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Sephina Frostbite

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Everything posted by Sephina Frostbite

  1. UncommonTruth wrote: Agreed ^ And adding that the chin is a little masculine. If you go back to round out the face, making the chin just a little more shallow and tiny bit less squared would give it a more feminine look. I agree with both lades. Imho I think the profile is lovely and the front view is a bit long..but I love the eeriness to it. And nicely don't BTW!
  2. How do I make a picture frame.. I know make a prim box and flatten it but how do I put the picture in it?
  3. Perrie Juran wrote: Qie Niangao wrote: its ok to rape and murder but not to be a hamster, Well, duh! I mean, if it's okay to rape and murder, it can't be okay to be a hamster. Imagine the carnage, and PETA's reaction. You Might Wind Up With A Pregnant Hamster Love it!! Always a great post!
  4. Heart Brimmer wrote: Penny Patton wrote: Caemlyn Witherspoon wrote: What happened to imagination? I will prolly get tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail but I HATE MESH! I DO realize it is still in the beginning stages and has come a long way just in the short time it has been out. Mesh beats all the others hands down as far as looks, but wearability - it has a LONG ways to go. Mesh hair looks like globs of modelling clay layng on your head. The texture is great, but it looks horrible. It reminds me of the hair before flexi hair came out. It just lays there. Is this really a step forward or back? And as for female clothing....what a nightmare! I don't want to look like every other woman in SL. I want to look like me. I can't have big boobs IRL, so I have them in SL! (I could but hubby refuses to remortgage the house for a boob job.) I don't want to look exactly like the clothing makers. I want to look like me. I have even bought things that the maker sent along a copy of their shape so I could look exactly like them! O M G!I want to look like me Of all the mesh I have recently purchased 75% will not work. Physics are great...your boobs jiggle, your but wiggles, but physics with mesh? Forget it. Impossible unless you want your parts jiggling out of your clothes with every step. Kudos to all the wonderful clothing makers slaving over keeping up with all the latest fads and fashions, but for me, sorry but rarely does anything mesh work. It's not mesh you hate, it's LL's broken implementation and possibly the poor work of some content creators. First off, there's lots of mesh hair out there that looks way better than sculpt or flexi hair. If you don't like what you see, try another store. Off the top of my head, I recommend Wasabi Pills. Second, there's no reason mesh clothing can't conform to your avatar's shape. The only reason it does not in SL is because Linden Lab did not believe people would use rigged mesh for clothing. I wish I were making that up, but Lindens I talked to in beta were convinced rigged mesh wouldn't be used much at all. They questioned whether rigged mesh was worth implementing at all, and considered only giving us static mesh objects. Oz Linden, currently in charge of the already finished patch (made by an ex-Linden) has publicly stated he does not believe people in SL actually want mesh clothing that fits them and thinks forcing everyone to have identical shapes is a better solution for everyone. So he's sitting on it. It's done. It works. Just needs to be added to the main viewer code. They're sitting on it. Meanwhile, they're absolutely baffled by their struggle to retain customers. I absolutely do NOT want to look like everyone else, and IF an when the day comes that I am forced to have an identical shape like everyone else is the day I close my account and walk away. Couldnt agree more!!
  5. Fayette Charron wrote: Hey Sephina What kind of look are you thinking of. I could make some and share them with you if you just give me an idea of the kind of look you are going for. SO sorry for not getting back to you sooner. My ao when I fly up pose is so beautiful. Its hard to explain but I will try. While in the air her head is tilted back and her arms are slightly back and out and ther legs are crossed (intertwined)? I cant get a pic of it but Ill try. As well as any other "angelic" like flying poses.
  6. Czari Zenovka wrote: Sephina Frostbite wrote: Would it be considered rude if I bought a hair, skin and possibly shape for a person as a gift? At the very least a hair. I don't want to be rude and make them think that I don't like there look. Its just a hey I think this would look nice on you. What do you think? It would depend on how well you know the person. Remember my anecdote about people, including a few friends, dropping dark skins on me when I shopped extensively for and loved my fair skin? Yeah thats why I am not even going to bother. I dont want a mixed message or him thinking Im something I am not.
  7. Czari Zenovka wrote: When I make comments about the majority of avatars I saw with skins that looked "like they had spent way too much time in a tanning booth" (my words) when I began in 2007, I am not in any way disparaging any nationality or race of people in RL. My observations of extremely tanned skins when I began in 2007 are akin to bling being rampant in 2007, an apparent SL trend of the time, nothing more/nothing less. That is the spirit in which I read the OPs comments. I noted in another post in this thread the difficulty I had trying to find a fair skin in 2007. When I finally did (thanks to Gala Phoenix) I actually had people dropping tanned skins on me because they thought my skin was "too light." THAT is insulting, especially when some of them were virtually strangers ie. not friends but people I may have said "Hello" to once in my capacity as a greeter at a dance venue. That is horrible. I am sorry you went through that. Especially in a world when you don't even have to be human.
  8. I have decided to just not gift him. I don't know how to approach the topic in my head with out sounding like I am sounding judgmental. Thanks for giving your ideas. Saved me from looking like a douc... Oh yeah we can't say that word.
  9. UncommonTruth wrote: Storm Clarence wrote: Hair. Really? Hair is not a gift for him, it is a gift for you. I would not appreciate any woman outside of my regular barber attempt to groom me. I wear *my hair *my* way. Especially in SL where it is "my world my hair style imagination." Spend some time and shop on MP. Or spend quality time with the dude and take him for a bumper car ride... you can knock him out of his car and still laugh and laugh together. No worries, you have nice hair so you're safe. (no promises that nobody will try throwing you from a bumper car though) Some thing tells me you would be the one throwing me ..../me looks worried
  10. Tari Landar wrote: Sephina Frostbite wrote: Storm Clarence wrote: Hair. Really? Hair is not a gift for him, it is a gift for you. I would not appreciate any woman outside of my regular barber attempt to groom me. I wear *my hair *my* way. Especially in SL where it is "my world my hair style imagination." Spend some time and shop on MP. Or spend quality time with the dude and take him for a bumper car ride... you can knock him out of his car and still laugh and laugh together. No its really for him. I don't even want to change his hair. I want to give him the same hair just mesh or a better looking version of his hair because I know he can't afford it. I'm not critiquing him. Just want to help a friend out. I'm not judging you at all, I swear, I just want to point something out...the bolded..above. What if he likes his hair? In that case, there isn't a "better" version, just a version you like better. Which, even if it's for him, is still based on your opinion and not his desires. I don't want that to come across as me being snotty or mean, because I am very far from it, I promise I know you're just trying to do something nice for a friend. Which is very sweet indeed. But when it comes to one's appearance, unless they specifically tell you they don't like something, it's usually better to assume they do like it and they chose it for a reason. There's nothing wrong at all with saying "hey I saw this hair(or whatever) that you might like, it's a lot like the one you have now, but a little different(NEVER use the term better, that's like saying you think they have bad taste, lol). What do you think of it". Even something as simple as "hey look at this hair I found, what do you think of it"...If they like it.. then and only then would I approach it and say "would you like it?" or "my treat, I think it would look awesome on you too"...something along those lines. I've had people gift me things like that before. In most cases, it wasn't offensive in the least, but I could understand exactly how it might be taken that way by others. In some cases, though the item is nice, I didn't really want it. I still accepted, but I have no use for it. I like the things I use, and chose them for a reason. Now if hubby were to say "babe, you'd look hot in..." it's a bit different than a friend(even a very good friend) saying "I think this one looks better" or "I think you'd look great in..". So who the suggestion comes from, also makes a difference, for me. He very well may not care, and may be very grateful, or may not like his original and prefer your suggestion too. Or, he may take it as an insult, even if he doesn't tell you it came across insulting. You've got a good chance of either happening. If he's not a very, very good, close friend who will easily overlook the insult...it's not worth possibly insulting. Even if your intent isn't to insult, often the intent doesn't matter nearly as much as how the other person receives it. Sometimes "it was the thought that counts" gets overshadowed by "wtf..s/he hates my look ". You make a good point. That is why I am asking everyone's advice. I honestly dont care what an avi looks like I have friends who have all the latest styles and friends that are still noob looking and have been playing sl for 5 plus years. I dont want to send a message saying you look like crap because to me no one does. Its there world they have it there way. I just wanted to be a good friend and help him out. Thats all.
  11. Storm Clarence wrote: Hair. Really? Hair is not a gift for him, it is a gift for you. I would not appreciate any woman outside of my regular barber attempt to groom me. I wear *my hair *my* way. Especially in SL where it is "my world my hair style imagination." Spend some time and shop on MP. Or spend quality time with the dude and take him for a bumper car ride... you can knock him out of his car and still laugh and laugh together. No its really for him. I don't even want to change his hair. I want to give him the same hair just mesh or a better looking version of his hair because I know he can't afford it. I'm not critiquing him. Just want to help a friend out.
  12. UncommonTruth wrote: What do you mean by in the air? Like, flying poses? Sorry I should have been clearer. Yes I mean beautiful flying poses..
  13. I want some poses that are in the air.. Do you know of any nice ones and can you show me them?
  14. UncommonTruth wrote: I am not a teen, but I do still get carded when I try to buy alcohol :smileyfrustrated: Lucky, I never got carded even when I was the age needing to be carded even though I am and look young. I was buying some wine and as the 21 ish boy finished up my purchased I told him some advice." When a female is buying cigarettes or alcohol always card her. No matter if she looks 18 or 98. The younger ones will be annoyed but the older ones will appreciate it."
  15. Tyrath wrote: I would take them to a store and have them put on a few demo and tell them to look at them and come on who better to dress a man to look hot ..Female know what they want in a man ..Now some of us men do know how to look good this was my first Avi skin and hair I never change it. So just tell them ya are giving them the choice of how to look. Good advice.. Now to find the good quality mens hair inworld...
  16. Tyrath wrote: Well From a guys point of view ...Most of us do like to look good and sharp dressed..But it is not easy to find a great skin for guys .There are a few low price one that are nice but if you want a nice skin ya got to spend for it...So what is it guys like in SL ...well we want to look good so that we stand out in a group of people. But no matter what the AVI looks like if they are ..how would you say "not a good person " they will not look good for long . So welcome to the world were you too can turn a male in to a shopping whore lol opps I gave myself away ...Kicks at the dust bunnies...... /me laughs How about hair though would you be offended if a female friend bought you a hair she thought would compliment your avi? Would you be offended?
  17. Bernard Rhiano wrote: hmm... think i'd play on safe and go shop together or surprise him/her with a giftcard, but in all cases let him/her decide what to buy. Skin, hair and shape are very personal. I wouldn't like somebody else bring me that.... I agree so I am just going for the hair. I feel maybe it might be less personal. Am I wrong? I just want them to have nice hair..thats all and I dont think they can afford it. Like the gift card idea.
  18. Ariel Vuissent wrote: I think it would be thoughtful. If this person is a new player, in particular, the whole package might be helpful to them. However, if they're not, I would assume that perhaps they LIKE their look, unless they've mentioned something to you that would indicate otherwise. If they're not new, I might limit it to just a hair, for now; maybe a skin if you really want to. A lot of people create their own shapes, and are very proud of them, so I might be worried that buying a shape could be taken the wrong way. I think a hair and maybe a skin would be a very nice and thoughtful gift, though! Especially if you include a note saying what you mentioned here: Saw these and thought of you, etc. How would you find out if they like there look if its a guy friend?
  19. Would it be considered rude if I bought a hair, skin and possibly shape for a person as a gift? At the very least a hair. I don't want to be rude and make them think that I don't like there look. Its just a hey I think this would look nice on you. What do you think?
  20. Perrie Juran wrote: I think I just thought of a new SL-ism. "Get a load of the Lola's on that gal!" lmao Love that..
  21. Charli Infinity wrote: good change Thats the beauty of life. You can change. I hope your anger subsides and I wish you the best of luck.
  22. Charli Infinity wrote: you don't sound like you were trying to help, you sound like you were offended and intend on attack the poster for it and like you say, when people get attacked they get defensive. that's what i'm doing. defending myself against you- someone who is trying to attack someone for saying what they are thinking I realized I might have sounded mean so I apologize. I did not intend to be "attacking you" . I am showing you that I wasnt angry and still am not. I gave my side of how I felt you feel other wise. I realized I sounded aggressive and I wanted to correct it but you still are angry so what can a girl do?
  23. Charli Infinity wrote: yes my words were literally changed several times in this thread. You contradict youself a lot. Just a few post ago you said no one is attacking anyone and now you say when people get attacked they get defensive. Nice change of tone btw. No I am not contradicting anything. No one is attacking you. However if one feels like they have been attacked they tend to get defensive. That is not saying someone has. Please if you are looking for fight, pick someone else. I am trying to be helpful here. You can take it or leave it.
  24. Charli Infinity wrote: you say you don't but you sound quite worked up about it. That's all. I never said I hate SL and I didn't say I love SL. I just said it looks tacky to me and I'm embarassed by it sadly. What's with the people in this forum changing words of others? I don't think people are changing your words just reacting to what you said. You may feel it isn't insulting but to be honest it is. Its about perspective. Such as you thought I was an angry mad person when in fact I am not. Not one bit. So I think that's what is happening to your post. When people feel attacked they get deffensive. I don't go blabbing I play sl. Not because I am embarrassed now its just Its not something that ever comes in a conversation however once upon a time I was embarrassed. Not for the tackiness but because people thought it was a pervy game as you had stated. So I made it my mission to show people when they gave me the "Oh you are into that game" Look or line to show them no I am not cheap, no I don't do nasty stuff and yes there is a creative side to it. I do hope that one day you wont worry about what others think or what other avis look like. Stay away from sex Sims where most jshore girls hang out at and go to the more art like areas and just relax.
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