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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. So, you are of the "We had to destroy the village in order to save it" school of thought?
  2. I am of two minds on this issue. On the one hand, I love a neat, tidy room. On the other hand, we DO want SL to be realistic, right?
  3. Drat, you're right, @KatHeartsong Kaos. Sorry, I gave you bad advice.
  4. Orrders, rreally? Dinna even rrrequests COUNT?
  5. ...Feeling contrary, Lindal considers making a Bot Haven, a parcel dedicated to feeding, housing, and succoring poor discriminated-against bots.
  6. Wow, someone found a way to profit from a poorly designed piece of equipment. It's scurrilous, underhanded, and altogether EEEEEVIL, but it's not against the Terms of Service. This is why I don't play any of the "Earn $L With Our Game!" games.
  7. I had an early Bluetooth headset that worked fine with everything, but was completely nonfunctional with SL. I've never tried to use Bluetooth with SL since, simply assuming that SL doesn't support it.
  8. To add to the previous replies... If you check your card's account page shortly after noticing a failed transaction, it may appear that you've been charged. However, that charge will be quickly reversed. If you check again an hour or so later, you should find that the money is back in your account.
  9. Yes. As long as the total Mainland you own (including any Linden Home) does not exceed the 1024 sq m. allowance (for Premium) or 2048 sq. m. allowance (for Premium Plus) you are not charged a monthly land fee. (LL never collects fees weekly; however, that is very common if you're renting from another resident). This is exactly what I did when I went P+; I already owned a Linden Home, and I bid on several auctions until I managed to win one. I now own my Linden Home and a 1024 snowland parcel, and do not pay any monthly land fees.
  10. Once you have entered that keyword(s) and hit Search, your inventory window should show only those items that you want to delete. Click to highlight the first one; scroll to the bottom of the window, hold SHIFT and click the last one. Now they are all selected and can be deleted by a single click.
  11. Yes, you keep your current Linden Home. Your current membership is taken into account when you upgrade. Here's what the Knowledge Base has to say: Existing Premium members who wish to upgrade to a Premium Plus account may do so, and will receive a discounted initial subscription for their new Plus membership based on how much time is remaining on their current paid Premium membership. For example, if you are an Annual subscriber with several months left on your Premium subscription and you wish to upgrade to Premium Plus, you will only pay the difference between your current membership and your requested Premium Plus membership.
  12. Jennifer, are you sure we aren't twins separated at birth? I have EXACTLY your problems AND your solutions.
  13. Oh wow. The mental image THAT produced makes me yearn for Brain Bleach.
  14. You could donate it to a strictly in-world group, rather than one that collects money to give to RL causes...for example, Caledon Oxbridge University, or New Resident Island, or NCI. But I'll second the several suggestions that you not delete all your accounts. SO many people have done that and regretted it later. We'll miss you, and welcome you back if/when you choose to rejoin the party.
  15. Charolotte, if you are paying fees to LL, like land tier fees and Premium membership fees... ...just leave your USD balance alone. Let it sit there chillin'. When those fees come due, LL will draw first from your USD balance. If that doesn't cover it, then they will charge any remaining balance to your registered payment method. Now, if you NEED $$ for some RL reason, then go through the Process Payment hoops to move some or all of your USD balance to PayPal. But otherwise, let it just be.
  16. You can "set" the land to a group, without having to deed it. If your alt is a member of the group and their role allows it, they can then set Home to the parcel, and rez objects there.
  17. Premium allows you to own up to 1024 square meters of Mainland free of a monthly land fee. Premium Plus doubles that to 2048 square meters. You can take this land benefit in either of two ways, or a combination of them: You can get a free Linden Home (these are on either 512 or 1024 sq m. parcels). And/or, you can buy a Mainland parcel that is for sale. One advantage of Linden Homes is that the prims of the house don't count against the parcel's Land Impact allowance. A 1024 sq. m. parcel allows you 351 prims. A 2048 sq. m. parcel allows you 703 prims. But one problem is that, while LL has said that eventually there will be Linden Homes on larger land parcels for Premium Plus members, they are not yet available. And you cannot add to the prims or the land of a Linden Home parcel. So if you go Premium Plus, you can either have a Linden Home, and then buy another 1024 parcel elsewhere, or simply buy a 2048 parcel. I said "buy", because unlike a Linden Home, you do have to pay a one-time purchase fee. This fee can vary widely, from as little as $L1 per sq. m. to way over any reasonable person's budget. (If you don't like the price, there is nothing stopping you from contacting the seller and trying to negotiate a better deal). You can buy land directly, by going there. Right click the land and choose About Land, then click the Buy button. Some land is auctioned off by LL. See the Land Auctions listings on this website. Read the Auction FAQs carefully before bidding. To maximize your prims, consider owning the land through a group. Groups get a 10% bonus...so, if you donate your 2048 sq. m. to a group that you create, you can purchase up to 2,240 sq m. Some Mainland parcels are sized with this in mind. If you need more land and prims than 2048 sq. m., you can buy a larger Mainland parcel. You'll pay a monthly fee for land over your Premium or Premium Plus "free" amount. With any land you buy, inspect it carefully. Check the Maturity rating. Look at your neighbors' builds. Check the lag. Fly up into the sky and see what's up there around your parcel. Check for banlines. If you're on waterfront, check route(s) from your parcel to open ocean for blockages or banlines.
  18. This is the problem...LL is relying on an honor system re. bots. Yeah, you're supposed to register them. If you do, they aren't counted in the Traffic algorithm So of course, people intent on using bots to up their traffic DON'T register them. But... then how do you tell when an account is or is not a bot? Or for that matter, when it is or is not being used to game the traffic numbers? We had a prior example of a friend parking an alt on your parcel. That affects traffic, for sure...but is it WHY your friend's alt is there? Where do you draw the line...we have a spectrum here, from one friend parked on your living room sofa, to thirty "friends" parked on a sky platform over your store or club. Where along this spectrum does it become a Bad Thing? Is it only bad if five or more accounts are on the parcel? Ten? Is it only bad if it's on a parcel used for commercial purposes? What about bots used for other purposes? When getting information that's publicly available, does it matter if it's a human doing it one profile at a time, or a bot running a search algorithm, or fifty bots scouring the grid all day long? Is the end use of the information a deciding factor, and if so, how can that be controlled? Right now, it appears LL's response to that one is, "it's public info, so it's all good." Obviously, some of us feel otherwise, in some cases very strongly. I think the whole issue, or packet of issues, is tricky and the edge cases matter. I don't think LL's current laissez faire position is the right answer, but I don't think anyone else has proposed an idea that doesn't create more problems than it solves, either. Since this problem exists in a social space with a lot of variables, it might behoove LL to do some research by putting together a number of groups, either of residents or their staff, and game out various changes/policies/restrictions/new functions to see what the consequences, intended and unintended, are.
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