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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. http://search-beta.secondlife.com/ for those that want to try it themselves without needing a new viewer to do it (uses openID, so may not work properly in v1x inworld browsers) I'm not particularly impressed by the results, although the layout is better.... I'm not at all thrilled about the inability to sort or the fact that it still doesn't seem to take parcel size or traffic into account in any way at all. I am concerned about that get more results code that auto-inserts more results when you scroll within a page a of the bottom, as it could result in ridiculous loads for people that don't know better.
  2. Yoki Enoch wrote: [...] For anyone in the land selling/renting market, have you noticed that your sales/rentals to noobs has been almost non-existent in the last year or so? Hmm, I thought so. you mean the last 4 years or so don't you? land buying renting noobs have always been almost non-existent since free accounts opened.
  3. auto disable demos are quite easy to do securely without resorting to an extra script... the code for doing it is trivial and publicly available. The option to delete contents from no mod items actually already exists, but is bugged in certain cases (there is a jira for this and it's ancient and filled with lots of political bs), however if the scripts (or any other contents) are no-copy you can still move them to your inventory to remove them from the object. they will likely be non-functional in another object, and perfectly safe to delete from your inventory (you will not be able to put them back in that objects contents if it is no-mod)
  4. Maestro, it may have been a time warp issue, or a user generated crash that caused the lack of reporting. The region in question didn't budge from reporting up through the restart I requested via live help though... I just thought it might be related to the issues Oskar mentioned above and last week for main channel rolls... if it occurs again I will document and Jira the results.
  5. Suella Ember wrote: > In light of all the above, I think LL is missing a trick by not looking at Twitter like functionality that would allow us to both improve the nature of notices and group chat inworld and also allow us to cross communicate between inworld and out of world (imagine, for example, if I could 'tweet' something right now from my browser that would be seen by anyone following me inworld and, vice versa, if someone I follow tweeted something inworld right now that I saw when I was out of world that made me want to go inworld!) actually, the functionality exists... it's just a pain to implement oAuth inworld (although most of the work was already done by Babbage)... and that's where it need to be... embedded in the client is nice and all, but it severely limits the possible uses, when you could automate tweets from inworld objects to provide live information feeds, as well as personal feeds. more than one of us are looking for interesting ways to leverage that, (for me it's a project to look at after my current media excursion), and at least one person has made a hud for that very purpose (Opensource Obscure), that's freely available on the wiki... The coding community is seeing more potential here so expect more things that can drive twitter in the future.
  6. beware of this technique as sometimes these prims end up outside of you normal inventory, and clicking on the them in some viewers will crash you... it's safer if you can move the prims offworld
  7. actually I still use phoenix as my main viewer, so I'm not aware of any V1 feature I don't have access to, or that V2 broke corrupted or hid... and quite a few available in neither. It's not everyone cup of tea, but it has features I've come to depend on
  8. Josh Susanto wrote: So I guess my challenge to the Size Police (of whom I acknowledge Penny is not functioning as a member, thanks) should be to get Linden to do something about the "problem". If LL institutes Penny's solution, I don't see any solid reason to complain about it. OTOH, I still think my original solution would be even easier and more immediately effective; announce an official RL equivalent for the Linden meter which differs from the metric meter. It's not a perfect solution (neither is Penny's), but is at least an instant solution; most things would immediately become the right size, or at least something close to it. you realize of course that your very statemnt there makes you a functional member of the size police? because there really is no "right" size, only effective size (which is the technical standpoint, which Penny represents)... ..nor could LL ever make such an announcement since it would effectively be saying that they've been cheating people out of their perceived amounts of virtual land, even though in reality nothing would have changed (even if it does have some marginal truth) plus you have to consider social conditioning which pushes the masses towards outdoing each other, which effectively means no matter what the limits, or what you call it, people are going to continue to push just past their neighbor to try and gain a perceived social advantage, not based on a measurement system, but based on comparison to each other. That would mean continual adjustments to the measurement system which isn't sustainable in a meaningful way.
  9. I'm actually surprised you managed to get it in at 4x4... the last time I tried I couldn't upload anything below 8x8... I dunno if that was a view restriction or if something changed since then (was trying to do basic white and clear 1x1's and test pattern 2x2's)
  10. please note that open sim does not yet have an implementation of llRegionSayTo that I'm aware of.
  11. your argument was that they could be blocked for not supporting V2 code/features.... since they all do, there is no argument. the only exception is LL's own V1 download, which still operates (poorly) in direct opposition to your "theory". or to it in more visual and less kind words, the facts show your supposition has more holes in it than swiss cheese used for mini gun target practice.
  12. just wanted to make sure you didn't carry the typo forward, since it might cause confusion if you had a grid related question in the future since it might get interpreted as Agni or Aditi by the reader
  13. ok, second week without a main channel roll, kinda bummed because a great many of us were looking to push updates for items using llRegionSayTo which is one of the fixes in line to roll. is there a date set for a fix to the asset reporting of region status? is this a problem with the region conductor or the sim hosts themselves? (I note that scripted reporting of region status also seems affected, as I had a downed region that reported up, and continued to report as up even through a restart).... I realize it doesn't make sense to try and manually verify correct status on each region in the main channel after a roll, I'm sure it's still a bear on the RC regions, with many complaints that would be multiplied on the main channel... just anxious to hear when we might expect resumption of main channel rolls.
  14. me personally, I don't care whether they stay or go... I continue to do the same things, and don't care where my rank/role goes... well except that I'm happy to be rid of that purple icon, and dread getting a red one... but not enough to actually do anything different... I will say that it's nice to see quiet recognition of some peoples efforts, although they seem to prefer to be unrecognized... ... and perhaps it encourages some of the more competitive types to do more, and maybe help more... although the truly competitive ones are likely to top and and disappear, but at least the community gets something out of it in the long run.
  15. Irene Muni wrote: LL buying Twitter? Why do you want to sink Twitter? why not? mind you that I'm implicitly agreeing that a twitter buy would kill twitter... not based on association, but rather on LL's track record for buys and competion.... GOM (killed by lindex and broken promises), (SLexchange/xstreet and SLBoutique/onRez bought out and crushed into SL Marketplace), Avatars United (bought out and gutted to be the basis of web profiles).... it wouldn't look good for twitters future.... but LL has also not been in the position to buy up anything as largeas twitter, as you'll note, all their buyouts have always been smaller and largely populated by or spawned directly from SL.... even trying to scoop up twitter would fiscal attempted suicide... neither service adds direct value to the others, although ways to leverage twitter use withing SL have been of the rise, they're still largely coincidental, and not at all integral to either. not only that but the stalled user base in both is more likely to be seen as a risk multiplied rather than a golden opportunity... and while twitter may be more acceptable to the SL user base, I'm not sure the reverse is true to any large degree... the enhancement seen from putting the two together is likely to mimimal and transitory and only look good on paper. maybe there's gold in that hill and maybe there isn't, but even if there is, it'd hell to try to mine it.
  16. no... they aren't stuck.... they've just found convenient sports to run their bot programming... ground sits prevent most residents from affecting them in any meaningful way, thus letting them do whatever it is they are programmed to do... whether its scanning nearby avatars, spamming groups or whetever else they might be set up to do (helpful or nefarious) why there? because most people have a tendency to boot bots off their land, mainly because they aren't adding anything to that persons venue and could be there for less than desirable reasons (there's no way to tell). they are spread out in remote locations in the hopes that they won't be reported or interfered with... which just makes me report them all the more =)
  17. side note on connectors... s-video = dead, there's plenty of adapters to switch to component video, so even supporting old equipment is easy. HDCP (which many video cards still have along with DVI) is also dead, with plenty of adapters (including to VGA and HDMI). and the nice thing about having multiple connections is not needing to swap cables if the monitor is also used for tv, or game systems etc... I've got 3 different things hooked up to my own (and double yes on the multiple monitors... the boost for working in multiple windows at once is nothing short of amazing)
  18. I mispoke, it's not if more than 2Gb is detected, it's if DEP is enabled that PAE is auto-enabled (assuming support)
  19. texture uuid's never change, because they are not modifiable resources.... neither do sounds or animations. any resource that is modifiable will change it's uuid whenever the actual item is saved again. the exception are objects, which change their accessible uuid when rezzed, but that is the prims themselves only. once rezzed they retain their uuid until derezzed.
  20. hmmm if there are a lot as Qie says it could be the basic limit that Cerise pointed out... you might try limiting the number that can be in view at a time, and if you need several, embed them together where they are visible together to lower the number of actual instances
  21. probably a little to meta for this discussion, but reality is what you perceive... so if the perception hasn't changed than neither has reality.... at least as far as you are concerned. but since message boards are a pretty poor imitation of an concept of afterlife I've ever heard of, I'm going to assume at the very least that not matching is description provided by the doomsayer means the doomsayer was wrong... @Yoki: well then it's settled, since every public TPV I know of, and certainly every one in the TPV directory is based off of snowglobe 1.5+, they all have substantial V2 code in them, since V2 uses a large portion of that code base... and to add to that, those same TPV's cover most of the core features that were added by V2.
  22. you could use a sensor and turn them on when users are in the area, and off when no users are around, but the nature of shared media is that are effectively off if the avatar is out of range (unless they open it in a browser window) so leaving them on is no problem really.... setting first touch interact should prevent the media starting as soon as it's in view, and wait for them to click... with auto play on, media like sounds or videos should still start automatically when that happens.
  23. and how many were missed because the had realistic sounding or seeming information?
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