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azro Maktoum

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  1. Hi Everyone , i have just a Question how to enabl RLVa in viwer2 secondlife viwer officiel , Thank you
  2. Hi , its possible to know avatar say or shout or whisper ? to a prime ? with listener if its possible any exampl ty <3
  3. Good its Work but if i rest my scripte with llResetScript() Doesn't work where can i put my llResetScript tyy <3
  4. hi ty ... but my scripte use just listen event no other (start animation - control keybord ......) like ao any information plz ty <3
  5. Hi im making a script ... i used RLVA RestraindLove Api and i redirect public chat canal 0 to an other canal . all is Good on my land because i have Group land and script is Allow the problem is i can't talk in others land if this land don't allow Script ... any idea to solve this issue ty ...
  6. Ty u understand me , But i use this function i don't receive the secondmessage , i used it with Gesture multi Text one gesture contain 3 text no wait between 3 text i receive just the 1st text , any idea to solve this issue Ty <3
  7. Hi can anyone help me with this issue... When i type 2 message or 3 faster Message my object listen just to 1st Message ... and give me the result of the 1st message any one have any idea to solve this problem TY <3
  8. ty but this code reverse all String i said reverse just English String A to Z no numbers Ty
  9. hi i want to reverse string A to Z Example i want reverse this String : Hello 240 me Result : olleH 240 em Plz Ty
  10. how can i send message to hud using a private chanel without using /numberchanel exampl i want to say hello to hud , hud recervice hello and this message non display on local chat whithout using /chanel if not , its possible tu create a hud with a textfield ??? if yes example plz ty ... if its possibl ? how ty
  11. Ty all For information , yesterday i saw a translator on sl translat word without typing on localchat , For sassy u said : You can use script communications using http, xml/rpc and email, can u give me an exampl plz ty ...
  12. Ty All for Darkie Minotaur nice idea to use gesture but , it's possible to play gesture with script first without typing the trigger of gesture ... ?
  13. Hi i want to make a script to send message to aan object without use canal Exampl : when i type on local chat Hello i want to send it to an objet without showing it on local chat ty
  14. i want to create a traduct without showing d first message in local chat example : Azrou maktoum : Salut Object : Hello i want to show just the second message thnaks
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