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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. I suspect that your script is almost identical to the one at the link Irene wisely pointed you to. It's pretty simple. Just put your URL exactly where the old URL is in the script now, being careful to leave everything else alone, including all punctuation.
  2. Debbi Demina wrote: Hi Void thanks for the reply, how do i go about lightening the RGB then...i have always used the transparency and fill never lightend anything with the rgb settings...so im totally stumped lol im using PS CS5 right now... Thanks again, Debbi x Try painting with gray instead of painting with black. Changing opacity is like adding water to your black paint. You just make thin black paint. You need to add white to make gray paint.
  3. You can't. The only way to make a negative balance positive is to add L$. L$10 is only a little less that 4 cents US, though, so you don't need to add much. What you do need to do, though, is find out why it went negative. The usualy answer is that you have joined some group that makes members with your role share in paying group liabilities. You can find out exactly what you were charged for by opening your Dashboard (log in to secondlife.com) and looking at Account >> Transaction History.
  4. Perhaps the landlord asked LL for a sim rollback for some reason. That would reset everything to the way it was at the spefici rollback time s/he requested. Ask. For more information about rollbacks, see http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Managing-private-Regions/ta-p/700115#Private_Region_auto-saves_and_restores_.28rollbacks.29
  5. Yay, TEAM!! Nice detective work. I mess around with Debug settings myself sometimes just to see what they do. Sometimes the results are unexpected, though, so be sure to leave a trail of breadcrumbs if you're doing this yourself. It's always good to remember what you did so you can back out again if you need to.
  6. You may be right that a re-install is in order. If you do that, be sure to delete everything in the current program folder on your hard drive before downloading and reinstalling. Loading a new copy on top of an old one may make you inherit old problems. You can save you archived chat logs, if you wish, though. BTW, this is not a really scary process. Your inventory is safe on SL's servers along with the rest of your account information, so re-installing should let you pick up right where you left off.
  7. It's a Mac problem. Here's what my friend Peewee would say about it: There is a JIRA about this problem for Macs https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-25627 Here is a fix posted by Gio Solo that might help you: I found a temporary solution for my Mac. Now I can use Second Life Viewer 2.6.3. I found the solution here: http://neilrobinson.wordpress.com/2008/05/19/a-fix-for-dns-errors/ Basically I had to add the following additional DNS servers to my DNS settings in Network settings under System Preferences: If that doesn`t work for you, you can go back to the previous version of the viewer here http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Supported_Viewers make sure you also switch off automatic updates in your preferences > setup or it will just update you again. If you need a step by step walkthrough of how to try the above fix, CyFish made one here: http://second-lifers.livejournal.com/1135064.html
  8. I sounds like you have activated one of the diagnostic consoles. Open your Advanced menu (CTRL+Alt+D) and click on Consoles to see if one of them has an X next to it. If so, click it off. (If you are on the V2 viewer, this may be on your Develop menu ,CTRL+Alt+Q. I'm not sure.)
  9. I don't have a clue what you mean by an "HP setting," but you might find what you want by reading the notes at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetDamage. There's no "bug", but if an object that is phantom or has llVolumeDetect(TRUE) collides with an avatar, it will not cause damage. Maybe that's what you are thinking of.
  10. That isn't your entire script, is it? A complete script might look like this..... default{ touch_start(integer num) { key player = llGetOwner(); llLoadURL(player,"abc","http://www.google.com"); }}
  11. Ummm... No need for a HUD for Voice. That's a standard option. Just open Preferences (CTRL+P) >> Communication and check the box to enable voice. You do need to be in an area where voice is permitted. Read more at http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Voice-chat-FAQ/ta-p/70017.
  12. There may be two diferent kinds of words over your head. Everyone always has a name and (sometimes) a group tag overhead. You can't ever get rid of your name, but you can change or remove the group tag by selecting a different group from the list of groups that you belong to, or selecting "None." Select Edit > Groups from the menus at the top of the Second Life window. Click on the name of the group you wish to make active. You'll be using the title that group has given you. Click the Activate button. When the group name changes to bold, click Close. The other kind of words are floating text. Those are created by a script in some object that you are wearing. You can figure out which object it is by opening the Worn tab in your Inventory and looking to see what's currently attached, probably to your head somewhere. Popular attachment points are your nose, mouth, or chin. When you find the object, just detach it and the text will go away. If you want to change the words in the text, you will need to open the object with your Edit tool, look in the Contents tab, and then open the script. It should be fairly obvious where to change the words once you have the sipt open (if you have permission to modiy it). Save the updated script and you should have new words.
  13. That is SO wierd. I wish I had a suggestion, but absolutely nothing leaps to mind. If you have documentation of your attempts, I'd suggest filing a JIRA report.
  14. Does that happen in all shops on Marketplace or just with certain ones? I'm just wondering whether it's something about the way that some merchants have things set up, or perhaps some setup options that work better than others....... I don't have any experience with this as a buyer, because I am too cheap to buy for anyone but myself. :=P But I'd guess that maybe 40% of the sheer nightgowns I sell on Marketplace are gifts, and they have all been delivered so far.
  15. PeterCanessa Oh wrote:It is often the case that we're so close to our code and know so well what it 'should' be doing, that it is very hard to spot this sort of thing in our own work but dead simple for someone else. Hehehe... I think it's because we have all made the same mistakes over and over ourselves. After a while, we become immune to them in our own work but they leap right out as familiar problems when we see them in a different setting. I never see the paintings that have been hanging on my own walls for years, but I'm drawn immediately to paintings by the same artist on someone else's wall.
  16. Here's another idea..... Non-scripters or beginning scripters are usually looking for a solution to a specific design problem. They usually don't have the time or patience to start with the basics. They want to start at the end. This can lead to some odd applications of scripts that were designed for very different purposes. Many are terribly inefficient and they lead to problems down the road. Why not take a specific example and chase it through the forums? My favorite would be doors. Start with some of the popular door scripts that have been distributed freely in SL for years. Peter Linden's Basic door >> http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/15/30/1902/1.html Timeless Prototype's Timeless Door >> http://lslwiki.net/lslwiki/wakka.php?wakka=LibraryTimelessLinkedDoor Toy Wylie's Smooth Rotating Door >> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Smooth_Rotating_Door Void Singer'sSimple Hinge Action >> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Scripting-Library/Simple-Hinge-Action/m-p/87486#M28 Then use the forum's search function to starting mining for threads related to doors. You'll find loads of examples in which people used one of these doors and screwed up. ("I linked my door to the house and now the whole house turns when I click on it.", "I put the script in my door but it opens in instead of out.", "I want a door with a timer on it, but this script doesn't have one.", "How do I make the door work only in the daytime?") Take a look at this one: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Scripting/General-question-about-rotation/m-p/359035/highlight/true#M9810 Anyway.... you can go nuts following all the ways that people are using (and misusing) door scripts. Join one of the building groups like Builder's Buddy and see what a high proportion of their chatter is about how to make doors work. It's a gold mine. A whole PhD dissertation.
  17. The best suggestion so far is to read every single thread in this forum and to go back and dig through archived threads in the previous forum. We are often dealing with questions from beginning scripters who are trying to solve specific challenges. The approach here is generally not to produce a finished script for the OP but to teach the OP how to write it her/himself. That can mean a lot of back and forth, trial answers, alternative suggestions, and unfinished code snippets. The threads will also reveal frustrations on both sides as we struggle to understand each other. It's your best resource, I think.
  18. Good point, Cinn. I was assuming that she wouldn't want a Display Name unless she could see it herself, but if she only cares whether other people can see it, then the Web Profile solution works.
  19. Can't do it. Sorry. Display names are not supported in official SL viewers prior to 2.0. You'll have to use a 2.0 viewer or a TPV, all of which support Display Names.
  20. It's hard to know what to say, Trix. I have bought several things on Marketplace recently and every one was delivered within seconds. More to the point, every purchase made from my own Marketplace store for the past couple of months has been delivered promptly. I was concerned when I saw people complaining here in SLA, so I started doing spot checks by contacting customers. So far, none of them has told me that they didn't get what they paid for. I have no clue whose experience is more typical, mine or yours, but the answer to your question is no. Marketplace is not broken for everyone. I know several merchants with large volume sales who are not happy with the way Marketplace is behaving, however, so you are not alone.
  21. I was tempted to say that you can only do it with a script, but I can't even think of a way that a script can do it. I believe the answer is that you have to change every blinkin' one, one at a time, by hand. Sorry.
  22. Premium A premium account requires a monthly fee. With a premium membership you can: Own land on the mainland, including a Linden Home Submit support cases for an expanded set of problems. Initiate live chat sessions with customer support. With a premium account, you get a weekly stipend of Linden dollars. For more information, see Linden dollars (getting your premium account stipend).
  23. You always have more control with a timer. It sounds like you really need that control too, if you want to limit the buyer to one-time use but guarantee a grace period. Since your rezzed object will have a script in it anyway, there's no overhead cost to adding a timer to it.
  24. Easy. Don't tell your friends who you are. When I want total privacy, I log on as my imaginary friend -- an alt with no friends except me.
  25. Hi, Kil! (/me waves) -- Did you log in with the Basic mode,by any chance? Basic mode is designed to give newbies a gentle taste of SL without all the confusion of inventory, appearance, search, and all the stuff you already know about. Log out and then select "Advanced" from the login screen when you sign in next time.
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