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Jennifer Boyle

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Everything posted by Jennifer Boyle

  1. I just noticed that, although my avatar is rendered as a cloud, the shadow it casts is correctly rendered. It seems strange that the viewer knows what my shadow should look like but doesn't know what I should look like.
  2. I do not believe that a two-word phrase can be copyrighted. If one wanted to restrict its use by others, one would need to register it as a trademark. I checked the US Patent and Trademark Office Web site, and "Shadow Demon" is not registered.
  3. Innula Zenovka wrote: What I suggest she does is, first, Manually clear her cache. She needs log out and to find the cache folder in her computer. In Windows 7 it's at C:\Users\(windows username)\AppData\Roaming\(viewer name) Sorry, but the cache is located in C:\Users\(windows username)\AppData\Local\(viewer name)
  4. Sassy Romano wrote: Godwin's Law strikes not once but TWICE in the opening post. Thread ends. What is Godwin's Law?
  5. Would it help to have the largest possible cache?
  6. Why do people keep asking for jobs here without posting anything about education, credentials, knowledge, skills, ability, or experience? Would you do that in RL?
  7. He has an alt that he has been using to go to the cam escort clubs. He is so exhausted from his activity there that he can't do anything else.
  8. Why do the Lindens even pause for cr@p like that. Why don't they just exercise their power of immiinent domain?
  9. Deja Letov wrote: That suggestion would be a management nightmare. While technically possibly, everyone can make an alt, it's not feasible or user friendly. See my response to Madeliefste for a description of how to do it. It would be a nightmare if you were doing it with a pencil and paper, but it would be pretty effortless using a computer, once you had it set up. The quote above, to me, demonstrates what the problem actually is: the tendency to put convenience and ease for the merchant ahead of convenience for the customer. Think about Wal-Mart---they try to give the customer the best deal they can, and squeeze their suppliers in order to do it. The customer comes first. Look where it got them.
  10. Actually you could automate the computations using Excel; Access could no doubt automate it better, but I don't know enough about Access to actually know how to do it. Using Excel, you would have each item on a line on one worksheet, along with who got paid for it and what percentage they got. You would paste the transaction history of the alt into a second worksheet in the same workbook. You would need some fairly complex formulas on the first page that used the lookup functions in Excel to grab data from the second worksheet and calculate who was due how much. It could calculate the total due each. My wild guess is that it would take someone with good knowledge of Excel a day to produce and debug the spreadsheet. My guess is that it would take about 10 hours to enter the data for the first spreadsheet if you had to do it from scratch. It would be much faster if you have an electronic file containing it that is in, or can be converted to, a format that Excel can read. Anyone could maintain it, removing and adding items as needed. Anyone could paste the transaction history into it and read the total due each person. That would take almost no time.
  11. Irene Muni wrote: I buy inworld the objects that I need see rezzed: furniture, houses, plants, animations ... etc. I buy other objects in MP. Given the kind of shopping that I do, most of my shopping is inworld, but I begin searching in MP. Me, too.
  12. phaedra Exonar wrote: Most my items have mixed perms so even looking at the contents of the vender box would not show the true perms, which are mostly set to prims copy/mod and most scripts copy only but not all. Besides the perms the feature list of most my items are to complex to list on the face of a prim. Even when I have demos set up inworld, looking at them and trying them out would still not show all the features. Even if you don't like to shop on the marketplace, you can still look up an item on the marketplace that you found inworld to read more info about it, and see additional pictures. Can I be sure that the item being sold on MP has ther same permissions as the one being sold in world?
  13. Madeliefste Oh wrote: I wish I could both show my customers the content and permissions of the items in the box, and at the same time split the prize amoung several merchants. But this is just not possible. Not possible? Hardly. Just make an alt that does nothing but act as seller and collect for sales. Periodically log onto that account and distribute its money, which shouldn't take five minutes to do.
  14. that would work if i actually liked hearing myself talk, but i don't i look for there to be an exhange of words not for me to say whatever i want and think i'm talking what's important...
  15. Syo Emerald wrote: If facebook finds out that the page is just about a fictinal charakter they tend to delete the page. Wrong. You are confusing Facebook accounts with Facebook pages. Only real people are supposed to have accounts. Fictional characters, and a variety of other things, can have pages. I know. My account was closed, so I now have a page, which I don't like nearly as well. What I don't understand is why FB closes some SL avatars' accounts and leaves others alone. Some of my friends still have accounts which obviously belong to SL avatars. Even if an account belongs to an avatar, when it is used real eyeballs will see the ads. I think the reason FB doesn't want avatars to have accounts is that they collect a lot of information, which they sell, and the information is less valuable if some of it is fictional.
  16. I have had that happen intermittently. I always clear the cache. I don't know if that helps, but it usually goes away with that and a relog.
  17. I have several shoe alpha masks that I've made or collected. IM me in world and I will give them to you. One of them will probably work with your shoes.
  18. First, your problem is that your skin and your lipstick tattoos are incompatible. The only cure is to replace one or the other. You can probably find, by trial and error, makeup that works with your skin, or vice versa. When I decided I really needed to modify my no-mod shape, I contacted the maker, and he sold me a mod version.
  19. That happens to me occasionally. Sometimes logging off, clearing the cache, and logging back on seems to fix it. I say "seems" because I'm not sure it doesn't just cure itself while I'm doing that. Sometimes it cures itself after a while. If it persists, you might want to try this workaround (Good for getting stuff out of boxes when you are where you can't rez objects). Wear the box, then edit it and go to the contents tab, then drag the contents to inventory.
  20. This is just a suggestion offered FWIW: Would it help you figure it out to cut the parcel into several smaller parcels and see what prim counts the system reported for each?
  21. Perrie Juran wrote: Disney for instance could have sent a letter to Linden Lab stating that under no circumstances would they allow their intellectual property to be sold in SL. I hadn't thought of that. I'll bet such preemptive notifications that no ne will have a license are pretty rare. If they were common, it would be very hard for LL to keep track of what it was supposed to be policing. Thinking about it for a minute, I don't think Disney would have a case against LL unless Disney filed a proper DMCA notification and LL failed to remove it. I would think that LL would repy to a notice like your example that they can't keep track of all the content in SL, and if Disney becomes aware of any infinging content on sl, LL will comply fully with its legal obligations upon receipt of a valid DMCA notification.
  22. Amethyst, How can LL know if anyone is infringing in the absence of a complaint by the IP rights holder? Unless they are clairvoyant, they are making a perhaps unwarranted assumption that someone lacks a license to use the content.
  23. I have a high-end Windows 7 gaming machine and usually can run Firestorm with all graphics settings at the highest setting, except draw distance, which I usually have at 256 to 512 with no lag and complete stability. The last few days I've had lots of failed teleports, some causing logouts, and some lag.
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