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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. Hmmmm... I can't see that you have ever posted in Answers or the forums before, so what's this "caps lock problem", and why are you changing your password? You can add information to this question. Just click on the Options link in the upper right corner of your question and select EDIT. Please do NOT start a new thread. FWIW, it's almost impossible for anyone to hack your account in SL. Your account info is on Linden Lab's servers, so they'd have to hack the servers to get at it. It IS possible for someone to set up a phishing exploit and trap you into giving them your account info, but that's not hacking. If you have reason to believe that someone is violating the TOS, you can always submit an AR. Include as much information as you can -- not guesses, but observations, photos, chat logs...... Also..... Your account may have been compromised if: You can't access your account. You suddenly notice a reduced available balance on the payment source you have on file. If this happens, contact us immediately! Here's what to do: Go to the Second LIfe Help page and log in if you can. If you can't access your account, use the Forgot your login information? link on the right to recover your username and reset your password. Then log in. On the Second LIfe Help page page, click the Contact Support link on the right. On the next page, click Submit a a Support Case form. Under What type of problem are you having?, select Account Issue. A second dropdown appears. Under Account Issue, select I believe my account has been compromised. Fill in the rest of the fields as directed. Click Submit. Check your email for your case number. Call our fraud number: 800-860-6990. Once you do this, Linden Lab will place your account on hold and investigate the relevant transactions. This may take a few days. Once we have concluded the investigation, we'll send you an email explaining our conclusion and the action we will take. Note that all transactions involving Linden dollars are subject to Linden Lab's Terms of Service.
  2. So, did you check your network connection? I assume that you're not using wireless. If you are, there's part of your problem. Wireless is a poor choice for SL. There's too much interference and wireless just isn't stable enough for the heavy, continuous data transfer that SL creates. Did you reboot your router? Unplug it from the power for a few minutes to clear its RAM and let it get a fresh look at your IP address. Did you check to be sure that you don't have a firewall or an antivirus routine blocking your access? See here for firewall info >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Using-Second-Life-with-a-firewall/ta-p/1304539 and here for anti-virus advice >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/antivirus_whitelisting If you tried those things and they haven't made a difference, take a look here >>> http://blog.nalates.net/2011/09/11/cant-login-second-life/ BTW, you never told us anything about your computer. What kind is it? To add information, click on the Options link in the upper right corner of your question and select EDIT. Please do NOT start a new thread.
  3. To be very clear, a skybox goes in the sky, so you don't need to worry about what the land under it looks like. However, you do have to own or rent the land that's under it. You can't just plant a skybox over land that isn't yours. You'll need to shop around for a parcel that is big enough to fit your new skybox in and that has a high enough prim allowance to let you rez the skybox and all the furniture and other stuff you want to put in it. See here for information about buying land >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-land/ta-p/700043
  4. Breaks up? What does that look like, all pixelated? That sounds very scary. In fact, it sounds like a graphics card that's about to die. If your card has been overheating, you may have noticed colors starting to get wonky and you may have been crashing fairly often. It may be too late to do anything about damage that has already happened, but open up your computer case and blow out all the accumulated dust bunnies and cat hair with a can of air. Check to be sure that all of your fans are spinning freely. If you are on a laptop, you'll have to take it to a pro to get it cleaned.
  5. It's hard to say. 1. You might be too far away from the inviter. A good one will respond to you anywhere in the same sim, but you won;t be able to hear some unless you are within 10m. 2. You might not be touching the right part of the inviter. Your cursor should change to the pointing hand shape when you are about to click on something that's scripted for touch. 3. You may be dealing with viewer lag. If it's taking a long time for information to get from your computer to SL's servers, the click may not register at all. Click on your Help >> About menu and look at the very last statistic on the window that opens >>> Packets Lost . If it's more than about 0.1%, you're losing data. Try rebooting your router by unplugging it from the power for a few minutes.
  6. Don't panic. It can sometimes take anywhere from a few minutes to a day or more for your items to be delivered. Server lag, lag on your own system, and the number of items that the system is having to handle at the moment can all make a difference. Not that it helps now, but to remember for the future: (1) Don't overuse the shopping cart. It is easily confused if you put more than a couple of things in it. One or two things are OK, but don';t put 6 or 10 in it. (2) Don't buy things from Marketplace (especially LOTS of things) unless you are in world to receive them at the time. We each have an "in box" that holds IMs, notecards, group notices, group invitations, and anything that is delivered to us if we aren't in world at the time. That "in box" can only hold 25 things, total. If anything else comes in, it isn't saved. It is gone ... poof .... forever. If you have a mess of things delivered from Marketplace and half your friends send you notecards, that in box will be capped and you will never know what happened. So, what do you do now? ....... To get a record of the individual items in your order, open Marketplace and click the My Marketplace menu at the top of the page. Select My Account >> Order History from the pulldown menu. If you do not receive items within about 24 hours, you should cut and paste the information about a missing item from that Order History and send it in a IM or notecard to the merchant, along with a polite message requesting redelivery. Most merchants are very kind and willing to redeliver. This happens all the time and they are aware of it. Do be patient, though. Not everyone logs in to SL every day or checks their e-mail. If you still haven't heard in another day or two, follow it up with a second polite note and finally, if you STILL haven't heard, file a support ticket at https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ , selecting Marketplace from the pulldown menu.
  7. As I responded to the OP in this old thread, why do you care? The owner and creator show where it's important -- on the entire object. Unless I'm missing something significant here, I don't see why it makes any difference what the child prims say.
  8. Not likely. It would all have to be done fresh every time your view changed -- 45 frames per second -- and would take a monster chunk of memory.
  9. As Karen says, you can drag/drop a transferable inventory item to the text field when you are in an IM with the person . That's the most secure method. If you want to be sure that the person is in world, of course, you can stand right next to the person and drag/drop your item onto their avatar or their name tag. Just be very sure that you don't let go of the mouse button until you are positive that you are over the intended target. Otherwise, you could be dropping your item on a different person or into a nearby tree or wall.
  10. Easy. Take anything that you have rezzed in the home back to your inventory. Then stand in the home and select World >> About Land >> General >> Abandon Land. You will still have your waiver for land use fee on a 512 sq m parcel of Mainland, so go ahead and buy one. Your land fee waiver will be applied automatically. See http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-land/ta-p/700043 for more information.
  11. It can sometimes take anywhere from a few minutes to a day or more for your items to be delivered, even if it says they were delivered.. Not that it helps now, but to remember for the future: (1) Don't overuse the shopping cart. It is easily confused if you put more than a couple of things in it. (2) Don't buy things from Marketplace (especially LOTS of things) unless you are in world to receive them at the time. We each have an "in box" that holds IMs, notecards, group notices, group invitations, and anything that is delivered to us if we aren't in world at the time. That "in box" can only hold 25 things, total. If anything else comes in, it isn't saved. It is gone ... poof .... forever. If you have a mess of things delivered from Marketplace and half your friends send you notecards, that in box will be capped and you will never know what happened. So, what do you do now? ....... To get a record of the individual items in your order, open Marketplace and click the My Marketplace menu at the top of the page. Select My Account >> Order History from the pulldown menu. If you do not receive items within about 24 hours, you should cut and paste the information about a missing item from that Order History and send it in a IM or notecard to the merchant, along with a polite message requesting redelivery. Most merchants are very kind and willing to redeliver. This happens all the time and they are aware of it. Do be patient, though. Not everyone logs in to SL every day or checks their e-mail. If you still haven't heard in another day or two, follow it up with a second polite note and finally, if you STILL haven't heard, file a support ticket at https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ , selecting Marketplace from the pulldown menu.
  12. Many of the features that Linden Lab introduced in the V3 generation of viewers are not compatible with the V1 architecture that some of the TPVs use. Media on a Prim, for example, does not work on those earlier-generation viewers, and neither do outfits and some other handy options .... like wearing multiple copies of a layer or multiple attachments on a single attachment point. A note in Singularity's home page, updated most recently in February 2012, says, "Besides, it is missing all of the wished-for V2/V3 functionality except for Mesh display...... Internally, work to support multiple clothes per layer, MOAP, and region Windlight is on its way and slowly making their way into the codebase." I do not use Singularity myself, so I don't know anything more than that.
  13. A voice from the void reminds me that it was possible to make true reflecting mirrors in SL for one brief experimental period in about 2006, but that Linden Lab gave it up, presumably because it was a resource hog. If you search on Google, you can still find a few videos made during that period .... http://www.veoh.com/watch/v18139508nQX8WtG3?h1=Second+Life+Working+Mirror+%28Realtime+Reflections%29
  14. It's hard to know exactly, bcause avatars are not all the same. Some people travel with a lot of scripted attachments. Others carry almost none. Some sims have loads of large textures and physical objects that demand a lot of server attention. Others are comparatively empty. Irene has quoted some reasonable numbers, but they are perhaps best understood as averages. Your mileage may vary.
  15. Yup, 1.0 is in fact exactly twice 0.5. The point is that you wrote your start scale as <0.5,0.5,0.0> (That is X = 0.5, Y= 0.5), and your end scale as <1.0,1.0,0.0> (That is, X = 1.0, Y = 1.0). It starts as a square and it ends as a larger square.
  16. There is no "going rate". I doubt that many scripters in SL are paid adequately for their time, compared to what they could charge in RL. Like everything else in SL, your script is worth whatever the client is willing to pay you for it. You have to negotiate that. We have different ranges of experience and different resources to draw on, and some of us simply script faster than others. When a client asks me to write a script, I get as clear a picture of what the client wants as I can, decide whether it's something I can do and find interesting enough to play with, and then quote a price range. I won't take a job unless I think it's interesting and am confident that I won't be wasting the client's time and money. I'm scripting because I enjoy it, after all. Once the client is satisfied with the finished work, especially if s/he's someone I have worked with before, I'll restate my price range and often let the client decide what it's worth.
  17. Your texture starts as a square with X = Y = 0.5 and it ends as a square with X = Y = 1.0.
  18. I don't know how your rod is scripted, but I can imagine several things that might have gone wrong. 1. If the rod is meant to make contact with a server, the server may be off line or unable to recognize the handshake signal from your rod. Try using it on another sim maybe. 2. You may be in a laggy sim, or at least one in which script time is very tight. (See your statistics bar at CTRL + Shift + 1) 3. The script in your rod may have been set to Not Running (Select it and use Build >> Scripts >> Set Scripts to Running) or may have run into a math error that make it freeze up ( use Build >> Scripts >> Reset Scripts). 4. Some other script may be interfering with your rod's communication (unlikely if it's using HTTP, but it still might be overlapping with some local comm channel). 5. You may have damaged the rod in some odd way. Contact the creator or buy a new one.
  19. 1. Get rid of wireless. 2. If you are only able to run SL on low graphics settings, consider getting rid of the laptop. That sounds a lot harsher than I mean it to be, but SL is a very demanding bit of software. It is a bandwidth hog and it requires a solid, continuous Internet connection. It also puts very heavy demands on a graphics card. Many laptops don't even have a graphics card. They use an integrated graphics chip that's built into the motherboard and is nowhere near as effective for SL. Without knowing exactly which machine you have, it's hard to say much more. You can add important information by clicking on the Options link in the upper right corner of your question and selecting EDIT. Please do NOT start a new thread.
  20. Your IT people may block heavy broadband use to keep people from playing games at their desks, or they may simply have a corporate firewall.
  21. "Land" in SL is really space on a server in Linden Lab. Someone has to pay their utility bills and pay to maintain the server. If a SL resident buys a sim, he pays land fees monthly to keep the server going, the same way he would pay property taxes in RL. Whether you pay rent to a private landowner or pay the monthly land fee to Linden Lab yourself, it is all the same thing. Just as in RL, you cannot live in land without paying someone (unless you have a rich friend who is going to pay for you :smileytongue: ). "Terra" em SL é realmente o espaço em um servidor na Linden Lab. Alguém tem que pagar suas contas e pagar para manter o servidor. Se um residente do SL compra um sim, ele paga taxas mensais de terra para manter o servidor vai, da mesma forma que ele iria pagar impostos sobre a propriedade de RL. Se você pagar o aluguel para um proprietário privado ou pagar a taxa mensal de terra Linden Lab si mesmo, é tudo a mesma coisa. Assim como na vida real, você não pode viver na terra sem pagar alguém (a menos que você tem um amigo rico que vai pagar para você.
  22. You don't have to live in a Linden Home. If you are a Premium member, you can abandon the Linden Home by standing in it and clicking World >> About Land >> Abandon Land. You may then use your land allowance to pay the monthly land fees on any other 512 sq m parcel of land that you buy on the Mainland. Build your own house there, or buy a pre-built house and put it there. If you don;t want to be a Premium member any more, you should abandon your Linden Home first. Then go to your dashboard at secondlife.com and select Account >>> Membership to change from Premium to Basic membership. You will not get a refund of the amount you may have paid for a Premium membership. Linden Lab does not give refunds. Therefore, if you still have a long time left on your Premium membership, it makes sense not to change until the time is ending.
  23. Here's an interesting note, attributed to Kelly Linden, that I wasn't aware of until I went digging just now .... "when iTunes locks up the SL Viewer can’t open… Computers are full of complications. The viewer will never get past Initializing VFS, if iTunes freezes." Since you've tried the standard solutions and they haven't worked, check out that non-standard one. The other thing I might suggest, if you haven't already done it, is to update your graphics card drivers. For reasons that I do not understand, that seems to help in some cases where SL freezes in VFS on startup. Mac drivers are included with OS upgrades. However, to determan what card you have, select “About this Mac” from the Apple menu, then click “More Info”. Under Hardware select Graphics/Displays If you are not sure what type of video card you have, use GPU-Z found (win only) here. For linux, in a console use: lspci | grep VGA Nvidia Video Driver Latest driver Last checked Feb 6th- Windows: 285.62 (Oct 24) beta: 295.51 (Jan 31) - Linux: 290.1 (Nov 22)ATI Video Driver Latest driver Last checked Feb 6th- Windows and Linux: 12.1 (Jan 25)Intel Video Driver Intel driver download page Intel does not have a universal driver set. Please go to Intel's site and select the appropriate download.
  24. Of course. You can AR anyone. It's Linden Lab's job to figure out whether a TOS violation has occurred and what to do about it. In this particular case, the Community Standards, referenced in the TOS, are quite clear.... "Sharing personal information about your fellow Residents without their consent -- including gender, religion, age, marital status, race, sexual preference, alternate account names, and real-world location beyond what is provided by them in their Resident profile -- is not allowed."
  25. No, but the question comes up a few times a year,like this >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Building-and-Texturing-Forum/High-gloss-floor-with-reflections/m-p/1209547/highlight/true#M4158 Sometimes people have really inspired ideas >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Art-Music-and-Photography/Your-avatar-in-a-mirror-a-random-Suella-guide/m-p/791921/highlight/true#M674 As Amethyst says, though, real reflections are just too computationally intense for SL to handle.
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