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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. OK, the solution to your problem is actually very simple. First, the edited chat logs. Yes, you can edit your saved logs to make someone look worse, or to make yourself look better. However, LL does not rely on the logs someone submits with an Abuse Report. They use their OWN logs, and they log everything. So the only time you need to worry about edited logs is if your accuser is passing them to other avatars. If they do THAT, they have committed a Terms of Service violation and may be AR'd. Unfortunately, nobody logs Voice chat or IM, just text. Now, what you should do: 1. Block (sometimes called Mute) the offender. Then never ever IM or send a notecard to them again. They will be unable to send you text or voice chat or IMs, or send you any items. If you meet them in world, they will be a silent gray silhouette. They can hear you, but you cannot hear them. IGNORE THEM COMPLETELY. They are effectively erased from your SLife. 2. If the person tells lies about you to others, and they ask you about it, simply say, "That is a lie. I know, of course, I can't prove it. You'll have to make up your own mind which of us is telling the truth, and I won't discuss it further." 3. If the person Abuse Reports you and you get a suspension, file an appeal. 4. If you are aware of any instances of griefing (you shouldn't be, the person is muted), file an Abuse Report of your own. 5. If the person creates an alt and attacks you again, AR and mute them again. Do this with every new avatar they create to harrass you. Eventually they will tire of the game and go away.
  2. Amza is lucky. LL does not accept most prepaid cards. Do not invest a lot of money into any prepaid card until you have checked it to make sure it will work. If it doesn't, you can usually use it to buy $L on a reputable third party site such as VirWox.
  3. It can? I didn't know that! I thought LL was too straitlaced for it. Is it an option in Preferences?
  4. Charm Peak is a private estate region. You should contact the sim owner or manager and ask for a restart. If you ARE the sim owner or manager and can't get the sim on line, submit a support ticket.
  5. I think Nyll has the likely answer. Val is correct, but this applies to items you must rez in world (like a bed), not to items your wear (like a HUD or a genital attachment).
  6. First of all, laptops aren't the best choice for SL (or any demanding computer games). That said, it IS possible to get a good gaming laptop. In any desktop to laptop comparison, if two computers have similar abilities, the desktop will always be less expensive. For any computer, not just a laptop: - Start with the minimum system requirements. - I recommend at least 4 GB of RAM, and 8 GB or more is better. - Any modern CPU should work, but I'm an Intel fan. The i3, i5, and i7 families will all run SL. I prefer i5 or better. - Graphics. This is the important one. Do not get a computer that uses an Intel graphics card, or that uses "integrated graphics". You want to look for one that advertises "discrete graphics" and uses an NVIDIA or AMD/ATI Radeon graphics card. Enabling shadows will really bog you down, unless you are using a high end graphics card. NVIDIA GTX 550 or better.
  7. I think Innula nailed it. The balance displayed on your viewer is not always correct. The balance displayed on your Dashboard page is the one to trust. A re-log generally fixes incorrectly displayed in world balances.
  8. It IS a server issue...just good old SL lag. We are residents like you on this help forum, and can't "look into" anything. Besides, this is one that is either too trivial to worry about, or too big to address. What I mean by that is, it may be just that that particular region has too many avatars, or needs a restart, or "it's just the way SL works, and it would take massive changes to the code to find and fix all the problems." Best advice: Move to another location with less lag. Re-logging will also help sometimes.
  9. The collar will work without RLV, this is just an informational message. Open Collar does support RLV, and looks to see if you have those functions enabled. If you are using the standard SL viewer, you do not have the RLV functions. Various third party viewers do have RLV built in. If you are using Phoenix, Firestorm, or another RLV-capable viewer, find the option to enable RLV in your Preferences. Log out, re-log, and wear the collar again.
  10. When an account is put on hold, it means that LL has suspended that account for violations of the Terms of Service or other suspected abuse. This could be due to several causes, not all of them your fault. 1. You did in fact violate the TOS, and someone reported you. Underage SL use, ageplay (pedophilia), copybotting, or phishing are typical "serious" violations. If you did Bad Things, you're out of luck, do not pass Go. 2. You entered suspicious personal information while creating the account. Since you "made an account for your fiance" this is a likely possibility. He should create his own account. 3. You didn't violate the TOS, but someone reported you and said you did. You can appeal the suspension by submitting a support ticket. 4. Someone else violated the TOS in a big way. LL gave them an IP ban, and your computer's IP address was mistakenly included. Submit a support ticket. 5. You didn't pay your bills. Call Billing support and pay your arrears. 6. You were phished, and someone else used your account without your knowledge to commit TOS violations. If you clicked on a URL someone gave you in chat, group chat, IM, or by email, and entered your login information, this may have happened. If this happened, see the Knowledgebase page on "account compromised".
  11. OK, let's go a step at a time. When you have a folder with multiple items in it, you can right click it and choose: Add to current outfit. When you do this, nothing you are currently wearing is removed. Everything in the new folder is added to what you are already wearing. If you already have a large number of prim attachments, doing this can exceed your number of allowed attachments (37). That might be causing your crash. Replace current outfit. When you do this, everything you are wearing is removed, and whatever is in the new folder is worn or attached. This can be very embarrassing when the only thing in the folder is a tube of lipstick (don't ask me how I know this!) Wear Items. When you do this, any similar items in the new folder replace items you are wearing. A shirt item replaces your current shirt. An attachment on the skull replaces an attachment on the skull, and so on. Items that have no counterpart in the new folder are left alone. If this is not the behavior you are seeing, you may want to clear your cache, log off, and relog. WAIT for all your textures and your inventory to load before doing anything else. Also, make sure that you are using DIFFERENT file locations for the caches of your different viewers. Sharing a cache location between viewers can lead to a corrupt cache.
  12. The problem is using those el cheapo products. (Joking. Resetting the scripts should fix it) Or maybe not...it's possible you got a knockoff copy that fell off the back of a copybot truck. In which case, see my first comment.
  13. When I search MP stores, I find MishMash MishMash T shirts and your store, which is simply Mishmash. The other residents have join dates more recent than yours, but that is their SL join date, not the date of the store creation. If you did your search on the word in your post, "Mismash"...well, that is a misspelling. If you searched on "Mishmash", and are sure of the spelling, then you came first. There is no way to trademark a name in SL, and prior use of the name doesn't constitute a legal claim to it. (It may be a MORAL claim, but that is another matter.) There have been many cases of someone opening a store with a similar, or even identical name to a prior one. Unfortunately, the original owner can't do much about it. I don't think there is much the other owners can do, if you choose to keep the name Mishmash. The names actually are not identical...one includes the words "T shirts" and the other has different capitalization. MishMash vs. your Mishmash. That being said, if you just started your store, it may not be worth fighting over the name, and choosing a different name may help differentiate your products from others'. "Mishmash" may not be the best word to describe your product...a prefab home should not be a "mishmash", but a thoughtful and tasteful combination of spaces, textures, and scripts. Some other choices might be Myndi's Cottages Buildings by Myndi! Meredith Homes Meredith Construction ...and so on.
  14. Also, when you click the link you put in your post, don't click the "Answers" link...that does indeed bring you here. However, this is a resident to resident help forum, we can't actually do anything about account problems. Instead, click the "phone support" or the "support case" icons on the right side of the page.
  15. "Promo" means the item has been discounted, not that it is free. You can't get your $L99 back, sorry. Next time, be sure to read the ad more carefully.
  16. It should work the same as in any other place. Your TV comes with an instruction notecard, you should read that. Note that the TV will play, but you won't see it, if you have not enabled streaming media in your viewer. Click the little Play icon in the upper right corner of your screen.
  17. In addition to Dilbert and Valerie's great answers, you should know that almost all modern computers support the SSE2 instruction set. I hope the error message is wrong, and your computer DOES support it, because if it does not it is a VERY old machine and will have a terrible time running Second Life. Try downloading the free utility, CPU-Z at this link: http://www.cpuid.com/softwares/cpu-z.html When you run it, look about halfway down the window in the first tab, where it says "Instructions", and see if SSE2 is supported. If your computer does support SSE2, but the error message says it doesn't, then you have some other problem. There are so many possibilities that I have no idea what to suggest, other than that it's not a bad idea sometimes to simply reformat your whole hard drive and do a fresh install of your operating system, updates, drivers, and all your software. If you go this route, back up your data files, your Favorites, and your contact lists, and make darn sure that you have your original operating system disks and authentication code. The same for all your other software.
  18. The problem is that LL does not accept most prepaid cards. The $1 test transaction should be reversed shortly. If it's not, contact Billing. But that's a minor issue. The main problem is that LL "tested" your card, found out it's one they won't accept, and won't sell you $L. You can change your payment method to a "regular" credit card, or a verified PayPal account. You can also use your prepaid card to buy $L on some third party exchange sites. Choose a reputable one, that uses the "Linden Lab Exchange Risk API", and never ever buy $L from someone on eBay. I have used VirWox with good results.
  19. Since the problem occurs with different viewers, and different computers, I would suspect your ISP as the culprit. Is there any way you can get into SL from a computer using another ISP for its internet connection? This could confirm it. Also, do you have an alt account? Does the problem also happen with it? That would be further confirmation of an ISP problem. If voice is OK on another account, the problem is somewhere in SL, and you'd need to file a Support case.
  20. Besides Dilbert's excellent advice, you should be aware that there is currently a bug in Search, and land parcels and groups that are paying to be shown are dropped off the search results, more or less randomly.
  21. Rolig has a great answer, but I would NOT make your partner a co-owner of your land group. If you fight and split up later, there is no way to remove an Owner from the group. Go ahead and give them all the powers and abilities you want, but with a lesser group role.
  22. You've got it. A "radio station" is just an audio stream. If you are going to operate it continuously, you'll also want to advertise its presence. Form a group, pay to have it show in Search, take out a classified ad. Take out other ads to solicit sponsors/sell advertising on your station.
  23. Make sure you are wearing your land group's tag. Go to About Land. Look in the Objects tab. Click the Refresh button next to the Return Objects button. Click the resident's name in the object owners list and hit Return. If you do not have the ability to do this, try setting the auto return to 1. NOTE: If you do this, any objects not rezzed under the land group's tag (including yours) will also be returned. If can't do either of these, you will need to contact the estate owner or their designated manager. Ask them to remove the offending objects, ban the objects' owner, and set your parcel to allow only group members to rez objects and to return others' objects in a short period.
  24. If you bought 2752 square meters of land in an auction, you will pay a monthly fee, called "tier", of $25 USD.
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