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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Olá Daniel, Estamos residentes, assim como você. Portanto, não podemos ajudá-lo a recuperar o acesso ao Second Life. Pode ser que seu computador conectado à Internet através de um endereco IP que foi bloqueado pela Linden Lab por causa do mau comportamento de outra pessoa. Se for esse o caso, o seu deve contatá-los conforme as instrucões para resolver o problema. Boa sorte! ETA: Também é possível que alguém (amigo / familiar) usou o computador e endereco MAC do seu computador foi banido. Explique sua situacão totalmente em seu e-mail para support@secondlife.com. Se você mudou recentemente provedores de internet, dizer-lhes isso. Se a Linden Lab não resolver o problema, você pode pedir ao seu provedor de servicos de internet para mudar o seu endereco IP.
  2. Jenni Darkwatch wrote: To be honest, I've wondered if Oculus would go anywhere at all. I've used VR for nearly two decades now (approximately since the Forte VFX1 if anyone remembers that - I still have mine) and while it's cool, it's unusable for the majority of the population: * You can't see the keyboard. Most people can't touch-type. * A fairly significant percentage of people gets very nauseated by VR (even more than the 10% or so that get nauseated by 3D movies) * VR practically requires a different UI. Nearly no software that I know of supports that. * Most VR hardware, including Oculus Rift, requires driver support of some kind. FB buying Oculus just means Oculus is going down the drain. Nothing new, they haven't been going anywhere to begin with, aside from burning money left and right. VR hasn't been "the next great thing", ever. Nor will it ever be. Augmented Reality maybe, but even there I highly doubt it. Look at Google Glass. That too is going absolutely nowhere. I first donned VR goggles when I was a teen, and although it was neat, it left me wanting. I'm certain Oculus has come a long way since the Evans and Sutherland thing I tried (wireframe images only), but I'm inclined to agree with you. In the case of Glass, I'm really curious how it affects eye-contact. I'm already annoyed by people who won't look me in the eye. ;-)
  3. Hi tami, Did you do a "clean" install? If not, I'd recommend giving that a try. That'll get rid of any corrupted settings files that survive a normal uninstall/reinstall. Here are instructions for doing that, which you may have to alter to reflect the filenames associated with Singularity... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-uninstall-and-reinstall-Second-Life/ta-p/1375231 Pay particular attention to the note about preserving chat and IM logs, if you want to save those. Good luck!
  4. For smooth camera motion control, it's hard to beat the SpaceNavigator. As for your video, I think I'd stick with either B&W, sepia or color throughout. If you're going to switch palettes, that should flow from a shift in the mood of the music. Similarly, if you're going to stay entirely in color, use the same windlight settings for all venues, unless there's a shift in mood/energy in the underlying song. For the song in that video, B&W seems apropo to me. Most importantly... have fun!
  5. Hi Melvrtis1, You ain't the only one complainin'... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Shopping/why-can-t-I-list-my-GACHA-ITEM-raffle-on-events/qaq-p/2568326/comment-id/6523 Open a Support Case? If enough people do, one of the Lindens might wake up.
  6. Hippie Bowman wrote: Happy Hump day! Happy? I can't get this thing out of neutral!... Hi, Kids!!!
  7. Hi Vyakta, There is no fee for cancelling a basic account. That $9.95 sounds like the charge for re-instating a cancelled account. So long as you don't do that, there will be no charge. So, carefully re-read the billing information to make sure you haven't misunderstood. Here's an old thread in which someone claims LL charged $9.95 for an ALT account. I haven't read the whole thread, but this appears to be an anomaly... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/9-95-for-multiple-ALT-basic-accounts/m-p/1322103#M45522 If LL were charging an ALT fee, you'd think they'd have charged on on the creation of the account, not the closure.
  8. Hi Anseim, I'm not a furry, but I know a few. They are indeed people who, for various reasons, chose not to be human in SL. Humans have a long history of anthropomophizing. Some do it by taking the form of robots, flying private parts, fuzzy little animals, fuzzy big animals, big firebreathing animals, spikey clouds (Ms. Void Singer comes to mind) or in my particular case, nine tailed ghosts, mice, Lucy Van Pelt and an exotic stripper with counter-rotating pastie tassels. The latter would be human if she weren't Libertarian. I don't think it is a case of all belonging to the same church. I grew up loving cartoon characters and cartoon physics. Some of my friends are animal lovers and chose to anthropomorphize their favorites. Others may role play robots to avoid emotional attachment, or to explore what emotional attachment might be like for a creature who's not fully developed emotionally. Some of us may have become fans of movies, books, etc. that are home to anthro characters, and wish to extend the canon with fanon. It's a cliché, but there are probably as many reasons for people to be furries as there are people being furries. ;-)
  9. LaskyaClaren wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: LaskyaClaren wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: https://www.facebook.com/zuck/posts/10101319050523971?stream_ref=10 I believe I recently opined that Oculus Rift wouldn't go anywhere. Oops! Maybe the real question is . . . is Facebook going anywhere? I'm still sceptical about OR. I wonder about Facebook as well. My experience with VR headsets left me appreciating the windshield of my car, even in the rain with bad wipers. That said, being big helps. It does. But it certainly seems a very odd fit. I think, actually, that the impact of this may be bigger on High Fidelity than it is on Second Life. It is curious that Zuckerberg mentions Oculus as being something akin to the wave after mobile. Now I'm thinking of the wave at stadiums, where we all get up and move for a second before sitting back down. And remember that Yahoo recently absorbed the Cloud Party team. Maybe something is afoot?
  10. LaskyaClaren wrote: Meanwhile, in another part of the forest . . . "Technology Opinion – Sony’s Virtual Reality headset will hurt company" I've been surprised by how much self harm Sony has inflicted over the years. They seem to have accidentally done well with the new PlayStation.
  11. LaskyaClaren wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: https://www.facebook.com/zuck/posts/10101319050523971?stream_ref=10 I believe I recently opined that Oculus Rift wouldn't go anywhere. Oops! Maybe the real question is . . . is Facebook going anywhere? I'm still sceptical about OR. I wonder about Facebook as well. My experience with VR headsets left me appreciating the windshield of my car, even in the rain with bad wipers. That said, being big helps, until you're too big.
  12. https://www.facebook.com/zuck/posts/10101319050523971?stream_ref=10 I believe I recently opined that Oculus Rift wouldn't go anywhere. Oops!
  13. Rolig Loon wrote: I have been called "Rollig", "Roling", "Roolig", and many other variations over the years. C'mon, you've been called worse than that!
  14. LaskyaClaren wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Let me add that the distinction between "Add"ing clothing items and "Wear"ing them is important. "Wear" will remove anything already occupying the spot or layer that the new item targets. "Add" will leave all existing things in place. If you are adding a clothing layer thing (with icons that look like clothing) they will layer atop anything else already on that layer. I'll get this wrong, but I think the ordering of layers is roughly skin(top/bottom/head), tattoo(top/bottom/head), undershirt/pants, shirt/pants and finally jacket. So, if you want to replace one skin/garment/item with another, chose wear. Otherwise, chose "add". If you haven't already read it, I recommend the User's Guide. And finally, the similarity in responses you'll get from residents here is the natural and unavoidable consequence of there being only 13 people on the internet. We can't be expected to make each and every "person" you meet here appear unique, particularly when three of us have called in sick today, and the rest of us are working overtime. Sort of like, if I "wear" Dresden, then Laskya gets removed and put into my inventory. But if I "Add" Dresden, then . . . *shudder* Ok, let's not go there. (BTW Maddy, someone took my lunch from the lunchroom fridge. Was it you or Snugs? or both?) Snugs is out sick. The rest of us shared your lunch. If my tummy is representative, you may be working by yourself tomorrow.
  15. If this imposter is using intellectual property (IP, images, sounds, design files, etc) created by your friend, I suppose a DCMA Notification can be filed. But if the imposter is simply impersonating your friend by using the name and behaving as the "Etheras" character, I don't think there's much to be done. Impersonation happens all the time, with far more famous characters... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impersonator The people being impersonated are not always happy about it.
  16. Let me add that the distinction between "Add"ing clothing items and "Wear"ing them is important. "Wear" will remove anything already occupying the spot or layer that the new item targets. "Add" will leave all existing things in place. If you are adding a clothing layer thing (with icons that look like clothing) they will layer atop anything else already on that layer. I'll get this wrong, but I think the ordering of layers is roughly skin(top/bottom/head), tattoo(top/bottom/head), undershirt/pants, shirt/pants and finally jacket. So, if you want to replace one skin/garment/item with another, chose wear. Otherwise, chose "add". If you haven't already read it, I recommend the User's Guide. And finally, the similarity in responses you'll get from residents here is the natural and unavoidable consequence of there being only 13 people on the internet. We can't be expected to make each and every "person" you meet here appear unique, particularly when three have called in sick today, and the rest of us are working overtime.
  17. Welcome to SL, Alaeena. You and your friend may be wondering why LL is giving out broken shoes to new accounts. This is because the shoes in many of the free, default avatars use what we used to call "invisiprims," which have the effect of making invisible the avatar mesh (though not the objects, like shoes, attached to it). Howevever, in the course upgrading SL's graphics, LL broke the hack (and it was a hack) on which invisiprims depended. LL provided alpha masks (aka "alpha layers") as an alternative, and for most -- though not all -- cases, they're a huge improvement on the old invisiprims. However, even though this problem with the default avatars was pointed out to them back in 2012, LL hasn't got round to rectifying it yet.
  18. Oy HotFriend! That's an ambitious undertaking. Note that you have some hurdles to jump over before you distribute a Second Life viewer. You may already know this, but there are guidlines for third party viewers and you'll find them here... http://secondlife.com/corporate/tpv.php And if you wish to be listed in the official Third Party Viewer Directory, you'll have additional hurdles... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory Now, as for your specific question, I've never built a viewer, but I'm getting a very faint feeling that you're thinking the viewer consists of just one source file and one header. It's very possible that my ignorance of building things under Windows is showing like undies when I fall out of a skybox, but a build of the Second Life viewer is likely to consist of dozens, if not hundreds of code modules, libraries and support content such as textures, sounds, xml configuration files, etc. I wouldn't even know where to begin such a project. You may have better luck asking your questions in the Second Life Viewer forum, or perhaps at one of the third party viewer sites. Good luck!
  19. valerie Inshan wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: The Sun's tentatively peeking through here too. I'll snap an icicle off it and mail it to you. Thank you Maddy!!! ... swoons.
  20. valerie Inshan wrote: Thanks for your encouragements, Studio! Getting pregnant would have been a good idea as a motivation for quitting, but I'm afraid this option is no longer available for me at 53! France has got pretty restrictive too about smoking in public places. So with some good will (and fear of sharing my old days with an oxy bottle), I think I can make it! P.S. : could you please send out some Florida sunshine across the Atlantic? It's pouring here and pretty chilly! The Sun's tentatively peeking through here too. I'll snap an icicle off it and mail it to you.
  21. Studio09 wrote: Here in North Florida it's a beautiful day. It rained yesterday bringing in cooler weather so today it gorgeous, even if we are still in the midst of pollen season. Yesterday I almost turned on the AC. Here in East Southeast Wisconsin it's a beautiful day. It snowed last night, bringing in cooler weather so today it's gorgeous (and 28). Yesterday I almost took took of my painting sweatshirt.
  22. 3-25-1996 The 1st Annual Waldo Wisconsin Psychics Convention is postponed due to unforseen circumstances. 3-25-2014 Convention organizers express confidence that the 1st Annual Waldo Wisconsin Psychics Convention will take place as scheduled, on Saturday April 1, 2014. When told that April 1 is a Tuesday, Convention chairwoman Kristal Bahl exclaims "Hah, I'm not falling for that!"
  23. Hippie Bowman wrote: valerie Inshan wrote: Good morning Hippie, Maddy, Par and all! I've decided to stop smoking today. Just one last cigarette before I quit completely! Hugs and love ya all! LOL Val! That picture! HAHAHAHAHAHAH! I quit too! You can do it! If I can do it you can too! Hugs! Peace! If that's what smoking has done to you two, I think I'll start. Happy Tuesday, Kids!!!
  24. Hi Mellifera, You're running into the marketplace's buffoonish adult content filters. There may have been a recent change to the naughty word list, because lots of people have been complaining about this... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/MarketPlace-is-auto-rating-a-gesture-to-Adult/m-p/2564610#M49220 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Standard-Sizing-now-forces-a-change-in-Marketplace-items/td-p/2443487 etc, etc, ad infinitum, ad nauseum. Linden Lab does not post the naughty word list, probably because they can't spell half of them. Some people have taken to posting a graphic that contains the text, so LL's Victorian era prude-o-meter can't throw a hissy fit. ;-)
  25. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Which one of us do you think would jump first? The last one to push.
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