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Sephina Frostbite

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Everything posted by Sephina Frostbite

  1. Charli Infinity wrote: you don't sound like you were trying to help, you sound like you were offended and intend on attack the poster for it and like you say, when people get attacked they get defensive. that's what i'm doing. defending myself against you- someone who is trying to attack someone for saying what they are thinking I realized I might have sounded mean so I apologize. I did not intend to be "attacking you" . I am showing you that I wasnt angry and still am not. I gave my side of how I felt you feel other wise. I realized I sounded aggressive and I wanted to correct it but you still are angry so what can a girl do?
  2. Charli Infinity wrote: yes my words were literally changed several times in this thread. You contradict youself a lot. Just a few post ago you said no one is attacking anyone and now you say when people get attacked they get defensive. Nice change of tone btw. No I am not contradicting anything. No one is attacking you. However if one feels like they have been attacked they tend to get defensive. That is not saying someone has. Please if you are looking for fight, pick someone else. I am trying to be helpful here. You can take it or leave it.
  3. Charli Infinity wrote: you say you don't but you sound quite worked up about it. That's all. I never said I hate SL and I didn't say I love SL. I just said it looks tacky to me and I'm embarassed by it sadly. What's with the people in this forum changing words of others? I don't think people are changing your words just reacting to what you said. You may feel it isn't insulting but to be honest it is. Its about perspective. Such as you thought I was an angry mad person when in fact I am not. Not one bit. So I think that's what is happening to your post. When people feel attacked they get deffensive. I don't go blabbing I play sl. Not because I am embarrassed now its just Its not something that ever comes in a conversation however once upon a time I was embarrassed. Not for the tackiness but because people thought it was a pervy game as you had stated. So I made it my mission to show people when they gave me the "Oh you are into that game" Look or line to show them no I am not cheap, no I don't do nasty stuff and yes there is a creative side to it. I do hope that one day you wont worry about what others think or what other avis look like. Stay away from sex Sims where most jshore girls hang out at and go to the more art like areas and just relax.
  4. You look wicked!!!! /me doesnt know whether to run and hide or kneel.
  5. Charli Infinity wrote: jersey shore people befor the show? I think they would still be called tacky that's why they were picked. cheap dresses, overdone tan, and those t shirts ang gelled up hair...yeah tacky from any angle. People that says others judge easily often don't realise they are also judging others easily themselves. If you love it you why would you even care what other people think. I dont not one bit. If you hate it why do you stay? (btw, I am very chilled, freezing actually. It needs to be summer already so I can complain about how hot it is.. lol)
  6. Shelby Silverspar wrote: you need better friends... Could not have said it better!
  7. VayVassel wrote: AO's do not work. I bought a male shape which I have never received and hair to go along with it. (thank god I didn't waste anymore money trying to buy a skin or AO) I had played this game a long time ago but many things have changed. I'm starting to wonder if this game is even worth the hassle because absolutely nothing works. Please get back with me ASAP and fix this problem. Thank you. Regards Vay What viewer do you have hun?
  8. Charli Infinity wrote: chill... I never said anything about you even. maybe it's you who feels your avatar is tacky deep inside. No not at all. I love my avi. I just hate when others judge as you so easily do. I wonder what people called jersey shore looking people before the show?
  9. Suspiria Finucane wrote: Charli Infinity wrote: why so you can attack me for stating my observation? You've made your point. You and leia don't get that feeling that SL is tacky as I've asked in my initial post . Thanks for you input now walk away because you are attacking the poster rather than discussing the topic. Way to stick to your guns girl! There are a few here who think their opinions are the only ones worthy of posting to the forum and anyone who offers an alternative is attacked with attempted belittlement and degradation. If you post more often, you might even get stalkers that follow you around the forum just to harass you. Yea, I guess it is like Jersey Shore :matte-motes-wink-tongue: No one is attacking anyone. If anything Charli is attacking us because he/she says any one who dresses sexy and happens to be tan and large breasted is tacky. Maybe Charli should worry about what he/she looks like and less time jugding others. It's not reality so have fun. Stop harping on people. If you dont like the "tackiness" of sl. simply dont play or live in a home never going anywhere.
  10. Charli Infinity wrote: Do you ever get that feeling? I go on to the marketplace and the impression I get is that Second Life is the Jersey shore of the internet. That tacky jersey shore look everywhere..Female avatars: tanned skin, tacky revealing clothes (always with cleavage), dark eye makeup and male avatars: muscular six pack, also very tan and sometimes greasy, and shirt unbuttoned too low. Then there are the tattoos and piercings that just makes it look even more tacky. Tattoos and piercing can be tasteful but the most of avatars with them just look tacky or emo. I admit I embarrassed to say I play second life to anyone in real life because of this reason. Everyone will just think I have one of those tacky avatars :matte-motes-sour: Not everyone can be white hun. I am tan in sl because I am tan in RL.. Im Puert Rican. and my avi has large breast because well in rl.... When you have big breast most things no matter what have cleavage. I do not look anything like a jersey shore girl and neither does my avi. She represents me. Please dont insult me.
  11. Thank you for your rant. It was quite amusing.
  12. Ceka Cianci wrote: Tari Landar wrote: it took me a second to put two and two together and realize those guys are these guys!! =) i love those/these guys..they are so creative.. That was epicness right there
  13. These products look exactly like the ones I purchased for a lot more. I know that they sell packs which is why I dont want to smear their name but. These hairs are just like Catwa and truth hair. So I am not sure what to do.
  14. I need to find out if a seller is selling stolen stuff. I love there product but I will not buy it if it is stolen. How do I find out? Or is there no way of knowing other then a gut feeling?
  15. Charli Infinity wrote: Still...I think even I show anyone my av they would laugh because the whole game has this look everywhere and also the super realistic genetalia on the marketplace...just aaarrrgghhh! It's the whole overall look Second Life is tacky and embarassing. If people knew they would be like "hey do you know Charli plays Second Life?" and "Oh, that game where they have cybersex and slutty avatars?" :matte-motes-dont-cry: It'll go around as something bad. The whole look of Second Life, I love dressing sexy. No I am not naked any means. Nothing is hanging out and I (in my opinion) don't look skanky. I love being able to be provocative. That is my sl. I choose this and I am not in the least bit tacky. I always choose the graceful sexy side for public. I have those outfits that are super naughty when needed if I ever choose to be like that. It is kind of insulting that you would just clump people together like that. I know plenty of sl virgins or conservatives who dress like sl*ts. They don't in real life so they want to be that in here. They like that attention, and I for one will never judge them because they are good honest people who will have your back and care about people. So to the outside world sl may be tacky but to us the ones who are inworld who see the whole picture it is anything but. I show my friends and they don't get it. They think I am an ultra nerd (says the WoW player) however they love seeing what new outfits I put together and they love seeing my photos I make. So I guess ..To each his or her own.
  16. Teagan Tobias wrote: Have some fun with them, make your own disclaimer... This is a disclaimer to void your ToS disclaimer whether you read it or not. And if you try to void my disclaimer of your disclaimer, then I void your disclaimer voiding my disclaimer voiding your disclaimer. I further make it impossible for your disclaimer of my disclaimer to void your disclaimer able to void my disclaimer. I wrote this a number of years ago, have not used it for some time, really had to look to find it. Hilarious
  17. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: I mention this because today I look at my keyboard. It has a home key. That don't take me to any of those. This reminds me of the reason my Father tossed his first PC and never went back. It had a word processor that, upon exiting, displayed this confirmation request... "Press Enter to exit, Escape to return". Lol that is so like my mother. She still calls a monitor a Tv and the Keyboard a type writer. When I went to go visit her I found her trying to shove paper into her "type writer" (keyboard). She was upset it didnt work. Thanks for the memory.
  18. Cant wait for the video to come out hope you keep us posted and thank you for being so helpful!
  19. Wow nice and sylish. Does it come in other colors.. / me giggles:smileyvery-happy:
  20. Theresa Tennyson wrote: Sephina Frostbite wrote: So I posted this in the wrong forum so I am reposting here..sorry if you already read my question. When I use firestorm I stay a permacloud. Someone said something about having to download my clothing?? Anyways I am happy with my viewer but the way every one raves about firestorm I wanted to give it a try. If anyone can let me know anything about it Id love to learn and hopefully not be in a cloud state forever. Thanks! Firestorm uses a special attachment called a "bridge" which your avatar wears and is used for things like the radar. You need to be on land that allows the bridge to be created when you start using Firestorm or you won't rezz until you go to a sim where it can be created. I think it needs scripts to be on and also possibly object-entry rights. So how do I know what places have/allow it?
  21. So I posted this in the wrong forum so I am reposting here..sorry if you already read my question. When I use firestorm I stay a permacloud. Someone said something about having to download my clothing?? Anyways I am happy with my viewer but the way every one raves about firestorm I wanted to give it a try. If anyone can let me know anything about it Id love to learn and hopefully not be in a cloud state forever. Thanks!
  22. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: Surprising as it may seem you are supposed to post about third party viewers over in the General Discussion forum - because Second Life Viewer is ONLY about the Linden Lab provided viewer. Unfortunately I don't know what to do about the permacloud. I was not sure and didnt want to risk posting in the wrong section and I did anyways.. opps. Thanks for the heads up!
  23. Just me taking randome shots in my new outfit... not sure if I like teeth or not on my avi
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