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Leora Jacobus

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Everything posted by Leora Jacobus

  1. Good to hear! I just put some of those in my favourites list! But now I will first unpack and test the rest of the 9 gardens I was foolish enough to buy in my first WOW effect and see if they contain any material that does NOT vanish as soon as you go 5 or 10 meters away!
  2. That's lovely! but 51 LI - Does it come with all the accesories?
  3. I only tested (and disassembelled) two gardens till now and though on the one hand side I am happy with the result: lots of low LI stuff, very nice pickety fence, trees, gras, flowers, bushes, garden furniture with animations, even a transparent "lawn" pad with lying and sitting animations for f. m and couples, a path with grasses on both sides only one LI ... Still at the whole I am very dissappointed because of the LOD!! What good is as lovely flowerbed (if you zoom in) when allready looked at from the balcony you see only the bed not the flowers! So if you plan to buy stuff there, have it rezzed by the vendor and look at it closely ... or rather not so closely! look from 10 m distance!
  4. What region? New release or abandoned? I didn't even see it or heasr it.
  5. I saved myself poor!! *lol* I bought NINE gardens for about 3000 L$. Sometimes I get these shopping fits (not too often) at sales. Buz I never collected much stuff all these years for house and garden. When I heard of the new Linden homes first there was the PixelMode Sale (first fit) and now I realized that I had not much plants and garden stuff. Now I have ABUNDAND!. I tested the first two in the sandbox. It comes with a rezzbox but you can unlink it all and reassemble bits. Will take weeks till I get through all that stuff! But I must warn you: some of it has very poor LOD. Trees that crumble in a distance of 10m are not ideal.
  6. Exactly!! THAT's what I meant! And I guess that's why they didn't change the name to "Pizza Hütte" which wouldn't sound very inviting.
  7. Another house went by some minutes ago. Now I know what makes me miss them. I have the Chrome refresh running on my netbook and do other things at my tower. The netbook has a bluetooth mouse and for some reasons that mouse seems to go to sleep if I do not use it all the time. So when I hear the sound, hop up, go one step to the table and grab my mouse it does not react. I have to moove it vigorously till it realizes that it's been needed ... and that are the one or two seconds that lets me miss every time!
  8. Depends where you live! Wolfboro was released 18:05 (for ME!) that means 9:05 am SLT - not all that early.
  9. I saw it! ... but didn't hear an alarm so didn*t notice the picture before it was to late! Silly old me! Funny that this time the Chrome Refesh showed me a house but did not malke a sound.
  10. Has anyone heard anything if there might be a second release today?
  11. It pops up and shows you a house or a houseboat when you refresh ... but sometimes you have to look in the dropdown menue.
  12. ONLY on the website. Once the website tells you you GOT it it is yours. No need to go inworld immediately.
  13. Must have been seconds again! - I only saw ONE house and didn't catch it- Was that it for today? What says the Patch- oracle?
  14. I didn't see the houseboat ... so much to 80 seconds!
  15. Just saw a house pass by - only one! - or so I think.
  16. This should be linked here: It's astonishing what this blogger can get out of an old Linden home! Here more examples And here's about the Tahoo houses
  17. That sure is a nice view! I only saw lots of houses cramped together when I last had an old home! But maybe now as people only want the new ones you can pick and choose - and abandon till you get such a view.
  18. And you can be sure: half the customers in Germany think exactly that is meant: Pizza HAT ... especially since some of the restaurants have roofs that resembly Chinese hats. *lol*
  19. Good to hear .... though I feel sorry for you! ... that you haven't seen anything on the weekend, for I took the weekend OFF! Not from the computer, from SL or the forum ... just from this refreshing madness! - and it was relaxing!
  20. Well I speak a lot of German but not a word of Swedish ... so I thoght Google Translator might help but HURSKE BUR DOOR HABOORSKEY. WÜRFFEL HOOSE! is just Doubledutch!
  21. " Würffel Hoose " is not typical English pronounciation of whatsoever - you have no ü - we do. "Würfel Hose" is German and means "dice trousers" ... makes no sense either does it?
  22. Hourly?? The other (auto-) refreshers discuss wether 80 seconds is too long or 72 seconds is too short! On the other hand @Izzy Harcassle seems to have been lucky only refreshing hourly. I think that was mere chance! - But I refresh every 80 seconds and as most releases are gone in less I often do not even SEE them! So may the Gods of Bellisseria be with us! Good luck to all of us on this Monday!
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