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PeterCanessa Oh

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Everything posted by PeterCanessa Oh

  1. llDetectedName(0) is the FIRST person/thing that collided with the object. So string winner1 = llDetectedName(0); is fine but string winner2 = llDetectedName(0); is just going to use exactly the same, first/index0, name. Use string winner2 = llDetectedName(1); instead, which is the second/index1 collider ============================= I'm assuming that's your immediate problem - you said "If soeone could tell me how to fix this" but didn't actually say what was wrong. We'll be here should you need more help, we all started the same.
  2. It's true Charlotte and there's a lot more to be positive about thanks to the moderators :-)
  3. Script-limits were announced middle/late last year to be introduced about Q3 this year. As phase 1 we got functions to count how many scripts were in an object/on an avatar and a couple of 'efficient scripts' project functions that make it pretty reasonable to do all the resize/recolour/etc. stuff in one script. Before that it wasn't possible to do it 'neatly' so good practice was just to do it quickly. I wouldn't hold any creator of last year's products at fault but anyone still selling things should definitely not have a script-per-prim. We never even got told what LL thought was an 'average' script-usage but I think the early figures were around 1,000 scripts per av! That's a couple of hundred in attachments/HUDs and the rest in-world in vendors, sensors, greeters, etc. etc.
  4. The moderators get rid of spam really quickly - well done them'Mainland' and 'Arts/Photogrpahy' forums were created even quicker than anyone expected (forum mods again, I assume)Lithium generally 'works', unlike previous Jive'Kudos' and 'Ranks' are more or less universally detested'Answers' is the hardest UI it would be possible to invent Linden's avoid the blogs like the plague - communications NotR usSo, there we go. LL management have dictated this should be **bleep**e but the moderators are doing the best job within their powers. While several people have said they "don't mind" kudos/rank many have said they abhor them. Almost all the comments on 'Answers' have decried the 'newest first' and then, especially, the 'most kudos' sort orders. No acknowledgement, no comment, no plan from LL. We think we understand what you're (not) saying to us = customers f* off. Hope over experience I keep thinking they might actually have a bit of a chat, or dictat, or something, but they really, really, don't give a toss unless it's on **bleep**-face, do they? Anything I've missed?
  5. Keli is blond - lovely but unreliable. (OSh*t that's the second sexist remark I've made tonight, I'm in trouble now!) If you are outside the USA or otherwise out of LL's favourites then the billing information simply doesn't work. I have no billing information recorded and can't add any. Most people I've spoken to in the UK can't edit theirs. LL just doesn't want our money (I think they get more from selling the US adress-lists, so our stuff isn't worth so much to them.) Congratulations - you're unemployed so save the money and do SL for free :-)
  6. Storm, you're a good man and my comments on LL's geographical isolationism would not do your sensible post justice. I beg your pardon and can only say "It's unlikely to be anywhere I can go"
  7. Kascha Matova wrote: At least you knew to duck!! Thank you for realising I was only recognising the likely need for female 'extras' and not actually meaning the 'drama queen' bit at all. (Looks around - I'm in-world when I finish reading these. Will it be safe?)
  8. Charles was always a bit strange but I hope he meant "ensure"
  9. Darrius Gothly wrote: My script count generally runs around 7-11 depending on which shoes and HUDs I'm wearing. @ Darrius = Congrats! Mine is 11, 9 of which are in my AO-thingy. It's great to be a bloke, isn't it? I suspect the women could very easily run at two or three times that with all the toot they love. @ Women - you're just high-maintenance drama-queens wherever you are. That's not a SLURL, it's a slur, although the difference might be hard for you to understand. @Incoming Missiles - /me ducks
  10. Ernesto, I really wish I thought you were getting it. Unfortunately, I don't so it has to be this. Maybe it's a language thing but honestly mate, there's just no point in us posting to you any more.
  11. THE OED (ie; not the USA one) and Oxford University have long recognised formulations those of us who were educated (eg; prior to c 1990) would naturally take as mistakes, viz: there are some things, more things and, <-- Oxford comma It takes an Oxford fool to recognize another <-- (US) 'z' Getting a batchelor's degree from Oxford in certain subjects automatically gets you a Master's (says he, MA (Oxon)) The essential truth is that in. for instance, Shakespeare's time there simply were no standards for spelling and punctuation. Apart from popular usage the only sensible work we have is (US) Fowler's. He took a mess and tried to make sense of it but did not, as far as I know, introduce any new rules. he simplu eliminated old, redundant ones. In addition he gave 'standard' spellings to a number of things, cf 'gray', which makes much more sense than 'grey' phonetically and is at least as old in usage. :-( I'm English and I'd love to say whatever we speak is, by definition, better English than foreingers (Init!). Unfortunately Fowler has often given US English a better grounding than we have ourselves. But they'll never be forgiven for 'nite', etc.
  12. There is (or was - the Linden's don't exactly tell us much) a plan to introduce script limits per parcel and per avatar, rather like the current prim limits. What level the script limits would be set at was never discussed-disclosed-invented. It was, however, determined that one LSO (old style) script ALWAYS requires 16k of memory in a sim. One Mono (new style) script might need anything from 4K to 64k but since no-one knew it'd always be counted as 64k, just in case. Some sims were dying prety badly because the number of scripts running on them meant the server was running out of memory. 300-odd script hair/shoes were the main targets burnt at the stake. We got a few more functions to check what our usage actually was. Nothing more heard - especially the fact that'new style is 4x the size of the old style. As to 'how many'? Well, if you're having a problem it's probably too many. I have seen people with 400+ scripts (mostly newbs not knowing it, of course) and I know people that are in single figures. 200+ should definitely sound a warning bell and if it was me I'd worry about amything over 50. The big question has to be though - do you know what all those scripts are doing? If you don't then they shouldn't be infecting your computer. If you do then your call as to whether they're worth it is as good as anyone else's at the moment.
  13. Yes. Do you have a question or comment about scripting? Bots and the external interface of SL are dealt with in the open-source wiki/forum(s). They aren't dealt with here.
  14. Monica Querrien wrote: Actually a number of people have told me they were attracted to Second Life because it reminded them of The Sims. I think people know every game/platform/community is different so I don't think the OP came onto SL thinking it would be "just" like The Sims. I agree and that's why I said it was how it read but not what I thought she meant. The thing is, the OP as it stands is just "OMG, people here don't like me, so I don't like here". Drama, with an obvious out ...
  15. ~50/M/UK Explorer/mapping tasks to be done, but not yet. L$10/day retainer any use until the tools are ready? L$100/sim once the database can accept the input. (By which I mean to imply that a) I'm way to old for haughtieness with 19os, b) there's a lot to do but even when we're ready you won't have to do it full time
  16. Hi again Ernesto. you are way beyond most of the things we care to discuss here. The viewer functionality is documented and discussed in the open-source area of the wiki but the LL server is proprietary and not published. We know you don't like the open-source stuff but that's where it's at if you want to go beyond basic scripting. Like it or not, LL is unlikley to give you all their secrets
  17. Boop, boop-be, boop-boop ... oops I'm late for the parade. . Let's assume that there are "simple" things we don't know. Let's assume one person points at the emperor and says he's naked! Kudos for the question, kudos for the answer. The onlu stupid question is the one no-one asks.
  18. No you don't need L$ to buy something free. How are you trying to buy this though? The mention of order and payment method makes it sound like you're looking at the buy-L$ page of SL itself. To buy the skin all you need to do is go in-wold and get it.
  19. To paraphrase the OP [NB - I don't really mean this, but this is how it reads]: I didn't want to be part of Second Life, I wanted to be part of The Sims. Even though this isn't The Sims and I don't know what I'm doing I paid real money for some things. Because I paid real money I expect to be treated like I own the place. Some awful people wouldn't let me do exactly what I wanted. This isn't The Sime, I'm shocked. I can't believe I spent real money on something that isn't The Sims. How dare people not let me do whatever I wanted, just because they are paying too and it's their place. It's ridiculous that this isn't The Sime. I think this must be something different to The Sims so congratulations to those who behave differently. It's unbelievable to me and baffling. ================== So - you came here expecting a different thing and behaved as if was. You paid real money without learning about Second Life and then got upset when some people didn't like you behaving against the rules they are also paying to have. Sorry - you're in the wrong place and this just sounds like drama.
  20. What is shark tank - and please try to think that we might not only not know the same shows as you but might not even be able to get them (I don't even have a TV so unless this is a radio show you wouldn't have a chance anyway)
  21. If they can't buy for L$0 then they'll have to right-click and take-copy. As has been said, that'll go to inventory so they'll need to rez the thing before anything else can happen
  22. Things in SL are built by residents, any residents, so there is no one AO/HUD/Radar that we would know. If this continues not to work you'll have to contact whoever created it or sold it to you. If that doens't work and you need more help here please tell us which AO/HUD it is.
  23. LL pricing policy justifis it. Any company can charge what it likes for its services, it's up to you whether you take the offer or not. More usefully - a mainland sim will always be part of the mainland so there are fewer options for keeping it private or running it as you wish. You pay extra for being, absolutely, the lord of all you survey (for a given value of 'all')
  24. Wow, that's so cool. You have a way of paying LL and everything. I didn't think anyone 'foreign' (ie; most of us) could do that any more! Seriously; any sane company makes it as easy as possible for customers to pay them. LL doesn't. So stop paying them and enjoy what is left until it collapses. I'd certainly never give any personal/financial information to an unknown company. Did you get any recognisable notificationfrom LL that this change was happening? Did the 'known' contact/source at LL tell you to whom your details were being passed? Did you have an opt-out choice? Unfortunately selling customer-lists is part of US business, there is no protection for personal data as there is in western Europe. Deal with them, deal with the problems.
  25. There are several 'Third Party Viwers' - you just download the one you want and then run that instead of the normal SL viewer. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory 'Things staying grey' is, probably, a different issue though - it's all about download speed, bandwidth limits and almost everything else on the internet :-( SL is not like normal programs, almost everything is made by other residents and has to be downloaded as you see it, rather than being installed once
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