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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. OH! Sorry, my head was in Blender. The same principle works in SL when editing texture-repeats on prims, it's just a more manual process. If you want a single texture to cover a 3x3 grid of prims, you need to set the texture repeats to 1/3rd on each prim, and then offset the texture accordingly. This gets trickier with irregular shapes, but you can at least get the repeats correct by typing some math into the editor field. (The viewer supports math equations in them.) For example, if your platform is 32m wide and you have 8m piece, you can get the correct repeats for that with 8/32. Same for the other axis and pieces.
  2. With UV mapping. If I'm imagining the shape correctly, you can select all of the pieces, look at them from above, and unwrap with "project from view." This should give you a UV layout with each surface aligned to different parts of a texture.
  3. FWIW, I don't care either way. The reason why LL has done away with the forward-renderer is because the amount of work it takes to maintain two very different rendering methods has gotten to the point where it's just not worth the labor. It slows down the development of new features because everything has to be done and tested twice. The decision came a little after some recent viewer performance improvements and when work on PBR had started. Nobody is stopping TPVs from continuing to support non-ALM.
  4. While the 400+ FPS is silly, the sim's "FPS" has nothing to do with this. The viewer has no trouble rendering the screen more often between the updates coming from the sim. You will benefit from higher FPS.
  5. Movies are a bit different because they aren't interactive media. Movies also have very consistent FPS, while you can definitely feel the jumpy FPS in games, even if it never drops below 30 or even 60 (depending on the game).
  6. Everything becomes a lossy jpeg, no way* around it. * Except with PBR.
  7. Basically yes, but with some nuance. https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_preprocessor#lazy_lists_addition
  8. @rottweiler Lednev Do you have monitor recommendations?
  9. If you want the shoes to simply "light up," this can be done with scripts by changing textures and fullbright (or just using emissive textures). Look up PRIM_TEXTURE and PRIM_FULLBRIGHT on the LSL wiki. If you want the shoes to actually illuminate the environment, you can use light sources. Look up PRIM_POINT_LIGHT on the LSL wiki.
  10. Your force is probably too small. Add a bit of upward force to avoid friction with the ground. Make the pushing object larger.
  11. Just because it's happening doesn't mean LL is allowing or promoting it. All those TVs with free movies are just as much in violation of copyright and licensing. Media players in SL are not hosted by SL in any way. Your computer is connecting directly to an external website. The content never touches LL's servers.
  12. It's very likely that the head (made by Utilizator) is scripted to listen for commands from only the owner, making it impossible for objects owned by someone else to control the head. (This is generally a good thing, otherwise random people could distort your face when you don't want to.) You could create your own "command relay," like a HUD that listens for commands from anyone and repeats them to the owner. (This is how RLV relays also work.) You would then give your command relay to all of your alts.
  13. The NEW profiles have dynamic aspect ratios. If you upload a square image, it's square. If you upload a wide image, it's a bit wider. On the left are two of my accounts, on the right are random accounts. All of these on the same viewer/skin on latest Firestorm. This is not a new thing, it's been like this since web profiles went away from the viewer.
  14. The current in-world profiles adjust a little bit to the aspect ratio of your profile picture. If you want to play it safe, use a square image. The maximum size is 1024x1024 but your profile picture is rarely seen at that scale (only if people click on it to view it, and expand it to almost fullscreen), so you should use a smaller size like 512x512 for faster loading.
  15. DPI is used for physical printing, it doesn't do anything for digital images. PNG and TGA are lossless formats, JPEG is lossy. If you save your work as JPEG, the quality degrades before you even upload it.
  16. It has been removed from the official viewer. These changes are related to performance improvements and PBR. If you need a viewer without ALM, you could try third party viewers like Cool VL Viewer.
  17. There is so much more to this can of worms than the viewer... Also, don't use the Outfits window to make a copy of your current outfit as a backup. If you do this and edit your attachments in one of the outfits, the other will be affected. You have to find every attachment in your inventory and literally copy (Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V) them. You're only creating links to the items in your inventory when you save outfits, not actual copies of them, so the two outfits would both link to the same inventory items.
  18. Not exactly. Scripts can react when they are touched, but not when you touch something else.
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