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Cate Foulsbane

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Everything posted by Cate Foulsbane

  1. That's the way I read it...and tried it. Dragging it onto floor, etc. Didn't work.
  2. Naw, I don't cry...I cuss a lot and give up for a while..or forever maybe. I finally figured out that I can have both huds..the regular and the style..on the screen at the same time and, when I adjust light settings for regular, it affects the style, too. But changing size doesn't work on both. AND now I can't get style hud to do anything..it just sits there. Supposed to rename the thing..rez it on floor, rename, etc. Doesn't work. #$%#^#$^$% I guess the solution for me is to forget the style hud and go back to spending countless hours fiddling with make up. Grrrr.
  3. Turns out, what you said helps a bunch with the main hud that controls brows, lips, etc. But I have tried and tried to figure out the STYLE hud and it's nearly impossible. I hope this works: https://gyazo.com/8453423cce054eeaaa00e58e412c060d This is only slightly smaller than what I see inworld. A magnifying glass helps very little. What am I doing wrong?!?
  4. I get the idea that, with the style hud, I can save bits of make-up...like eyes or lipsticks...and even an entire made-up face. Wow! But, first, I can't really understand the directions in the Lelutka manual and, second, I can't see the style hud without a massively powerful magnifying glass. Anybody out there know how to use this Style Hud? How to SEE the style hud?
  5. I know I'm not supposed to, but I delete caches after shopping trips or walk-abouts. Does this mean after I do that, each and every time, I have to go the Debug places? I think the real magic is that I have been able to use and enjoy SL for so very long without understanding how any of it works. I turn the key, the motor starts, yay!
  6. Logged in early today...no water ripples. Went to Debug1, stared at water, went back to our sailing area and saw ripples. Was it magic? I don't care, it worked. Logged off.Checked here in Forum and found post about the LL work. Now, back online at 9:30am slt and I have ripples. Is it fixed? Or am I seeing them because I went to Debug1?
  7. I sure hope so...and I hope it happens soon! So much of my SL is about water, I NEED to see it looking good!
  8. Not in order of abundance or addictions, but in order as I think of them. Hair, clothes, Levox makeup, earrings, solo dances for my hud, landscaping items (boulders, water, plants), structures (new house? I gotta have that house!). I think what this reveals about me is that I am a compulsive SL shopper. RL, no way no how!
  9. Good question. But probably best addressed in a new thread.
  10. I agree. It IS complicated. And I have wrestled with it since my early days in SL. But in the end, for my own peace and well-being in SL, I've decided that I NEED to have spaces where I don't have to deal with discomfort for the sake of somebody else's comfort. If three quarters of a region/sim allows child avies..no problem..as long my my one quarter of the region/sim can be my private childless hidey-hole. Yes, it means I DO discriminate and that's not cool. But, in my mind, as long as I keep that discrimination private rather than blasting it out all over the world around me, it's sorta kinda ok. In RL, on my own property, I don't allow fascist behaviors and racist terms and abusive behaviors of all sorts. I have known bigots who were really upset when I said, stop using the N word or get out of my house. That's their problem, it's my house. Anyway, yes, I agree..it's complicated. And it can be, often is, VERY personal.
  11. I disagree. And I wonder why a person would have that point of view. It reminds me of troubles I have had in the past with avatars lurking outside or even inside my private home on my private parcel. I ask them to leave, they refuse, and the attitude seems to be...I can go where I want, do what I want. I kick them out, I ban them, and then watch them try repeatedly to get back in. Unbelieveable! At any rate, it would seem the original poster feels that a child avie or a furry avie should never be banned from private property. My mind boggles.
  12. I now confess that I have been blundering about without knowing what the Original Post (OP?) was about. Big mouth, not much info. But...if it's about banning child avies, furries, etc., from public places run by LL, I vote NO. If it's about a parcel or sim owner banning individuals based on appearance, I vote YES. It is my choice to not go to nightclubs that allow child avies, to not go to nightclubs that ban furries or other non-human adults, to not go to sex clubs, to not go to clubs that ban trans men or women, etc. In other words, have what you want on your own parcel...I can either visit or not visit, it's up to me. If you want to visit MY places, take off your leash, free your slave, don't have sex on my dock, and don't dress like a 5 yr old trying to attract a sugar daddy. .
  13. There have been a few times when I have done just that. The usual response is that the person I have IM'd leaves immediately...or starts giving me a load of cacadoodee which results in a ban. The ones I don't bother to IM are generally displaying behaviors that are inappropriate for the parcel's status as M or clearly intending to provoke if not grief. I don't wait around, I ban. As for banning child avies, never. Furries, dinosauers, robots, etc..never.
  14. Had to chuckle about that one. I haven't been around long enough to see those gifs but if one is ever used about me I will either laugh or ignore. I say what I feel and believe and don't worry much about what others will say...unless they make a good point, educate me, etc.
  15. My partner and I own two parcels devoted to sailing activities...both are open to the public. I can't be in both places 24/7 but visit regularly to check for debris, etc. If I see an avie looking like the one mentioned/shown, I ban. It is my judgement that the clothing is not appropriate, it's my place, I'm the boss, I can do what I want. Same goes for avies that show up with a slave in chains or leashed...out, gone, presto. I don't advocate LL banning everything I don't like, but I do think I have a right to keep my own places free from things that are disturbing to me. My partner agrees.
  16. I agree. I, for one, cannot abide someone on the internet advocating segregation of "races", subjugation of women, incarceration of homosexuals, and similar acts that I consider to be dangerous and abusive and downright wrong.
  17. I had a different reaction to that original remark about phoning the FBI and it wasn't a "blaming the child avatar" sort of thing at all. Interesting that you perceived it that way.
  18. This makes sense to me IF the word "race" is replaced by uniform (eg. German uniform during WW2). Otherwise, I have to consider it as skin color...threatened by people of a particular color. I think we all store experiences and then, later on, access those old files when in difficult situations. In my own case, the best I can do is try to quickly figure out present from past, be logical and rational, and do the right thing for me based on my belief system rather than old stuff. Back to my original interest in this thread, child avatars. Because of past experiences, I find myself reacting negatively when I see adult avies (usually male) around child avies. It doesn't matter what the avies are actually doing, I have that bad reaction. My brain says, quit that, it's old stuff! And I try to relax and accept whatever I am seeing. However, in the end, the battle between brain and gut reaction wears me down, tires me out. At that point, I have to decide..stay around where adult avies and child avies interract..or leave. Leaving is best. And choosing venues that don't allow child avies is best for me, too. I believe it's ok to ban child avies from certain venues if those venues are privately owned. If those venues and sites are SL owned. no way. No discrimination!
  19. I do, too. I've been around a long long time....hahahah. Listened to Sympathy for the Devil last night and am suddenly reminded. But back to NSFW...and LBJ, IRS, KFC, NSA, CIA, CEO, and on and on. I hardly ever get it.
  20. I've been around over 14 years and I might as well still be a noob. I had no idea! Thanks for the info! Now, we shall see how long I can remember it.
  21. I don't understand this at all. Victim? People blaming what victims?
  22. I don't know what this is. And we kind of over-lapped. No worries, no harm, no foul, ok?
  23. That seems a bit snarky, Han Held. I can guess what you infer, but not sure, I could be wrong. For me, RP is pretty much what I do every day in SL. I appear to be an adult woman in her mid to late 20's, able to do amazing things with landscaping, able to fly and transport herself here and afar, able to dance for hours , able to sail boats and create objects out of nothing. My RL self is a house=bound, elderly woman who can't dance, can't run, no longer drives, can't move earth, and so on. The SL me is the RP of what I wish I could do but can't. Maybe that's not so different from an adult becoming, virtually, a carefree child again.
  24. RL adults "roleplaying" as children makes me want to call the FBI I understand. But why does the sight affect you that way? Do you think the adult behind the child avie is up to no good? I have some old baggage re: adult avies in the company of child avies but that's my own stuff and has nothing to do with whatever might actually be going on. I think most adults who have child avies are role-playing their own childhood...having the life they miss or that they wish they'd had. I have an adult avie and frequently act in what some might think is a childish manner. But I have NO desire to have my own child avie. Another aspect is the look of the child avie. Does it look like a "normal" child with age appropriate clothing and behavior? Or is it a sexualized little girl? Or maybe a child avie covered with bruises and sad eyes? Those sorts of avatars make ME want to call the Feds, too.
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