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Conifer Dada

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Everything posted by Conifer Dada

  1. The Beta Grid is there to test things. Linden Lab use it for testing new features and it's useful for residents to test things like textures without having to pay real L$ to upload them. At one time the Beta Grid used to keep pace with your main grid inventory by regular updating but that doesn't seem to happen any more. As mentioned above, you'll need to write down all your avatar shape settings ane re-enter them on the main grid, there's no short cut that I'm aware of! Best do it as soon as possible because nothing is guaranteed permanent on Beta!
  2. I use advanced lighting for most snapshots and I occasionally use it when exploring to get a better feel for a place. But it slows down my frame rate so much that I leave it off for day-to-day activities. Perhaps if I get a new computer I might be bale to use it a lot more.
  3. People don't have to be beautiful in Second Life - otherwise there wouldn't be any decompsoing zombie or giant gorrilla avatars here. But I sort of see what the original poster means - people who are probably trying to look good, or at least properly put-together, but they get it wrong. You see this with buildings too, especially on mainland, where someone appears to have taken some trouble to make what was intended to be a nice home, but they lacked the skills to do it properly.
  4. Beethros Karas wrote:..... "there is NOT an SL V2..." Linden Lab themselves have said they're embarking on the development of a new virtual world, or SL V2 if you like. "There is a new project called high fidelity and has NOTHING to do with SL or a SL 2 or a whatever people want to present as a substitute of our beautifull world." Linden Lab is one of the named investors in High Fidelity, which is run by Philip Rosedale, the originator of SL.
  5. I have a picture of the citadel building at Linden Village above my bed in my home, the Bunkerlow. I've always been a loyal Lindenist and I keep this as a reminder of those who made, and continue to make, Second Life possible for us all.
  6. The 'General Discussion' forum is presumably for general discussion of topics related to Second Life rather than real life. :) I don't know if any people these days still have pipes to put things in and smoke them.
  7. The outcome is that the griefing objects have been removed and Mosh is tranquil once again. I managed to identify the sources of the horrible images and AR'd the owner. I know that at least one other person also AR'd them, probably others did too. Given that the actual griefer is unlikely to have returned to remove their own objects, I can only assume it was someone from LL who did so. By the way, if this thread doesn't count as 'general discussion', I'd like to know what does :)
  8. LlazarusLlong wrote: Conifer Dada wrote: The attack has been going on for a few hours and I posted about it on here because, as I said, I couldn't get the name of the perpetrator. Just hoping that someone from LL gets to hear bout this so they can take action. Hi Conifer. What exactly did you hope to achieve in posting this sensationalist journalism here in GD? I would have thought this is the last place you would expect to find a Linden - except for Xiola, and I wouldn't expect a PR assistant to be much good in a firefight. Or do you know something we don't? Hi Lazarus - I'll hand the question back to you - what exactly did you hope to achieve with your response to my query? :smileyvery-happy: PS I could write a you full account of my reasons for attempting to report a griefer by unorthodox methods but it might use up several notecards.
  9. Hi I couldn't AR this horrid attack because I can't get the name of the perpetrator. It conisists of the usual thing - offensive overtly racist spam messages in chat accompanied by a storm of images, some of too horrific to look at. The location is the mall near the bridge at Mosh, on Zindra. The attack has been going on for a few hours and I posted about it on here because, as I said, I couldn't get the name of the perpetrator. The spam was coming from lots of different codenames. As well as violating TOS the perpetrator is probably breaking the RL law, depending on where they live. Just hoping that someone from LL gets to hear bout this so they can take action.
  10. Jenni Darkwatch wrote: "They" can't. It'd have to be LL coming up with a new avi mesh, one that supports all the old alphas+clothing layers but has better topology and morphs, accepts 1024x1024 textures, has separate textures for left/right arm etc.pp. Chance of that happening? NIL. It ought to be possible for LL to update the system avatar mesh. I haven't yet seen a "mesh" human avatar that looks, overall, better than a system one. The creators might have managed things like more realistic nostrils, feet etc, but on the whole the mesh avartars look cartoony, even if they're not meant to be anime types.
  11. As well as making textures you could sell copies of your pictures, which are very good, in SL. All you'd need to do is import an image of your artwork as a texture and apply it to a flat board, which is simple to make from a basic cube, using your 'build' menu on the SL viewer. Although your pictures are very good, as I said, there's a lot of very good art in Second Life so it's not guaranteed that you'll get many buyers. But it's certainly worth a try, and you'll be making something for yourself and your friends to keep as well.
  12. Contest boards are best regarded as a lottery in the same was as a sploder, only with less chance of winning. Here's why: 1) Genuine guests can bring along alts to vote for them 2) Clubs can bring in their own alts to vote for a 'planted' insider posing as a guest. 3) If you really want to win a contest, you will reduce your chances if you vote for the person you think is the best.
  13. I don't find the forums boring, although they're not so interesting that I'd want to spend hours on them, which suits me as I'd rather spend most of my SL time actually logged in-world. I think the forums exist primarily to be helpful to residents rather than to be interesting. That doesn't mean they can't be interesting, but it's a bonus if they are. :smileyhappy:
  14. Vania Chaplin wrote: Ohoh.. As far as I know, High Fidelity is a new project by Philip Rosedale not linked with Linden Lab. It is an open source project. High Fidelity's homepage now lists Linden Lab as one of its main investors. See: https://highfidelity.io/ - and scroll down to see 4 named major investors - True Ventures, Google Ventures, Linden Lab and Kapor Capital.
  15. There are land owners who rent out skyboxes, often stacking them maybe 100 metres above one another. In that case there's usually a prim allowance set by the land owner for each tenant and if you exceed it you might get told off or worse. It's always possible that you might find someone who would let you rez a skybox way above their land as a one-off, maybe even for free, but if they change their mind they hold all the cards! If you want to try the unofficial 'squatting' method, it might be quite fun to see how long you can stay somewhere, like I did, but I was always prepared for eviction and surprised it didn't happen earlier. It might be an idea to seek out several sites and rez a sky platform on each and landmark it, then if you get thrown off one place you can always have another one ready to move to. When I did this, I had my own land with a home on it as well, and so squatting was just a game really, to see what happened. And I only picked land that was disused, which was easy to spot because it tended to have plywood cubes prims, spinning motorcycles and other junk scattered around.
  16. If you can find a bit of rez-allowed land you could rez a skybox there, but it's someone else's land and if they find it they'll probably remove it. I have my own home on the ground but years ago there was a large area of neglected land in Berbera sim, I think, where people were able to rez stuff and I had a sky module there for some months. During that time someone else rezzed some missiles in my module and, since it wasn't my land, I couldn't remove them, so I had to move it up or down away from the missiles. Predictably, in the end the land filled up with junk so nobody could rez anything. Then either the owner came back or the land was abandoned to Governor Linden and eveything, including my sky module, disappeared. Rez-allowed land, or open build as it's often called, tends to fill up with junk quickly. Also auto-return might be set, so you might have just rezzed the skybox and sat down to relax when suddenly it all vanishes and you start tumbling through the clear blue sky.
  17. There is so much accidental nudity in SL these days - like when you turn up at a busy place there are sections of unclothed mesh bodies waving about in random directions and after they snap into place you see complete naked people until their clothes rez. This makes a bit of a mockery of the regulations and so they might as well be abolished!
  18. I've been in SL over 8 years now and I'm perfectly comfortable with calling it a game
  19. Several of my favourite clubs have closed in the last couple of years and it's not easy to find replacents. Searching events and places has found one or two but I've always felt with SL that there's a whole lot one never gets to find out about - a bit like real life really !
  20. 1. it's not a game.. Oh - I'd better stop playing Second Life then. Funny because I've been playing for over 8 years without any problems. Mind you, my score still seems to be 0 :matte-motes-big-grin:
  21. Gimpeline Dabney wrote: If its a playlist dj that don't talk4,. I most likley leave after a cupple of songs since I can have the same experience sitting in my skybox listening to the radio. I'm thinking about good non-talk DJ's where the club surroundings are good and the other people there make it a nice place to be. Then the whole thing can work very well.
  22. I've come across really good DJ's in Second Life - including some who don't do any talking but you know their music choice is going to be good. But there are DJ's who, to put it kindly, are not so good! Ones who talk over songs, even sometimes sing or rap along - nobody wants to hear that! Then there's all the cliches like 'Show some Linden lovin' or 'Jump into my naughty box' or 'C'mon party people'. And then there's mash-ups, when the DJ thinks two tunes sound good played at the same time - in most cases they don't sound good! And worst of all is when DJ's aren't getting enough entries for contests and so start playing tunes frome Sesame Street or something until more people vote.
  23. For some time I've been saying that I think it would be a good idea for Linden Lab to raise the tier-free limit from 512 sq m to 1024 sq m. There are vast swathes of abandoned land on the mainland continents. Raising the tier-free limit would encourage more people to go Premium, which would raise income for LL. It would also make good use of some of the abandoned land. I know LL is a business and we shouldn't expect something for nothing, but raising the tier-free limit to 1024 sq m could be a win-win situation - for SL residents and LL.
  24. If you're a normal, average shaped, fairly slim person then you can get a good shape with the standard 'system' avatar mesh. Even if you're a bit on the portly side, you can get a realistic shape on the sliders. But if you want to be obsese in SL, then a mesh avatar might be a better bet - if you can find an obese mesh that you like! I've not gone into mesh avatars myself but my observations are: Mesh avatars can provide better detailing in some areas of the body and they can also give smoother joint articulartion at extreme angles. A lot of mesh avatars look like they've been designed by people who have never seen a real human being! Just because someone knows how to make a mesh avatar doesn't mean that they're good at design. If you have a mesh avatar it's as well to be aware that your 'beauty' will be lost on a lot of people who can't use graphics set to max . There's a glitch that makes some mesh items look like they're made of stretched chewing gum attached to a far-away point. This can be solved by turning off 'hardware skinning' in graphics, but that also causes a poor, blotchy lighting effect on some mesh avatars for some reason.
  25. Another problem has recenty appeared with 'My Outfits' folders. I keep my outfits in sub-folders - such as 'skirts and dresses', 'shorts outfits' and 'novelty outfits'. But recently I've made some new outfits and I can't move the folders for these into any of the sub-folders. It used to be possible to do that. I realise this problem is not as serious as the one affecting the original poster, Layla, but it's further evidence that 'My Outfits' is broken at the moment.
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