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leliel Mirihi

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Everything posted by leliel Mirihi

  1. There are at least 20 cards that are faster. Off the top of my head I'd suggest either the 7800GS AGP or the X1950GT AGP, both are 3-4 times faster than what you have. Not that I'd recommend buying anything for that machine now. The 7300GT is actually slower than the top of the line cards available when your machine was made. Yes the resources are getting eaten up. FRAPS can cause a performance hit if you try running a demanding game while recording, which is what you're doing.
  2. NJMike wrote: Upgrade my graphics card? I just got this one May 18th and it's the best card I can get for my computer. There's a good chance you got ripped off and it's far from the best card you can get for that machine. Anyway it's pretty well known that FRAPS can cause a large hit in performance.
  3. The SSE2 code in the latest viewer is used for avatar skinning and weighted meshes mostly. You should see better performance when several animated avatars are in view.
  4. To late, they already did make it a requirement. And I doubt there are that many people with machines that don't support SSE2. You're the 10th person or so in the last 7 months to bring it up.
  5. You have to have a user name, Windows will not let you use the machine without one. You probably have automatic logins enabled and that's why you don't remember it. But you don't need to know it. Just look in C:/Users, anything that looks like a name (and is not administrator) is yours.
  6. By user name they mean the name of the account you use to login to the machine, not sl. It will be real obvious when you look because yours will most likely be the only one. The builtin browser is libqtwebkit. It's the same rendering engine that Safari and Chrome use. How it works is complicated magic.
  7. Imnotgoing Sideways wrote: And, yes... Shadows + AA = crash. It's an old bug with no good solid solution yet. (._.) Shadows and AA have worked for me (for the most part) for a long time now. I'm starting to think I'm the only one and I'm just lucky or something.
  8. Yes and no and sort of. You will always get lower performance, but it depends on the version and settings as to how low. Some version run well, some don't for some unknown reason. My GTX 560 Ti is getting 40fps at ground level on the main land with shadows, SSAO, DoF, and 4x AA running 2.7.1. (performance varies quite a bit depending on the sim) My first guess as to why you're getting low performance is SLI, my second guess is update your drivers.
  9. Both chips can run on mid/high, but the GT 525M is faster. I say get the Nvidia.
  10. AMD bought ATI in late 2006 but they continued to sell video cards under the ATI brand until just a few months ago.
  11. Lolita fashion was originally a modernized version of the French Baroque and Rococo styles with a little bit of the British Regency, Victorian, and Edwardian styles mixed in. You can still see that in Classic and Ama lolita styles, Mary Magdalene and Baby the Stars Shine Bright are good examples. Gothic lolita branched off and mixed in with western gothic styles tho so it can look quite different from a traditional lolita dresses.
  12. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: Very cute It would also be interesting to know how you go about finding gothic lolita outfits, seeing that LL made it near impossible to advertise this utterly harmless fashion. Open search and type in lolita, they unblocked the word years ago. (loli is still blocked) Edit to stay on topic:
  13. Kasya Sciavo wrote: Nice post, Penny. As always you are often the voice of reason. However, what then is the solution if - as you appear to imply - the SL grid is simply great, and we all need to be like noobs to move freely in a virtual world some of us pay a fair bit for that privilege? You can walk around looking like a noob if you want, but people that actually bothered to read the posts in this thread will know to just go shopping at stores that sell high quality items that cause minimal lag.
  14. Kasya Sciavo wrote: Ummm, actually, I think that might not be a bad idea for yourself to do, again?? Your diatribe would have a little more weight to it if the grid wasn't full of stores selling high quality items that don't lag a sim to death. I'll bet the very same dancers with the laggy hair that said they had to wear it to look good had equally good looking hair in their inventory that didn't have hundreds of scripts.
  15. Kasya Sciavo wrote: Well, now.....is that right, huh? The people who spend money on nice, fairly expensive avatar accesories are to blame? Am, I getting this right, here? No you're not getting it right. Go back and reread the OP.
  16. Another forum would be the best place since this has nothing to do with SL. But if you really want to talk about it here then I guess the General Discussion Forum would be the best fit.
  17. This is an interesting subject and all...but what exactly does it have to do with the second life server software?
  18. What you're talking about sounds like a form of occlusion culling known as portals, it's a very good system for occlusion culling that was first used in Quake I believe. The problem is that it only works on static geometry, you have to pre compute all the data for it. Obviously this won't work for SL. Anyway the viewer does do real time occlusion culling using the standard feature present in every GPU made in the last 10 years. The reason why it doesn't work very well is two fold. First is because of prims, the gaps in walls will cause the viewer to not occlude objects that should be, mesh will "fix" this. Second is latency, doing the occlusion test on the GPU then reading back the results over the PCIe bus to do the culling on the CPU just takes too long. This is why modern games have switched to either a fully GPU based system (usually something like hierarchical-z map), or just doing good frustum culling on the CPU and relying on the back face culling and early Z culling on the GPU to catch most of the rest.
  19. Medhue Simoni wrote: The custom screen problem is also made worse by V2's chat and IM system. In the early years of V1, these windows were separate, and then, overtime, it was realized that combining it all into 1 chat system made awesome sense. Then, V2 was released and it went backwards in time to when we naively thought 2 was better than 1. How exactly does that happen? V1 concludes that 1 window is best, but V2 ignores that conclusion. Why do I bring this up? Cause it is a window nightmare. I barely have room for all the things I need on my screen, but now, I have to have 2 chat windows open. Not everyone liked that change. Look in the archives for the old old forums and you'll see that people complained about that almost as much as people have complained about v2. In fact 4 years later you can still find TPVs with the pre 1.17 UI.
  20. Enable VBO. That chip is recognized in the latest viewer.
  21. Luc Starsider wrote: Huh? stone aged 3D modeling format??? Could you elaborate a bit on that? - Luc - Maybe Vivienne would prefer voxels or point clouds.
  22. The changes were all in the shaders so you don't need to build the viewer, you can just replace the files.
  23. It's good enough, tho I wouldn't go so far as to say it's good. It depends on how high you want the frame rate and graphics settings.
  24. Ann Otoole wrote: In addition LL had true reflectivity in the viewer years ago and took it out. LL needs to put it back in. IMHO We need both actually. The new shiny does proper specular highlights, and rather cheaply at that. Full blown [specular] reflections are a separate feature that we will hopefully get one day, however the performance hit for them is pretty high.
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