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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. I'll include some advice here since somebody asked me how to do it in-world. From your inventory, you'll need to click the little plus-icon to create a "new clothing > new universal." Then you can wear it and edit it just like any other clothing/tattoo layer.
  2. While I kind of agree at the very base level, I think the main issue Linden Lab has is "legacy code," decisions that were made a long time ago and have cemented themselves in the code. Much of it has been written by developers who are no longer in the company, and the new devs don't have an inherently deep understanding of those parts because they didn't design or write it. Right now, things "just work" and adding new features is relatively easy. But doing major reworks for old features (such as the rendering code)? Good luck not breaking a single thing and making sure the new version works at least as well as the old one. It isn't just a Linden Lab problem either, technical debt is a common phenomenon across the tech industry, it's just the nature of long-lasting software. You start a project and design for that. Then, over the next couple years and decades, the scope of the project expands wider with new features that you keep adding to your code. At some point you'll have to redesign some things to avoid locking yourself onto code that's hard to change or maintain because all of your new features depend on it to work a specific way. Sometimes the "need to change" comes suddenly, other times it's "no big deal" until it gradually becomes a very big deal. It takes very smart people to predict future changes in a way that allows you to rework things early. Sometimes that's not even possible. P.S. I think you're massively underestimating how hard it is to develop good software since you've brought up "the time it takes to produce a phone app."
  3. One thing we know is that behind every last name, there is an assigned number. That number is used for the UUID generation. Could they use two strings instead? Probably. But changing the way accounts / UUIDs are created is a massive change to their backend and even the smallest mistake could break everything related to accounts. The effort and risk of redesigning account creation for little pay-off is certainly not worth it for Linden Lab, otherwise they might've already done it.
  4. At this point it'd be easier to see an example of what the notecard looks like, and the full script. What is the +1 for the index there for?
  5. How about just spreading things out instead of having everything on Fri/Sat/Sun? Maybe have some Tue/Wed/Thu events where you've less to compete with. Maybe add a day or two to the duration to make up for the slightly reduced amount of people who can't get on during the weekdays. We see similar issues in real world markets, where new product releases seem to get concentrated around the holidays. Makes sense on an individual level, but you do risk much higher losses when everybody is releasing "their baby" for the holidays, because the money pool from the consumers doesn't grow proportionally. I don't think it's mathematically possible to have two surfaces of different volume deform such that they never intersect. Or to give a more practical example, try creating a knee joint, add a pant-leg around it, then try your darnest to rig it so that you can bend the knee all the way back without the pant-leg clipping through.
  6. I think your issue might be the index given by llListFindList. When it can't find a result, it returns -1. Then +1 is added and it becomes index 0, AKA the first item in the list. Judging by the code you've shown, your list is sorted like this: [uuid, string, uuid, string, ...] and that's why you're getting the same UUID every time. And I suspect the reason why llListFindList can't find Builder is because they're strings (not keys) when you're reading the notecard lines into the list. Your problem then, is the fact that "779e1d56-5500-4e22-940a-cd7b5adddbe0" is not (key)"779e1d56-5500-4e22-940a-cd7b5adddbe0" Try replacing llList2Key with llList2String.
  7. 😧 Getting replacement fans is not hard, especially if you're buying pre-built computers "off the shelf." Changing your power settings is not overclocking. Power settings only set limits to your CPU speed (never increasing it above standard) and allows things to go to sleep to save your power bill. The "max performance" mode simply allows the CPU to work at its standard speed and prevents automatic sleep mode. Changing your power settings will not burn down your computer unless the environment the computer is in is extremely bad; Hot room, poor airflow, no airflow, inadequate airflow (hardware warms up faster than the fan can cool things down), etc. If your computer matches the minimum requirements for Second Life, it is a jalopy. (I learned a new word today.) The CPUs and GPUs they recommend there are from early 2000s. These computers should be sneered at, because they're very outdated in terms of performance. You absolutely cannot expect computers like that to run Second Life well. You should only expect them to run it and even that's charitable. A company mailing out 20'000 graphics card CDs is not the same as mailing out graphics cards. A driver update CD, assuming it's even for your brand of graphics card, can only do so much. It's like getting an update on your old phone, the code might be a little more optimized but it's no replacement to finally buying a newer phone. Anything besides actual hardware malfunctions (possibly aided by the environment) couldn't possibly cause a standard computer to "burn out" in regular use. I absolutely reject that. Modern computers aren't that frail. There are several safeguards to prevent things like that from happening, from thermal throttling to automatic shutdown when things get a little too toasty. Just to be clear: I am sure you've heard of people's computers break down. I am sure those cases are real, too. But correlation does not mean that Second Life was the issue. If you change an OS-level setting and your computer breaks down while using Second Life, your computer would've had the same fate with other games or software (like rendering images on Blender the equivalent amount of time). Your average Best Buy employee isn't gonna have any idea what Second Life even is either, so you can't tell them that's what your intention is and expect them to know what you need. They'll probably ask or assume it's some kind of game, ask for your budget, and offer you a computer with whatever random graphics card happens to be in there. I did check Best Buy's website by the way, and I couldn't find a computer that doesn't fit Second Life's minimum requirements. Even the cheapest computer in the desktop computer section should be able to run Second Life, and it doesn't even have a graphics card. You aren't wrong about LL writing awful code though, they've admitted as much. The rendering process might as well be in the early 2000s alongside the minimum requirements.
  8. You can already (kind of) do this. As long as you name your folders a certain way (for example, exactly as described in the OP), even Firestorm lets you search for multiple phrases at once. It even works with spaces.
  9. Mature = Moderate (Source: Others and I keep calling it that as a slip of the tongue.) Moderate used to be called Mature. General used to be called PG.
  10. Good thing it was never intended to "catch on."
  11. I understand radians but my head was spinning at the explanation of llTargetOmega. No pun intended. Converting between the two is not particularly difficult. Some easy reading: https://www.wikihow.com/Convert-Radians-to-Degrees https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/number/degrees-to-radians.html Since the conversion is based on static values (always the same, never changing), it can be pre-calculated to a single number, then multiplied. DEG_TO_RAD = PI / 180.0 RAD_TO_DEG = 180.0 / PI vector axis_in_degrees = <0, -7, 0>; llTargetOmega(axis_in_degrees * DEG_TO_RAD * llGetRot(), 2.36, 0.3); And so on. @Qie Niangao If you can come up with a better (more accurate) way to explain how it works, I'd be able to edit the wiki.
  12. It's gonna be tough to say (at least I have no idea), since either choice is likely to create a cascade of new tasks for the sim. I guess you could try the old efficiency tester: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Script_Efficiency But I'm of the mind that premature optimization is objectively bad. Does that 25% difference matter? How significant is 25%? (25% of 0.02ms vs 0.005ms) Is it the biggest slow-down in the script? Does it happen frequently? (How frequently does it happen?) I would personally always favor readable code (or less code), even if it costs me some speed or memory. And as much as I like to obsess about "low-lag" while thinking about scripting, I don't think you'd realistically notice any difference between the two versions of your script.
  13. To make it really simple: 1 prim = 1 land impact 1 mesh = 1 land impact or more Find out how much land impact your skybox needs. You can go to a sandbox and rez it, then select the skybox to see. Or you can read the product description.
  14. I actually don't use Discord all that much, I mainly have it because some of my friends use it. I respect that you don't like it (and I wasn't trying to deny that -- just adding information for those unaware), but its features can't really be dismissed. It's very flexible and can accomodate a lot of different needs that simply can't be done in SL.
  15. Local chat, IMs, and group chat can be logged permanently. Discord can also be set up so that messages are permanently deleted after some time. (Or even with a back-up archive of the chat history so moderators can go back and review what happened.)
  16. Define "significantly" and keep in mind we have no way to measure this. Q: Why is option A necessary?
  17. Profile picture display doesn't have universal dimensions. Web profiles (my.secondlife.com, official viewer) have 1:1 aspect ratio. Classic profiles (old-style interface, Firestorm, etc) are displayed in 218x155 resolution, or about 44:31 aspect ratio. You have to pick which one you don't want to have distortion. You can't have both. If you want classic profiles to look "correct," you have to create a texture with that aspect ratio, then stretch it up to the nearest power of 2. For example, you would create a 218x155 pixel image, then stretch it to 256x256 and use that as your profile image. It will be squished back down to the correct size and it will look correct.
  18. I would inject microchips at birth. Also, Discord is an amazing substitute to anything group related in SL, or anything else.
  19. [Tech Support Voice] Have you tried turning it off and on again?
  20. I was going to ask why you'd want to post 7 threads at once, but then I actually looked at what you wrote. ♞😂 ̆ †ððk mê 7 rê-rêåЧ †ð ñð† rðll m¥ ê¥ê§ å† †hê wå¥ ¥ðµ'rê †¥þïñg. 💢🍓 S̶͚̣̳̿͊T̶̢͕̗̟͕͔̓̈͑̎O̴̲͔̤͕̹̓̓͒̀̈́͘͠P̷͎̖͍̏͂͒̄̒̇͂́
  21. The most important thing to note that you can only give items that are transferable. You can't give away your entire inventory. The simplest "giver script" is one that sends the first item in the giver's inventory to the person who clicked on it. But that would mean one person could get everything you have to offer. The next step is to offer a menu so someone can pick an item from a list... but that alone gets complicated if you've got more than 12 items to give. The next step is to prevent the same person from getting more than X amount of items, if you don't want them to take everything. The next step is to make it possible to let them preview the items somehow, with a picture or a description or a rezzer. But even one of these steps adds a whole lot of complication to the giver script, so unless by some miracle you can find something that does exactly what you want (easily), I would not recommend a script. But then you have the problem of individually rezzing things and setting them for sale (for free) using built-in SL features, which means your parcel only has a limited amount of LI and your items may not even fit all at once. And again, the same person can take everything.
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