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Cate Foulsbane

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Everything posted by Cate Foulsbane

  1. What viewer are you using? I use Firestorm. I look at the top bar and, about in the middle, the info about the parcel shows. Gives you the region (some call that a sim but it's a region), the coordinates (to find it on a map), and the name of the parcel. As far as I know, you have to see the property on the world map to determine which continent it is on: Sansara, Jeogeot, Heterocera, Satori, Nautilus, Corsica, Gaeta V, or Zindra.
  2. Or maybe someone will step in and get Club Noir going again? Don't even think about looking at me. I would rather eat a bug pie while sticking a fork into one of my eyeballs than EVER consider running a club.
  3. A deformer for Maitreya? What in the world?!? Is there one to make calves bigger? I love my Maitreya body but no matter what I do, the calves seem skinny and out of proportion.
  4. That first one...I have the perfect dance animation in my Hud. The first and second...no harm intended, but I never ever want to be inside your head.
  5. And I wish I'd gotten a pic of you! You were smashing in that speedo and tats look...hubba hubba!
  6. Curious about VV1, I found it and took a look. Wow! I had an account there but no memory of having been there before. Read the few posts posted by me and responded to by others and had memory jogged. No clue why I left, maybe I got busy with other things. At any rate, thanks to those who mentioned the place.
  7. All of a sudden I think maybe it means something in SL that I don't know about. I thought it meant (in RL) the less than fun parts of being an adult like having a job, having a mortgage, paying taxes. Adulting meaning having to act like a grownup and thus having less fun. But...could I be wrong?
  8. Thanks for breaking the incredible food thread. I haven't had dinner yet and I was starting to suffer. Backsides? Oh yeah, man ones, though..I do like a nice man butt. Which leads me to baseball..and pitchers..some of whom have nice man butts.
  9. Hmm. I have some cowboy and cowgirl relatives up in the panhandle. I know some of them have shiny rodeo buckles but I doubt any are big enough for serving tea.
  10. What exactly is meant by spamming? And does "whole club" mean everybody who was there? Might be this person landed in the middle of a dance floor or, worse, in the middle of a line dance and wasn't getting out of the way fast enough. People in the club were in local chat telling him or her to move. Or in IM telling him or her to move. To me, spamming is me minding my own business and suddenly I am hit with screen-filling ads from stores. Spam of text all over the place. ... I just had a strange flashback sort of thing..Pythons singing about Spam?
  11. One more good thing about SL, this forum in particular. I can learn things AND have some laughs! I just found an ancient ...make me laugh...thread and, so far, it's full of jokes about the plague..jokes from 2020. While laughing, I was reminded, once again, of how great it is to have access to so many bright and funny people who find healthy ways to cope with disasters. Ok, maybe some of the jokes aren't so healthy but what the heck..whatever works to get us through trying times. Humor and SL have been SO good for me these last few years...and not just Covid. Thanks, people!
  12. I know one man who had a female avie for a while. He sure found out how ugly a lot of guys can be when they don't get the responses they want. I would imagine some women treat men in a similar way in SL and RL. But having been a woman in both places for a long long time, I can attest...some men can be real ugly sometimes.
  13. This is great! Thank you! I just found a PTSD support place and intend to load up on info for my niece who has finally been able to go into treatment for PTSD in RL. I want to be as informed as possible so that, if and when she talks to me about her issues, I can give the best support possible. I must say, too, that in just the few minutes I wandered around at the site, I started to realize that I have plenty of stuff that might also all into that category. I think I knew that already, but sometimes it's hard to say the words to one's self. At any rate, thank you! And thank you SL for making such things possible.
  14. Granted, one must walk across the coals and survive in this place..I know all about that, oh yeah! But stick with it, Ingrid. And for what it's worth, there are plenty of male Karens out there..we should give them a name, too. Ken? Karens usually just carry a phone, Kens often carry a bat or a gun. What a world.
  15. I have sent in ARs SOooo many times..finally got so I was fairly good at it. That was when I was sailing regularly and, all too often, seeing tons of griefer boxes filling the skies, blocking waterways, generally making a mess of everything. Grrrrrr. But I have never sent in an AR about individuals and I would be hesitant to do it. It would have to be pretty bad..I mean REAL bad. And then I would come here and mention it and get sliced and diced. Oh, don't tell me you guys wouldn't...it's ME, remember ME? 😇
  16. And I disagree with that. I think the intent was to point out that people in the forum, and elsewhere, are leery of Karen-type behavior as so much of it is going on in RL. Plenty of women speak out in RL and they are not Karen types...but there are way too many Karens out there. Anyway, in here, in this forum, I think most are just concerned about whether or not there is or was a valid reason for sending in an AR. Based on your additional information, I think there was.
  17. Ah, ok, now I get it. Doesn't have to be an "adult" store..almost all the furniture I try in SL has Adult options or an A version and a PG version. Anyway, what you saw was what appeared to be sex play between somebody and a "child" or teen avie. If I saw that, I'd probably do an abuse report. I'm not Karen but give me a break..it's gross!
  18. You saw WHAT happening? You saw a person who looked pre-teen or young teen. You mention a "they" but I don't see a connection. I see child avies on a regular basis, always feel uncomfortable, but I have never seen anything that could be, by any stretch of my imagination, against TOS or my own ethics. I avoid being around child avies, I don't report them. If you actually saw something, DO repport it. If you were guessing or imagining, I would let it drop.
  19. Oh fer cryin' out loud! Let's just say nice stuff about SL and get on with it! I love SL. I love how things have gotten so much prettier, so much more realistic. Textures are outrageously good sometimes. Mesh has been a horrible thing for some but I LOVE mesh. I love mesh bodies, I love mesh builds. Mesh mesh! And art. There are so many beautiful bits of art...sometimes I want to have a gigantic gallery where I can just stare at beautiful creations for long periods of time. And then there are the Giant Snails. If you have never been a Giant Snail in SL, check it out. It will pump life into your sleepy inner child.
  20. I wish all the continents connected in comfy ways. My biggest wish is for northern Bellisseria to connect with southern Sansara in a way that would make it fairly easy to sail up into the Sea of Fables. The biggest problem, I think, would be the sea levels. The old Sansara waters are much higher than the newer levels and the only way I can imagine overcoming that would be to have a lock system. I am quite certain there are plenty of people willing and happy to devise lock systems but they'd have to be employed as Lindens to do anything. My partner and I have property in Sansara so that's one selfish reason for my wish. We also have property in Nautilus and I am looking forward to sailing from that property down along Satori and into Bellisseria. Roads are good..but I've never been as fond of them as I have been of the waterways. I am able to sail for hours at a time without major mishaps..but on the roads, in a car or on a bike, I get in maybe 15 minutes max before crashing down into a ravine or somebody's house. I do admit that such crashings and plummetings have been way more fun with me as a giant snail. Gawd I love SL!
  21. Welcome to crazy land! I've been in SL for well over 14 years and my hours on have varied over the years depending on what I'm doing while here. Also depends on what is going on in RL to mess up my fun here. Yeah, this place is way more fun for me than that other place. I can't move earth, build a house, fly around, teleport, dance, sail, or other things in RL I might spend 4 hours fiddling around with a landscaping project or just my regular two or three hours mid-day with my partner who is on European time or three hours later in the day fiddling with my avatar. I have spent, at times, probably eight or more hours a day in SL and a lot of those in clubs dancing and schmoozing. If I have trouble sleeping, which is fairly common, I might watch a movie or I might log in to SL to do stuff...anything that strikes my fancy...and sometimes when that happens, I luck out and find pals from Down Under online, too. There is no rule, SL is world-wide, so you will see others online 24/7. I hope you enjoy it as much as i have.
  22. Hey, Vickie! I didn't realize you'd retired. Being involved in the business end of things can be really stressful and exhausting, that's for sure! Grey and I have felt less and less connected the last two or three years and, and this past summer, we spent almost no time on the track. On top of horrible lag making it really difficult to walk or run for any length of time without crashing, it's kinda like the corner store got bought by some big corporation. Just doesn't seem to have the heart it used to..or that's how it seems to us. Good to see you anywhere, though...Relay track or on the water or here!
  23. Why? I mean why is it less interesting? I know at least two sailors, besides myself, who are happy as can be to see more areas open for sailing.
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