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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. If you want help, you'll have to explain exactly what the problem is. Saying "i cany log in at all" isn't enough to tell us where to start. Have you ever been able to log in before? When you try now, how far through the login process do you get? Do you get an error message? EXACTLY what does it say? What kind of computer are you using? What sort of graphics card does it have? Which viewer are you using? How are you connected to the Internet? Add important information to your post by clicking on the Options link in its upper right corner and selecting EDIT. Even better, start a new thread of your own instead of burying your question at the end of someone else's old thread, where nobody is likely to see it.
  2. Profaitchikenz Haiku wrote: Edit: After reading the first reply I must stress it is the OBJECT ( linkset) containing the script which has lost the modify permission. I have backups aplenty, but there is no way to restore the backup of a script into an object which NO LONGER allows one to modify it by adding/deleting or modifying content. Ah.. OK. That much wasn't clear from your original message. Unfortunately, that also is not unheard of. It can happen especially if your object includes linked prims that were made by someone else, or prims that have no mod perms on them. This also happens sometimes if you link to no-transfer prims (See this recent thread in the Building & Texturing forum >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Building-and-Texturing-Forum/Building-with-no-transfer-issue/td-p/1627599 ). It's very frustrating. As far as I know, though, there's no cure but to pull your backup copy out of inventory and hope that it isn't messed up too. As Lindal says, sometimes a sim restart will clear the air, so try that first.
  3. Rolig Loon


    If you are having DNS problems, your viewer and SL's servers have temporarily lost the ability to talk to each other. Unless there's a problem with the servers (Always check http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ first), it's probably something on your end. So.... (1) Try shutting off your computer, unplugging the router and modem for a couple of minutes, and then plugging them back in and restarting. That simple step may clear up everything (2) Add Google's free public DNS servers to whatever your ISP assigns you as a default. Here's how >>> http://code.google.com/speed/public-dns/ (3) If things are STILL messed up, contact your ISP. Maybe they are working on their Internet connections. Mine go down for about 20 minutes once a month or so while they are vacuuming dust out of their servers, or whatever they do.
  4. Innula's solution works. Beacons are your friends. I recently found a particle source that a SL resident had dropped into the prim water in his swimming pool and was emitting particles several meters overhead, apparently having nothing to do with the pool. A quick search with beacons turned on identified the source with no trouble.
  5. That's one of SL's many mysteries. As a scripter, I learned a long time ago to always keep a backup copy of any script in my own inventory, just in case something like this happens. I have been locked out of my own scripts a few times and have been as mystified as you are. Sometimes I have been able to open the script by selecting Open instead of Edit from the right-click menu when I am inspecting the object's Contents. Sometimes I have been able to copy the offending script into inventory and then into another object, where I have been able to edit it. Occasionally, though, I have been glad to have those backup copies.
  6. Increasing Max Bandwidth beyond 75% of your download speed doesn't help the lag and it starts to make Voice and streaming media cut out. There's not much you can do.
  7. But if you have a choice between lag and not being able to see things......
  8. Aha! You never mentioned that. That's a surprise. Well heck, if it works on Firestorm, why are you using Phoenix?
  9. Each upgrade version of the viewers requires a little more ooomph out of your computer. It could be that you just passed your machine's oomph limit.
  10. Bummer. That's about all you can do. Some people have pushed MeshMaxConcurrentRequests much higher than 64 with success, but I am not aware of other methods that work. Your computer may just not be able to handle mesh.
  11. Two or three things catch my eye immediately. The first is that you have a large packet loss. You are losing almost 2% of the information that is traveling between your computer and SL's servers. That is just a momentary snapshot, of course, so it may have just been a temporary spike in an otherwise low-loss connection. Or it could be a low value in an otherwise higher loss profile. In any case, if packet loss is normally running more than 0.2 or 0.3%, you shouldn't be surprised to have texture rendering problems and a bit of lag. Next, your graphics "card" is not a card at all. It's an integrated Intel graphics chip. Those are becoming more popular for laptops now, but they still create problems for many SL residents. The switchable mode is meant to use lower quality graphics to save power when you are running on battery, but it sometimes uses low quality graphics at other times too. Finally, I notice that you have 3 Gb of memory, which may leave you less room than you'd like for cache. That will translate into slower texture rezzing. You may be able to improve things by dropping your draw distance from 128m to 64m. That will give your GPU less work to do and it ought to speed up rezzing. The packet loss is troublesome, though. Try rebooting your router for a start. Just unplug it from the power for a few minutes while you step out for a breath of fresh air. If you've been on wireless, change to a direct cable connection. That will cut down on potential interference and bandwidth loss. Check too to be sure that you don't have an unshielded power cord running over your Internet cables. Take a look at Nalates's blog for other suggestions about improving your connection >>> http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ . See also this Knowledge Base article about ways to improve performance >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-improve-Viewer-performance/ta-p/1316923
  12. If either of those remain greyed out, then increase the level of Render Quality until they become enabled and can be checked. In some cases, worn mesh attachments will not render properly still. Go to Preferences → Graphics -> Rendering and disable both of the Alpha Mask Rendering options. If none of the above work - and make sure you try all of them first! - then in the top menu bar, open Advanced → Debug Settings, find MeshMaxConcurrentRequests and gradually increase the value. It is recommended that you not go over 64; try to keep it less.
  13. This sounds like the old vaudeville routine Patient: "Doc, it hurts when I do this..." Doctor: "Then don't do that" (rim shot) Maybe this would be a good question to ask the Nirans support staff. :smileywink:
  14. You can't build anywhere for free, except for temporary building in a sandbox. "Land" in SL is space on a server. Whether it is on the "ground" or up 4000m in the air, it's really memory space in a computer. Someone has to pay for maintaining that computer, the electric bill, the software upgrades, and the air conditioning to keep it cool. That someone is YOU. If you're building a skybox on someone else's land, he's paying for it. He won't be happy to have you mooching off him. Prepare to be ejected --- probably banned from the sim.
  15. Rolig Loon

    forgot my password

    We can't do anything for you here because we are all SL residents like you. Lindens never come here. If you can't recall the answer to your security question, just contact Customer Support, preferably by opening a support case. You'll be asked to verify your identity and, working together, LL staff can reset your security question. Linden Lab apologizes in advance that support cannot retrieve passwords. Luckily, this won't be an issue once we reset your security question.
  16. It sounds as if you have a firewall denying you access. if it's not on your own computer, maybe you are behind a corporate firewall or on a college campus with a firewall. See http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Using-Second-Life-with-a-firewall/ta-p/1304539#Section_.3 for guidance about how to work with your local IT staff to gain access. You will find other information on that page to help you make adjustments to your own hardware or software firewall, as necessary.
  17. Essayez d'utiliser le navigateur Firefox ou le navigateur Chrome au lieu d'Internet Explorer. Les gens de SL constatent souvent qu'ils ont des problèmes avec IE.
  18. That's an extremely good question. Resizers don't normally do that. I suspect that you either got a borked script or you misunderstood some very odd command. Your best option is to get in touch with the creator and ask what's going on.
  19. Your viewer and SL's servers have temporarily lost the ability to talk to each other. Unless there's a problem with the servers (Always check http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ first), it's probably something on your end. So.... (1) Try shutting off your computer, unplugging the router and modem for a couple of minutes, and then plugging them back in and restarting. That simple step may clear up everything (2) Add Google's free public DNS servers to whatever your ISP assigns you as a default. Here's how >>> http://code.google.com/speed/public-dns/ (3) If things are STILL messed up, contact your ISP. Maybe they are working on their Internet connections. Mine go down for about 20 minutes once a month or so while they are vacuuming dust out of their servers, or whatever they do.
  20. I'm sure that it is frustrating. That's often a sign that there's something wrong with your Internet connection, but there are other possibilities too. It's extremely hard to diagnose with the little amount of information you have offered. Is there a pattern to the behavior? Does it happens as soon as you log in, for example, or after a few minutes? Is it associated with a specific action, like teleporting? Do you get an error message? Exactlly what is it? How are you connected to the Internet" What sort of computer do you have? It would be handy if you could copy the information from Help >> About Second Life the next time you are in world long enough to do it. Then click on the Options link in the upper right corner of your question here and select EDITto paste it in. Please do NOT start a new thread.
  21. Live Chat is still alive. See https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LLS_How_to_access_Live_Chat
  22. In theory, you're right. Your inventory is nothing more than a sort of index to the various objects in SL's asset servers that you have permission to use.. If you delete an item, it's still in the servers for other people to use. There are at least two practical reasons for holding onto a texture that you have used in a product for sale, though: 1. You may decide to turn out a new version of the product at some future time, and you may need the textures to do it. I have redesigned old builds several times, so I have been glad that I saved my old textures. 2. One of your customers (or you) might do something unforgivably stupid like retexturing a wall without saving a backup first. (OK, I've done that too.) It's good to have your own backups for just such an emergency.
  23. You don';t need to change the perms on the textures at all. If you are simply applying a texture to an object, rather than putting the texture in the object, the new owner will have no perms on the texture itself. That is, the texture is not a separable item when it has been applied to a prim surface. The only thing the new owner can do is look at it.
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