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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. You could wear an animation overrider. If it comes with a "hard landing" animation, edit the AO to use a normal standing animation as the hard landing one. The instructions that came with your AO should explain how to edit it to use animations other than the "stock" ones it came with.
  2. What you are seeing is the focus point of avatars' cameras. You have the item, "Show Look At" enabled. When you enable this, you can see where everybody is looking...the point they have their "camera" focused on. You can turn this feature off in the Develop menu. If you don't see that, enable it as follows. 1. Enable the Advanced menu with CTRL+ALT+D 2. Enable the Develop menu with CTRL+ALT+Q Go to Develop/Avatar/Show Look At, and uncheck that item. The annoying crosshairs will disappear.
  3. The region you are trying to log in to is off line. Try logging in to a different location.
  4. There's no way to buy just part of a parcel. As others have suggested, file a support ticket with LL and ask them to subdivide the parcel, then go and buy the piece you want. You *could* buy the whole thing, and then subdivide it yourself and Abandon the unwanted part. However, this would mean you would have to pay the full purchase price, and you would also pay tier on the entire parcel for the first month, even if you Abandon a piece of it only minutes after purchase.
  5. Your eyebrow shape is controlled by your System Hair item. Most people wear system hair with the sliders set to zero, so that they will be bald under their pretty prim hair. However, if some of the sliders in your system hair are NOT zero, the ugly system hair will appear, and stick through your prim hair. Go into Appearance mode, find the Hair section, and check your sliders, or find a differerent Baldy/Bald Cap/Eyebrow Shaper item and wear it.
  6. I didn't know that, Rolig! Goin' on six years here, and I am STILL learning new things.
  7. As Rolig says, you can file an Abuse Report. But it is much easier, faster, and more certain to get results to simply Block the offender. Right click their avatar, select Block. Or call up their profile, and block them from there. Once blocked, they can no longer send you chat, IMs, notecards, or anything else. Their avatar will appear to you to be a gray silhouette. Think of it as cleaning up Second Life, one jackass at a time.
  8. Actually, you could submit an "Inappropriate Content" report on the item in the Marketplace. If LL's attention is called to a flagrant copyright violation, they are very likely (though not guaranteed) to remove the item.
  9. Aw, you have to have at least three! That way, when you argue with yourself, there's someone who can break the tie.
  10. Lindal Kidd

    Undeed land.

    Regarding your Edit addition: The Wiki information about your tier contribution does not apply to private estate land. The section on how to sell the land back to yourself DOES apply. Read your Estate's covenant to see what it says, if anything, about how you may sell your land. Typically, it will ask you to notify the estate manager of the proposed sale. You should not lose any "time on the meter" in rent you have already paid, but again, check with the estate owner or manager.
  11. FUD. LL would not be so insane as to alienate the third to one half of their users who use TPVs. Phoenix and Firestorm are not about to be banned from SL. The Phoenix team has repeatedly mentioned their good working relationship with LL. You don't have to pay to test upload textures, just use the Beta Grid. It's less convenient, true...but it's not a hit to your wallet. The online status thing worries me a little...not for privacy reasons, but because it may break a lot of useful tools that show when employees or managers are available. SL has been drifting away from a rational shared experience for some time now. For example the "derendering" feature that lets me not be bothered by my neighbor's ugly build can lead to confusion. ("Wow, that's a big rock there!" "Rock? What rock?") One of the areas of confusion exists in ALL viewers, including LL's...the ability to choose whether to see Display Names, user names, or both. (Lindal: "Hello Sally." Sam: "Hello, Jane." Lindal: "Who are you talking to, Sam?" Sam: "Jane...right here in front of us." Lindal: "All I see is Sally. Who's Jane?") I am all for new features. I am also convinced that there needs to be some similarity in what I see and what you see in order for us to communicate about the world clearly.
  12. I think Peggy has nailed it. I forbid tenants from putting up security systems that don't allow me on their parcel, for much the same reason. Bottom line: The land owner can do what he wants...and if you don't like his rules, you are free to go elsewhere.
  13. Irene's answer is excellent. However, in general I would not file an AR against someone for this. It's much easier to just Block them. Then they can't bother you with offensive IMs, chat, or notecards any longer. Right click their avatar and select Block, or call up their profile and hit the Block button.
  14. There are a bunch of these "Get Our Second Life Cheat Code and Make $L" scams out there. If the thing really worked, LL would have hit them up one side and down the other with lawsuits. It's just a scam to steal your money and/or infect your computer with malware.
  15. I have seen that type of artifact before...but in my case it was not associated with any particular class of object, like Mesh. I would just see them at random now and then, anyplace. The artifact is typical of a graphics card memory problem. If the Mesh Level of Detail adjustment doesn't solve it, check your graphics card performance with a utility such as the free GPU-Z, and also make sure you are using the latest driver for your graphics card.
  16. Click Manage in the "Buy $L" section of your dashboard page, on the left hand side of the page. Open Transaction History. You will see a history of your $L orders. If the order has not been filled, it will still be shown under "Open Orders". This could happen if you placed a limit order at a price that the Lindex never reached. If this is the case, you can cancel the order, and you will have the use of your $L again. If the order was filled within the last 30 days, it will also show in the transaction history. But not if it was filled more than 30 days ago.
  17. As Rolig says, when you are AFK (or simply inactive) for more than a set period of time, you are automatically logged out. You must close the viewer and log back in...sorry! If you don't currently log your chat, ask the person who gave you the data if THEY keep logs, and ask them to cut and paste the lost information into a notecard and send it to you.
  18. You're thinking logically, that's your problem. In most applications, a "user name" is a piece of private information, like your password. Not so in Second Life. While you do use your user name for log in purposes, it's also your NAME, your identity in world, and other people can see it (and indeed, SHOULD be able to see it, because it is the only way to truly see that you are you.) I've advocated for a private username system, with both username and password as confidential data, for ages now. Linden Lab is muttering about making more changes to the naming system, so maybe this time sanity will break out.
  19. This sounds like SL is chortling to itself and saying, "Psych!" I'm sorry you got dinged for multiple attempts to upload the same texture, but I am not sure it's worth filing a support case for.
  20. Lindal Kidd

    how do i play

    There are also a lot of great tutorial videos...search YouTube for "Torley Linden". And there are great "getting started" tutorials in Second Life itself. Two of my favorites are at Caledon Oxbridge University and at White Tiger Help Island. A quick look at Search should provide you with a teleport destination to either or both.
  21. If your models are just logging in to let their avatars act as clothing dummies, then LL could penalize you for traffic gaming...using avatars to increase your traffic count and your Search ranking. You MAY use bots..."scripted agents"...avatar accounts driven by a software program instead of a live person...to model your clothes, but they should be registered as scripted agents so that they are not counted in the traffic calculations. Here's the official policy: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Bot_policy A model simply stepping away from her computer for a few minutes to take a break would not be a violation.
  22. Rolig's advice is more accurate than mine. Good job!
  23. I am using the free Metanomics translator. IM me in world and I will send you a copy. I don't know what engine Metanomics uses, but it works pretty well. My only gripe is that it does not auto-select a language to translate to, you have to tell it.
  24. It's pretty simple, really, not much different from downloading and installing a new Second Life viewer. 1. Go to your video card manufacturer's web site. Look in their Support section. There should be some information on the steps they recommend to do an update. Print them out, then follow them exactly. 2. On the same site, you will find the latest driver for your card. Right click it, download it, and Save it as a file on your computer (don't run it directly from the website). 3. Double click the downloaded file to run it and follow the installation steps. You'll probably be asked to restart your computer. Caveats: Some card manufacturers recommend that you first uninstall the old drivers before installing the new one. (That's why I said, read their recommended procedure). If that's the case, go to the Windows Control Panel/Devices, find your graphics card, click the Information button, and uninstall from there. When your driver is uninstalled, Windows will default to using a generic driver, and your screen resolution will probably go to h*ll. Don't worry, this will soon be fixed when you install the new driver. Even after installing the new driver, your screen resolution may not be optimal, your shortcuts that you keep on your desktop could be in strange places, and if you use dual monitors, only one may be working. Again, don't worry. You will correct all of these by right clicking your screen and opening the Control Panel for your graphics card. There you can set up multiple monitors, select your desired screen resolution, and change other settings.
  25. Your problem system is considerably less powerful than your "good" system, but it should still be able to run SL. Second Life does not have problems with AMD processors that I'm aware of. I would check the *software* firewall settings of the problem system. Wouldn't hurt to add more RAM to it as well. With just 4 GB, it's probably running pretty hard to keep up. Check ALL the drivers of the older system (chipset drivers, network drivers, graphics drivers especially). Update any that have newer versions available. Update the motherboard's BIOS too, if there is a later version available from ASUS. Any mesh-enabled viewer (Viewer 3, Firestorm, Phoenix Mesh version) is going to put a lot of stress on your older system. Consider going back to Phoenix 1185. Teleports can be made less stressful by putting your avatar on a diet. Don't wear high-prim items, don't wear items with a lot of scripts in them. Keep your Friends list and your inventory pared down.
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