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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. It's magic. Sometimes you have to click and hold the object for a couple of seconds before the servers realize that you are actually selecting the item. Sometimes you have to move to a quieter sim. The problem is lag. If your Internet connection is a little slow --- maybe you're on wireless? --- or if the sim's servers are busy dealing with a lot of avs, especially if they are rezzing a lot of things, you'll see a delay when you move things from inventory.
  2. I haven't used llApplyRotationalImpulse often, but as far as I can tell it doesn't make any difference what mass your object has. A short note in the ancient wiki says the same thing. This may be a side-effect of yesterday's server deployment, which brought pathfinding to main channel sims. I see that you have put this same question in the Server forum, where you'll get more attention. Watch for JIRAs too.
  3. I'm frankly not sure what happens if you use a scripted agent as a regular av. If nothing else, it probably raises a flag in the servers, which have to handle a bot differently than they would handle a "live" av. My guess is that the servers assume a scripted agent will only do a few predictable things, so it doesn't need as much attention as a regular av. That's purely a guess, though. If I were doing it myself, I'd make the bot a full-time scripted agent.
  4. You're getting a bargain. If you are renting 3072 sq m of land, you should be paying $25 a month in tier (or your landlord should be charging you that much, because he has to pay it to Linden Lab). $25 a month is L$6,250 . If he's only charging you L$1,235, you're making out like a bandit. Take the deal.
  5. 1. Find people a. Use Destinations button to find popular spots b. Join a group of people who share an interest with you c. Use search to look for places that sound interesting (try keywords like "racetrack" or "library") d. Post a greeting in the Make Friends forum 2. Fill out information in your own Profile so that others can learn what your interests are. 3. Walk up and say Hi.
  6. Hello, Usive. Run a master script, probably in a HUD, that sends a message to each eye on a unique channel. I'd use llRegionSayTo to send the message, since you'll know (or can easily find) the UUIDs of the two eyes and the HUD. Your message can be something as simple as the color vector to be applied. When it's received by an eye, change prim color with llSetLink PrimitiveParamsFast.
  7. It's perfectly OK. There's no rule anywhere in the TOS. All viewers include a derender function with which you can make any avatar or object invisible. You are the only person who can see the effect, because it is client-side (that is, confined to your own viewer). If you want to make yourself invisible to other people, just wear a full body alpha layer. That will make your avatar completely invisible, but will not affect any prim attachments (including hair and eyeballs) or your floating tag. You'll have to remove those attachments. AFAIK, the only way to make your tag disappear too is to attach a large invisiprim over your head. The invisiprim will make some objects behind it vanish as well, so even that method is not foolproof.
  8. I don't know the structure of your script, so I don't know where it's appropriate. So long as you have global lists old_list and old_times, it really doesn't make a difference. Just be sure that those two lists are always loaded in parallel: a new UUID in old_list and its recorded Unix time in old_times. When you have a new_list of detected avatars, drop it into the ListXnotY at the top of my snippet.
  9. You made a dumb mistake. You can recover, however. After all, the account is still yours. When you get to Step 6 in the directions below, explain what happened and why you will need to have them verify your identity to help you reclaim your account. Don't forget to call the fraud number and explain why you need to change the e-mail on your account too. Otherwise, the report will go to your "friend". Here's what to do: Go to the Second LIfe Help page and log in if you can. If you can't access your account, use the Forgot your login information? link on the right to recover your username and reset your password. Then log in. On the Second LIfe Help page page, click the Contact Support link on the right. On the next page, click Submit a a Support Case form. Under What type of problem are you having?, select Account Issue. A second dropdown appears. Under Account Issue, select I believe my account has been compromised. Fill in the rest of the fields as directed. Click Submit. Check your email for your case number. Call our fraud number: 800-860-6990. Once you do this, Linden Lab will place your account on hold and investigate the relevant transactions. This may take a few days. Once we have concluded the investigation, we'll send you an email explaining our conclusion and the action we will take. Note that all transactions involving Linden dollars are subject to Linden Lab's Terms of Service. Tip: Even if you are able to log into your account, we recommend that you change your password immediately to something secure and unique. Changing your password regularly is one good way to protect the safety of your account. For information on how to change your password, see the How to change your password section of this article.
  10. Compare each avatar's entry time with the current time. Your errors will only be as large as the interval in your timer. list gone = ListXnotY (old_list,new_list);integer i = (gone !=[]);while ( i ){ --i; key ID = llList2Key(gone,i); integer idx = llListFindList(old_list,[ ID ]); integer lapsed = llGetUnixTime() - llList2Integer(old_times,idx); llSay(0, The visitor with key " + (string)ID + " was here for " + (string)lapsed + " seconds."); old_list = [] + llDeleteSubList(old_list,idx,idx); old_times = [] + llDeleteSubList(old_times,idx,idx);} EDIT: Corrected error in the ListXnotY call.
  11. Buying a Linden Home is just like buying a home in RL. If you don't buy what you like when it is on the market, someone else might buy it first. Wait a little while and see what someone is selling then.
  12. We are all SL residents like you. There are no Lindens here, so we cannot deliver your product. Open your Transaction History at secondlife.com >> Account. If you bought the item in Marketplace, you can get the information from the Order History at https://marketplace.secondlife.com/orders . Then copy the information onto a notecard and send it to the merchant, along with a very polite note that asks for redelivery. Most merchants understand that there can be delivery problems, so they will be glad to send you a new copy. If you have not heard from the merchant in a few days, file a support ticket.
  13. Now that Pathfinding has been promoted to the Main Grid, the problem should have gone away. The deployment notes for this week say that the new server code resolved https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/ARVD-45 (also known as SVC-8023). Try it and see. The sole exception, according to Maestro Linden's note in that JIRA, is that "It's expected that linksets containing Mesh objects cannot cross from Second Life RC Magnum into the other server versions, since the other versions have an older version of Havok which cannot parse the new serialized mesh format."
  14. It's very hard to guess where the problem is without seeing the script. However, one very common reason for a stack heap error is having the script in an endless loop, generating more list entries every time around. Try inserting strategically placed llOwnerSay statements to see whether you have a loop with no exit, or an if condition that is never satisfied. Something like ... while ( i < lMax){ gBigList += [llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, i)]; // Ooops, forgot to increment i}
  15. That's a very good point, Amethyst. Aside from saving memory, that's one reason why the greeter I pointed the OP to only stores a compressed UUID. I don't really need the person's identity. For counting purposes, all I really need to know is his/her visiting history, so any unique identifier is enough.
  16. I agree with Jenni. You probably ought to do the list searches in world. You don't have to feel limited to 100 UUIDs, though. Unless you really need to know the person's identity, as opposed to the person's place in your database, you only need to store a portion of the UUID in your LSL script. Take a look at https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Rolig_Loon/High-Capacity_Greeter-Counter , which I put in the LSL wiki library a couple of years ago. Parts of it are overkill, but the heart of that script is Becky Pippen's algorithm for compressing a UUID by about 84% to save memory. I have used a version of that counter in a public area for over two years. It took almost a year before free memory started running short and the script had to start deleting the oldest list elements.
  17. Money laundering? No, there's no clean way to do it inside SL. Whenever you transfer L$ from one account to another, it shows up in the Transaction History of both accounts. You could send the L$ from an alt that your friend is unaware of, but that would raise even more questions. You might as well just come clean. Offer the gift and say "Happy Birthday" or whatever.
  18. You probably haven't tried everything, or it would be working by now. Something in your setup is configured wrong. Here's the best set of possibilities >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_media
  19. If you are interested in uploading a mesh model that you have created, everything you need to know is right here >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Uploading-a-mesh-model/ta-p/974185
  20. Apparently not. It looks like English is your only choice. That option isn't there when I go to edit a listing either. I don't see any announcement of the change, though.
  21. It does sound like a crummy Internet connection. Always suspect your router first. Reboot it by unplugging it from the power while you go out for coffee. As a temporary measure when things fail to rez, try changing your camera angle. Sometimes looking from a different position is enough to jog your graphics card into rendering the missing object.
  22. Thanks, Arwen! It never occurred to me to do that, but it makes sense. Most of the canned settings are way too wild and spooky for me, so I'd rather just get rid of them. I'm going to give it a try tonight. .
  23. Try the Knowledge Base (the source of all SL information ... well, a lot of it, anyway) >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Managing-your-parcel/ta-p/700113
  24. Almost certainly, yes. For right now, though, there are some unresolved issues >>> Second Life Viewer does not work on Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion [ Partially Resolved ] . This is a serious enough problem that I expect it to be resolved fairly soon.
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