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Sephina Frostbite

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Everything posted by Sephina Frostbite

  1. Wow what a name.. Very unique lol.. Hope you have fun in sl.. If you need any help let me know..
  2. Is your name Guybrush for GuyBrush Threepwood, In Monkey Island?
  3. Kristin Burner wrote: mewp :matte-motes-bashful: Wear layers, then you can have boobies set to 0 if you want. But i find boobies set to low with most skins looks terrible, as now the front view, the skins makes you look like you might have them but the side view does not match. Same with size, soon as you hit that magic larger number they go all ugly looking. Soo, the XXS mesh in general is pretty darn small, and things like mesh button down tops , the ones i have tried have all but made it appear like i have not boobies at all. thats what demos are for. Plus this is SL, never wear the same thing twice so dont worry about it, just keep moving forward and build that inventory to massive quantities. Member of SLCAA (Second Life Clothes Addict Anonymous) Oh hello, A fellow member! lol
  4. There was no reason to make fun of his choice of style. We are trying to get people to stay and build sl up not run them away or make them feel any less. This is a Virtual world, hell you don't have to be human. One could criticize any ones looks but that would just mean that they need to grow up and realize they are not all that or perfect themselves.
  5. Bernard Rhiano wrote: Madeline Blackbart wrote: Estevan Preiss wrote: It's interesting that so manyt people are expressing their opinions instead of giving helpful constructive Advice Yes I find it funny as well. It's a bit rude really. The op didn't ask to be insulted or say anything that deserved it. Just because you don't like the look doesn't mean that op should be ridiculed. i think it's not so weird some people respond this way. What's difficult about a search in Marketplace and try finding things yourself? Click male skins and male shapes...only around 7498 male skins pop up... maybe blunt.. but at least honest. The op isn't ridiculed or insulted, also teaching to look himself on the right place is helping. In what form that happens could be subject of discussion. I ask on the forums for a last resort. Being that he is new maybe he is unaware of a market place or how to find things. Being honest and polite is possible. People are being rude.
  6. Awesome! Just IM Sephina Frostbite.. I am on the same time as SLT.
  7. Agreed! My avi is proportionate and still they are small. If avi's can be small chested and get no hassle why can't us chesty gals get the same treatment?
  8. Victoria Squall wrote: Hi So most of the adult mesh clothing I see are kinda busty and super curvy.. Dose anyone know of any deisgners that make clothing with little to no boobs and minmal curves? Its funny that you say that I was thinking the opposite.
  9. Pamela Galli wrote: I dislike the practice of coming here to this forum and trashing people BY NAME who are not here to tell their side of the story. Quite often if those do show up, we hear a different story entirely. Now what exactly is the OP's purpose in posting? I will let you figure that out. Let me be clear -- this store owner may well be friends with these people and approve of their behavior. My point is that until we hear from her, there is nothing to base any judgement on, certainly not to condemn this person. I agree with you about all the calling someone out by name and listeing to both sides. However you are being quite agressive yourself and I was wondering why. That was my point but then again its really none of my business.
  10. Pamela Galli wrote: I just realized that Taketomi is the name of the hair business. So the OP comes here and posts the name of a store and trashes the owner, in violation of TOS? Yes, I think I will suspend belief until I hear both sides of the story. Why are being so aggressive. If they are your friends I understand but this is her experience. Fine you want to hear both sides. But don't attack her. You could have said The name isn't allowed. I am not attacking you either, it just feels like you have a tone with her for telling her story.
  11. Gingir Ghoststar wrote: What would have been the point? To get banned? No, we liked her hair. She's not replied and we won't be shopping from her from now on. At one point the guy told us to take our chatter to IMs. There were 3 of us and then 2 more after that. Have you tried running a group call in SL recently? Lagtastic. I didn't see the problem with us visiting in local while we all shopped. The jerk faced friend of hers apparently differed in opinion on this. We weren't using gestures or in voice. We were typing. What was the worst that was going to happen? A misplaced comma or mispelled word? Oh noes. hun I agree with you. I dont think you did anyting wrong at all. and I believe what you are saying.
  12. MartinaVaslovik wrote: I just bought an AH-1 Supercobra, which I'm really enjoying, but for the HUD being partially hidden by the buttons at the bottom of my viewer screen. The HUD is no-modify, so I can't even move it above those buttons. So, the only other thing I can think of is get rid of those buttons that cover up the bottom row of buttons on my HUD. I'm quite new to SL, so I don't know these kinds of things yet, but I'm really wanting to either move those buttons or get rid of them. How would I do that? Which viewer hun
  13. RiiCassidy wrote: Im a huge shopper, my inventory is over 3,000 and i like to still buy things. I usually find a nice buy everyday, either something i get really cheap or something thats really high quality. So I made this thread for everyone to post their best item they bought for the week, or a good deal they have gotten. For me my buy of the day is this little doggy purse, it's so cute ! https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/TuTys-FREE-Mesh-Pet-Carrier-with-12-bag-textures/4457743 And this hair man.. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/zouzu-PIN-UP-HAIR-Choko-Vanilla-tipped/4700341 And maybe this.. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/zouzu-ISABELLA-HAIR-Black-Purple-tipped/4700597 Thanks for sharing! Nothing I like personally but I will look for furture stuff
  14. Also if the avi's shape is saved that short everytime you switch to it you will be short. You need to make it taller and then save it.
  15. wiked Anton wrote: I think Pamela's point was, that in these caes, everyone has their own version of the "truth" and the real truth is often in the middle. meaning the name calling might not have been so bad. however, having said that, the owner does need to step in and control his/her friends. The entire escalation seems to center around the writers reaction to the first round of name calling. sometimes it's best to react calmly then react with spitting fire. I understand and agree with her however somethings shouldnt be done or said. I doubt someone going shopping in a store is going to all of a sudden be rude to the designer she is purchasing from. But who knows I could be wrong.
  16. What my title says.. I don't know how to mess with it or even where is at .. And I am using firestorm. thanks a bunch!
  17. Pamela Galli wrote: Until I hear both sides, I take everything with a big grain of salt. I normally would agree however there is no justifying being called those names and being harrassed. No matter what the other side did.
  18. I have this cute outfit I think would look cute with a wreath or belt of leaves and flowers around it. Know of any or what I would put in the search?
  19. Amras Alder wrote: If you like, you can get rid of the Pie Menu in Prefs/User Interface/General .... by un-ticking "Use Pie Menu." when you do that, it reverts to a Linear Menu. These instructions are for FS 4.3.1 (the current version). Thank you but I think I am getting used to it. However the minimize button being an x button is still one I am working on lol..
  20. Gingir Ghoststar wrote: So, I'm in taketomi, trying on the new hairs with my partner, Bells. We're IRL besties so we partnered one another. One of the other shoppers strikes up a conversation in local with us. We're all laughing cause we're all wearing the same pair of pants. Yay for SL uniqueness. Of course, the guy talking to us, is in all demos cause that's his thing. Rock it, right? He's totally got his own flair with the demos that my bestie and I appreciate. Not many would run around in nothing but demos. This other guy shows up and he's shopping near us. Us 3 are still trying on hairs, I am trying to decide which one I like. I choose mine and we're getting ready to leave when the new guy calls our new friend emo. He then goes on to call my bestie and I lesbians and infers we're into pedophilia for talking to our new friend. Our new friend is not a child, though he does look young. We're not hitting on him, we're not even talking suggestive. Beyond that we're not here for that sort of thing, our friend is gay. 2 straight chicks and a gay guy shopping for hair and chatting while we do. OMG.. call the SL cops, right? Well the other guy is upset that we blow him off. So he brings in the creator of the store (not hte owner of the store). They both start calling all of us gay, ugly, blah blah, stupid. And so on. The new girl (the creator) drops the floor and drops EVERYONE in the store to the ground. I put on my flight assist and go right back. I'm not going to be bullied by some hateful homophobic **bleep**. I have by then begun twitching this whole thing. They're talking about how they wish they still had their hacking tools so they could grief us more. They're still using all sorts of homophobic slurs on us and trying to name drop because they "know the owner". Being a store owner myself, I have to say, if this were 2 of my friends... all hell would break loose. I'd be down 2 friends. For one, I don't tolerate hateful homophobes. And for second, any friend of mine who came into my store had better be on their best behavior to my shoppers. I'm not in the business of running a store to make friends, I'm here to make money. Anyways, just my rant about rude people in SL. Wow, sadly I have been heckled because I have a lesbian group in my picks. I am not lesbian I am bi but I have many Lez friends on here and I support them. To be so rude is just bad busniess for all involved. Whether you believe in homosexuality or not money doenst have a sexual preference. I would deffinitly not go back to the store and tell the sim owner and owner of the store whats going on. I would also be down two friends as well. /me wants to get all her gay friends and visit the store and hackle them.. giggles but that would be just as bad.
  21. I dont think its fair to put non gimp/photoshop photos to compete with ones that have it. How can you compare? Doesnt really make it fair game. Well I wish the contest lots of entries!
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