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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. Click on My Picks. At the bottom of the sidebar is a '+' to add new ones. You can also right-click and edit or delete any of the existing ones.
  2. Yay, team! :smileyvery-happy: (BTW, see my message #6, above)
  3. OK. Time for the executive treatment. Go to http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=bake_fail and work down the list of cures (some of which you have already tried, but do them again). Bake fail problems are almost always due to something on your own computer, so take the time to look especially hard at the suggestions dealing with your modem, router, and Internet conections.
  4. Viper Jestyr wrote: Tried test character "Could not put on outfit The outfit folder contains no clothing, body parts, or attachments" Did you put anything in the folder beforehand? I always maintain a special folder in my Body Parts folder that is labelled Emergency ME. It is a complete outfit (shape, skin, hair, clothes, HUDs, attachments) that I can just drag onto my avatar any time I need to make a quick change for any reason.
  5. A CTRL+Alt+R rebake works if there's a mild communication problem between your client and SL's servers, but you may need something sturdier. Try rebuilding your avatar to factory specs with Character >> Character Test (Male/Female) from your Advanced (CTRL+Alt+D) or Develop (CTRL+Alt+Q) menu. You'll need to drop your preferred shape, skin, and attachments on your avatar once it's rebuilt, so it's smart to have those things saved as an Emergency Backup outfit to save time. That method usually clears up more serious bake fail problems like yours.
  6. You ought to be able to confirm that the account exists by logging in. If your alt is there and you can wander around and do things, the account exists. You should also be able to go to your new dashboard by logging in at secondlife.com. From there, you can check your account balance, your billing preferences, and all the other things that you can do with a live account. Even without an e-mail, those should confirm that your new account is there.
  7. It can take more than a couple of days to deal with an AR, and I suspect that LL put griefers who are running around crashing sims closest to the top of their action list. If you included good, clear documentation (logs of IMs, photos, etc. with times and places indicated), then they have all they need to go on. They will not act on issues that are conflicts between residents, but TOS violations are another matter. You will never hear the resolution, because that's a privacy issue, but you should get acknowledgement that LL has received your AR.
  8. In that case, I'd blame it on the new V2 upgrade. Try switching to an earlier version or to a TPV like Phoenix and see if the problem goes away.
  9. You have discovered the "white halo" problem. If you wander around SL, you'll find that quite a few people have discovered it before you. It's an edge effect. Essentially, what happens is that the pixels immediately adjacent to an area that is transparent in your image are rendered as white because they are being averaged with the opaque and transparent pixels on either side. There are several standard solutions. One is the "Flaming Pear" plug-in that smears opaque pixels into the transparent area so that there are no ambiguous edge-effect pixels under the black/white boundary in your alpha channel image. You can do the same thing by running gently over the edge of a transparent area with a blur tool. Still another variation is to make a copy of the layer that you use for your main image, stretch it just slightly, and place it under the original. Another popular solution is to leave an opaque background layer under your entire image, again so that there are always opaque pixels everywhere that there's a black/white boundary in the alpha channel image. It's best to fill that background layer with a color that is near to the color of whatever is in the layers above. My own favorite method is not to create an edge effect in the first place. Let the alpha layer do all the cutting for you, and leave no transparent pixels in active layers in your image. Chosen and Robin refer to this as a "subtractive" method. Some people prefer to use PNG rather than TGA because they figure that it's another way to avoid the white halo problem. As you've discovered, though, that's not always the case. The edge effect can still be there, especially around dark-colored regions. Also, as you've discovered, once a texture is uploaded to SL it doesn't make any difference what its parent was on your computer. It's no longer a PNG, TGA, JPG, or BMP image. It's JPEG 2000.
  10. Hmmmm... The new update to V2 has LL's answer to jiggly boobs (that's the new "bounce feature"), but you'd only see it with that viewer. Whenever you use a megaprim as a floor, though, you will see it register on the sim's Top Colliders list. You may have noticed that when you walk on a megaprim, you are always floating a little bit higher than you are on bare ground or a normal prim. Also, when you cut or dimple a prim, you don't affect its bounding box. That's why we're always advised to install cut megaprims with the cut side facing down, away from people. I suspect that it doesn't take much to upset the sim's physics engine and make you bounce a little.
  11. No. It actually toggles to a much lower screen resolution, but without toggling into or out of full screen. I have never seen any use for it, but I have tripped it accidentally myself a couple of times.
  12. The Scripting forum is meant as a place for scripters to learn from each other. It's not really a place to look for scripts. If you are looking for someone to write a script for you, the best place to ask is in the Inworld Employment section of the Commerce Forums (http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inworld-Employment/bd-p/InworldEmployment). If you are looking for a script that already exists, try Marketplace or the LSL Scripting Library (http://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Scripting-Library/bd-p/LSLScriptingLibrary) or the Wanted section of the Commerce forums (http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Wanted/bd-p/Wanted). You will have much better luck. If you are writing the script, though, take a look at llSetScale >> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetScale . All you need to do is pass it a vector that keeps two of the current dimensions fixed and changes the third one.
  13. I guess I wouldn' t ever expect num_detected to be more than 1 or 2. When you click and activate touch_start, the queue clears VERY fast, so there's almost never much of a queue. ETA: And what Peter said.. :smileywink:
  14. Your system should recognize SL as a 32-bit program and adjust automatically. If it's not doing that, you can take care of it manually. Find the EXE file for your Second Life viewer, right click on it and select Properties >> Compatability. Check the box that says "Run this program in compatability mode for:" and select a pre-Windows 7 version.
  15. Rolig Loon


    This a recognized problem with the current SL viewer and Macs. See https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-25627 Here's a solution that seems to work. It's fairly complicated, but the directions are pretty clear. Here's the URL: http://neilrobinson.wordpress.com/2008/05/19/a-fix-for-dns-errors/ You need to add the following additional DNS servers to your DNS settings in Network settings under System Preferences: If that doesn`t work for you, you can go back to the previous version of the viewer here http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Supported_Viewers make sure you also switch off automatic updates in your preferences or it will just update you again.
  16. Just change your account status from Premium to Basic at https://secondlife.com/my/account/membership.php?lang=en-US. You'll still be billed $9.95 for the current billing cycle, but that's it. Your Basic membership is free and it lets you do almost everything except own land.
  17. This a recognized problem with the current SL viewer and Macs. See https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-25627 Here's a solution that seems to work. It's fairly complicated, but the directions are pretty clear. Here's the URL: http://neilrobinson.wordpress.com/2008/05/19/a-fix-for-dns-errors/ You need to add the following additional DNS servers to your DNS settings in Network settings under System Preferences: If that doesn`t work for you, you can go back to the previous version of the viewer here http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Supported_Viewers make sure you also switch off automatic updates in your preferences or it will just update you again.
  18. CTRL + Alt + ENTER toggles the resolution your screen. If I understand what you are asking, that's the solution you want.
  19. Void Singer wrote: it's not per Rolig, it's per Kelly.... (chatter removed) [09:35:04] Void Singer: so assuning MONO 2 rez gets done this week, what's up after that? [09:35:16] Kelly Linden: week long party [09:36:12] Rolig Loon: So where does this put us with respect to script limits? [09:36:33] Kelly Linden: Script limits is on hold. I included the first to highlight the point (there was mention of threaded de-rez which will probably go in the queue next) ETA: psst rolig, ya gotta drop the name too or people get dubious =D Hehe. You're right, Void. I'm still new in the band, so I missed a beat. I should have capitalized "The Word" in my post. Only a Linden would say The Word.
  20. Pfffffft.... When you can do it with a plywood prim and a bucket of Photoshop prim paint, we don't need no steenkin' sculpties OR meshes. :smileyvery-happy:
  21. "No transfer" just means that you can't sell or give the texture to someone else. You can use it yourself. You ought to be able to drag/drop it as the instructions tell you to, so long as the head is, in fact, modifiable.
  22. Try Googling "Tutorial make furry avatar in Second Life." There's quite a lot to choose from, including a nice beginning-level video tutorial in two parts. The first part is here >>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUGst-X3h3U.
  23. That's odd. That's a very basic llSetTextureAnim script. There's not much that can go wrong with it and, in fact, it works just fine for me. I use Phoenix exclusively. Have you checked to be sure that the "running" box in the script hasn't been UNchecked for some reason?
  24. In your own profile, click the Classified tab. This tab allows you to set up a classified, and for you to read the ads in other user's profiles. You may create a maximum of 100 classified listings. Each classified is charged a weekly fee of at least L$ 50, with no set maximum. Listings are shown in order of fee from high to low. On other user's profiles you may read the ads, but not edit them. For more, see http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Profile
  25. Luci Koenkamp wrote: Therefore my question is: Is it possible to make a tga/png texture WITH alpha channel in 24 bits and how do I do that? No. See my post (#5) above.
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