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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. If it's your land, enabling damage is your choice. If you want to shoot trespassers, this is a fun option. Be aware that some trespassers may shoot back.
  2. There are lots of ways to own or rent land in Second Life. IM me in world and I'll be happy to talk to you. No, you don't need to buy your own private region! The reference to "Homesteads" refers to a special type of private region, one that costs less, but supports fewer prims and avatars than a "full" region...not to homesteading in the traditional sense. Very short summary of ways to have land: 1. Rent from another resident on the Mainland 2. "Buy" (it's really a type of renting, but we won't go into that just now) some land on a private estate from an estate owner. 3. Get a Premium membership and get a free Linden Home. 4. Instead of a Linden Home, buy a parcel on the Mainland from another resident, and get free tier on the first 512 square meters. 5. Buy your own private region from Linden Lab. This is that very expensive option you talked about in your post. From what you say in your post, I think Option 2 would be the best for you...but you should consider all of them before spending any money.
  3. Sometimes there are Issues with the registration servers. Try again please.
  4. If you bought them at an in world store, find the transaction in your Transaction History. That's in your account information on this website. Be sure you include the transaction number in your notecard to the merchant. If they won't respond to repeated polite notecards and IMs, there's not too much you can do about it. You can file a support ticket with Linden Lab, or Abuse Report the merchant for fraud, but for a matter of this sort, Linden Lab will probably not get involved.
  5. These are mostly freebies, and your total cost was only $L13...about five cents. I wouldn't bother with sending notecards to the merchants in this case. Just repurchase the items.
  6. You've gotten good answers. Be sure to read the covenant (terms and conditions) for a Linden Home. There are restrictions on them...for example, skyboxes are not allowed over LH parcels. There is another land option with a Premium membership. You can purchase a parcel of Mainland from another resident, and not have to pay monthly tier on the first 512 square meters. You can try a LH for a while and if you don't like it, abandon that land parcel and either get another LH, or take this free 512 tier option. The other land options are renting from another resident on the Mainland, or getting a parcel from an Estate Owner on a private estate. These options do not require a Premium membership. You have a lot of choices when it comes to Second Life land. Be sure to evaluate all of them. I go into more detail in my Land class at Caledon Oxbridge University...Fridays, 5 pm SL time.
  7. I have a rather drastic solution to propose. Uninstall the voice bundle. If necessary, uninstall and do a clean re-install of the viewer. The SL voice morphs are the same product that is sold by a third party, Screaming Bee, under the name "MorphVOX Pro". There's a free version, but all the functionality is contained in a full version you can buy for about $35.00. This software can alter your SL voice just as well (or as poorly) as the subscription voice morphs.
  8. Post this question in the Mesh forum for more knowledgeable responses. However, you need to save the model as a Collada file (.dae)
  9. Right click the land. Select "Edit Terrain". Click the Select Land tool. Hold your left mouse button and drag out a selection rectangle until it is the exact size and position you want for your parcel. In About Land, click the Subdivide button.
  10. Lindal Kidd


    Avatar physics only affects the avatar mesh. The male genitals are a prim attachment, not a part of the avatar mesh, so avatar physics does not affect them. Unfortunately, there's no way to get a realistic movement for this type of object at the current state of SL object physics. The closest you can get is to use a flexiprim for the male member, but I don't think the available flex parameters will give you the desired movement.
  11. I'm a landlord, and rent condos and yacht slips and skyboxes to tenants. If that fits your profile of a "merchant", I'd be happy to be interviewed. IM me in world.
  12. To add to the earlier answer, if you ARE in Basic mode, you can still change your avatar. Select any of the pictured avatars you see when you click "My Avatar". You will change into that avatar. What you can't do in Basic mode is edit the details of your avatar. You can only switch between the various pre-made "starter" avatars.
  13. "Oddities of the Contact List"? So, the person you paid by mistake was on your Friends List??? Some friend, huh? This is why I don't accept those "drive by" friends requests from every Tom, Dick, and Harriet. And the answer is...no. Unless your "friend" agrees to return the money, you are out of luck.
  14. Rather than sell used items in the Marketplace, check out some of the Yard Sale areas in world. We have one in Masocado...but you'll have to IM me to join the group.
  15. Sorry, but LL does not issue refunds for a partly used billing period. Here's what apparently happened: 1. You paid for one month's Premium membership 2. You took the free Linden Home. 3. At the end of the month, you were billed for another month's membership. This was a legitimate charge...LL doesn't want people yelling "my home disappeared, and all my stuff got returned!" at the end of every month. They assumed, since you didn't cancel before the end of your paid month, that you intended to continue with Premium. 4. At some point during this second month, you rented another place. What you SHOULD have done is: 1. Abandon the land parcel your Linden Home is on 2. Downgrade to Basic membership BEFORE the start of the next billing period 3. THEN rent a new place.
  16. 1. Wear your group tag. 2. In About Land, set the group owned parcel for sale to yourself for $L0. Buy the land. 2a. In the group's Land tab, remove any tier you donated to the group to cover the monthly cost of the land. 3. Right click the ground, select Edit Terrain. 4. Drag your mouse to select at least part of both the main parcel and the one you split off. 5. Click Join to rejoin the land into one parcel. Next...the land does not have to be OWNED by the group for members of a group to rez prims there. In About Land, merely click the "Set to Group" button, NOT the Deed button. Then in the Options tab, set "Rez Objects" to Group.
  17. As others have said, SL jobs pay poorly, compared to Real Life jobs. The real money in SL is made by content creators, and large landowners (if they are business savvy, smart, and lucky, that is). It's a MUCH better use of your time to buy some $L, with a credit card or a verified PayPal account. Working a couple of hours overtime, or getting a part time job in RL, will earn you money FAR faster than SL jobs. As for your profile picture...IM me in world, I'll take a nice one for you, for free.
  18. When a group is created, by default all the members of the group share group liabilities...and many group creators forget to change this in the Group Roles and Abilities. So, if a group you belong to has a classified ad, or pays for its store or club to Show in Search, you could get hit with continuing small deductions from your account. Check your Transaction Log on the SL website to find out where the money is going. Then either leave the offending group(s), or contact the group owner and inform them of the situation. As I said, many group owners don't even know that you and the other members are paying these charges, and are willing to change it.
  19. The low cost program FRAPS does a great job of capturing video from SL and other online games. There are also some freeware programs. Google "video capture".
  20. This could be a problem with Second Life, but it could also be a problem with your internet connection or your graphics driver.
  21. Some credit card companies do not accept transactions from some online sources unless you specifically call them and authorize it. Apparently, the $1.00 transaction LL uses to verify your payment method was rejected by Visa Electron. Call your credit card company, tell them that you authorize billings from Linden Lab, and then try again.
  22. One thing you can do is send a POLITE notecard or IM to the club owner asking why you were banned. Bear in mind that it will do you little good to argue the case, no matter how ridiculous the reason they give (if they bother to respond at all). But it may give you a clue as to what to correct to prevent future problems at other clubs.
  23. No. Unless you saved the chat logs to another location on your hard drive, they are deleted in an uninstall. Sorry!
  24. Also check your Transaction Log to be sure the money was 1) taken from your account and 2) not returned.
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