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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. does it? because it looks to me like they need to hire an editor.... what exactly would be the difference between an avatar account and an avi page? from Facebooks policy perspective that is?
  2. on the plus side it's nice to know there's something that it won't underutilize (like my vid card) =X
  3. there are other performance changes on those servers, and region crossing was only suggested as a major thing to test.... I'd test performance by comparison where possible to make sure and be alerted to any early issues
  4. is it happening everywhere, or just in one particular area? unfortunately one of the nasty surprises about SL is that it is largely NOT built by professionals... and even when it is regular users can still take professional goods and misuse them in combination without knowing... this means for the most part that everything else will run better, because the pros know all the shortcuts and tricks to layering in content and still keeping the memory and geometry usage low. there content is also static for the most part, and I'm guessing this is where your trouble is coming from. I suspect it only happens in certain places, and is being caused by a holodeck style rezzor, using temp prims whith tons of textures, possibly combined with a small cache size. If so, increasing cache size may help a bit. however since you mentioned the previous hardware problem, you might also want to check and see if there are any perfomance monitor / diagnostic tools for your video card (I'm sure there are I'm just not familiar any more with stuff target at ATI hardware)... a similar issue could be overloading a damaged component causing it to drop out temporarily. those are only guesses and about the end of my expertise on vid cards
  5. yes, llSensor, and llSetTimerEvent, or collision_start, with or without llVolumeDetect
  6. not via a script, no. it can be done with a bot program which is a member of the group and logged in, which usually receives a command from a script telling it who to invite to which group.
  7. Piebald? lemon apple dutch apple (better) cherry blueberry strawberry raspberry blackberry rhurbarb boston creme pudding lemon meringue (damn I'm hungry now) and the only thing called a cake worthy of being listed alongside pie.... cheesecake! (white chocolate raspberry truffle!!!)
  8. speaking of facebook (and incidentally twitter).... http://finance.yahoo.com/family-home/article/112769/like-button-follows-users-wsj
  9. use the above mentioned minus qualifier along with either the avatar name or the business name... aint perfect but it helps
  10. I can suggest testing region crossing behavior for those vehicles on the Snack Sandbox regions (search from the map) as there are supposed to be some improvements for MONO scripts and region crossing there, among other things... IMHO LSO scripts are still better suited for cross region performance, but the gap is narrowing.
  11. not going to happen. at this point the only thing you can do is offer specific suggestions for changes to make it more friendly, or move to one of the various TPV's
  12. IMPO.... 2 lol as per performance, it depends on the product and occasionally the settings or region type. If you are on mainland and having issues with that region, you can report the objects as "disturbing the peace -> unfair use of region resources" and some one from LL will usually stop by and check on it. if you are on a private estate, point it out to an Estate Manager, and have them check it out. if you ARE an Estate Manager for the region, you can usually check via top scripts and top physics to determine if they are causing a problem.... it helps to have comparison numbers for what's normal for your region though.
  13. currently there are 4 regions running the the "Snack" sandboxes. These regions have the new MONO2 code for enhancing performance of those scripts on region crossing. AND (so you aren't doing something for nothing) They also feature the script profiling commands Snack Sandbox 1 (direct teleport link) Snack Sandbox 2 (direct teleport link) Snack Sandbox 3 (direct teleport link) Snack Sandbox 4 (direct teleport link) For those that don't know, This is the same project that had to be rolled back recently due to some issue with script crashes... Oskar has asked that we test it as extensively as possible because it a candidate for inclusion in the main channel next week, and they'd like to know of any problems in advance so that it can be re tweaked, or promoted.... if no issues are found it's very likely to go to the main channel, even if we haven't tested it thoroughly. The regions are on the MAIN grid, but they do require membership in the "Second Life Beta" (link opens group page) group to access (membership is free). Currently chat is limited for new joins, Ping Oskar to get access to that. Jira instructions in the linked page, or drop a note to Kelly Linden if you find an issue that's hard to nail down (per his request) Ref: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Beta/Snack
  14. it's not only possible, it's how things are run.... Magnum, BlueSteel, and LeTigre all get series of intial fixes/changes, and after a week if they evaluated to see if they are behaving as expected, if so, the simplest or most well tested of the lot get promoted to the main channel, the others get tweaks and/or extended testing. there are also the "Snack" servers now wich are being used to test very simple additions/changes for quick inclusion. if you mean a single region... probably not, although I don't suppose it hurts to ask... sometimes single regions are duplicated to beta grid for extended pre testing.
  15. @Ishytara: well it's certainly an effective turn on the phrase (and I actually had scurvy once ) @Rhonda: Pie Throwing contest!
  16. Everyone I've talked to that has tried to run SL with SLI or crossfire enabled had nothing but problems from it. There one person here on the forums who says they got SLI working with SL, bu I don't remember the name offhand.... everyone else, after disabling it for SL saw an end to most if not all their glitches and increased performance..... I don't know why, or what SL is doing that causes it to behave so poorly with these setups, but I do know that it is happening.
  17. some say, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade... I say screw those people and when life gives you lemons throw them back at life and hit it in the head! =)
  18. this weeks main channel roll got held up by problems of regions not restarting as expected (separate issue than the new server software) it's been rescheduled for next week... and include some of the prep code for mesh, which I assume includes prim size and encroachment options that will be switched on when ready
  19. I do demo objects as no mod, no copy, then drop in a script that has it's own kill date that it check... it run fin till it exceeds the check date, then kills itself... this also prevent people from accidentally using a testing version instead of a release version... for the release I just strip out the kill checks.
  20. a gesture may be more reliable for getting time... I'm not aware of any displays that show it, but I don't do much sound work, and pretty much avoid doings sequenced stuff.
  21. Many thanks, both for the reviewing and the information (I hadn't realized Discussion pages were treated separately, and should have known better about the subpages), so double the appreciation =)
  22. and as promised, my List... I was unable to trace the source of one item, but it may have disappeared before the current set of changes, so I'm not going to worry about it now... there should be a way to test for the information, and when I have the time I'll add it to a more relevant page. Going over the various logs I can see you've been VERY busy =) First the list that I doubt will be possible, Linden user / talk pages (mostly tech info, dead projects, and some historical value) I'm only referencing the base page links for ease. Aimee Linden Babbage Linden * Blue Linden Cory Linden Infinity Linden Jack Linden * (Maestro Linden) Qarl Linden Robin Linden [also listed as a article page] (Soft Linden) Vektor Linden Yoz Linden Zero Linden * *=Known to have office hours sub pages, some of which may have already been relocated, for instance Zero had some shared media pages that I see are moved ()=Known active Lindens, which might be able to fill in gaps directly, or may affect availability and so that I might finish on a good note, the second list. I only found 3 pages offhand that may have some historical or technical value; two I suspect have had technical information folded into other articles (though it's hard to tell) Linden Lab Official: Details for landowners on migrating to Zindra (historical / previously tried policies) Linden Lab Official: Marketplace listing guidelines (policy, historical, suspect was folded in) Other Resources (tech, suspect was folded in) 
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