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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. as long as the user can click on a non transparent part it works fine, it's semi-to none parts that won't give pay options
  2. you literally add it to the in region coodinates you want to use A + B style =)
  3. honestly I didn't think to double check the code you'd posted, as I was guessing you'd updated from that, but I do try to make people work for it a bit, for just that reason... once you change it, you own it so to speak
  4. what exactly makes you think that v1 is preventing mesh from being complete? because it doesn't display right? (looks a lot like vertex vomit or hacked up sculpts from what I'm told). neither does avatar physics, or shared media, or a dozen other well known incompatibilities, missing options and the like. please tell me so I can see the sources they are citing or publicly laugh in their face at great length.
  5. :: points :: shotguns are here, fallout shelter is over there.... Since you have provided no details, there is no way to help you, except to hope that venting has made you feel better. in the meantime I suppose you should be made aware that todays server rollout was halted and rolled back for undisclosed reasons...
  6. Jenni Darkwatch wrote: [...] Not sure what the biggest groups are in SL - considering peak concurrency is hardly above 50k users, I doubt any group has at any given time 1000 of its members online. I might be wrong. [...] I know that Beta Server group has something like 3k.... and I don't even want to imagine what group like XCite Premier have (don't look at me like that, I'm a scripter, I need to be able to get answers on products that people want me to make work with theirs, which incidently I'd love to ignor the chat on while retaining the ability to ask as needed) to be fair, my proposal would require changes to the viewer and server code that are probably non-trivial
  7. somebody should have mentioned that....
  8. given that the link was non functional, and the rest of the information is common knowledge already, that photocopying credits is certainly a non-standard practice, and several other fraud attempts recently on SL users, I'd have to say this smells like a stupid fraudster... A ticket to LL should solve any mystery for good though
  9. leliel Mirihi wrote: I don't know if you're referring to me, but I've always been saying that LL will soon EOL their v1 viewer. I have no doubts that v1 based TPVs will continue on well after LL has stopped caring. A certain poster seems to have trouble distinguishing between the two, but that's probably because they believe in some mythical "v1" protocol. you aren't the only one who has said it, so not specifically, but in general, yes.... they don't need to EOL it, just allow it to become so defunct from lack of support that no one in their right mind would bother with it... that's pretty much been the plan all along since they stopped snowglobe. then no one can blame them for not keeping their promise. It was effectively EOL from the day V2 was released. leliel Mirihi wrote: Real soon now is a euphemism for corporate time. However in this case I think it really will be soon. The viewer and server mesh code is being merged in this week (disabled). I give it at least another month of rollout/rollbacks and fixes before it's actually useable... but I'm guessing closer to wo or three considering some of the major delicate projects that are up for server integration right now... I have a strict cut off of 1-2 weeks for "soon".... you'll note that todays roll was halted midway and rolled back... I haven't seen the actual reason yet but I have my suspicions. leliel Mirihi wrote: Welcome to the internets. ^.^ well at least it wasn't a troll post.. so Im not "that person" yet... I still have time to change... honest (doh, did it again)
  10. I could probably write one faster than finding a link to one.... which I may do later if no one adds a link
  11. I'm going to regret this.... but here's a modification that should make it stop by itself after X number of swings... // Put this script in the pivot - the thing the swing swings around (it doesn't have to be a long rod). That needs to be the root of the prim set that actually swings - if you want/need a frame that needs to be a separate item. SL doesn't yet allow us hierarchical linking. // Play with these bits - the orange comments tell you what's going on with each line I hope.integer swing=FALSE; //So it starts out NOT swingingfloat time=0.1; //Decreasing this (on it's own) makes the swing move FASTER and vice versainteger steps=20; //The total number of steps in the swing's path. More steps=smoother swing. More steps (alone) means slower swing too - time for a complete swing cycle is steps * time (so 4.8 s with the default settings).integer swingDegrees = 30; //How far from the vertical the swing movesinteger gIntRepeat = 4; //-- number of times to swing, use -1 to swing until stopped by touch //If you play from here on down you might break the script. Do so at your own risk. There are no comments - just to encourage you NOT to play.integer gIntCnt;integer i=1;float swingRad;vector normal;rotation Inverse(rotation r){ r.x = -r.x; r.y = -r.y; r.z = -r.z; return r;}rotation GetParentRot(){ return Inverse(llGetLocalRot())*llGetRot();}SetLocalRot(rotation x){ llSetRot(x*Inverse(GetParentRot()));}default{ state_entry() { normal = llRot2Euler(llGetRot()); swingRad=DEG_TO_RAD*swingDegrees; llSetTouchText("Swing"); } touch_start(integer num) { if(swing) { swing=FALSE; llSetTouchText("Swing"); } else { swing=TRUE; gIntCnt = gIntRepeat; llSetTouchText("Stop swing"); llSetTimerEvent(time); } } timer() { float stepOffset=(float)i/steps*TWO_PI; if(i>steps) { i=1; if (!--gIntCnt){ { swing == FALSE; } } if(swing==FALSE && (i==steps || i==steps/2)) { llSetTimerEvent(0.0); SetLocalRot(llEuler2Rot(<normal.x, normal.y, normal.z + swingRad*llSin(stepOffset)>)); } else { SetLocalRot(llEuler2Rot(<normal.x, normal.y, normal.z + swingRad*llSin(stepOffset)>)); i++; } } moving_end() { normal=llRot2Euler(llGetRot()); }} there are much simpler swing scripts out there.....
  12. lol, it may help in the future to use a different channel for your textbox, then have the logic switch in the listen based on the channel. if you use a negative channel for the text box, you can probably even leave it open as long as it's filtered to the user.
  13. Rand, I have some concerns about poorly placed technical information that may been lost... is there any way or place to review deleted pages? obviously they don't show in history, so I'm kinda hoping they were moved first (I don't know offhand, is there a log page?) even making them available for a limited time so they could be archived or combed through for relevant bits by interested residents would be a blessing.
  14. the unreturnables is a known problem... current workarounds are the same as for original physical ghost prims, return from estate console, or region restart and then return via group/land permissions. the outfit/inventory problems may be region related, or may be some lingering problems from the recent DNS failure of the asset cluster. the vehicle thing... bizarre... first time I'd heard about duplications like that...
  15. prepaids have always been hit and miss... the one's that have worked the best in the past are the ones registered to a name and address (such as some refillable cards)... the entirely anonymous ones hardly ever work anywhere online.
  16. LL made a promise to continued availability of their own v1 option, and to their credit, they've kept that that promise, although only in the most minimal sense possible that said their plan of action is very clear.... don't update it, and continue to offer new goodies in V2 until there is no sensible point in anyone downloading it. To that end, they have no problem replacing connected features such as search, with newer incompatible versions, although the last OFFICIAL word on things like the world.secondlife.com (which holds not only the old search pages, but also profiles and place information) is THAT service would NOT be terminated (per my own questions at one of the inworld meetings), so there is hope that v1 style search may be portable to some other service for continued use.... whether it will continue to be updated is a bit up in the air. But my current understanding is that they are holding off until a majority of users (regardless of viewer used) can access other options in an "acceptable" format (meaning they're waiting for V2 style adoption from major TPV's like Firestorm, Kokua, and Ascent) at no time past or present have has LL given a statement about completely cutting off v1 based viewers, in fact quite the opposite, despite the rumor mill endless churning out dire predictions of "the end is nigh". That is not to say that it won't happen eventually as a natural consequence of security fixes and updates.... but that it won't be some unilateral decision "just because". and just to conteract the other popular rumor of "Support of V1 features is holding up new devlopment", no, it really isn't, yes they are paying money to keep things like old search running, but maintenace is a pittance compared to development, and even though LL gets to see one less expenditure by dropping it, I can guarantee you that money will never make its way to the dev departments.... if anything it's likely to go right into investors pockets, or as a best case for users, it might go into expanding the V2 search maintenance. and as an additional note: "real soon" never is at least from a user perspective... corporate perspectives operate on quarters and years... for instance we heard "real soon" for everything from Havok 4 (actually it was oringinall H2!), viewer 2, Mesh and a host of other things too numerous to mention... all of which have took (or have taken) years... some of seem to forget that in our desire to see it done yesterday, or our fear of seeing it done tomorrow. Even if Mesh were released tomorrow, you'd still see a lag in adoption, simply because it takes time to spread and give users a need to support it... we've seen the same lags in adoption with with various v2 features, almost all of which saw a jump in use once TPV's backported support (with the notable exception of Shared Media, which still has low adoption). and the reasons are simple, The core of content creators use the tools that work for them, and aren't going to trade that for a single new feature at the cost of losing what they consider essential tools. It may not be as bad this time around, with several core TPV's moving to V2 bases, but I have no doubt it'll happen. @Del I too would like to see some better integration with outside developers. Currently the onus has been on them to pry new information from the LL side of things, and the information only seems to be flowing in one direction. @ Suella: While I agree in theory about physics wearables, I can't help but note the focus.... it's aimed at very sexualized content and marketing... the notable exceptions of flabby arms, legs and jowls, and (in the interest of equality) jiggling ken doll packages is telling, so until I see those, and maybe bump maps for cottage cheese thighs, my personal take is that it's aimed at sexualizing female avatars specifically, which is certainly not in line with G marketing. @Myself I find it funny that I posted such a long reply, and yet not a bit of it had to do with the OP....
  17. no legit business should EVER ask you to photocopy a card front and back.... and while the link (as shown in this forum anyways) looks valid, it does not lead to a known resource. the advice to block out numbers is sound.... this looks more like a format test for someone looking to create a fraud template, or a template that was not filled out properly. if it did originate from an SL contracted source, someone is oh so getting fired
  18. string gStrName = "Default Name";string gStrMessage "Default Message";default{ state_entry(){ llSetObjectName( gStrName ); llListen( 44, llGetOwner(), "", "" ); } on_rez( integer vIntBgn ){ llSetObjectName( gStrName ); }//--works around a bug in worn items name's reverting listen( integer vIntChn, string vStrNom, key vKeySrc, string vStrMsg ){ list vLstMsg = llParseString2List( llToLower( vStrMsg ), [" "], ["message", "name"] ); //-- reuse the chan integer we don't need to see which command is being requested vIntChn = llListFindList( ["message", "name"], [llList2String( vLStMsg, 0)] ); if (~vIntChn){ //-- filter out -1 (it wasn't a command we have) if (vIntChn){ //-- command is NOT index 0 gStrName = llStringTrim( llGetSubString( vStrMsg, 7, -1 ), STRING_TRIM ); }else{ //-- command must be index zero gStrMessage = llStringTrim( llGetSubString( vStrMsg, 4, -1 ), STRING_TRIM ); } } } touch_end( integer vIntTch ){ if (llGetOwner() == llDetectedKey( 0 )){ llShout( 0, gStrMessage ); } } changed( integer vBitChg ){ if (CHANGED_OWNER & vBitChg){ llResetScript(); }//-- reset on owner change to update default and listen to new owner }} not checked for typos or logic errors
  19. ah, ok, that makes sense, I missed that... yeah unfortunately there may be a slight lapse between requesting data for another region and actually getting, if it's the region you are in though, it tends to be near instant (but then they could have used the other function which is instant). as noted the only work around is to request it in advance and store it.
  20. text box works a lot like a dialog button... whatever is typed into the textbox gets said by the avatar that received it, on the channel that was specified (the only was for an avatar to effectively chat on a negative channel).... you then need to catch what is said in your listen event, just as you do for a dialog, only with this, the text could be anything the user typed....
  21. the pay option is not available on items set with transparency, to prevent exactly this sort of theft. if you have ever accepted an item from this friend, and granted it debit permissions, this is one way in which money can be taken from your account... and a reason that message comes up as different color to warn you of the danger. NEVER grant debit permissions to an item unless you are sure you know what you are doing (and if you can't read and understand the script that is requesting those permissions, you aren't sure), otherwise you are putting the full trust of your wallet in someone elses hands. likewise with your account password, you are handing someone access not only to the money on your account, but also to any linked credit cards or other funding sources. Never do this... period. in fact it is a violation of ToS. for people that do show a 0 or negative balance inworld, but no transaction on the account page, in V2 you can click on your L$ balance displayed at the top, and it will request a refresh... it may take a few moments, but will usually fix itself... if not a relog to a less busy region almost always fixes it. if that fails then you should file a ticket, and list the steps (in order) that you have already taken.
  22. for fun.... Upon reflection, do you believe it was wise for Linden Lab to have invited teens into Second Life?I don't see it as unwise in general, see my anser to the next question though Upon reflection, do you believe the 'adult' zoning and content policy benefited or hindered Second Life?I have no problem with zoning, but I think this was done entirely backwards, it should have been the general that was segregated, or even all three... the way I see it, people that can handle Moderate will also tolerate adult across the border, but those that (self or policy) limited to general, will forever be unhappy with Moderate neighbors for various resons. Considering the technical aspects, This would have seen a much more positive acceptance, and caused less problems overall. I wish I could say this was hindsight, but I and others pointed this out from the beginning. Which viewer, from among the list of approved viewers (including LLV1 and LLV2), do you use?Whichever one suits my needs, current I have the following 3 installed as a core Phoenix: for precision control and land managment V2: for media and new feature testing Cool VL: Early access to backports for basic features Would you buy a private region if it were available at 1/4 normal size at 1/4 the price?If it were available by itself I'd probably already own a homestead Do you believe virtual worlds are the cutting-edge of the future or a thing of the past?Neither: I believe they will continue to grow and expand, but ultimately I think augmented spaces will be the ultimate successor, with virtual worlds providing remote access Do you believe Linden Lab has a clear vision and strategy for Second Life?I think the question is too limited. I don't see a strong overarching vision, but in areas I see some solid strategies emerging. I do feel some of these are moving much slower than they could, but I do see improvements If yes to question 6, do you believe Linden Lab has articulated its vision and strategy clearly to residents?Again, in some areas, yes, in others no. There is plenty of room for improvements If yes to question 7, do you agree with Linden Lab's vision and strategy for Second Life?in many of the technial areas, yes... in the social areas, not at all. I don't see chasing after the ephemeral userbase of facebook and the like as a good match for a dedicated base of users that recreates themselves as they prefer in contrast to RL, especially considering the inherent disconnect that makes those same users more privacy aware. The information services that fund those services are geared towards RL, and will find less useful information in virtual life, and the users here are less likely to tolerate their invasiveness If Linden Lab were to sell Second Life to another company, which company (Microsoft, Apple, IBM, Google, Electronic Arts, Activision, Sony, Disney/Pixar, Facebook, Other) do you believe would best understand, manage and promote Second Life to the world?I think the closet matches among those named for management would be IBM (there's a scary thought), simply because MS and Apple, while probaly having enough technical expertise, and maybe more marketing power would drive it into the ground with excessive DRM, and Licensed hardware. I wouldn't trust any of the gaming or media houses with that task for their additional poor choices in supporting their users while trying monetize and control every aspect For promotion, Google is a clear choice in that pack, and although they might lack some of the marketing power of others, they have a much better track record of development, integration, and user satisfaction even though lacking experience in virtual tech. Given those choices, they'd be my top pick. @Luc: lol nice I likes the meta
  23. are you still seeing lots of problems with region crossings? My own experience is that they are vastly improved... less rubberbanding, less pausing on the region when overloaded avatars enter, etc. still not quite as smooth as pre point to point TP, telehub days, but I don't think anyone wants a return of that (well ok, maybe the vehicle enthusiats might) =) I know some users with 20+MiB os script load are still seeing low responsiveness from their scripted items after TP, but even that's improved over previous situations where those same avatars would often bounce or disconnect. If you're seeing something else, please report with details. ETA: I think it means back end support for mesh objects, code to support encroachment tools, and a switch for them to throw when they enable bigger prims.... but that's just a guess. But that's still exciting (to me anyways), because it means it's all that much closer to arrival (and means I need to update some of the logic on my freebie resizer script)
  24. someone reminded me of it recently in another thread... I believe IRC has been tried, and netsplits caused it to be unworkable... whatever they are using now seems to have a heck of a time with user joins and disconnects, as that's where I see the worst of the lag.... once into the initial few minutes and those have mostly stopped, chat seems to be fine... at least until the connection goes idle and then it happens again. allowing users (or even group managers) to specify "only connect on user demand", "connect at login/first instance", and "always connect" might help cut down on some traffic and spread the joins out a bit, and is certainly better from a user perspective than the currently hacked in behavior to only reconnect on demand after closing.... there are groups I'd love to set on-demand for at all times, and others I don't dare close, because I might miss something important after they go idle, despite the clutter. those suggestion are obviously only a potential interim patch, that MIGHT quell some of the lag, but it's a thought.
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