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Marianne McCann

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Everything posted by Marianne McCann

  1. Dillon Levenque wrote: Wow, I need to read this section more often. I just learned something in the 'thread below' that you mentioned, but this one is even more interesting. I wonder if you could define 'giant'. I think it covers that at:https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:About_ad_farms_and_network_advertisers
  2. Luk Wilber wrote: Thanks for the comments. Really is very necessary to discuss the topic before, to not cause losses to anyone. Just to clarify: the premium resident could choose only one option -> Home OR store. So I think the impact would not be greater than that already caused by linden homes. But why have a store front anyway? THe Marketplace is attempting to all but kill inworld storefront as it is. Soon you won't even need land to hold your "Magic Box," as the product will go straight out of your inventory. There's your free store, and it doesn't even require a premium account or any land.
  3. Did someone say rotating monoliths? Behold the wonder that is the Algira region. All the same owner, with giant "FORSALE" signs, spinning around. The thing I wonder when i see this: Why would I buy one of those parcels, when my view all around is gonna be for sale signs?
  4. Shekinah Umaga wrote: I’m a very open minded transsexual woman in RL & SL and few sexual practices in either bother me. If it hurts no one and you enjoy it, that’s fine with me and I might even try it. However, yesterday I came across a place in SL that is openly promoting the meeting of adults and child avis for sex. I was really upset by this; I was not on sim for more than a few minutes and had to children IM me for adoption with sex. I find this disgusting and want to contact LL and have it stopped I’m sure it’s against every rule of SL and for good reason. Can anyone tell me who to contact? Absolutely file an abuse report. The appropriate category would be Age > Ageplay. As others mentioned, this would be a violation of the Terms of Service, specifically 8.2.vi (the expanded policy is also on the wiki).
  5. Prokofy Neva wrote: Actually, they have Linden stores already but they don't seem to get much advertising. They are inworld. They're called Busy Ben's Vehicles, Galleria shopping mall, and I forget the other one, boats 'r us or something somewhere. They used to get more traffic when there was more of a call for them. Every each, they run a lottery for these stories and you have a random chance of winning a free tier-free store. ...except the Linden who ran that program was let go in June, and no one has since taken on that project. The last lottery was in the Autumn of 2009.
  6. Hippie Bowman wrote: Great Marianne! If I am not mistaken, Bay City is one of the oldest communities in SL. Thank you Marianne for all you do in helping others! There are older, but I'd contend we're one of the stronger ones. Thanks. :-)
  7. Most of my volunteer time right now goes into the Bay City community. 's fun! :-)
  8. Maleficus Luminos wrote: who would be the appropriate linden to direct such an inquiry too and does this linden have an email address? Such a query would likely be best directed to Amanda Linden.
  9. Maleficus Luminos wrote: Lol, honestly.. it appears they bought them out to shut them down. Where is the ambition there.. where is the social network capability integration? It looks to me like they havent integrated anything. "to make up, combine, or complete to produce a whole or alarger unit, as parts do." There is no larger unit, or combination unless its in the works... Bear in mind that they also bought it under one CEO, and closed it under another. I suspect it was more of an "M thing" than anything. That said, I believe at least some of the AU functionality exists in the web-based profiles.
  10. Ever Dreamscape wrote: and enjoying all the fab outfits (forget who this lady was but she was inspiring) Thanks again all Lorna Stratten, I believe. She did have an amazing outfit, too! One of my an my sibs form the event too, just because.
  11. Wow - if it wasn't for the V2 style buy pass barricade, I'd swear that was from the heyday of ad farms.
  12. Glad you enjoyed! I took that shot at http://slurl.com/secondlife/alirium/171/116/21/ - I'm not sure if that region has a landing point, but if it puts you in the snowy landscape area, use the teleport to ground, go down a couple times, and then exit the store to get to where I shot that
  13. I suspect one could make a build that would at least give that appearance - but all gravity is, essentially, constant, and points down to the SL ground. :-)
  14. Willow Danube wrote: Well, latest news... someone outbid me.. woohhooooo.... looks like I don't have to take that job in Zindra afterall... Lesson learned! Will look before bid next time. Congrats!
  15. Oh look, it's late Sunday night! I hope y'all had a super weekend and had a ton of fun. :smileyhappy: This weekend we had a big mixer in Bay City. It was an "East meets West" thing, on account of the merger of the old Teen Grid Bay City to the Main Grid Bay City. it was also a good excuse as any for a party. We opted to stick to Bay City's them, and did it up mid century style, with swing music and alla that. It was fun! Here's a shot from the event: And a shot of me an my sibs, in our vintage finery: Me an my sibs did a bit of exploring, too. Like poking around some more in Alirium. What a pretty spot, really. We've also been getting Livingtree all springy, as well as doing some remodeling here and there. This was the other night, as we put out new bridges here and there: And finally, just because, another Bay City shot. This one showing a little bit of a building I'm workin' on, to the left in this piccie: Here's hopin' all y'all have great weeks ahead, and much fun t'come!
  16. /me shrugs I figure he's either an epic troll, or he's a loon. Either way, he's not worth replying to/attempting to engage/etc. Just ignore 'em, or report him is yer so inclined, or whatever.
  17. Thanks to all who made it out to the city yesterday for our "East Meets West" mixer, the crowd was big and lively, and I think much fun was had. A true showing of the strength of our community. Thanks to LisaHot Juran, Ever Dreamscape, Molly Montale, BennyThe Boozehound and all who attended f'r makin' the event what it was. Also, kudos to Marx Dudek and Holocluck Henly for a pair of great follow-up parties later in the evening.
  18. Indigo Mertel wrote: Mowry Bay is a geographical area, Marianne, not a monument. Historically it has been called so for a number of years. Perhaps landmark wasn't the proper word to be used, sorry about that. No worries! Just pondering what other spots would/should be included...
  19. Indigo Mertel wrote: I still recommend adding a reference to Mowry Bay. It's a historical landmark. If so, which other landmarks? The Governor's mansion? The Man? NCI in Kuula? Sutherland Dam? Ahern Welome Area? Ivory Tower?
  20. Peewee Musytari wrote: Anyone remember a few years back when LL had a sense of humour? ...One April 1st they messed with all the little messages inworld, like when you are TPing and it says *contacting region" etc they changed them all to some hilarious stuff, people get so used to not reading those messages that it it took all day for some to even notice FWIW, I think that was the last April Fool's prank LL will ever pull. A lot of people got inordinately upset by those, and yelled about LL wasting resources with silly TP messages versus "fix the lag" and stuff. I s'pect they still have a sense of humor (This pretty much confirms that), but they cant much show it without people being upset. :-/
  21. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: Isn't that a bit like asking for a map of the internet? A map as a navigational tool appears a bit archaic in a world where you can teleport anywhere in an instant. Hop in your car in Sammamish and drive it to Hikuelo. Or run an SLRR train from Bhagi to Pavonia, trade it for a horse, and ride to Athetis. Or fly from Hau Koda up into the northern Continent, or boat across the Blake Sea. Many more ways to enjoy a world than teleporting, especially if you've got the time and interest.
  22. Storm Clarence wrote: This map mislabels Satori as Corsica. Corsica is the "unknown" on the map. This also lacks Gaeta and anything beyond it.
  23. Deltango Vale wrote: I want to send my thanks to Guy Linden, who works tirelessly behind the scenes to solve problems on the mainland. He doesn't get the same exposure here in the forum as someone like Torley, but he is equally devoted to making Second Life a better place for residents. Here here! Guy rocks!
  24. Toysoldier Thor wrote: Im my lil personal quest for finding the oldest sim in the SL grid and even the old existing build still rezzed ... this is what I found. (I talked to a friend of mine that sorta helped me sort some of my initial facts out as she is one of the oldest beta users in sl). The oldest sim in SL is the sim of NATOMA (although it might have been co-rezzed about the same time as a couple others). It was supposedly a welcome sim way back when. It would make sense that it is the oldest sim in the grid as it has a lot of historical REAL OLD builds still rezzed, including the oldest prims still rezzed and which has been put up as a monument by the Lindens. Its a statue called "THE MAN" - real simple build but still...it was created by OldJohn Lindenon July 19th, 2002 at 2:08pm. It stand on a hill called Phillips Hill. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Natoma/61/205/41 The hill stand behind the famous mecca for Noon Builders - The Ivory Tower Library of Primatives. Also on this ancient sim are many other still rezzed oldddd builds. I am sure most of you know this stuff but in case u didnt. As was already noted, Da Boom is region #1, not Natoma. Sadly, there isn't much of historical significance left in that region. Natoma is an early one, and home to many early artifacts like The Man (which was part of the original attempt at a city, back in Alpha days). You can also find some of the items from LindenWorld (the amusement park, not the alpha) near there, like the Senso game, and a copy of Sinatra Cartier's Spook House. Be sure to also check out the Arch'D Linden Grande in front of the Ivory Tower. Of course, Newbie Corral, the boat pond, and the Natoma branch of Avatar Central are long gone.. As far as oldest builds, may I suggest this page by Lalo Telling, which covers several of the earliest artifacts in SL. Surprisingly, The Man is only the 6th oldest. I wish I had one of those nickles :-(
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