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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. It's a place where I can attempt to kill my friends, over and over again, and be appreciated (I think) for it.
  2. Rhys Goode wrote: Maybe I am strange, but I do not treat my $L funds in quite the same way that I treat my brokerage account. I worry a lot about long term trends in the brokerage account. In contrast, my $L's have value purely in the present. And for me anyway, the value of virtual goods has not changed. My rent has not changed. So far, a non-envent. OK, I may find that I will not be able to use an outfit I purchased today in two or three years, in a different virtual world. But I have been in SL long enough to know that the odds of me wearing something I purchased 2 years ago are virtually nil, anyway. I do have some things, like a house and a bed, that I have used for many years, and I will be sad to leave them behide. But the total cost of all such devices for me was less than the costs of dinner and a movie and a babysitter by a large margin. So I am not about to lose sleep over it. If you're strange, it's not for the reasons you've given. All that sounds pretty normal to me. But you have piqued my interest, Rhys! ;-).
  3. Hi Sally, You are likely suffering from "bake fail". Here's a recent thread dealing with that problem. In particular, read Rolig and Nalates suggestions... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/it-seems-to-me-I-ve-tried-everything-to-change-my-avatar-from-a/qaq-p/2789846 Good luck!
  4. DejaHo wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: DejaHo wrote: Today, the cost of an L, please excuse the following pun, has traded virtually unchanged since before the announcement by Mr. Ebbe Altberg of a 2015 v2 release of Second Life.. That's only 6-8 months from today. You've misunderstood or misquoted Ebbe. I don't expect to see SL2 before 2016, if at all. . If v2 is going to be bigger and better as promised then it is going to cost more - economies of scale. It will also have a direct hit on the value of the L in v1. You don't think so? Imo, the rest of what you wrote is fluff unless you are an economist. The history of technology is that bigger and better costs less over time (smaller sometimes costs more ;-). My free storage space on Flickr has gone from 250MB to 1TB. My iPhone is faster than my oldest laptop computer, and cost 4x less. If Linden Lab avoids riding that curve, it won't be the technology's fault. SL1's architecture prevents LL from riding the curve. That's why they're working on SL2. I fully expect SL2 to be a better value than SL1. Ebbe knows that if it isn't, SL2 and LL are doomed. I have no idea how SL2 will affect SL1. Nor do I know how other competitors will affect SL1. The world is not standing still. I am not an economist, but that doesn't make a difference. Paul Samuelson wouldn't be able to make head or tails of SL1/2 without seeing the numbers. I don't expect LL to reveal those numbers. So your entire "SL economist" discussion is dead in the water. The economist is LL.
  5. DejaHo wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: DejaHo wrote: Today, the cost of an L, please excuse the following pun, has traded virtually unchanged since before the announcement by Mr. Ebbe Altberg of a 2015 v2 release of Second Life.. That's only 6-8 months from today. You've misunderstood or misquoted Ebbe. I don't expect to see SL2 before 2016, if at all. In your most humble opinion Is that early or late 2016? What do you mean by if at all, are you saying the CEO has lied to us? Something as complex as SL2 cannot be taken from concept to delivery in 6-8 months. From my experience with such things, two years seems more likely. So I'd expect to see SL2 ready for occupancy no earlier than mid 2016. I don't think that disagrees terribly with anything Ebbe's been saying. And, to ensure that my opinion is humble, I'll admit that I'm terrible at estimating how long it'll take me to complete a project. That's one reason I retired. I was just getting tired of burning myself out to keep my unrealistic promises. There appear to be some things I cannot learn. As for "if at all", Ebbe cannot control the unknowns and external forces at work on Linden Lab. I expect Ebbe and his team will work like hell to make their dream come true. But, that is no guarantee of success. If they try their best and fail, as I often do, it is not a lie. It is life.
  6. DejaHo wrote: I refuse to believe my legacy stipend will hold the same value in v2. What you believe and what actually is needn't be the same thing. This has happened to me. Sometimes I adjust my beliefs, sometimes I end up in the emergency room. This is why I try to avoid believing.
  7. DejaHo wrote: Today, the cost of an L, please excuse the following pun, has traded virtually unchanged since before the announcement by Mr. Ebbe Altberg of a 2015 v2 release of Second Life.. That's only 6-8 months from today. You've misunderstood or misquoted Ebbe. I don't expect to see SL2 before 2016, if at all. Why doesn't a pending v2SL affect the $ to L costs? The vast majority of SL1 residents, who don't even know Ebbe/LL/The Forums exist, know nothing of SL2. Many of us who do know about it aren't thinking about it. SL1 continues to run as usual. It's not surprising the economy does as well. With v2SL won't consumer goods cost us more? There's no evidence to suggest that, or anything, other than SL2 is out there in the future somewhere. I've no desire to speculate and no reason to think my speculation (or yours) is accurate or useful. Mr. Altberg told us we are transferable - avatars and Lindens - but will there not be an economies to scale thing happening here? The early day economies of scale of SL1 didn't make it prohibitively expensive. Why would SL2 be different? When will the L take a hit? We know almost nothing about SL2, how could anyone predict the effect it's arrival may or may not have? Maybe it's the $ that takes the hit? I don't think that helps your credibility. Where is the transparency? SL2 has been pre-announced. What more transparency do you want? Where is the SL Economist speaking to this issue? LL creates the platform on which the economy runs, and is the only holder of the big picture economic data. I don't think they'd be willing to reveal that picture to potential competition. They have more interest in the success of SL1 and SL2 than almost any one of us. Their jobs depend on it.
  8. Yep. Snugs often threatens to rat me out, cutting me off from my money fix. Call me overcautious, but it seemed a good idea six years ago to create an account that's never used in-world to hold my CC information. Every time I go begging for money, she makes me review my spending and my motivations. She's worse than Snugs!
  9. I've only skimmed the thread, so I could be way off base here... What's the bigger issue; what constitutes "skill" or the size of the Skill Game Region license costs (both the direct fee and the time and external cost of registration for the region/game)? I don't know what the costs might be, but I wonder what L$ volume a game would have to move to make such fees tolerable. If the fees end up being exhorbitant (what Linden fee here isn't ;-), and If the only way to avoid the fee is to eliminate any payment into the system by players, then the skill/chance discussion is moot. The only games here will be those in which nobody pays to enter. Did I get this wrong? ETA: I think I read that payment into skill games can only be done from PIOF accounts. That's another dissuasion, no?
  10. Hi Spanky, It does mean you owe money, but not a lot (about four cents US). I think what you're really wondering is how you ended up owing money, right? You're not allowed to purchase things that cost more than your current balance, so that's not the cause. What has probably happened is that you belong to a group that has a "group liability" that's split across all the members. This can be a fee to cover advertising or tier on group owned land. I think (but I am not sure) your transaction history will show any group debits, so that should help you identify the group. If I'm wrong about that, you'll probably have to examine your groups to see which is charging the fees. Once you've identified the group, contact the owner to make sure you are not being charged incorrectly (not all group members must share in the liability). If it is the group's intent to charge that fee, you'll have to decide whether to remain in the group. Good luck!
  11. There are enough things to worry about each and every day without SL contributing to the angst. Muting/blocking that "friend" might also help. SL can bring out the best and the worst in us. So long as you behave and exercise reasonable caution, particularly with respect to maintaining your RL privacy and the integrity of your account, there shouldn't be much to worry about here in SL. Have fun, Labella.
  12. Hi Traslogan, If there's an answer to your question, it's either known only to LL (or maybe not even them) or is revealed in this thread... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Skill-Gaming-Policy-Thread/m-p/2771090 The OP lists three documents you should read. I barely gleaned that thread, but got the impression that any game that distributes money by chance is outlawed (as was the case previously) and that games requiring skill must operated only on "Skill Gaming Regions" which must be registered as such with LL (meaning you must obtain a license and submit the game for approval). There appears to be a surcharge for any region on which Skill Games are registered and operated. Anyone playing a skill game must have registered payment information on file, which will exclude a great many residents, including me (though my sugar mommy alt could play ;-). I may be over reaching, but the quick impression I draw from what I've seen is that it's nearly game over for gaming. ETA: Note that if players do not have to pay anything into the system, the system will not be classified as a "Skill Game". But the system you described does take payment from residents and would require the licensing and region fees I described. Of course that's only my understanding from doing almost no homework. ;-).
  13. Welcome to SL, Anarchy! As anarchy is normal here, you may have to work a little to be truly anarchic ;-). Hippie Bowman and friends host Sunday Breakfasts at different venues each week. Check Hippie's profile for the breakfast group, join it, and pop in some Sunday morning (8AM SLT).
  14. Hi Labella, She's blowing smoke. It's impossible for someone to have something in inventory that SL cannot see. It's also impossible for anyone to erase another's account. It also makes no sense that someone would need to switch Internet Service Providers (ISP) to get back to SL. Things contained in inventory can't do anything until they're rezzed. Rezzed objects can contain nefarious scripts, but those scripts are constrained to do what's available to scripts. They can wreak havoc with your viewer by rezzing complex items and lots of particles that load down your computer, they can spam chat channels, attempt to take money from you (which requires you to give permission), push you (sit on anything to prevent that), etc. But scripts cannot erase your account. People can be banned from SL for violating the Terms Of Service, but scripts can't do that either. Nor can that be done from the outside. You can only be banned from SL for doing something within SL or the forums. Access to either of those venues requires you to be logged-in. Unless your account has been compromised, allowing someone else to log into it, it would not be possible for anyone else to violate the Terms Of Service in your name. The threat you recieved is a violation of the TOS and can be reported. If you have the chat log in which the threat was made, copy and paste it into the "Details" box of the "Report Abuse" window. Good luck!
  15. Hi polynesia, I'm on a Mac as well. I haven't been in-world much lately, but I've witnessed this problem. This was a far more common occurance last autumn, affecting all operating systems and all viewers, The problem was traced back to a bug in the viewer's new "interest list" functions, which attempt to cache and render closer objects first. Although the problem was announced as fixed, I noticed an improvement, but still experienced the problem. I've not been in-world enough recently to see if the problem continues at a low level. I've also read reports that WowMeh HUDs cause this texture reloading problem, and that removing them solves it. That may also have been fixed by now. Here are some potentially related threads... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/Textures-keep-reloading-over-and-over-again/m-p/2270555 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/3-4-4-textures-stuck-in-reloading-cycle-on-OSX/td-p/1825115 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/Objects-That-Rez-Keep-Going-Blurry-and-Rezzing-All-The-Time/m-p/2749530#M14858 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/Textures-constantly-going-blurred/td-p/2015235 http://blog.nalates.net/2013/08/17/second-life-texture-thrashing/
  16. Pamela Galli wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Derek Torvalar wrote: Now why don't you apologise to Pam, McMasters. Because I don't feel an apology is necessary, Torvalar. Because you rightly discern that (as one of the teachers you laud in another post ) I do not ever practice the soft bigotry of low expectations. Not ever. It is not so much about "wonder" as about seeing the never-imagined fruits of ones hard work, of achieving beyond one's own imagination. IOW my purpose is to empower, rather than enable. There is not only a difference, but they are mutally exclusive. The empowerers and the enablers are at war. Let the best and the kindest win. You may believe that advising someone to wear their furniture creations as a means of selling is empowering. I don't. You may also believe that Splatulated is having success following your advice. I don't.
  17. Good evening, Hippie. I'm going out to do some skywatching and stargazing... Happy Wednesday, Kids!!!
  18. Derek Torvalar wrote: Now why don't you apologise to Pam, McMasters. Because I don't feel an apology is necessary, Torvalar.
  19. irihapeti wrote: Splatulated wrote: just got 300 lin from one person for it wonder howm uch would sell for if made matching chairs if wearing it and selling it is making you this kinda loot then i advise that you keep doing it. is not everyday these days in SL that you see a travelling crafter carrying their wares on their back used to tho but not much these days. Is every reason to think that the people what buy it off you did so out of pure nostalgia for the good old days. retrocool is the new black currently apparently. Cant get any more retro than prims out of alignment and library textures. Made only in a way that a wide-eye new person can ever manage (: so keep going (: + i dont mean this in a bad way. Is a innocence about new people who get into building things for the first time. It comes thru when you talk to them. Is infectious the joy of discovery. Is a wonderful innocence that comes thru to us who maybe a bit jaded these days and reminds us of when we was new ourself i get a sparkler off this new person recently. is very simple. Is the first thing they ever made. they were really proud and pleased of it. And so was I. both of them and what they made I hope you're pleased with making me feel foolish about raining on Splatulated's parade in my response! You are absolutely right, both in the particulars of this case (if it's working, keep on doing it) and in the larger picture. It's easy to understand why teachers love teaching. They get to relive their "ah hah!" moments every year as they peer into the vast unknown with a new crop of curious students, eager to explore. We can't return to our wide-eyed early days here, but we can thank the newbies for sharing their wonder and excitement with us. ;-).
  20. Welcome to Second Life, Telling! I first came online in 1987, long before the Internet could handle voice. So I had a long history (read habit) of of text chatting with people from all over the world before coming to SL. Because I have ample time to compose my thoughts as I type, I've managed to convince people I'm reasonably intelligent. That's been much more difficult (read impossible) in RL, where I sometimes can't think quickly enough to impress. Two minutes at Ahern with voice enabled will prove to you that I'm not the only person for whom this is true. I've never had a friend ask me to voice verify, and I never will. I have, in fact, had a friend reveal their RL identity to me, then ask that we never voice chat. He, like me, was afraid that we'd pierce the little veil of imagination, as when your favorite swoonable, smooth, deep voiced radio DJ appears on TV and you see the glasses held together with duct tape. The fella you met did you a favor by outing his intentions and insecurity before you invested a lot of time in him. Be thankful! ;-).
  21. Hi Jessie, If you have particle generators on your parcel, it's possible you are experiencing a known bug in the particle system. Here's the JIRA (bug report) page for this issue... https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-3961 To determine if this is the cause, set Preferences->Graphics->Max. particle count to zero. The fire should stop. If the problem persists after doing that, I'm going to go with Lindal's oil spill theory. Good luck! ;-).
  22. Hi ARIANIS, It is not possible to pre-select a Linden Homes. There are four themed communities to choose from, but you cannot chose the particular house you get in each community. You can change homes up to five times per day, so if you don't like the one you get, you can abandon it and choose another. You needn't be a premium member to purchase or visit parcels on the mainland. So, before becoming a Premium Member, you can wander around to see what 512m2 parcels are available. If you find a parcel you like, you can then become a Premium Member and purchase it. Be aware that someone else might buy the land before you can become a Premium Member to purchase it. Here are some helpful web pages... Knowledge Base - Linden Homes Knowledge Base - Buying Land Purchasing Land Knowledge Base - Premium Membership Happy Hunting!
  23. Hola Brava, Es posible que la región está intentando acceder no está en línea. Escriba el nombre de otra región al iniciar sesión en. Seleccione "<Escribe En que región>" del "INICIAR es:" caja de texto, a continuación, introduzca "Smith" o "Pooley". Una vez que esté en el mundo, seleccione otro destino de sus hitos y teletransportarse allí. Buena suerte!
  24. Hi Diana, Go here... https://secondlife.com/my/account/partners.php?lang=en-US Check the box and click "Submit". The dissolution will cost L$25. That's about L$1,000,000 less than it cost me in RL. Good luck!
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