purely describing it as a creative platform to develop a character doesn't in our eyes provide enough of a draw to keep coming back to the game. Do you think that placing objectives and simplifying it would discourage you, as it may require putting in certain limitations to make it more user-friendly? I promise I'll never write smoochies ever again... Once again thank you for responding to an otherwise despised post in this forum!
  6. Hey all, I'm currently doing a university project based on Second Life and trying to get some feedback from the users about what they think could be improved and what it is that keeps them returning to SL? From a social perspective, do you want to see greater integration with other websites, or do you prefer to keep SL separate? Thanks in advance for any feedback! Smoochies. Matt
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