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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. Try Googling "Tutorial make furry avatar in Second Life." There's quite a lot to choose from, including a nice beginning-level video tutorial in two parts. The first part is here >>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUGst-X3h3U.
  2. That's odd. That's a very basic llSetTextureAnim script. There's not much that can go wrong with it and, in fact, it works just fine for me. I use Phoenix exclusively. Have you checked to be sure that the "running" box in the script hasn't been UNchecked for some reason?
  3. In your own profile, click the Classified tab. This tab allows you to set up a classified, and for you to read the ads in other user's profiles. You may create a maximum of 100 classified listings. Each classified is charged a weekly fee of at least L$ 50, with no set maximum. Listings are shown in order of fee from high to low. On other user's profiles you may read the ads, but not edit them. For more, see http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Profile
  4. Luci Koenkamp wrote: Therefore my question is: Is it possible to make a tga/png texture WITH alpha channel in 24 bits and how do I do that? No. See my post (#5) above.
  5. The word at the OH on Monday was that script limits aren't on the near horizon.
  6. Dora Gustafson wrote: Correct me if I'm wrong. On the receiver side you still need to set up a listen channel with llListen including filters and all? Correct, Dora.
  7. There are many reasons why you might get that message. Your account may have been put on hold by mistake, or for an administrative reason -- maybe someone else has been using your account for phishing or other unauthorized purposes. In any case, as you have discovered, the only people who can take your account off hold again are at Linden Lab. Once you have filed a ticket with all the details that you can present to describe your own side of the issue, all you can do is wait. A delay of 24 hours is not unusual, so be patient.
  8. Hmmmm.. There is a Droid app (http://www.mobilegridclient.com/), and there is apparently a new beta app by Vollee (http://www.phonemag.com/second-life-mobile-app-in-beta-from-vollee-021146.php). Check out those two links and you'll know more than most of us. :smileyhappy:
  9. It can take 24 hours or more for Marketplace delivery sometimes, so they may still show up. Marketplace has had more than the normal number of delivery problems recently, however, so you should try contacting the merchants from whom you bought things and ask for redelivery. You'll need to go first to the Transaction History in your account (accessible from the lefthand sidebar on your dashboad at secondlife.com). Find the record of your purchase, then cut and paste it into a politely worded notecard and send it to the merchant. Merchants are aware of the delivery problems and most will be willing to send your purchase again, espcially if it has copy perms. Do be patient, though. Not all merchants are in world or reading messages every day.
  10. When you pay your Premium membership fee, land use fees, Private Estate fees, buy Linden dollars or buy a Private Region, Linden Lab charges your US dollar balance. If your US dollar balance does not cover your expenses, we charge the remainder via your preferred payment method. If you make enough Linden dollars, you can sell them on the LindeX to increase your US dollar balance. Choose Account > Update Billing Info to view the Billing Info page. This page also enables you to update and delete billing information. Your account will be billed to the credit card or Paypal account you have set up.
  11. I can easily imagine times when it wopuld be inconvenient to have a sound delayed for some people in an area but not others, so a delay might be problematic sometimes. Still, the idea of automatically precacheing is interesting. Perhaps if it were an optional flag ..... llPlaySound(string filename, float sound_volume, integer preload); ?
  12. That is one cool function. :smileyvery-happy: I've been having fun playing with it for a half hour now. Lovely possibilities.
  13. My preferred solution is to make the texture itself a triangle, like this..... Anything white in this image is actually transparent in the real image I uploaded to SL. It's applied to a triangular face (in my case, one of the 4 triangular faces on a tetragonal pyramid), using planar mapping, with the repeats exactly as Void suggested. It works perfectly.
  14. Yup. You were probably right, too. I was just puzzled by the OP's non-standard use of the word "disburse," so I decided it was worth offering an alternative, just in case.
  15. When you preload sounds, you are preloading them to any avatars within hearing range. That's what "preloading" means. If the script preloaded a sound and you were not within range at the time, it didn't preload for you. Your workaround is perfectly good one. If sounds are played in sequence, you could also preload one while the previous one is playing. Or you could preload sounds periodically with a timer, on the theory that you never know when a new person might have walked up since the last time the file was preloaded.
  16. .....unless by "disburse" you mean "pay". In that case, you don't have to do a thing. LL deducts any liabilities from your account automatically.
  17. I'm not sure which SL avatar files you want. If it's the UV templates for texturing the avatar body, the ones Chip Midnight made are at http://www.annotoole.com/CMFF/. If you need obj files for the male and female avatar body, I think you'll find what you need at http://ccccybernetics.com/avatar_databank/.
  18. You're right about the MONO bug, but that's thankfully an issue that will finally be resolved soon. Aside from that, though, Peter's basic point is correct. Scripts aren't "partitioned off," but they have a lower priority for server attention than any other assets in a sim. When the servers are faced with rendering textures, handling communications, dealing with the physics engine, and everything else, they give whatever time is left over to executing scripts. It's only when there's nothing left to work with that the servers begin to lag, and by then they've already given up on executing scripts.
  19. The simplest "time capsule" can be just a box prim that you drop things into. Give group members access to the box so they can copy it or objects in it, and you're done. If you want to get fancier, you can add a simple vendor script that gives the contents of the box to anyone who touches it. The easiest place to get one is at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGiveInventoryList.
  20. As you design your viewer, be sure to read Linden Lab's Policy on Third-Party Viewers carefully. Your viewer must comply with LL's policy in order to gain access to their servers.
  21. It can take 24 hours or more for Marketplace delivery sometimes, so they may still show up. Marketplace has had more than the normal number of delivery problems recently, however, so you should try contacting the merchants from whom you bought things and ask for redelivery. You'll need to go first to the Transaction History in your account (accessible from the lefthand sidebar on your dashboad at secondlife.com). Find the record of your purchase, then cut and paste it into a politely worded notecard and send it to the merchant. Merchants are aware of the delivery problems and most will be willing to send your purchase again, espcially if it has copy perms. Do be patient, though. Not all merchants are in world or reading messages every day.
  22. Go to Preferences (CTRL + P) and UNcheck the box on the Communications page that says you want to forward IMs to e-mail.
  23. Go to your dashboard (log in at secondlife.com) and click Account >> Cancel Account in the sidebar to your left. It's that easy. I'd recommend NOT doing that, though. If you have a Premium account, just change to Basic so that you don't get charged a monthly fee any more, and then walk away. Leave your account alive. That way it will still be there when you change you mind in a month or two. Otherwise, you'll have to pay a $9.95 fee to re-instate your account and have access to all the stuff in your inventory.
  24. Line length makes no difference at all. The end of a line is marked by a line feed/CR. If you want to read line #2 on a card named gCard, write gCardQuery = llGetNotecardLine(gCard,2); Then dataserver(key QiD, string data){ if ( QiD == gCardQuery) { if (data != EOF) { llOwnerSay("This is line #2: " + data); } }} ETA: I feel silly asking, but you are hitting ENTER at the end of each line you type on the notecard, right?
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