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KarenMichelle Lane

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Everything posted by KarenMichelle Lane

  1. Not reliably, All the look at feature shows is that an avatar in-world is looking in your direction. Not what it is focused on. Case in point.....I see Godzilla in this picture.
  2. Bee Nexen wrote: I am quite confused about group land. One thing I would really like to know is why the group shows my contribution as "4199 sqm (4608 max)" when I have actually donated 4560 sqm. I have triple-checked this amount. Can anyone shed any light on this? The 4199 sqm is the actual amount of your pledge [donation of 4560 sqm] in use on behalf of the group at the time you checked. The 4608 sqm is the maximum sqm that your pledge [donation of 4560 sqm] can reserve taking into account the Land Group Bonus for having multiple members donating to the group. So the Land Group can acquire more land up to the max sqm allowed by the Group Bonus maximum.
  3. Rolig's post is spot on.... You have no recourse other than to take your business elsewhere. However, A Wedding Planner [in RL or SL] is an individual that should not be hired without checking references. After that check, you should ask for the detailed NC regarding services offered and the exact costs. You should visit the actual venue and see what group owns it. Make sure all the staff and the Wedding Planner you are interviewing are staff members. Ask to see picture albums of previous weddings held at the location managed by your wedding planner. If you like what you see and the references check out, then and only then do you leave a deposit. From what I can discern from your post is that you didn't do any of these things. Wedding Planners are not your new BFF. Your personal real life or situation is none of their business and you shouldn't share any of that with them, period, unless it is germane to the marriage experience you want to have. You are hiring a temporary "professional" employee. Treat them as such and as the professional they show themselves to be. If you have an "Oh Oh" feeling about the planner or venue, keep on looking.
  4. Datolith, from https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Accounts-overview/ta-p/700019 . Re-activating a canceled account If you have cancelled your account, you may be able to restore it, depending on how long ago it was cancelled. There is a US$9.95 reactivation fee for restoring an account. Warning: Even if your account is restored, the associated inventory, land, and Linden dollar balance may be unrecoverable. To start the process: Open a support case. Under What type of problem are you having? choose Account Issue. Choose Reactivate an old account. Enter the required information Click Submit. Note: Be prepared to prove your identity up to and including some form of real world ID.
  5. Rya Nitely wrote: 1000 finally, after all these years of posting. How people get to 7000 is beyond me. It will probably take me another 7 years to get to 2000. CONGRATULATIONS Rya I took a picture for you to have as a keepsake. I'm finally closing in on post 7000. Now what that achievement has in store for me is unknown other than being 7 more posts away from a perfect OCD number 7007.
  6. Let's see, I sold L$60,000 last night to pay my tier fees to LL and received $221.85 at the rate of L$261/1 USD. If I had sold that this morning at L$266/1 USD I could have lost $221.85 - L$217.68 = $4.17 USD in net proceeds. This represents a loss in potential value of 1.9% This % fluctuation is beyond what the normal RW Currency Market percentages experience BUT the ratio of the two furrencies ordinals 260 to1 causes any change to appear a bit more more dramatic. Clearly a body of L$ owners are trying to cash out into USDs and this has been happening for a span of weeks. Without complete data [who is cashing out these USDs v. simply hording them against some anticipated future event] it's going to be hard to pinpoint why people are anxious to sell Lindens. What we are not seeing is LARGE sell offs of Lindens which would indicate a type of spot day trading. In the real world markets, spot traders move millions of any currencty on a 0.01 % exchange difference to make a profit. By comparison., In the Linden realm, this is a [penny] currency. Looking at the 90 Day & 30 Day Market graphs: 30 Day 90 Day You see the devaluation of the Linden occurring. But what is interesting is the volume of the trading. It's lower than One would expect if this was a forced market event. On the Spot Market the linden traded at a high today of L$279/1 USD What we are seeing I think is very robust trading of a few people in SL. The fact of the high L$278 shows some very determined people wanting to rid them selves of the Linden for USDs. However the low of L$258 shows that others still have confidence in this market but the days of the L$251/1 USD may be over [looking at the trend since February] . Without the additional information on what folks are doing with the USDs in their accounts we can't draw a more intelligent conclusion regarding the fluctuations. Now if this trading is predictive of events in the RW [like the beginning of as Bull Market in Stocks] then this would be a first. But of course, the total $$ investment in SL is a pittance of the basis wealth needed to be an indicator of that. EDIT: The discussion over in the https://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/So-the-LindEx-Guys/td-p/3032736/page/3 thread has a lot of possibilities.... Just thinking out loud....
  7. Rhonda Huntress wrote: . . . "I don't want to Monday today." YEAH, I soooo know that feeling!
  8. Neahe, Did your L$ balance fall into a negative value? No you do not need to provide a payment method unless you want to. The payment method prompt is usually an "up sell" trick to get you to provide another way to spend real money.
  9. By all means make sure you have the latest Video Graphics Driver for your Intel HD 3000 chipset however, this "Gaming" chipset from Intel is pretty bottom of the line from Intel. It's G3D rendering score is posted below: If you are using this laptop to DJ you have plenty of power CPU-Wise but to keep it stable you'll need to crank the Graphics Quality Slider in SL to the Lowest or Low levels. The crashing is happening because the rendering requirements on the GPU may be causing this GPU to overheat. Make sure all ventilation slots are clear when using this lappy.
  10. Nova Convair wrote: ChinRey wrote: ... It probably won't be logn before clubs and rp sims and such start evicting laggy avatars. So you want to keep an eye on your render complexity for your own sake. Why? This avatars are not rendered and so they don't lag anyone. He can found a group for high render complexity avatars EMBRACE YOUR JELLYNESS! OH YEAH!
  11. Real, Yes you are correct about the semi-no copy status of the HUD. The correct way to edit the HUD and add more dances to it is to rez it in-world and make the changes to it then take it back up. However, and there is always a However, if when you rez it in-world it also remains in your inventory then it is assigned a new object UUID. That causes the broken link on your saved outfits in your inventory. So yes, you have to take it back up and then do as i do, make sure that all "Broken Links" are deleted from you inventory then manually copy/paste the HUD [link] back into the Outfit Folders you use it in.
  12. from https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Password-and-account-information/ta-p/700017 What to do if you forget your password If you know your username but have forgotten your password, go to the password recovery page. Enter your username and click Send Instructions to have instructions on how to create a new password sent to the email address connected to the account . You'll need to answer the security question you chose when creating your Second Life account. Be sure to check your junk mail/spam folder. If you can't recall the answer to your security question or no longer have access to the e-mail account you provided, just contact Customer Support, preferably by opening a support case. You'll be asked to verify your identity and, working together, we can reset your security question. We apologize in advance that support cannot retrieve passwords. Luckily, this won't be an issue once we reset your security question.
  13. Rhonda Huntress wrote: I don't see the functions coffee.refill or coffee.drink defined anywhere. Unless of course they are a built in function of the OS Human.Condition() like the state function coffee.empty.
  14. Shera, Contact the owner of the Region you are logged into and ask that they restart it. This is a rare and annoying problem where the affected region will not accept any login/logoff transactions for the affected avatar account. EDIT: With the additional information you provided make sure that you type in the password and do not depend on a stored password when logging into SL via your SL Viewer.
  15. Yeah, it's being shut down: http://thenextweb.com/microsoft/2016/05/15/microsoft-shutting-project-spark-down/#gref and I quote: "Project Spark, Microsoft’s odd ‘make your own’ game, is shutting down. No longer available for download, Project Spark will vanish completely this August when its servers are shut off." Additional reading... http://forums.projectspark.com/yaf_postst214854.aspx Microsoft could keep the servers up and running with no new development allowed like Blue Mars but that is only done when you are planning on selling the technology to a 3rd party. Microsoft is shutting down the Servers in August so existing developers can use this time to capture any effort they want and try to port it elsewhere IMHO. With no plans to sell this technology to anyone, at this juncture, it will be gone in August.
  16. Everyone is correct regarding Group Transactions....below is a picture of what they will look like in your L$ Transaction History.
  17. Simple Answer: Architecture & Engine [Reshade] Relevance in the Industry. Does the SL rendering Engine product an output that this product can work with, if not, I doubt that LL has any incentive to modify the Viewer to support this post processing software. After all, the SL Rendering Engine is trying hard to feed the Mainstream Graphics Card Chipsets and GPUs as naively as they can. Why put a 3rd party product in the way of that?
  18. Amethyst is spot on. So you can change your Display Name to Sheree Sugarplum or even ♥ Sheree ♥ You can do that over in your Dashboard Profile Settings under the Display Name option. https://my.secondlife.com/settings/profile
  19. Help us help you. Which viewer did you download onto what PC type and operating system?
  20. As a Voice Personality DJ, I will not use those little DJ Booths so many clubs have. I like being out front and clearly identifiable when I speak on-mic between song groupings and accessible to type-chat both locally and privately during the song play. A few of my fave DJs are mixing only artists and I love their ability to choose and blend a series of songs that set a great mood for the venue they perform at. Also, If a Voice DJ brings it [fun, news, music history, local venue stories] to the set they are streaming then more power to them.
  21. Hippie Bowman wrote: Good morning all! Happy Thursday! /me passes out birthday cake and root beer! Happy birthday to me! Peace! OMG ... !!! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY !!!
  22. Lindal & Alwin are correct but there is a down side to this... NOT DEMO will also exclude all items where the merchant recommends "Please try one of our Demo versions before buying" in any of the product Description fields or Features List
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