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Sephina Frostbite

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Everything posted by Sephina Frostbite

  1. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: is that why you havent replied to me? I didnt block and delete you..... I am pretty sure I didnt.... thanks now I have to go check. /me is worried and a lil bit paranoid
  2. Gavin Vidor wrote: This is somewhat avatar related so I figured I would post it here. Basically, I've been playing for a long while and not until recently I wanted to start being more OCD about my inventory. My problem is I have over 17k items and most are unsorted and unorganized. I was wondering what would be the best way to organize a gigantic inventory? In world? Other PC software? Thanks I created this thread when I was having trouble. I started out with 120k worth of stuff down to 33k and still have room for improvement. lol Hope it helps http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/How-did-you-get-motivated/m-p/1797277
  3. Ariel Vuissent wrote: Sephina, hopefully you've gotten some help, but if you still need some, I'm logging in now and can help if you want. Much thanks to you Ariel for have patience and helping me.. I actually look great! /me feeling purdy now.
  4. Storm Clarence wrote: I can lend a hand with those lola's. I can lend two if needed LOl thanks Storm, always such a thoughtful helper. /me giggles
  5. Not sure what I am not getting about the Lola tango things but I need someone with patience to help me out inworld. I just wanna see what the hype is about. I cant get any clothing to work with it I think I got the skin to match eh okay but could use a lil help with that.. Thank you in advance :)
  6. It sucks that it happens. I sometimes wish we could name names on here but I do understand why we aren't and we shouldn't. However if I am ripped off all my friends will know and I am sure they will pass it on. Word of mouth still holds as the highest form of advertisement. That's why I never slander people unless I know for sure that they are scamming people. I am still hoping to see my custom work I have been waiting on for. I hope also it isn't a scam. I feel your pain there.
  7. Dresden Ceriano wrote: On second thought, who am I or anyone else, for that matter, to come here and tell people what they can whine about? So go ahead and whine... ...Dres I also wish there was a like button, thanks for the laugh!
  8. Its the skin sweetie, just need to change it. They have free to low cost good looking skins too! GL hun.
  9. Say it aint so. Say its a joke but dont leave. *cries in a corner
  10. Magika has a hair that looks like that. I cant remember what its called but they do..
  11. Melita Magic wrote: While it would be nice if things like the thigh bone on the SL shape could be shortened, people should also keep in mind that not everyone has the same values, no matter what the base shape's mathematical values are. One person's perfect is another person's "OMG that is ugly." Well said Metilda! Just enjoy you and forget what the nay sayers say..lol You are the one playing it right?
  12. TristanMercer wrote: Ctrl P or open preferences Privacy Tab AutoresponseTab Edit which one you need. Thank you sweetie!
  13. On Fire storm how do you change the "busy" message? Thank you
  14. You can also transfer to an alt. Just pay the alt all your money.. No fee for that one.
  15. Although they are nice, they still seem a little off to me. But then again I could be crazy. lol
  16. Marcus Hancroft wrote: I just did a search for "Male Mesh Avatar" on the marketplace to see where that kind of avatar is going, and I was/am amazed that most all of them I see are grossly over muscled, or look poorly shaped. Of course, they are all rigged mesh so you can't edit them to suit. Can you even wear old style system clothes with them? My guess is no. I've begun wearing mostly mesh clothes and so I'm assuming you CAN wear those, but, what if the sizes won't fit you? Does the alpha layers hide parts of mesh avatars like they do the standard SL avatar mesh? I don't know. I will say that all of the hands and feet I've seen on mesh avatars look ever so much better than the standard mesh ones do. OK, I know that this kind of avatar is in its infancy and that there will be much better ones as more designers/makers get into making mesh avatars. But the ones that are out there now leave much to be desired. To the mash makers: Can we have some "regular" shaped avatars, please? I don't want to be a hulk. I wanna be regular guy that looks normal. Thank you! Some of the female ones are scary as h3ll as well. I wonder if they just put it out there to be the first?
  17. Loved the video, it was fun and cute! Well taken. Thanks for sharing
  18. My avatar is tall and I am neither the tallest nor the shortest at I believe 6 Ft 5 in. I thought for a while I should make myself shorter to make other people happy but I started asking around everyone told me not to touch a single inch on my avi. If I was happy before why would someone elses mocking my look make me change. I got around other females who are shorter and I start to feel like a freak.That is until I get loaded with you are the pretest avi here comments... This is my sl not theirs. Be proud of you whether you choose to stay tall or shorten yourself up a bit. Just be happy with you!
  19. Jade Glazner wrote: O hai! Playing dress up is so much fun on SL but it really sucks to have to go about it alone. My friends don't log on anymore, and I usually end up shopping for hours alone because I have literally nothing else to do. ;o I am a designer and I have my own store but I don't always feel like making new things. Ideas are always nice though! Anyway, I think we would get along nicely so if you'd like to hang out one day feel free to IM me. My search function is derping though and keeps giving me an error when I try to search for you to pull up your profile ;o Np! When I sign in inworld Ill look you up! I know how you feel. the friends I have that love to do dress up arent on when I am or they dont talk anymore. So I am stuck there bored for hours.
  20. Jade Glazner wrote: When I want to scale a shape up or down, I always adjust both the height and the body thickness. If you just scale the height down it'll appear to make your shape chubbier, and if you only scale the height up it will make her look lanky. If you adjust the body thickness in the same way you can keep the proportions. If you're doing it by a lot though (more than 10 or so points on the slider) I would recommend also scaling down the muscle on the legs and arms a few points. Thank you ladies. My body looks okay but my legs and calves look like tree trunks. I would have bought a new avi but I love my avi and couldnt imagine looking any different.
  21. I want to have a second shape (the same but shorter) but when I make my avi shorter her thighs become bigger. How do I slim them down.. The muscle slider isnt what I need. TY
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