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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. To add to Dilbert's answer... Even if LL allows you to buy the land, you will not be able to buy just part of the region...you'll have to buy the whole region, and pay $295 USD per month in tier to LL, plus region transfer fees (at least). It will be much easier to simply find another place to live, when LL deletes the region for non-payment of tier. There are lots of nice places and plenty of vacancies.
  2. Your starter "modesty" skin can be replaced with another skin. Most SL skins are fully nude, and you may even find some with the "starter" avatars in your Library. In addition, decent freebie skins may be found on the Marketplace and at in-world freebie stores, and offered by some merchants free to new avatars. (Do try demos, but don't try wearing one of the demos at your club...they are "watermarked" with the word DEMO all over the skin.) There is no longer an age verification process in SL. You are whatever RL age you entered during the signup process. If that makes you under 18, you're out of luck...and you woulnd't be able to go to Moderate or Adult regions where the strip clubs are located in any case. If you ARE 18 or older, then just check the maturity preferences in CTRL+P, General tab, and in the Search window. If you are 18 or older, and can't change these maturity preferences, file a support ticket with Linden Lab. PLEASE NOTE: If you are underage, please do NOT lie about it. You WILL be found out, and you'll get yourself banned from Second Life. Besides, SL is not for kids. There's stuff in here, and people in here, I would not want MY kids messing about with, I can tell you.
  3. Ack! You might have included a caution that that first link is NSFW (Not Suitable For Work) I'm sure many tattoo artists in SL could do this. You could do it yourself. See the link below for some clothing tutorials. (A tattoo is just a type of clothing. Think of it as being a very, very skimpy shirt. Or possibly underpants, in your case. http://www.mermaiddiaries.com/2006/11/build.html
  4. Shaman91 wrote: ...I don't understand the difference between "buying" and renting land. But, I will spend some time reading the links and, hopefully, attending a Friday evening course. .... ...If I do keep it in inventory for a while, is there a place I can temporarily rez it up and play with it, like for a few hours? In a sense, all land ownership in SL is a type of renting. We are all renting server space from LL. However, it's common to think of three "levels" of doing this. Buying mainland. Here, you pay a purchase price for some land, then pay tier directly to LL. The most direct form of "owning" virtual land. Leasing a parcel on a private estate. "Leasing" is my own term, to denote the differences between mainland and estate parcel ownership. The estate owner will most likely call it a "purchase". Here you may pay an initial purchase price, but then you will pay your monthly (or weekly in some cases) tier fee to the estate owner, who in turn pays LL a monthly fee on the whole region. Renting. This is a lot like leasing, except that you can rent from another resident on either mainland or an estate. You pay no initial purchase fee, and generally pay a rental box. Rentals are often by the week, but may be monthly. Renters may or may not enjoy all the abilities to manage the land that are typically conveyed with an estate parcel lease. Why would anyone lease on an estate when they can buy mainland and pay LL directly? The answer is service and support. Good estate owners provide prompt support if you are harrassed by griefers or if technical problems arise and the region needs a restart. They resolve disputes between residents. They police the area and keep it neat, tidy, and uncluttered with ugly builds. Also, estates are often "themed". You may find one with a forest or mountain theme that provides an ideal setting for your castle. If, on the other hand, you don't like management interfering with your freedoms, the more freewheeling Mainland may appeal to you. Yes, you can rez things, including your castle, temporarily in a sandbox. Most have auto-return set to a few hours.
  5. To add to KarenMichelle's answer... You can move things more than 50m at a go if you Disable Camera Constraintsin the Advanced menu and selection limits in the build menu. When you do this, be darn sure you have selected everything. Selecting by dragging a box will not select transparent objects unless they are highlighted with CTRL+ALT+T, and will miss objects that are too small to be seen from your camera position. Cam all around and inside the build, SHIFT+Dragging to select all the bits you missed. When you are 99% sure you've grabbed everything, then try moving it a little. If something stays behind, hit CTRL+Z to snap everything back, add the missed bits, and try again.
  6. Besides the local texture option, you can use the Old School method: Log in to the Beta grid and upload your textures there. It's free, permanent, and anyone who joins you there on the Beta grid can see them. You just can't export them over to the main grid. When you're satisfied the texture is what you want, then log in to the main grid and pay the upload fee for the final version.
  7. Even in Adult regions, public nudity is often not allowed, by the land owners. I see from your user name that you're a nudist. There are many nudist areas in SL. Please use them to practice your preferred style of (un)dress.
  8. Thanks for the plug, Rolig! You will need to rent or buy a parcel of land that is 4096 square meters or larger to put that castle on. The monthly tier for that is $25 USD, if you purchase mainland (plus Premium membership dues of $9.95 per month...less if you pay that quarterly or annually. The cost of renting a similar parcel on a private estate will be close to the above. If you go that route, read the Covenant of the estate carefully before you pay anything. You don't want to lease a parcel of land and then find out that the estate's zoning rules won't let you put a castle there! Renting to tenants can be fun. I do it! But as Rolig says, it's also a big responsibility. If you have never owned or rented land before, I recommend keeping that castle in your inventory for a while. Rent a small place, or buy a small parcel of land, or go Premium and get a free Linden Home. Live there for a couple of months while you decide whether making a larger commitment to Second Life is what you really want to do.
  9. Move out and buy your own computer. Linden Lab has permanently blocked that computer from accessing Second Life, because they know that a minor child (and a known credit card thief, even if they were not charged with it) has access to that machine. They are protecting themselves (and, though you might not think so, you, your brothers and sisters, and your parents.) You need to be 18 or over to use SL fully anyway...so, if you are, maybe it's time to assume some more important adult responsibilities as well and get your own place and a job.
  10. Are you SURE that it's your home? Those Linden Homes all look alike, and it's easy to be in someone else's home and think that it's yours. While in the home, go to World/About Land (may be Parcel Details, depending on your viewer). Check the General tab and make sure you are listed as the owner.
  11. Keeping a separate tab open is probably the best solution, but it's still an annoying kludge. I don't know why LL doesn't just let the Back button take us...well, back!
  12. chibi = kids. I don't care what you say. (That's my story and I'm sticking to it. I could go on with a long winded essay about WHY chibi figures are kids, at least to me and to many people, but as has been said, it's subjective.)
  13. It might be your internet connection, or it might be your graphics card. Second Life does not tend to play nice with intel graphics
  14. It was new in 2007, and you may have kept upgrading it...but it's old and out of date now. To use the new viewers, you're going to have to bite the bullet and get a new computer.
  15. Not all poseballs use the PgUp/PgDn adjustment method. Try this: Right click one poseball, select Edit. Now sit on it. It will turn invisible, but the edit handles will still be live. Use them to edit your position. When both pose balls are adjusted, stand and stop the machinery. Now rez a fresh set of poseballs, select the edited pose, and try it. If you are lucky, the device will have remembered the new positions.
  16. This is the third time I've run across this, and as a landlord myself, it makes me furious. Inattentive landlords like this cost residents money, and they give the rest of us a bad name. I don't know if your landlord is actually scamming their residents, or if they are merely sick or on vacation. Either way, there is nothing you can do except keep trying to contact them, politely, by IM and also by notecard (in case their IMs are capped.) There is no way to get your money back, unless the landlord agrees to a full or partial refund...and they are not required to do so. I have started advising the students in my Land classes to always contact the landlord BEFORE paying the rental box, just to make sure there is somebody out there listening. EDITED TO ADD: Some landlords have managers to help run the show when they are away. Read the information about your rental carefully, and see if there is someone else you can contact. Look in About Land in the land description, and also in any information notecards or advertising, and check the membership of the land rental group to see if there are any other officers you can contact.
  17. follow KarenMichelle's excellent advice, and next time WRITE DOWN your email address, password, and secret question/answer and keep them in a safe place.
  18. If you are sure you are looking in the right email address for your notice from Linden Lab, it's possible that your account has been compromised. See the information here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Account_Security
  19. If you get an email from Linden Lab telling you that you have been suspended or banned, that should give you a Clue. Be sure and check your spam folder too, it might have been dumped there by your email client. If you try to log in and it says, "Second Life cannot be accessed from this computer", it's another and more serious Clue. But if that was the problem, you would not be able to log in here on the website. So edit your post to provide more information.
  20. I'm not familiar with the meshes in question, but the likelihood is that they were made by another Second Life resident. Right click one and choose Object Profile to see the creator, then contact them.
  21. @Griffin...how do you KNOW this stuff? No, no, don't tell me. Then you would probably have to kill me. :smileyvery-happy:
  22. There is a lot of mediocre mesh out there. I think a mesh review blog would be a great idea.
  23. Better to ask this question of the Firestorm support team. You can ask in world in the Firestorm support group, or on their web site. If the problem is an actual bug, you can file a bug report on the JIRA system there.
  24. Do a windows search on the name "chatlog". Be sure to specify to search hidden files and folders. If it is still there and did not get deleted when you switched viewers, that should locate it.
  25. There is an option to not show empty system folders. Received Items is a system folder. That could be it.
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