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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. You are still wearing the tiny av shape crusher. Remove ALL items from the previous outfit, and be sure you put on your normal shape item.
  2. Just edit the position of the shoes to butt against your stumps.
  3. Makeup and skins are painted on templates in a paint program like GIMP or Photoshop. Shapes are made in world, using the Appearance sliders.
  4. If he is using his display name or user name to disclose your Real Life information, you can Abuse Report him. Go to Help/Report Abuse when you are logged in world.
  5. Maybe it's time to ditch the facelight! Many people don't like them...especially if they have four or more light emitters and are set so bright that you look like Doctor Solar, Man of the Atom. The new lighting models can make facelights that looked fine a year or two ago look like arc lamps today. That said, I use one myself...the one that comes with the MystiTool Implant, and set to VERY low settings.
  6. I think any system that sends you an IM will work. Just set your preferences to receive IMs by email when you are offline.
  7. The problem may be that your PayPal account has to be backed up with a credit card. Debit cards are not accepted, either by themselves or as backup to PayPal.
  8. Follow Rolig's advice for details, but here is a hint: the top of high waisted pants is painted on the jacket layer. The rest is in the pants layer.
  9. It's your right to look the way you want. It's your friend's right to make the rules on his land. If he doesn't want Goreans on his land, then change, or go somewhere else. Changing outfits can be done with one mouse click, so it can't be all that hard.
  10. Hi, Zia! The oval is really two problems, one minor. The minor problem is that you are not set up to view particles...effects like smoke, rain, snow, or fireworks. To enable that, go into Me/Preferences, Graphics tab. Open the Advanced settings and move the particles slider to oh, about 2000-3000 or so. Click OK. Now you will not look like an oval...you will look like a cloud! (You don't HAVE to enable particles, I just thought you might like to be able to view particle effects.) The other problem is called a "bake fail", and it's either caused by something you are wearing that's gotten corrupted or, more often, by a flaky internet connection. Wireless internet and Wifi in your home should be avoided if possible. For several things to try to fix the bake fail problem, see this link: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_bake_fail This problem should (we hope!) be largely or completely a thing of the past in a couple of weeks, when Linden Lab implements the new Server Side Appearance functions.
  11. You must pay by using a verified PayPal account or one of the major credit cards accepted by Linden Lab. For help, call Billing at one of the numbers below. US/Canada: 800-294-1067 France: 0805-101-490 Germany: 0800-664-5510 Japan: 0066-33-132-830 Portugal: 800-814-450 Spain: 800-300-560 UK: 0800-048-4646 Brazil: 0800-762-1132 Long distance ( not free, but you can use Skype to save some cost ) : 703-286-6277 **Note: Support is offered only in English
  12. To Posset777: You can't "stand guard" over abandoned land. Well, you CAN...but it won't do a bit of good if someone comes by and decides to buy it. Your only hope is to re-buy the land.
  13. If the group now has no owner, there is no way for you to become the owner again, because there's no one with the power to assign you to the Owner role. Your only possibility is to contact Support and see if they can help you.
  14. Are you wearing your owner tag? If it is still grayed out when you do that, are you the only member of the group? (You can't eject the last member; the group will self destruct in two days, instead) if that's not it, then it's probably a temporary glitch. Tty re logging.
  15. You probably can't. But it wouldn't hurt to send a polite note to the merchant and ask if they can do anything for you. Don't get too upset if they won't give you a refund though, they are not required to do so. Be sure to include the details of the transactions (from your transaction log or your Marketplace History) in your note.
  16. To add to Rolig's answer, If you didn't mean to abandon your land, first try contacting either Live Chat support or Billing. Billing can be reached at the numbers at the bottom of this post. Your argument that you did not abandon the land might be strengthened if your Dashboard page/My Mainland still shows you as the owner...check that. If you don't get satisfaction from either of those approaches, you'll have to re-buy the land. At $L 1 per square meter, that's not usually a huge expense unless it's a pretty large parcel. BILLING CONTACTS US/Canada: 800-294-1067 France: 0805-101-490 Germany: 0800-664-5510 Japan: 0066-33-132-830 Portugal: 800-814-450 Spain: 800-300-560 UK: 0800-048-4646 Brazil: 0800-762-1132 Long distance ( not free, but you can use Skype to save some cost ) : 703-286-6277 **Note: Support is offered only in English
  17. There's an option for that in the Friends list...one of the checkboxes next to your friend's name.
  18. First of all, we are not Linden Lab employees on this forum. We are residents just like you, so we are not "you guys". Second, that one dollar charge is a test transaction that Linden Lab performs to see if the card is valid. It is not a permanent charge and will be reversed. Third, you are probably not having success because you are trying to use a pre-paid or debit card. Linden Lab only accepts major credit cards, associated with a bank account and a billing address. If you don't have a major credit card that's accepted by LL, you can try buying $L from one of the authorized $L resellers. Some of them have a more liberal policy on what forms of payment they will accept.
  19. IMMEDIATELY read this link and take the steps required to protect your compromised account: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Account_Security Since you can't log in using your own account, use an alt, or use your friend's account as you did here...but be sure to reference the user name of the account that is compromised!
  20. As Rolig says, the box's contents probably include at least one thing that you don't have resale permissions for. This is really easy to do, especially if you have bought operating features like doors or window blinds and included them in your build. For resellers, many people sell "builders versions" of this sort of thing, but in some cases you have to remember to properly set the next owner permissions on them.
  21. If you are complaining about avatars "gaming" contests, I would suggest doing one of the following: 1. Ban anyone you think is cheating on your contests. 2. Stop holding contests. In fact, this would be my preference. The old "Best in Black", "Best in Lingerie", "Best in Cardboard" contests are booooring and old. Come up with new and original ways to attract people to your club. But in any case, whaddaya care? Look, you were going to pay out that prize money to SOMEONE anyway, so you can hardly claim that contest gaming is "fraud". Blatant contest gaming is one reason I no longer go to clubs that have contests. But from my point of view, the "gaming" as often as not is on the part of the club owner and her personal friends, not necessarily on the part of the guests. Either way, I don't do contests any more.
  22. You might try looking in Preferences/Graphics. If "Advanced Lighting Model" and shadows are enabled, disable them. And you could try wearing a SUBTLE face light. Too much, and you'll look like a walking nuclear reactor.
  23. We have Diversity. Much more so than in Real Life, since in addition to all the human races and both genders you will find animals, fantasy creatures, and non-human avatars. Why, I even have one friend who is sometimes a piece of furniture! We have Equality. Women are just as strong as men here. In fact, so are child avatars and even little Tinies. It's kind of funny to watch a little teddy bear bump a great big hulking man across the room. And we are equal in other ways too...Linden Lab ignores all residents equally, regardless of their sex, race, or station in life. What we do not have is Inclusion. Whether or not to allow, or not allow, a person or a class of persons into a particular place is the prerogative of the land owner. There are no laws requiring that the landowner must include everyone, and many do not. You will find places with dress codes, or height restrictions, or age restrictions. As for me, all are welcome on my land, until I decide that you are an annoyance! Why, by the way, do you capitalize these terms?
  24. See my blog post, "The Mechanics of Cyber-Sex" In addition, if you are using somebody else's bed, you should know that many are set to allow only the owner, or only a specific group, to be able to use them.
  25. Read my blog post, "How Does Babby Grow?"
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