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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. According to the Firestorm/Phoenix support crew, your avatar won't normally turn around when walking backwards in Phoenix, but you may have a scripted AO that will make you do it. In Firestorm, you can choose whether to turn around or not ( I do), but Phoenix doesn't have that option.
  2. Your profile indicates that you do not have payment information on file, so you may not upload mesh. That is one of the requirements. See http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Uploading-a-mesh-model/ta-p/974185#Section_.1
  3. You don't. Read the answers earlier in this thread. Linden Lab will not accept your debit card.
  4. An offfer is just an offer until it has been accepted, and you haven't spent any money until you've paid someone who accepts. If you want to withdraw yours, do it. You are offering to buy L$ at a price that doesn't seem attractive to most SL residents who are selling, I guess.
  5. The client bridge is a script, so wearing it will use more sim resources than not wearing it. You would need to replace the bridge's functions with other scripts if you stopped using the bridge, though, each of which is individually less efficient than the package of functions in the bridge's single script. Firestorm's bridge handles these four functions, for example .... Move To Teleport: This allow for direct point to point teleport, via double click 1), even in regions which have forced landing spots, where you would normally get an error like, “Unable to teleport closer to the destination”. Flight Assist: The Firestorm bridge has a built-in flight assist. This may be enabled in Preferences → Firestorm → General → Enable Bridge Flight Assist. Note that if you enable this, you should not wear any scripted flight assist; using both will cause them to conflict, with undesired results. Script Count: If you right click you avatar, or any object, and select “Script Info” from the context menu, Firestorm will output a line of information similar to this: [17:16] #Firestorm LSL Bridge v2.0: 'Object' [22/22] running scripts. 1408Kb consumed for 0.015702ms of cpu time. This indicates how many scripts the object contains, how much memory they are using, and the script time. Radar:Radar functions are assisted by the bridge, particularly when people are beyond your draw distance.Radar, in particular, is much more efficient with the bridge than it would be if you ran a separate script, because it's accessing the server directly instead of gathering information with a sensor -- which generates lag and has a range limit of 96m. A similar argument could be made for the other three functions.
  6. What are you trying to sit on? Random things in your home or a particular thing? If it's just one thing that you're having trouble with, it may have a sit script that is deliberately or accidentally keeping you from sitting. Vehicles commonly have a sit script that prevents anyone from sitting down and driving away except the owner, for example. It's less logical for a scripter to put that restriction into a sofa, but he might. Or it could have been a mistake. If you can't sit on anything, though, that's not the cause.
  7. Many of the bake fail suggestions that ought to work in this situation won't work until you have logged in fully. Your problem right now is that you have a crummy Internet connection, so avatar appearence information is not being transmitted cleanly between your computer and SL's servers. For the past few weeks, Linden Lab has been working toward release of a new system that should reduce the problem that you are having, but it's not ready yet. For now, you'll have to try repairing the connection yourself. The easiest step, if you're not already doing it, is to GET OFF WIRELESS. Wireless was never designed to handle the continuous back-and-forth data traffic that SL relies on, and it is susceptible to all sorts of interference. The second step it just as easy. Unplug your router from the power for a few minutes to let it cool down, reboot, clear its RAM, and get a fresh look at an IP address. Those two steps often clear up common connection issues, and ought to take care of your clothing problem.
  8. That message means that your viewer and SL's servers have temporarily lost the ability to talk to each other. Unless there's a problem with the servers (Always check http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ first), it's probably something on your end. So.... (1) Try shutting off your computer, unplugging the router and modem for a couple of minutes, and then plugging them back in and restarting. That simple step may clear up everything (2) Add Google's free public DNS servers to whatever your ISP assigns you as a default. Here's how >>> http://code.google.com/speed/public-dns/. Should using Google as a DNS not work for you then see here for alternate servers, or grab DNS Bench to help you locate one. (3) If things are STILL messed up, contact your ISP. Maybe they are working on their Internet connections. Mine go down for about 20 minutes once a month or so while they are vacuuming dust out of their servers, or whatever they do. (4) DNS errors might also be caused by anti-virus software; see this page for more on that.
  9. If you are seeing yellow and red beacon lines all over the place, it's because you have beacons turned on. So turn them off >>> CTRL + Shift + Alt + N is the toggle. Now, if you're looking for a hidden sound source, you actually want those beacons, or at least a subset of them. So click CTRL+ Shift + Alt + N again to open the Beacons window and select Sounds. That will create beacons only where there are nearby sound sources. If you are using the new Firestorm, of course, there is a new option -- try World >> Sound Explorer. When the window opens, select any of the listed sounds and then click Look At to see the object that contains the sound emitter. You then have the chioce of blacklisting it (to mute it) or removing it, if you own the object.
  10. No, it's not possible. Your Marketplace business is tied to your SL account. Any money flows directly from one into the other. As you suggested, you could create a joint avatar. That would still be an account that is under one of your names, since you can't share a SL account, but the account owner could agree to let the other one have password access. There are perils there, of course, because it's not uncommon for today's business partners to be tomorrow's mortal enemies. That's your risk, though. The other option is to use the Revenue Distributions option on each item's listing. That won't solve your shared access needs, but it will direct Marketplace to split any profits between the two of you, so that you don't have to do it yourself later.
  11. Good luck. I kind of hope that you don;t see anything. We don't need another stupid griefer exploit
  12. Ice-looking things? Like icebergs? That is very wierd. And your house is losing parts, as if they are having trouble rezzing? It would help if you could add a couple of photos to your question here. This is all a bit hard to visualize. Just click on the Options link in the upper right corner of your question and select EDIT. Then click the little icon that looks like a tree and select a photo to post. Please do NOT start a new thread. Offhand, both problems sound very much like connection issues, but there's a possibility that you have a failing graphics card. Maybe once you post photos it will be easier to tell. When you add those photos, would you please also tell us what computer you are using, what graphics card it has in it, and which SL viewer you are using?
  13. If you don't know what an alpha channel is or how to use it, start with Robin Wood's tutorials >>>> http://www.robinwood.com/Catalog/Technical/SL-Tuts/SLPages/ChannelDiscovery.html Explore several of the tutorials in the left sidebar there as well as the one I just gave the link to.
  14. Rolig Loon


    L$2 is less than one penny US. I know that's more than L$0, but in most of the world (SL or RL), having only one penny to your name is "insufficient funds." It's possible (but odd) that the Marketplace accounting software gets confused when someone with only L$2 tries to buy something. Try either of two strategies: 1. Put more money in your account. Not a whoie lot, but maybe L$100 ( about 40 cents US). Or, 2. File a support ticket at https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ >>> Marketplace >>> Lindex and Marketplace Exchange Issues
  15. You can try, of course, but note that you agreed to the TOS. It says (Sect. 3.3): "Linden Lab does not accept returns or provide refunds of products or services purchased from Linden Lab." Give the Billing Office a call and see what they say. If you have a non-technical issue related to billing concerns, you can call the Linden Lab billing team at the following toll-free numbers: US/Canada: 800-294-1067 France: 0805-101-490 Germany: 0800-664-5510 Japan: 0066-33-132-830 Portugal: 800-814-450 Spain: 800-300-560 UK: 0800-048-4646 Brazil: 0800-762-1132 Long distance ( not free, but you can use Skype to save some cost ) : 703-286-6277 **Note: Support is offered only in English
  16. Did you clear your cache manually from outside SL and then let it rebuild slowly while you're on a quiet sim? That's usually much more effective than just trusting the Clear Cache button in Preferences. See http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_cache_clear for instructions that are written for Firestorm but will work for any viewer. Also see >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Lost_inventory for other suggestions.
  17. As I told avari, it's very difficult to diagnose an individual problem without knowing anything at all about your system. It's evident that there's a problem with your Internet connection, but we don't even know what kind of computer you have. Did you try rebooting your router, as we suggested to others in this thread? I suggest reading Nalates' blog for some diagnostic tips >>> http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ .
  18. これはSLの住民のためのフォーラムです。私たちはあなたの土地を販売することはできません。我々は、リンデンではなく、リンデンはここに来ることはありません。土地を購入する方法を学習します。この情報>>>最近http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-land/ta-p/700043をお読みください。私はそれがすべて英語で書かれていることを後悔している。
  19. Ah, I see... So use llGetGMTClock instead.
  20. You don't need it to protect against something as mild as a sim restart, but you can also store data in the Object Name or Object Descrtiption fields of any prims in an object, or you can encode it in vectors used for color or other prim properties, or you can ship it to a remote "server" in world or external to SL.
  21. We are all SL residents here. Lindens never visit this resident-to-resident Answer service, and we have no power or authority to do anything to your account. All we can do is advise you to file a support ticket.
  22. "An error" isn't much to go on. Please click on the Options link in the upper right corner of your question and select EDIT to tell us exactly what the error message says. Also, as Karen asked, please tell as much as you can about the make and model of your computer and its graphics card, what operating system you are using, and how you are connected to the Internet. Please do NOT start a new thread.
  23. If you crash or get logged out on all or most TPs, and you are on a Mac,then you may need to add new DNSnumbers in System Preferences on your Mac, especially if you are experiencing other issues like an empty friends list or trouble viewing rigged mesh. How to fix this: On your Mac, open System Preferences and go to Network > Advanced > DNS Hit the plus button (+) and type in the numbers Hit the plus button (+) and type in the numbers If you live in Asia or Australia, you will need to use the following numbers instead of those just listed: and Even those in other parts of the world might find this pair to work better, so if you complete the process and find no change, repeat it with this set. Close the System Preferences and restart your viewer. What this does: This process adds GoogleDNS and/or OpenDNS to the DNS servers your Mac attempts to use. There is no need to delete the numbers already there; if the system cannot work with them, then it will go down the list until it finds one it can. The issue is related to Linden Lab JIRA VWR-26759. Any additional information we know about it is on that JIRA. If you would like to read about either of these DNSes before adding them to your system, you can visit their pages here for Google or or here for OpenDNS. You may have another set you would prefer to try besides these two, but as you can see on the Linden Lab JIRA, the changes in DNS are the only known fixes for this set of problems.
  24. You've already done the work, though. How much harder is it to add two more time zones, each just an extra hour offset from the one to the east of it? The hardest parts of your script are the Void's weekday function, which you are using to good effect here, and gettting the day to roll over properly at midnight.
  25. Shopping for a house in SL is sort of like shopping for one in RL. Your dream house may not be on the market the day you go looking, so you come back and look again another day or you change your plans. Linden Lab makes a number of houses in each of the Linden Home styles. Some are popular, so they sell out quickly. You just have to wait until LL decides that demand is high enough to warrant building more. Linden Homes turn over fairly quickly too, though, so you might not have to wait for the next building cycle. People move up to larger homes elsewhere all the time. As they do, their Linden Homes go back on the market to be snapped up by someone who is there at the right time. Maybe you.
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