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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. Essayez d'utiliser le navigateur Firefox ou le navigateur Chrome au lieu d'Internet Explorer. Les gens de SL constatent souvent qu'ils ont des problèmes avec IE.
  2. That's an extremely good question. Resizers don't normally do that. I suspect that you either got a borked script or you misunderstood some very odd command. Your best option is to get in touch with the creator and ask what's going on.
  3. Your viewer and SL's servers have temporarily lost the ability to talk to each other. Unless there's a problem with the servers (Always check http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ first), it's probably something on your end. So.... (1) Try shutting off your computer, unplugging the router and modem for a couple of minutes, and then plugging them back in and restarting. That simple step may clear up everything (2) Add Google's free public DNS servers to whatever your ISP assigns you as a default. Here's how >>> http://code.google.com/speed/public-dns/ (3) If things are STILL messed up, contact your ISP. Maybe they are working on their Internet connections. Mine go down for about 20 minutes once a month or so while they are vacuuming dust out of their servers, or whatever they do.
  4. I'm sure that it is frustrating. That's often a sign that there's something wrong with your Internet connection, but there are other possibilities too. It's extremely hard to diagnose with the little amount of information you have offered. Is there a pattern to the behavior? Does it happens as soon as you log in, for example, or after a few minutes? Is it associated with a specific action, like teleporting? Do you get an error message? Exactlly what is it? How are you connected to the Internet" What sort of computer do you have? It would be handy if you could copy the information from Help >> About Second Life the next time you are in world long enough to do it. Then click on the Options link in the upper right corner of your question here and select EDITto paste it in. Please do NOT start a new thread.
  5. Live Chat is still alive. See https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LLS_How_to_access_Live_Chat
  6. In theory, you're right. Your inventory is nothing more than a sort of index to the various objects in SL's asset servers that you have permission to use.. If you delete an item, it's still in the servers for other people to use. There are at least two practical reasons for holding onto a texture that you have used in a product for sale, though: 1. You may decide to turn out a new version of the product at some future time, and you may need the textures to do it. I have redesigned old builds several times, so I have been glad that I saved my old textures. 2. One of your customers (or you) might do something unforgivably stupid like retexturing a wall without saving a backup first. (OK, I've done that too.) It's good to have your own backups for just such an emergency.
  7. You don';t need to change the perms on the textures at all. If you are simply applying a texture to an object, rather than putting the texture in the object, the new owner will have no perms on the texture itself. That is, the texture is not a separable item when it has been applied to a prim surface. The only thing the new owner can do is look at it.
  8. Begin with the basics, then. Visit the Ivory Tower of Prims in world and spend at least an afternoon with their tutorials and practicing in their sandbox. Consider taking a free class at someplce like Builder's Brewery or Caledon Oxbridge University. Those steps will help you learn the fundamentals of creating objects in world. Beyond that. though, you will need to learn fundamentals of creating and applying textures. Most of that work is done outside of SL with programs like Photoshop, GIMP, or Paintshop Pro. There are loads of tutorials on line for each.
  9. You may be having a problem with https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-28607 . If so, the only known workarounds at this time are: Roll back to Catalyst 12.1 Turn off "Enable highlighting of selected prims"
  10. That's fine. As I said, it doesn't make any difference how you created your list of people in the sim. So long as you have a current list (the one I called new_list in my snippet) and a previous copy (the one I called old_list) to compare it with, that's all that counts. The very first line list gone = ListXnotY (old_list,new_list); calls that function ListXnotY, which you put among your users defined functions at the top of the script. It compares the two and gives you the list (gone) of avatars who are in old_list but not in new_list. [NOTE: I had X and Y reversed when I first typed the snippet. They're switched now. Sorry about that.] Once the script has that short list of missing avatars, all it has to do is calculate their lapsed times, report them, and clean up old_list and old_times to prepare for the next time you do the comparison.
  11. You are thinking of the Deformer, which Qarl developed over a year ago and offered to LL. To make it available, LL would need to build it into the viewer code. They haven't done that yet. Personally, I'm not buying mesh clothing until they do, and I am not designing mesh clothing to add to my shop. I want clothing that conforms to the body, not the other way around. But that's me.
  12. I'm sorry. I don't understand the question. You create a list of detected avatars and you check it against the previous version of the list. It doesn't make any difference how you create your list --- with a sensor, with llGetAgentList, or by sending a bot around to ask avatars their names.
  13. Nina69a Flux wrote: **I don't think it's an issue with wearing my entire inventory.. I have over 20,000 items in it and it only puts on about 20 to 30 objects "Entire inventory" is an exaggeration in many of these cases. When the outfit system runs amok, it typically loads down a person with a few dozen items, which is plenty. If you're lucky, it stops when it has attached one item to each of the 38 attachment points on your av body. The instructions at http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/wearing_entire_inventory is a recipe for recovering from https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-28494. Take a look at Whirly Fizzle's last comment in that JIRA for yet another method.
  14. Try taking the advice I gave to Jimena. You will find it all, in English, at http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/wearing_entire_inventory. If you follow instructions exactly, one of those three methods will work. See also https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-28494 for more information or, possibly, to leave a helpful comment.
  15. Es muy difícil entender cómo alguien puede cometer un error con su propia fecha de nacimiento, así que no te sorprendas si Linden Lab es sketpical cuando usted pide su ayuda. Usted tendrá que presentar un ticket de soporte en temas https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ >>> crear una cuenta. Suministrar toda la información que las solicitudes de formularios, y explique su problema en la caja que dice "Por favor, describa el problema". Linden Lab se comunicará con usted para más información. Se puede solicitar una copia de un certificado de nacimiento o una licencia de conducir que será la prueba de su edad.
  16. Did you clear cache manually, from outside SL, or did you just click the Clear Cache button in Preferences? Take a good look at http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_cache_clear to see how a good cache clearing is done. If you are patient (and lucky), your viewer should be able to create a new locally cached copy of your inventory, and your missing items should be in it. See also https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Lost_inventory for other suggestions.
  17. Si usted se encuentra de repente empieza a usar todo su inventario, he aquí algunas sugerencias sobre cómo solucionar el problema. Por favor, haga uno a la vez, y los métodos iniciales son más simples que los posteriores, y trabajará a menudo. Si un método falla, entonces pasar a la siguiente. Por favor, siga las instrucciones exactamente como sea posible. Método 1 Haga clic en la carpeta actual equipo y seleccione Quitar de Equipo Actual o Take Off. Método 2 Abra la carpeta actual equipo (no, no haga clic en la ficha gastada, busque la carpeta actual equipo), y eliminar todo dentro de él, entonces relog. Método 3 Si lo anterior no resuelve el problema, la solución por lo general funciona a continuación - aunque puede ser necesario repetir un par de veces: Ir a Hippo Hollow Cree una carpeta temporal en tu inventario, y en eso, poner una copia * * de la piel, la base de la forma del cabello y los ojos - y si te gusta, una prenda de capa de base como los pantalones vaqueros o un vestido. NO prims Haga clic en la carpeta que acabas de hacer, y seleccione Conjunto Reemplazar. No Agregar, no use, pero sustituyendo Una vez que ha hecho, relog a la última posición - es decir, de vuelta a Hippo Hollow. Asegúrese de que está todavía con sólo las cosas de la carpeta temporal que hizo En este punto, usted puede poner su avatar normal de nuevo.
  18. It's magic. Sometimes you have to click and hold the object for a couple of seconds before the servers realize that you are actually selecting the item. Sometimes you have to move to a quieter sim. The problem is lag. If your Internet connection is a little slow --- maybe you're on wireless? --- or if the sim's servers are busy dealing with a lot of avs, especially if they are rezzing a lot of things, you'll see a delay when you move things from inventory.
  19. I haven't used llApplyRotationalImpulse often, but as far as I can tell it doesn't make any difference what mass your object has. A short note in the ancient wiki says the same thing. This may be a side-effect of yesterday's server deployment, which brought pathfinding to main channel sims. I see that you have put this same question in the Server forum, where you'll get more attention. Watch for JIRAs too.
  20. I'm frankly not sure what happens if you use a scripted agent as a regular av. If nothing else, it probably raises a flag in the servers, which have to handle a bot differently than they would handle a "live" av. My guess is that the servers assume a scripted agent will only do a few predictable things, so it doesn't need as much attention as a regular av. That's purely a guess, though. If I were doing it myself, I'd make the bot a full-time scripted agent.
  21. You're getting a bargain. If you are renting 3072 sq m of land, you should be paying $25 a month in tier (or your landlord should be charging you that much, because he has to pay it to Linden Lab). $25 a month is L$6,250 . If he's only charging you L$1,235, you're making out like a bandit. Take the deal.
  22. 1. Find people a. Use Destinations button to find popular spots b. Join a group of people who share an interest with you c. Use search to look for places that sound interesting (try keywords like "racetrack" or "library") d. Post a greeting in the Make Friends forum 2. Fill out information in your own Profile so that others can learn what your interests are. 3. Walk up and say Hi.
  23. Hello, Usive. Run a master script, probably in a HUD, that sends a message to each eye on a unique channel. I'd use llRegionSayTo to send the message, since you'll know (or can easily find) the UUIDs of the two eyes and the HUD. Your message can be something as simple as the color vector to be applied. When it's received by an eye, change prim color with llSetLink PrimitiveParamsFast.
  24. It's perfectly OK. There's no rule anywhere in the TOS. All viewers include a derender function with which you can make any avatar or object invisible. You are the only person who can see the effect, because it is client-side (that is, confined to your own viewer). If you want to make yourself invisible to other people, just wear a full body alpha layer. That will make your avatar completely invisible, but will not affect any prim attachments (including hair and eyeballs) or your floating tag. You'll have to remove those attachments. AFAIK, the only way to make your tag disappear too is to attach a large invisiprim over your head. The invisiprim will make some objects behind it vanish as well, so even that method is not foolproof.
  25. I don't know the structure of your script, so I don't know where it's appropriate. So long as you have global lists old_list and old_times, it really doesn't make a difference. Just be sure that those two lists are always loaded in parallel: a new UUID in old_list and its recorded Unix time in old_times. When you have a new_list of detected avatars, drop it into the ListXnotY at the top of my snippet.
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