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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. Griff's right. There are no popups in the SL viewer or the TPVs. If you are seeing one, it's either something that's triggered by a script in something that you bought (or subscribed to), or it's entirely outside SL. My guess, like Griff's, is that it's outside SL, since we don't have much need for coupons here. Either way, I'm sure that it's really annoying but we can't do anything about it.
  2. Last question first ..... Whether SL is worth entering is a personal question that you will need to answer for yourself. Certainly some things in SL cost real money. These include land, items purchased from other SL residents, membership in some groups, and a host of personal things like tips in clubs and money that you "invest" in playing games. If you are not a Premium member, however, there is no ongoing cost. There are also loads of freebies in world, and if you have some skill, you can make many things for yourself at no cost. In fact, that's the ultimate answer, if you are skilled and patient..... You can earn money in world to pay for the things that you cannot make, so it is not truly necessary to bring RL money into SL at all. (I have not brought RL money into SL for over five years now.) Now, for other questions. Yes, your computer should be quite adequate for running Second Life (Notice that I did not say "playing." SL is NOT a game. It's a world with no goals, no points to earn or ogres to slay, no ranks to earn. You can find games in SL, but that's not SL itself.) As for whether it will run adequately in China without VPN, I cannot say. There are many people from China in SL now, but I do not know how they are connected. You'll have to experiment. Finally, Second Life has changed a lot since the Teen Grid was merged with the main grid. I assume that you are now over 18, so you will not have any of the age restrictions that you used to have or would still have if you were under 18. See http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Age-verification/ta-p/700021 . You will find that life on the main grid is not what you were accustomed to on the TG. You will have to decide what that means for yourself. You may have been using the old 1.23 viewer when you were here before. That viewer has been deprecated for a long time, so you will have to get used to a new V3 level viewer -- Linden Lab's official one or a Third Party Viewer and all of the exciting new features that are now available. Your account will still work fine -- that never changes.
  3. I doubt it, but it can't hurt to ask. If you have a non-technical issue related to billing concerns, you can call the Linden Lab billing team at the following toll-free numbers: US/Canada: 800-294-1067 France: 0805-101-490 Germany: 0800-664-5510 Japan: 0066-33-132-830 Portugal: 800-814-450 Spain: 800-300-560 UK: 0800-048-4646 Brazil: 0800-762-1132 Long distance ( not free, but you can use Skype to save some cost ) : 703-286-6277 **Note: Support is offered only in English
  4. It sounds as if you almost did it correctly the first time. You wrote color1|Bordo_Mesh_Sweater|*UUID*|1 . That would be correct if color1 is the name of the HUD button Bordo_Mesh_Sweater is the name of the object that you want to texture UUID is really the key for the full-perm texture you want to apply to it, and 1 is the number of the face that you want to put the texture on. Here are some possible problems: 1. You may have misunderstood the directions. 2. You are typing the word "UUID" instead of typing the key of the texture. You can get the key (that is, the UUID) of your texture if it is full perm and in your inventory. Just right-click on it in inventory and select "Copy Item UUID". 3. Your test says that you have an alpha texture on five faces of your object and an opaque texture on face #4. Perhaps this means that you should place the new texture on Face #4, not face #1. I do not know. 4. You are applying a simple texture to a mesh object that may expect a more complex texture. Was your HUD intended for applying a texture to mesh objects? Ultimately, if you cannot figure out how to do this, I think you will have to contact the merchant who sold you the HUD. There is no way for anyone in this forum to understand how your HUD works, because we cannot see its script. (Also, that is not what this forum is for. This is a forum for scripters to discuss scripts that they are writing. It is not a place to discuss how to use a commercial script.)
  5. All objects in Second Life have at least one face, or surface, on which you may apply a texture. A simple cube has six faces, for example. Many LSL scripting functions that change the appearance of an object will ask which one of the faces you want to change. You might want to change the color or texture on the top of a cube, for example, but not on the bottom or one of the sides. You tell the script which face to change by identifying its face number or, if you want to change all faces, by saying ALL_SIDES. Here is a long by very well-written explanation of how faces work in Second Life, and how you can tell which face is which >>> https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Face . I know that it tells you much more than you wanted to learn. Pay attention to the last bit of information at the end of that page, however .... Finding the value of a face. I think that's what you really need to understand for your problem.
  6. Thanks for posting the additional information. I see that Peggy has responded, and that she has identified one very good possibility. Norton's anti-virus package, in particular, tends to flag SL as an evil intruder and kill it before it has a chance to launch. A few other antivirus routines do the same thing. Here's a handy guide to setting an exception for SL in your own program >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/antivirus_whitelisting . I hope this works for you. If not, come back and let us know. If so, just mark your question as resolved and enjoy Second Life. :smileyhappy:
  7. You've certainly tried a number of the usual solutions, including one no-no (Don't ever use that RenderUnloadedAvatar debug setting. It does exactly what it says -- lets you see your avatar, even though it's not ready to be seen. It doesn't fix a thing.) There are many other things to try, though. See the full list of possibilities here >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_bake_fail . Start with the simple things at the top of the list and work down until you find what works for you today. All of those methods are meant to clean up after your avatar appearance files have been screwed up by a communication problem. If it's a one-time thing, great. You're done. However, you may find that the bake fail problem comes back repeatedly, even after you fix it with one of the suggestions on that wiki page. If so, you have a chronically weak Internet connection. There are many steps to take for repairing it. Perhaps the simplest ones -- ones that work best for most people -- are: (1) Don't Use WIRELESS. Wireless connections are inherently less stable than direct cable connections and are more vulnerable to interference. Then, (2) Reboot your router. Unplug it from the power for a few minutes to let it clear its RAM. Then plug it back in and let it get a fresh hold on an IP address.
  8. Every once in a while someone asks about prepaid cards. Lindal's right. Linden Lab has very cautiously accepted some prepaid cards, but they are not likely to move very far toward them because there's no way to verify the owner. BTW, you should be aware that we are not Lindens. There are never any Lindens here in this resident-to-resident forum. We don't make (or often even understand) Linden Lab decisions. We're all SL residents like you.
  9. In order to play Flash format videos (eg YouTube videos), you must have the generic Adobe Flash plugin installed. If you use IE as your web browser and already have Flash, you will need to get the generic Flash plugin; see here. linux users need to have gstreamer installed, with the “bad” plugin set. If you use IE as your default browser, some have found that the simplest is to download and install FireFox. Once that's done, use it to visit YouTube and start a video; this will prompt for the Flash plugin to be installed - so install it. Make sure that YouTube videos will now play in FireFox. That should be enough the get Flash working in Firestorm (and other SL viewers).
  10. It's very hard to guess what's wrong without having more information. What sort of computer are you using? What kind of Internet connection? I assume you're using the current V3 viewer, or ...not? When you see the viewer in the task manager, is it using a very high percentage of your cpu, like close to 100%? Click on the Options link in the upper right corner of your question here and select EDIT to add information. Please do NOT start a new thread. I will not be on much longer tonight, but someone else probably will. It will be easier to keep track of what people have already asked if we keep everything in one thread.
  11. You may have accidentally confused the computer system. The easiest way the straighten things out is to talk with a real person. If you have a non-technical issue related to billing concerns, you can call the Linden Lab billing team at the following toll-free numbers: US/Canada: 800-294-1067 France: 0805-101-490 Germany: 0800-664-5510 Japan: 0066-33-132-830 Portugal: 800-814-450 Spain: 800-300-560 UK: 0800-048-4646 Brazil: 0800-762-1132 Long distance ( not free, but you can use Skype to save some cost ) : 703-286-6277 **Note: Support is offered only in English
  12. This thread is a follow-up to http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Viewers/What-system-requirements-to-I-need-to-have-in-order-for-my/qaq-p/1571299
  13. That Toshiba notebook is a nice little machine, but it's built primarily for light use -- web browsing and playing movies and audio. It's probably going to only be able to run an SL viewer at the lowest quality setting, which means that you'll have to do without most of the graphics features that everyone around you will be enjoying. Many of them will automatically be grayed out by your viewer, and inaccessible. If you try to push it, you'll find that your performance (FPS and grpahics rendering speed) will drop dramatically and you may start crashing. Second Life puts a pretty heavy demand on a computer. For one thing, it doesn't do a one-time download of its graphics to your machine, the way most online games do. In world graphics are continually being updated and fed back to your viewer. For another thing, most of what you see was created by amateurs -- SL is a user-created world -- so very little of it is optimized for efficient use of memory or processing time. That, too, adds to the load your own machine has to handle. Notebooks, in general, can't deal with that sort of load easily. As an additional note, your Toshiba has an AMD graphics card, which can be more problematic in SL's OpenGL environment than an NVidia card.
  14. No, but there's always Skype. Your options with a cellphone are very limited. There are some text-based viewers that will let you log in to SL, carry on IM and chat conversations, handle inventory, and do some other basic SL functions, but without any graphics >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory . For a while, LL also offered an application that would allow you to make telephone calls to RL from SL, but not the reverse. AFAIK, however, that feature no longer exists. ETA: Of course, you can send Private messages through my.secondlife.com without being logged in, so if you have browser access on your phone, that's an option.
  15. I have rarely had any reason to use mouselook, so I'm working from memory. You should normally be able to zoom in and out by using your mouse wheel. If you use Alt+ LEFT mouse button, you should also be able to zoom in and out by moving the mouse forward or backward. (Moving the mouse left or right when you have the Alt + left button selected will orbit the camera around your focal point. ) If you are having trouble zooming to things that are either very far away or very close, open your Advanced menu (CTRL + Alt + D) and then UNselect Limit Camera Distance and select Disable Camera Constraints.
  16. I truly feel for you, Rain. You are describing a very persistent and nasty griefer. Unfortunely, there's nothing that I or anyone else here can do about it. This is a resident-to-resident Answer area. Lindens never come here. We are all volunteers, SL residents like you, without power or authority to do anything but offer advice about how SL works (or doesn't). You have certainly been doing some of the obvious correct things -- filing an AR every time you are being harrassed, and trying to maintain your privacy by switching accounts. I recommend muting her also, and muting any alts that you learn about. Not only will that prevent her chat and IM from reaching you, it will also keep her from being able to send you anything else -- notecards, objects ..... unless you make the mistake of commnicating with her yourself. I know you probably don't need more things to read, but take a look at LL's advice about stalking >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Stalkers . Note also that if you are receiving threats in RL, the wisest step is to report them to the police, and possibly to engage a RL lawyer. In the end, it is hard to know exactly what to do. Your attacker seems more persistent than most, but she is likely to get tired after a while if you clearly are not paying attention -- especially as she gets other interests in her own life. Few people stay mad forever. My own gut reaction, I think, would be to take a deep breath (or two) and forget that she exists. It's easy for me to say from a distance, but I'd hate to have you leave SL -- with as much as it has meant to you -- over something like this.
  17. Visit the Ivory Tower of Prims in world for an afternoon's worth of good tutorials in basic SL building methods. Check class schedules at Builder's Brewery and Calendon Oxbridge University in world -- several classes a week at different levels. And see here >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Build-Tools/ta-p/700039 and here >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Building-tips/ta-p/700041
  18. Viewer 2 is no longer available. Versions of the V2 viewer were superceded by V3 sometime last fall. Because Linden Lab supports only the current version and one version back, sixty (60) days after the release of a new official Viewer, older Second Life Viewer versions are likely to be deprecated. At that time, Residents attempting to log in using a deprecated version will be required to update to the newest Second Life Viewer. You can probably find earlier viewers on the Internet -- not through Linden Lab -- but be very careful because some of those sites are phishing for account information, and some may be offering altered versions of the original SL viewers. Current versions of the V3 viewer, other Linden Lab viewers, and TPVs are available at https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/?lang=en-US
  19. Moi, je ne parle q'un peu de francais, mais il ya beacoup de gens dans SL qui le parle. Pour trouver des endroits où le français est parlé, essayez de taper le mot "francais" dans votre outil de recherche dans Second Life (ou à http://search.secondlife.com). Utilisez la catégorie "Lieux" pour votre recherche. Je viens de faire cela et avons trouvé 190 résultats facilement. Essayez celui-ci, par exemple >>> http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Seychelles/139/135/21. La plupart des gens dans Second Life parlent anglais, mais beaucoup parlent aussi le français, il ne faut pas avoir peur d'essayer de parler avec des gens que vous rencontrez. Si vous avez des questions, vous pouvez aussi venir ici (ou sur le forum en français) pour leur demander. Plusieurs d'entre nous peut répondre en français. EDIT: J'ai oublie de repondre a votre question au sujet de la traduction. Jusqu'au mois de Decembre, nous avons eu la traducteur Google gratis dans la systeme. Tant pis, ca n'existe plus. On peut acheter une traducteur dans the SL Marketplace -- on m'a dit que ca marche assez bien -- mais je crois moi-meme que tout les traducteurs font des erreurs. Si vous utilisez une, seulement utiliser des phrases simples, pas d'argot. Enfin ... la meilleure idee est de pratiquer votre anglais et de demander a vos amis qui parle anglais qu'ils pratiquent leur francais. :smileywink:
  20. If Storm's answer doesn't work -- and it probebly will -- the blaring music may be coming from your neighbor's house. In a very gentle way, explain to him that he can find a little checkbox in About Land >> Sound that he can select to "Restrict gesture and object sounds to this parcel." He can also restrict Voice to his own parcel. If you hear streaming music and then teleport to a different area where there is no music stream set locally, the music you heard at the old location will always continue -- usually for only a few seconds but sometimes for several minutes. That's the way streaming music works in SL. The only part of your question that I cannot explain is why your screen "goes blank." Do you mean that it becomes completely black? And it stops being black when you leave your home? That's extremely unusual behavior, unlikely to have anything to do with the sound problem. Click on the Options link in the upper right corner of your question here and select EDIT to provide more information. Please do NOT start a new thread.
  21. No difference, as far the basics of movement are concerned. After all, it is a non-physical vehicle. :smileywink:
  22. Hehehe... How long do people last? Until they wear out. Your graphics card could last for many years if you don't abuse it by overheating it or sending a zot of power through it from some other failing component. It's more likely to become obsolete before it wears out, though. Technology moves ahead. In our case, LL and the TPVs keep making the viewers more demanding, so that you need a fancier graphics card to take advantage of them. If your card was adequate for the 1.23 viewer, it may be barely adequate for V3 today -- no shadows, probably -- or maybe all you can run is Phoenix. If you have enough power and ventilation in your computer, you may be able to upgrade to a new card for two or three hundred dollars. I have done that twice in this machine since it was built in 2007, and I'm quite happy. If you can't afford an upgrade, at least keep your drivers up to date and be sure that you keep the innards of your machine clean and keep the fans spinning properly. With luck, it should last ..... forever?
  23. This is a resident-to-resident Answer service. There are no Lindens here. We are all volunteers, residents like you, so we do not have the power or authority to do what you are asking. However, here's what the Lindens tell you to do ... If you know your username but have forgotten your password, go to the password recovery page. Enter your username and click Send Instructions to have instructions on how to create a new password sent to the email address connected to the account . You'll need to answer the security question you chose when creating your Second Life account. Be sure to check your junk mail/spam folder. If you can't recall the answer to your security question, just contact Customer Support, preferably by opening a support case. You'll be asked to verify your identity and, working together, we can reset your security question. We apologize in advance that support cannot retrieve passwords. Luckily, this won't be an issue once we reset your security question.
  24. A script like that is fairly easy to write, but it's also very easy to mess up. Not only that, but if it isn;t written properly and it falls into the wrong hands, it can be dangerous. Basically, in order to make the object give your friend L$, it has to take the L$ from YOUR account directly. You can't store L$ in an object. If the script is poorly written, ANYONE might be able to get into your account and take as much money as he wants. Frankly, as nice as it might be to surprise your friend in this way, it's lots safer to just hand her the L$ yourself. If you are determined to go ahead with your plan, do NOT pick up a random script somewhere and use it unless you are an accomplished scripter (or know a trustworthy one) and can tell whether the script is safe to use.
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