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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. Innula, If you need an inworld distribution point, I can host one untill at least the end of the year, and probably find a few permanent (non-commercial) alternates as well.
  2. with a 50/50 chance that that IP will rotate out within a day? hit and miss.... (and nevermind those people that use proxies)
  3. rofl = rolling on floor laughing.... why wrable thinks that's a funny variable... I dunno...
  4. changed( integer vBitChg ){ if (CHANGED_OWNER & vBitChg){ llResetScript(); //-- in trace state you can change this to "state defalt;" }} needs to be in all states
  5. it's your listen.... you tel it to listen to the current owner when you first install the script, and when you transfer the object, it's still listening to the same avatar.... include a rest when the owner changes
  6. gets even better if your account is pre-stipend drop and has never gone premium before... then it pays for itself, or if old enough, pays you =D
  7. nuuuuuuu, top left is chat history. bottom left im tabs if they're open. left is temp space, or edit. mid to bottom right is inventory and/or region av list, and above that minimap... the only ones that stay solidly open are chat history and minmap, everything else is open on demand, occasionally I'll temp a small hud top center, but it interferes with coordinate display when building. I always try to keep the center height clear, and find that the top corners are the lesat interfering with my view, mush as in RL.
  8. Xpose is ancient, and came about the same time as MLPv1... IIRC it's closed source. MLPV2 was the successor to MLPv1 written to do all those closed source things that people liked, in an open source engine you can find an information page about it on the wiki. nPose is a non-poseball open source engine that works similarly to MLP, but without the pose balls, and is also available on the wiki. only MLP has any kind of active development going on with it to my knowledge
  9. as if anyone needs an external website to do that. without a large network, ip relational tracking is largely hit and miss. but thanks for dropping by to do some baseless scaremongering.
  10. same version would be because leTigre just got promoted to the main server channel today. @Thread: woo hoo, I'm and apologist AND a shill today, because I'm not having the same (vague) probelms as the OP.... woo hoo.... never mind my track record of calling foul when LL blows it, or pointing out their past mistakes... ::rolls eyes:: seriously? think for just a second... if one person is having problems and another isn't, where is the problem? a little application of scientific method, some critical thinking skills, or even good old fashioned common sense should give you the answer.... there's something different between the two users.... could be their tools (everything from hardware to the vehicles they're testing against), could be their environment (everything from region server and load to net connection). I'm not telling anyone I have no problems with it to brag or pat the lindens on the back, I'm stating it because it's different. differnt is good because it helps narrow the field to find what the source of the other persons problem is.... maybe it's a specific product, maybe it's overloaded avatar or region, maybe it's two different server versions that aren't playing nice. dunno... probably shouldn't care, since it doesn't affect me... but I try anyway, so do a great many others here. figuring out the difference, isolating and correcting the problem is what it's about, so that the person having trouble, doesn't; and we all get to be happy and enjoy things. being nasty and trying to lowball people for saying thing that you don't want to hear but is nevertheless true, is just going to get you written off as another whiny person with a victim complex... you might feel better about try to take out your frustration on others, but I guarantee you that you'll get much better results by being polite and thorough. this is not official LL support, no one here is paid to put up with BS, and if you misdirect your anger at them, you'll quickly find less and less people willing to listen.
  11. I only caught on to it because I managed to catch the server/sim usergroup meeting on Fri.... unfortunately my monitor blew up and using sl on this tiny CRT I have for back up kills my eyes so no telling if I'll make any meetings this week =/
  12. ::grins at Luc:: ZOMG I R FAMOUS lol (infamous?) I will say that my huds aren't very typical of most people, and because I am an experienced scripter, they are very minimal impact. many in the tech crowd use less, and most newbies go crazy and run more and worse... I think my "heaviest" scripted av has a total of 12 scripts (about 4 of which I'd dearly love to remove/replace but can't), my ao is not hud interactive, it's just there so it's not clogging up av attach points because I use the same one for all av's
  13. I should have included the sexually explicit clause in there, good catch... although that's public depictions.... and i've seen more than a few capture statues nudes that have withstood that policy (on artistic principles)
  14. perfect example of Poe's Law and a flawless impersonation... ya got me.
  15. I had thought there was a 2.50$US minimum to lindex purchases? your statement shows 0.05$US.... if the limit is still in place, that could be why the payment was declined (although it's odd that the system let you get even that far if it is)
  16. turn off http get textures and then reclear cache.... what it looks like is that the textures never finish downloading (and therefore remain blurry) and why newly uploaded textures seem fine (because they have already been fully duplicated in your cache and so rez normally.
  17. Paulyta Miles wrote: thanks a lot i can use phoenix viewer... 90% of the resident uses phoenix viewer http://search-beta.secondlife.com/ works just fine without the annoying security warning and try about half that number of phoenix users, with variations depending on how newbie saturated an area is... and believe me, 45% is still plenty embarrassing since it represents nearly half the userbase and more than that of experienced users... it means there are huge unmet needs in V2 despite it's goodies, and a not small number of quick converts among the new. ETA: @Del it should install and run as a completely separate viewer, and list itself as Beta Second Life.... but it could potentially replace the current instance.
  18. that's very odd then, since the message code should trigger first. the only way that should happen is something was trying to process a callback function on the key within the listen and dropping it as failed because the callback failed since the item got remove by the die command... but the actual message should still have been sent, and it's base properties (name key and message) should all still be valid. that's why I suggested the simple listen... because callbacks like llGetOjectDetails will return null results for removed items. if the region itself is performing a callback for messages, that's a bug.
  19. but all contents will auto rename,,, and there's where you use it to your advantage... If the script always gives the original version of the notecard, and it is not renamed by the user. the folowing versions won't be "xyz 1 1 1 1" but rather "xyz 4". you can also cheat by keeping the give notecard in a separate prim, when a new notecard is given, the current one in the root is automatically deleted.... no more duplicates, and no more clutter... the price is an extra script though. ETA: I take it back one script it gives a copy of the notecard in the root, then deletes it from contents. it only rereads the notecard from contents if it is found, otherwise it continues with default of current values. changed( integer vBitChg ){ if (CHANGED_INVENTORY & vBitChg){ if (~llGetInventoryType( "xyz" )){ //-- trigger reread } }}
  20. mature land is prevented from advertising adult content, not from using it, or even selling it ETA: Renters however are subject to any terms their landlord inflicts upon them... if you are the landlord and you wish to change those terms to limit something a renter is already doing, the RIGHT thing to do is offer a refund of remaining time if they would rather find a place where they are more welcome.
  21. or add an instruction to delete the original card, or only read the last one listed or...
  22. me-thinks this is more a product related performance issue than a server related one. Like Luc, I'm not seeing the same problems... but then it's hard to troubleshoot when no details are given... the only thing of note I've seen is a half second rubberband on all physics objects, scripted or not, when crossing region borders.
  23. it might help to know what you expect to happen... apparently that avatars account has been closed. if you are looking to get your money back, best of luck.... to my knowledge no one has, ever.
  24. cats can be petted, but they are never pets... residents, and acquaintances at best. dogs are henchmen ranging in competence from awestuck interns to security chiefs fish/birds/rodents/snakes/bugs are pets... so long as they are contained (and none to exotic) ferrets are more playmates than pets (and not really exotic any more either) exotic would be a wild animal that has the potential to kill you
  25. Andrew said friday he hoped to get a fix in today before changes were locked for the magnum primcount issue, if not it'll be next week at the earliest.
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